{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

-- | This module provides ELF data structures and (de)serialization routines.
module Data.Elf
  -- * File class
  , invalidFileClass
  , elf32FileClass
  , elf64FileClass
  , IsFileClass(..)
  , Elf32(..)
  , anElf32
  , Elf64(..)
  , anElf64
  -- * File header
  -- ** File type
  , FileType(..)
  , noneFileType
  , relFileType
  , execFileType
  , dynFileType
  , coreFileType
  , loOsFileType
  , hiOsFileType
  , loProcFileType
  , hiProcFileType
  -- ** Machine code
  , Machine(..)
  , undefMachine
  , i386Machine
  , amd64Machine
  -- ** Machine flags
  , MachFlags(..)
  -- ** ELF version
  , Version(..)
  , invalidVersion
  , firstVersion
  -- ** Data encoding
  , DataEnc(..)
  , invalidDataEnc
  , lsbDataEnc
  , msbDataEnc
  -- ** Operating system ABI
  , OsAbi(..)
  , sysvOsAbi
  , hpuxOsAbi
  , netBsdOsAbi
  , gnuOsAbi
  , solarisOsAbi
  , aixOsAbi
  , irixOsAbi
  , freeBsdOsAbi
  , tru64OsAbi
  , modestoOsAbi
  , openBsdOsAbi
  , openVmsOsAbi
  , nskOsAbi
  , arosOsAbi
  , fenixOsAbi
  , embedOsAbi
  , AbiVer(..)
  , undefAbiVer
  -- ** Identification
  , Ident(..)
  , anIdent
  -- ** File header
  , FileHdr(..)
  , FileHdr32
  , aFileHdr32
  , FileHdr64
  , aFileHdr64
  -- * Program header
  -- ** Segment type
  , SegType(..)
  , unusedSegType
  , loadSegType
  , dynSegType
  , interpSegType
  , noteSegType
  , shlibSegType
  , phdrSegType
  , loOsSegType
  , hiOsSegType
  , loProcSegType
  , hiProcSegType
  -- ** Segment flags
  , SegFlags(..)
  , execSegFlag
  , writeSegFlag
  , readSegFlag
  , osSegFlags
  , procSegFlags
  -- ** Program header
  , ProgHdr(..)
  , ProgHdr32
  , aProgHdr32
  , ProgHdr64
  , aProgHdr64
  -- * Section header
  -- ** String table index
  , StrIx
  -- ** Section header table index
  , SecIx(..)
  , undefSecIx
  , lastSecIx
  , loOsSecIx
  , hiOsSecIx
  , loProcSecIx
  , hiProcSecIx
  , absSecIx
  , commonSecIx
  , xIndexSecIx
  -- ** Section type
  , SecType(..)
  , unusedSecType
  , progBitsSecType
  , symSecType
  , strSecType
  , relaSecType
  , hashSecType
  , dynSecType
  , noteSecType
  , noBitsSecType
  , relSecType
  , shlibSecType
  , dynSymSecType
  , loOsSecType
  , hiOsSecType
  , loProcSecType
  , hiProcSecType
  -- ** Section flags
  , SecFlags(..)
  , writeSecFlag
  , allocSecFlag
  , execSecFlag
  , mergeSecFlag
  , infoLinkSecFlag
  , osSecFlags
  , procSecFlags
  -- ** Section header
  , SecHdr(..)
  , SecHdr32
  , aSecHdr32
  , SecHdr64
  , aSecHdr64
  , zeroSecHdr
  -- * Symbol table
  -- ** Symbol type
  , SymType(..)
  , undefSymType
  , objSymType
  , funSymType
  , secSymType
  , fileSymType
  , commonSymType
  , tlsSymType
  , loOsSymType
  , hiOsSymType
  , loProcSymType
  , hiProcSymType
  -- ** Symbol binding
  , SymBind(..)
  , localSymBind
  , globalSymBind
  , weakSymBind
  , loOsSymBind
  , hiOsSymBind
  , loProcSymBind
  , hiProcSymBind
  -- ** Symbol visibility
  , SymVisi(..)
  , defSymVisi
  , intSymVisi
  , hiddenSymVisi
  , protSymVisi
  , exportSymVisi
  , singSymVisi
  , elimSymVisi
  -- ** Symbol table index
  , SymIx(..)
  , undefSymIx
  -- ** Symbol table entry
  , SymEnt(..)
  , SymEnt32
  , aSymEnt32
  , SymEnt64
  , aSymEnt64
  , zeroSymEnt
  -- * Relocation table
  -- ** Relocation type
  , RelType(..)
  , RelType32
  , RelType64
  -- ** Relocation table entry
  , RelEnt(..)
  , RelEnt32
  , aRelEnt32
  , RelEnt64
  , aRelEnt64
  , RelaEnt(..)
  , RelaEnt32
  , aRelaEnt32
  , RelaEnt64
  , aRelaEnt64
  ) where

import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Data.Ix (Ix)
import Data.Bits (Bits, shiftL, shiftR, (.|.), FiniteBits)
import Data.Flags (Flags(noFlags), BoundedFlags)
import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64)
import Data.ShortWord (Word4, Word24)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Serializer (Serializable, SizedSerializable)
import qualified Data.Serializer as S
import Data.Deserializer (Deserializable, (<?>))
import qualified Data.Deserializer as D
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad (void, unless)

-- | File class.
newtype FileClass = FileClass { unFileClass  Word8 }
                    deriving (Typeable, Data, Show, Read,
                              Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Ix)

-- | Invalid class (@ELFCLASSNONE@).
invalidFileClass  FileClass
invalidFileClass = FileClass 0

-- | ELF32 class (@ELFCLASS32@).
elf32FileClass  FileClass
elf32FileClass = FileClass 1

-- | ELF64 class (@ELFCLASS64@).
elf64FileClass  FileClass
elf64FileClass = FileClass 2

-- | File class type-level index.
class (Typeable c,
       Typeable (Addr c), Data (Addr c),
       Typeable (Off c), Data (Off c),
       Typeable (UnSymIx c), Data (UnSymIx c),
       Typeable (UnRelType c), Data (UnRelType c),
       Show (Addr c), Read (Addr c),
       Show (Off c), Read (Off c),
       Show (UnSymIx c), Read (UnSymIx c),
       Show (UnRelType c), Read (UnRelType c),
       Eq (Addr c), Ord (Addr c), Bounded (Addr c), Enum (Addr c),
       Num (Addr c), Integral (Addr c), Real (Addr c),
       Bits (Addr c), FiniteBits (Addr c),
       Eq (Off c), Ord (Off c), Bounded (Off c), Enum (Off c),
       Num (Off c), Integral (Off c), Real (Off c),
       Bits (Off c), FiniteBits (Off c),
       Eq (UnSymIx c), Ord (UnSymIx c), Bounded (UnSymIx c), Enum (UnSymIx c),
       Ix (UnSymIx c), Num (UnSymIx c), Integral (UnSymIx c),
       Real (UnSymIx c), Bits (UnSymIx c), FiniteBits (UnSymIx c),
       Eq (UnRelType c), Ord (UnRelType c), Bounded (UnRelType c),
       Enum (UnRelType c), Ix (UnRelType c))
       IsFileClass c where
  type Addr c
  type Off c
  type UnSymIx c
  type UnRelType c
  fileClass  Proxy c  FileClass

-- | 32-bit ELF class type-level index.
data Elf32 = Elf32 deriving (Typeable, Data)

-- | 'Elf32' proxy value.
anElf32  Proxy Elf32
anElf32 = Proxy

instance IsFileClass Elf32 where
  type Addr Elf32 = Word32
  type Off Elf32 = Word32
  type UnSymIx Elf32 = Word24
  type UnRelType Elf32 = Word8
  fileClass _ = elf32FileClass

-- | 64-bit ELF class type-level index.
data Elf64 = Elf64 deriving (Typeable, Data)

-- | 'Elf64' proxy value.
anElf64  Proxy Elf64
anElf64 = Proxy

instance IsFileClass Elf64 where
  type Addr Elf64 = Word64
  type Off Elf64 = Word64
  type UnSymIx Elf64 = Word32
  type UnRelType Elf64 = Word32
  fileClass _ = elf64FileClass

-- | File type.
newtype FileType = FileType { unFileType  Word16 }
                   deriving (Typeable, Data, Show, Read,
                             Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Ix)

-- | No file type (@ET_NONE@).
noneFileType  FileType
noneFileType = FileType 0

-- | Relocatable object file (@ET_REL@).
relFileType  FileType
relFileType = FileType 1

-- | Executable file (@ET_EXEC@).
execFileType  FileType
execFileType = FileType 2

-- | Shared object file (@ET_DYN@).
dynFileType  FileType
dynFileType = FileType 3

-- | Core file (@ET_CORE@).
coreFileType  FileType
coreFileType = FileType 4

-- | First environment-specific type (@ET_LOOS@).
loOsFileType  FileType
loOsFileType = FileType 0xFE00

-- | Last environment-specific type (@ET_HIOS@).
hiOsFileType  FileType
hiOsFileType = FileType 0xFEFF

-- | First processor-specific type (@ET_LOPROC@).
loProcFileType  FileType
loProcFileType = FileType 0xFF00

-- | Last processor-specific type (@ET_HIPROC@).
hiProcFileType  FileType
hiProcFileType = FileType 0xFFFF

-- | Machine architecture.
newtype Machine = Machine { unMachine  Word16 }
                  deriving (Typeable, Data, Show, Read,
                            Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Ix)

-- | No machine (@EM_NONE@).
undefMachine  Machine
undefMachine = Machine 0

-- | Intel 80386 (@EM_386@).
i386Machine  Machine
i386Machine = Machine 3

-- | AMD x86-64 (@EM_X86_64@).
amd64Machine  Machine
amd64Machine = Machine 62

-- | Architecture-specific flags.
newtype MachFlags = MachFlags { unMachFlags  Word32 }
                    deriving (Typeable, Data, Show, Read,
                              Eq, Flags, BoundedFlags)

-- | ELF version.
newtype Version = Version { unVersion  Word8 }
                  deriving (Typeable, Data, Show, Read,
                            Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Ix)
-- | Invalid version.
invalidVersion  Version
invalidVersion = Version 0

-- | Version 1.
firstVersion  Version
firstVersion = Version 1

-- | Data encoding.
newtype DataEnc = DataEnc { unDataEnc  Word8 }
                  deriving (Typeable, Data, Show, Read,
                            Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Ix)

-- | Invalid data encoding.
invalidDataEnc  DataEnc
invalidDataEnc = DataEnc 0

-- | Little-endian data encoding (@ELFDATA2LSB@).
lsbDataEnc  DataEnc
lsbDataEnc = DataEnc 1

-- | Big-endian data encoding (@ELFDATA2MSB@).
msbDataEnc  DataEnc
msbDataEnc = DataEnc 2

-- | System ABI.
newtype OsAbi = OsAbi { unOsAbi  Word8 }
                deriving (Typeable, Data, Show, Read,
                          Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Ix)

-- | System V (@ELFOSABI_NONE@).
sysvOsAbi  OsAbi
sysvOsAbi = OsAbi 0

hpuxOsAbi  OsAbi
hpuxOsAbi = OsAbi 1

netBsdOsAbi  OsAbi
netBsdOsAbi = OsAbi 2

gnuOsAbi  OsAbi
gnuOsAbi = OsAbi 3

-- | Solaris (@ELFOSABI_SOLARIS@).
solarisOsAbi  OsAbi
solarisOsAbi = OsAbi 6

aixOsAbi  OsAbi
aixOsAbi = OsAbi 7

irixOsAbi  OsAbi
irixOsAbi = OsAbi 8

freeBsdOsAbi  OsAbi
freeBsdOsAbi = OsAbi 9

-- | Tru64 UNIX (@ELFOSABI_TRU64@).
tru64OsAbi  OsAbi
tru64OsAbi = OsAbi 10

-- | Novell Modesto (@ELFOSABI_MODESTO@).
modestoOsAbi  OsAbi
modestoOsAbi = OsAbi 11

openBsdOsAbi  OsAbi
openBsdOsAbi = OsAbi 12

openVmsOsAbi  OsAbi
openVmsOsAbi = OsAbi 13

-- | Hewlett-Packard Non-Stop Kernel (@ELFOSABI_NSK@).
nskOsAbi  OsAbi
nskOsAbi = OsAbi 14

-- | Amiga Research OS (@ELFOSABI_AROS@).
arosOsAbi  OsAbi
arosOsAbi = OsAbi 15

fenixOsAbi  OsAbi
fenixOsAbi = OsAbi 16

-- | Standalone (embedded) application.
embedOsAbi  OsAbi
embedOsAbi = OsAbi 255

-- | ABI version.
newtype AbiVer = AbiVer { unAbiVer  Word8 }
                 deriving (Typeable, Data, Show, Read,
                           Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Ix)

-- | Undefined ABI version.
undefAbiVer  AbiVer
undefAbiVer = AbiVer 0

-- | Identification.
data Ident = Ident { idClass    FileClass
                   , idVersion  Version
                   , idDataEnc  DataEnc
                   , idOsAbi    OsAbi
                   , idAbiVer   AbiVer }
             deriving (Typeable, Data, Show, Read, Eq)

-- | 'Ident' proxy value.
anIdent  Proxy Ident
anIdent = Proxy

instance Serializable Ident where
  put (Ident {..})
    =  S.byteString "\127ELF"
    <> S.word8 (unFileClass idClass)
    <> S.word8 (unDataEnc idDataEnc)
    <> S.word8 (unVersion idVersion)
    <> S.word8 (unOsAbi idOsAbi)
    <> S.word8 (unAbiVer idAbiVer)
    <> S.byteString "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"

instance SizedSerializable Ident where
  size _ = 16
  {-# INLINE size #-}

instance Deserializable Ident where
  get = do
    void $ D.bytes "\127ELF" <?> "ELF magic number"
    fileCls  FileClass <$> D.word8 <?> "file class"
    dataEnc  DataEnc <$> D.word8 <?> "data encoding"
    version  Version <$> D.word8 <?> "file version"
    osAbi    OsAbi <$> D.word8 <?> "OS ABI code"
    abiVer   AbiVer <$> D.word8 <?> "OS ABI version"
    D.skip 7
    return $ Ident { idClass   = fileCls
                   , idDataEnc = dataEnc
                   , idVersion = version
                   , idOsAbi   = osAbi
                   , idAbiVer  = abiVer }

-- | File header.
data FileHdr c = FileHdr { fhType     FileType
                         , fhMachine  Machine
                         , fhEntry    Addr c
                         , fhFlags    MachFlags
                         , fhPhOff    Off c
                         , fhPhNum    Word16
                         , fhShOff    Off c
                         , fhShNum    Word16
                         , fhSnStIx   SecIx }
                 deriving Typeable

deriving instance (Data c, IsFileClass c)  Data (FileHdr c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Show (FileHdr c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Read (FileHdr c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Eq (FileHdr c)

-- | ELF32 file header.
type FileHdr32 = FileHdr Elf32

-- | 'FileHdr32' proxy value.
aFileHdr32  Proxy FileHdr32
aFileHdr32 = Proxy

instance Serializable FileHdr32 where
  put (FileHdr {..}) 
    =  S.word16 (unFileType fhType)
    <> S.word16 (unMachine fhMachine)
    <> S.word32 1
    <> S.word32 fhEntry
    <> S.word32 fhPhOff
    <> S.word32 fhShOff
    <> S.word32 (unMachFlags fhFlags)
    <> S.word16 (fromIntegral $ S.size anIdent + S.size aFileHdr32)
    <> S.word16 (fromIntegral $ S.size aProgHdr32)
    <> S.word16 fhPhNum
    <> S.word16 (fromIntegral $ S.size aSecHdr32)
    <> S.word16 fhShNum
    <> S.word16 (unSecIx fhSnStIx)

instance SizedSerializable FileHdr32 where
  size _ = 36
  {-# INLINE size #-}

instance Deserializable FileHdr32 where
  get = do
    fileType  FileType <$> D.word16 <?> "file type"
    machine  Machine <$> D.word16 <?> "machine"
    version  D.word32 <?> "version"
    unless (version == 1) $ D.unexpected "Unexpected ELF version"
    entry  D.word32 <?> "entry point address"
    phOff  D.word32 <?> "program header table offset"
    shOff  D.word32 <?> "section header table offset"
    flags  MachFlags <$> D.word32 <?> "machine flags"
    fileHdrSize  D.word16 <?> "file header size"
    unless (fileHdrSize ==
              fromIntegral (S.size anIdent + S.size aFileHdr32)) $
      D.unexpected "Unexpected ELF file header size"
    progHdrSize  D.word16 <?> "program header size"
    unless (progHdrSize == fromIntegral (S.size aProgHdr32)) $
      D.unexpected "Unexpected ELF program header size"
    phNum  D.word16 <?> "program header table size"
    secHdrSize  D.word16 <?> "section header size"
    unless (secHdrSize == fromIntegral (S.size aSecHdr32)) $
      D.unexpected "Unexpected ELF section header size"
    shNum   D.word16 <?> "section header table size"
    snStIx  SecIx <$> D.word16 <?> "section name string table section index"
    return $ FileHdr { fhType    = fileType
                     , fhMachine = machine
                     , fhEntry   = entry
                     , fhPhOff   = phOff
                     , fhShOff   = shOff
                     , fhFlags   = flags
                     , fhPhNum   = phNum
                     , fhShNum   = shNum
                     , fhSnStIx  = snStIx }

-- | ELF64 file header.
type FileHdr64 = FileHdr Elf64

-- | 'FileHdr64' proxy value.
aFileHdr64  Proxy FileHdr64
aFileHdr64 = Proxy

instance Serializable FileHdr64 where
  put (FileHdr {..})
    =  S.word16 (unFileType fhType)
    <> S.word16 (unMachine fhMachine)
    <> S.word32 1
    <> S.word64 fhEntry
    <> S.word64 fhPhOff
    <> S.word64 fhShOff
    <> S.word32 (unMachFlags fhFlags)
    <> S.word16 (fromIntegral $ S.size anIdent + S.size aFileHdr64)
    <> S.word16 (fromIntegral $ S.size aProgHdr64)
    <> S.word16 fhPhNum
    <> S.word16 (fromIntegral $ S.size aSecHdr64)
    <> S.word16 fhShNum
    <> S.word16 (unSecIx fhSnStIx)

instance SizedSerializable FileHdr64 where
  size _ = 56
  {-# INLINE size #-}

instance Deserializable FileHdr64 where
  get = do
    fileType  FileType <$> D.word16 <?> "file type"
    machine  Machine <$> D.word16 <?> "machine code"
    version  D.word32 <?> "version"
    unless (version == 1) $ D.unexpected "Unexpected ELF version"
    entry  D.word64 <?> "entry point address"
    phOff  D.word64 <?> "program header table offset"
    shOff  D.word64 <?> "section header table offset"
    flags  MachFlags <$> D.word32 <?> "machine flags"
    fileHdrSize  D.word16 <?> "file header size"
    unless (fileHdrSize ==
              fromIntegral (S.size anIdent + S.size aFileHdr64)) $
      D.unexpected "Unexpected ELF file header size"
    progHdrSize  D.word16 <?> "program header size"
    unless (progHdrSize == fromIntegral (S.size aProgHdr64)) $
      D.unexpected "Unexpected ELF program header size"
    phNum  D.word16 <?> "program header table size"
    secHdrSize  D.word16 <?> "section header size"
    unless (secHdrSize == fromIntegral (S.size aSecHdr64)) $
      D.unexpected "Unexpected ELF section header size"
    shNum   D.word16 <?> "section header table size"
    snStIx  SecIx <$> D.word16 <?> "section name string table section index"
    return $ FileHdr { fhType    = fileType
                     , fhMachine = machine
                     , fhEntry   = entry
                     , fhPhOff   = phOff
                     , fhShOff   = shOff
                     , fhFlags   = flags
                     , fhPhNum   = phNum
                     , fhShNum   = shNum
                     , fhSnStIx  = snStIx }

-- | Segment type.
newtype SegType = SegType { unSegType  Word32 }
                  deriving (Typeable, Data, Show, Read,
                            Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Ix)

-- | Unused program header entry (@PT_NULL@).
unusedSegType  SegType
unusedSegType = SegType 0

-- | Loadable segment (@PT_LOAD@).
loadSegType  SegType
loadSegType = SegType 1

-- | Dynamic linking tables (@PT_DYNAMIC@).
dynSegType  SegType
dynSegType = SegType 2

-- | Program interpreter path name (@PT_INTERP@).
interpSegType  SegType
interpSegType = SegType 3

-- | Note sections (@PT_NOTE@).
noteSegType  SegType
noteSegType = SegType 4

-- | A reserved segment type (@PT_SHLIB@).
shlibSegType  SegType
shlibSegType = SegType 5

-- | Program header table (@PT_PHDR@).
phdrSegType  SegType
phdrSegType = SegType 6

-- | First environment-specific segment type (@PT_LOOS@).
loOsSegType  SegType
loOsSegType = SegType 0x60000000

-- | Last environment-specific segment type (@PT_HIOS@).
hiOsSegType  SegType
hiOsSegType = SegType 0x6FFFFFFF

-- | First processor-specific segment type (@PT_LOPROC@).
loProcSegType  SegType
loProcSegType = SegType 0x70000000

-- | Last processor-specific segment type (@PT_HIPROC@).
hiProcSegType  SegType
hiProcSegType = SegType 0x7FFFFFFF

-- | Segment flags.
newtype SegFlags = SegFlags { unSegFlags  Word32 }
                   deriving (Typeable, Data, Show, Read,
                             Eq, Flags, BoundedFlags)

-- | Execute permission (@PF_X@).
execSegFlag  SegFlags
execSegFlag = SegFlags 1

-- | Write permission (@PF_W@).
writeSegFlag  SegFlags
writeSegFlag = SegFlags 2

-- | Read permission (@PF_R@).
readSegFlag  SegFlags
readSegFlag = SegFlags 4

-- | Environment-specific flags mask (@PF_MASKOS@).
osSegFlags  SegFlags
osSegFlags = SegFlags 0x00FF0000

-- | Processor-specific flags mask (@PF_MASKPROC@).
procSegFlags  SegFlags
procSegFlags = SegFlags 0xFF000000

-- | Program header table entry.
data ProgHdr c = ProgHdr { phType      SegType
                         , phFlags     SegFlags
                         , phOff       Off c
                         , phVirtAddr  Addr c
                         , phPhysAddr  Addr c
                         , phFileSize  Off c
                         , phMemSize   Addr c
                         , phAlign     Addr c }
                 deriving Typeable

deriving instance (Data c, IsFileClass c)  Data (ProgHdr c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Show (ProgHdr c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Read (ProgHdr c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Eq (ProgHdr c)

-- | ELF32 program header table entry.
type ProgHdr32 = ProgHdr Elf32

-- | 'ProgHdr32' proxy value.
aProgHdr32  Proxy ProgHdr32
aProgHdr32 = Proxy

instance Serializable ProgHdr32 where
  put (ProgHdr {..})
    =  S.word32 (unSegType phType)
    <> S.word32 phOff
    <> S.word32 phVirtAddr
    <> S.word32 phPhysAddr
    <> S.word32 phFileSize
    <> S.word32 phMemSize
    <> S.word32 (unSegFlags phFlags)
    <> S.word32 phAlign

instance SizedSerializable ProgHdr32 where
  size _ = 32
  {-# INLINE size #-}

instance Deserializable ProgHdr32 where
  get = do
    segType   SegType <$> D.word32 <?> "type"
    off       D.word32 <?> "offset"
    virtAddr  D.word32 <?> "virtual address"
    physAddr  D.word32 <?> "physical address"
    fileSize  D.word32 <?> "in-file size"
    memSize   D.word32 <?> "in-memory size"
    flags     SegFlags <$> D.word32 <?> "flags"
    align     D.word32 <?> "alignment"
    return $ ProgHdr { phType = segType
                     , phOff  = off
                     , phVirtAddr = virtAddr
                     , phPhysAddr = physAddr
                     , phFileSize = fileSize
                     , phMemSize = memSize
                     , phFlags = flags
                     , phAlign = align }

-- | ELF64 program header table entry.
type ProgHdr64 = ProgHdr Elf64

-- | 'ProgHdr64' proxy value.
aProgHdr64  Proxy ProgHdr64
aProgHdr64 = Proxy

instance Serializable ProgHdr64 where
  put (ProgHdr {..})
    =  S.word32 (unSegType phType)
    <> S.word32 (unSegFlags phFlags)
    <> S.word64 phOff
    <> S.word64 phVirtAddr
    <> S.word64 phPhysAddr
    <> S.word64 phFileSize
    <> S.word64 phMemSize
    <> S.word64 phAlign

instance SizedSerializable ProgHdr64 where
  size _ = 56
  {-# INLINE size #-}

instance Deserializable ProgHdr64 where
  get = do
    segType   SegType <$> D.word32 <?> "type"
    flags     SegFlags <$> D.word32 <?> "flags"
    off       D.word64 <?> "offset"
    virtAddr  D.word64 <?> "virtual address"
    physAddr  D.word64 <?> "physical address"
    fileSize  D.word64 <?> "in-file size"
    memSize   D.word64 <?> "in-memory size"
    align     D.word64 <?> "alignment"
    return $ ProgHdr { phType = segType
                     , phOff  = off
                     , phVirtAddr = virtAddr
                     , phPhysAddr = physAddr
                     , phFileSize = fileSize
                     , phMemSize = memSize
                     , phFlags = flags
                     , phAlign = align }

-- | String table index.
type StrIx = Word32

-- | Section header entry index.
newtype SecIx = SecIx { unSecIx  Word16 }
                deriving (Typeable, Data, Show, Read,
                          Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Ix, Num, Bits, FiniteBits,
                          Integral, Real)

-- | Undefined section reference (@SHN_UNDEF@).
undefSecIx  SecIx
undefSecIx = 0

-- | Last regular section index.
lastSecIx  SecIx
lastSecIx = 0xFEFF

-- | First environment-specific section index (@SHN_LOOS@).
loOsSecIx  SecIx
loOsSecIx = 0xFF20

-- | Last environment-specific section index (@SHN_HIOS@).
hiOsSecIx  SecIx
hiOsSecIx = 0xFF3F

-- | First processor-specific section index (@SHN_LOPROC@).
loProcSecIx  SecIx
loProcSecIx = 0xFF00

-- | Last processor-specific section index (@SHN_HIPROC@).
hiProcSecIx  SecIx
hiProcSecIx = 0xFF1F

-- | Absolute value indicator (@SHN_ABS@).
absSecIx  SecIx
absSecIx = 0xFFF1

-- | Common block indicator (@SHN_COMMON@).
commonSecIx  SecIx
commonSecIx = 0xFFF2

-- | Escape value (@SHN_XINDEX@).
xIndexSecIx  SecIx
xIndexSecIx = 0xFFFF

-- | Section type.
newtype SecType = SecType { unSecType  Word32 }
                  deriving (Typeable, Data, Show, Read,
                            Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Ix)

-- | Unused section (@SHT_NULL@).
unusedSecType  SecType
unusedSecType = SecType 0

-- | Program information (@SHT_PROGBITS@).
progBitsSecType  SecType
progBitsSecType = SecType 1

-- | Symbol table (@SHT_SYMTAB@).
symSecType  SecType
symSecType = SecType 2

-- | String table (@SHT_STRTAB@).
strSecType  SecType
strSecType = SecType 3

-- | Relocation entries (@SHT_RELA@).
relaSecType  SecType
relaSecType = SecType 4

-- | Symbol hash table (@SHT_HASH@).
hashSecType  SecType
hashSecType = SecType 5

-- | Dynamic linking table (@SHT_DYNAMIC@).
dynSecType  SecType
dynSecType = SecType 6

-- | Note information (@SHT_NOTE@).
noteSecType  SecType
noteSecType = SecType 7

-- | Uninitialized space (@SHT_NOBITS@).
noBitsSecType  SecType
noBitsSecType = SecType 8

-- | Relocation entries (@SHT_REL@).
relSecType  SecType
relSecType = SecType 9

-- | A reserved section type (@SHT_SHLIB@).
shlibSecType  SecType
shlibSecType = SecType 10

-- | Dynamic loader symbol table (@SHT_DYNSYM@).
dynSymSecType  SecType
dynSymSecType = SecType 11

-- | First environment-specific section type (@SHT_LOOS@).
loOsSecType  SecType
loOsSecType = SecType 0x60000000

-- | Last environment-specific section type (@SHT_HIOS@).
hiOsSecType  SecType
hiOsSecType = SecType 0x6FFFFFFF

-- | First processor-specific section type (@SHT_LOPROC@).
loProcSecType  SecType
loProcSecType = SecType 0x70000000

-- | Last processor-specific section type (@SHT_HIPROC@).
hiProcSecType  SecType
hiProcSecType = SecType 0x7FFFFFFF

-- | Section flags.
newtype SecFlags = SecFlags { unSecFlags  Word32 }
                   deriving (Typeable, Data, Show, Read,
                             Eq, Flags, BoundedFlags)

-- | Writable data (@SHF_WRITE@).
writeSecFlag  SecFlags
writeSecFlag = SecFlags 1

-- | Allocated data (@SHF_ALLOC@).
allocSecFlag  SecFlags
allocSecFlag = SecFlags 2

-- | Executable instructions (@SHF_EXECINSTR@).
execSecFlag  SecFlags
execSecFlag = SecFlags 4

-- | Mergeable data (@SHF_MERGE@).
mergeSecFlag  SecFlags
mergeSecFlag = SecFlags 0x10

-- | Flag that indicates that 'shInfo' is a section header table index.
--   (@SHF_INFO_LINK@)
infoLinkSecFlag  SecFlags
infoLinkSecFlag = SecFlags 0x40

-- | Environment-specific flags mask (@SHF_MASKOS@).
osSecFlags  SecFlags
osSecFlags = SecFlags 0x0F000000

-- | Processor-specific flags mask (@SHF_MASKOS@).
procSecFlags  SecFlags
procSecFlags = SecFlags 0xF0000000

-- | Section header table entry.
data SecHdr c = SecHdr { shName     StrIx
                       , shType     SecType
                       , shFlags    SecFlags
                       , shAddr     Addr c
                       , shOff      Off c
                       , shSize     Addr c
                       , shLink     Word32
                       , shInfo     Word32
                       , shAlign    Addr c
                       , shEntSize  Addr c }
                deriving Typeable

deriving instance (Data c, IsFileClass c)  Data (SecHdr c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Show (SecHdr c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Read (SecHdr c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Eq (SecHdr c)

-- | ELF32 section header table entry.
type SecHdr32 = SecHdr Elf32

-- | 'SecHdr32' proxy value.
aSecHdr32  Proxy SecHdr32
aSecHdr32 = Proxy

instance Serializable SecHdr32 where
  put (SecHdr {..})
    =  S.word32 shName
    <> S.word32 (unSecType shType)
    <> S.word32 (unSecFlags shFlags)
    <> S.word32 shAddr
    <> S.word32 shOff
    <> S.word32 shSize
    <> S.word32 shLink
    <> S.word32 shInfo
    <> S.word32 shAlign
    <> S.word32 shEntSize

instance SizedSerializable SecHdr32 where
  size _ = 40
  {-# INLINE size #-}

instance Deserializable SecHdr32 where
  get = do
    name     D.word32 <?> "name"
    tp       SecType <$> D.word32 <?> "type"
    flags    SecFlags <$> D.word32 <?> "flags"
    addr     D.word32 <?> "address"
    off      D.word32 <?> "offset"
    size     D.word32 <?> "size"
    link     D.word32 <?> "link"
    info     D.word32 <?> "extra information"
    align    D.word32 <?> "alignment"
    entSize  D.word32 <?> "entry size"
    return $ SecHdr { shName    = name
                    , shType    = tp
                    , shFlags   = flags
                    , shAddr    = addr
                    , shOff     = off
                    , shSize    = size
                    , shLink    = link
                    , shInfo    = info
                    , shAlign   = align
                    , shEntSize = entSize }

-- | ELF64 section header table entry.
type SecHdr64 = SecHdr Elf64

-- | 'SecHdr64' proxy value.
aSecHdr64  Proxy SecHdr64
aSecHdr64 = Proxy

instance Serializable SecHdr64 where
  put (SecHdr {..})
    =  S.word32 shName
    <> S.word32 (unSecType shType)
    <> S.word64 (fromIntegral (unSecFlags shFlags))
    <> S.word64 shAddr
    <> S.word64 shOff
    <> S.word64 shSize
    <> S.word32 shLink
    <> S.word32 shInfo
    <> S.word64 shAlign
    <> S.word64 shEntSize

instance SizedSerializable SecHdr64 where
  size _ = 64
  {-# INLINE size #-}

instance Deserializable SecHdr64 where
  get = do
    name     D.word32 <?> "name"
    tp       SecType <$> D.word32 <?> "type"
    flags    SecFlags . fromIntegral <$> D.word64 <?> "flags"
    addr     D.word64 <?> "address"
    off      D.word64 <?> "offset"
    size     D.word64 <?> "size"
    link     D.word32 <?> "link"
    info     D.word32 <?> "extra information"
    align    D.word64 <?> "alignment"
    entSize  D.word64 <?> "entry size"
    return $ SecHdr { shName    = name
                    , shType    = tp
                    , shFlags   = flags
                    , shAddr    = addr
                    , shOff     = off
                    , shSize    = size
                    , shLink    = link
                    , shInfo    = info
                    , shAlign   = align
                    , shEntSize = entSize }

-- | Section header filled with zeros.
zeroSecHdr  IsFileClass c  SecHdr c
zeroSecHdr = SecHdr { shName    = 0
                    , shType    = unusedSecType
                    , shFlags   = noFlags
                    , shAddr    = 0
                    , shOff     = 0
                    , shSize    = 0
                    , shLink    = 0
                    , shInfo    = 0
                    , shAlign   = 0
                    , shEntSize = 0 }

-- | Symbol type.
newtype SymType = SymType { unSymType  Word4 }
                  deriving (Typeable, Data, Show, Read,
                            Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Ix)

-- | Undefined symbol type (@STT_NOTYPE@).
undefSymType  SymType
undefSymType = SymType 0

-- | Object (@STT_OBJECT@).
objSymType  SymType
objSymType = SymType 1

-- | Function (@STT_FUNC@).
funSymType  SymType
funSymType = SymType 2

-- | Section (@STT_SECTION@).
secSymType  SymType
secSymType = SymType 3

-- | Source file name (@STT_FILE@).
fileSymType  SymType
fileSymType = SymType 4

-- | Common block label (@STT_COMMON@).
commonSymType  SymType
commonSymType = SymType 5

-- | Thread-local storage (@STT_TLS@).
tlsSymType  SymType
tlsSymType = SymType 6

-- | First environment-specific symbol type (@STT_LOOS@).
loOsSymType  SymType
loOsSymType = SymType 10

-- | Last environment-specific symbol type (@STT_HIOS@).
hiOsSymType  SymType
hiOsSymType = SymType 12

-- | First processor-specific symbol type (@STT_LOPROC@).
loProcSymType  SymType
loProcSymType = SymType 13

-- | Last processor-specific symbol type (@STT_HIPROC@).
hiProcSymType  SymType
hiProcSymType = SymType 15

-- | Symbol binding type.
newtype SymBind = SymBind { unSymBind  Word4 }
                  deriving (Typeable, Data, Show, Read,
                            Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Ix)

-- | Local symbol (@STB_LOCAL@).
localSymBind  SymBind
localSymBind = SymBind 0

-- | Global symbol (@STB_GLOBAL@).
globalSymBind  SymBind
globalSymBind = SymBind 1

-- | Lower precedence global symbol (@STB_WEAK@).
weakSymBind  SymBind
weakSymBind = SymBind 2

-- | First environment-specific symbol binding type (@STB_LOOS@).
loOsSymBind  SymBind
loOsSymBind = SymBind 10

-- | Last environment-specific symbol binding type (@STB_HIOS@).
hiOsSymBind  SymBind
hiOsSymBind = SymBind 12

-- | First processor-specific symbol binding type (@STB_LOPROC@).
loProcSymBind  SymBind
loProcSymBind = SymBind 13

-- | Last processor-specific symbol binding type (@STB_HIPROC@).
hiProcSymBind  SymBind
hiProcSymBind = SymBind 15

-- | Symbol visibility.
newtype SymVisi = SymVisi { unSymVisi  Word4 }
                  deriving (Typeable, Data, Show, Read,
                            Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Ix)

-- | Default symbol visibility (specified by the binding type;
--   @STV_DEFAULT@).
defSymVisi  SymVisi
defSymVisi = SymVisi 0

-- | Internal symbol visibility (processor-specific hidden type;
intSymVisi  SymVisi
intSymVisi = SymVisi 1

-- | Hidden symbol (@STV_HIDDEN@).
hiddenSymVisi  SymVisi
hiddenSymVisi = SymVisi 2

-- | Protected symbol (@STV_PROTECTED@).
protSymVisi  SymVisi
protSymVisi = SymVisi 3

-- | Global symbol (@STV_EXPORTED@).
exportSymVisi  SymVisi
exportSymVisi = SymVisi 4

-- | Global singleton symbol (@STV_SINGLETON@).
singSymVisi  SymVisi
singSymVisi = SymVisi 5

-- | Extra hidden symbol (@STV_ELIMINATE@).
elimSymVisi  SymVisi
elimSymVisi = SymVisi 6

-- | Symbol table index.
newtype SymIx c = SymIx { unSymIx  UnSymIx c }
                  deriving Typeable

deriving instance (Data c, IsFileClass c)  Data (SymIx c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Show (SymIx c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Read (SymIx c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Eq (SymIx c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Ord (SymIx c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Bounded (SymIx c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Enum (SymIx c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Ix (SymIx c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Num (SymIx c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Bits (SymIx c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  FiniteBits (SymIx c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Integral (SymIx c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Real (SymIx c)

-- | Undefined symbol table index.
undefSymIx  IsFileClass c  SymIx c
undefSymIx = SymIx 0

-- | Symbol table entry.
data SymEnt c = SymEnt { symName   StrIx
                       , symBind   SymBind
                       , symType   SymType
                       , symVisi   SymVisi
                       , symSecIx  SecIx
                       , symAddr   Addr c
                       , symSize   Addr c }
                deriving Typeable

deriving instance (Data c, IsFileClass c)  Data (SymEnt c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Show (SymEnt c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Read (SymEnt c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Eq (SymEnt c)

-- | ELF32 symbol table entry.
type SymEnt32 = SymEnt Elf32

-- | 'SymEnt32' proxy value.
aSymEnt32  Proxy SymEnt32
aSymEnt32 = Proxy

instance Serializable SymEnt32 where
  put (SymEnt {..})
    =  S.word32 symName
    <> S.word32 symAddr
    <> S.word32 symSize
    <> S.word8 (shiftL (fromIntegral $ unSymBind symBind) 4 .|.
                fromIntegral (unSymType symType))
    <> S.word8 (fromIntegral (unSymVisi symVisi))
    <> S.word16 (unSecIx symSecIx)

instance SizedSerializable SymEnt32 where
  size _ = 16
  {-# INLINE size #-}

instance Deserializable SymEnt32 where
  get = do
    name   D.word32 <?> "name"
    addr   D.word32 <?> "address"
    size   D.word32 <?> "size"
    info   D.word8 <?> "info"
    let bind = SymBind (fromIntegral $ shiftR info 4)
        tp   = SymType (fromIntegral info)
    visi   SymVisi . fromIntegral <$> D.word8 <?> "visibility"
    secIx  SecIx <$> D.word16 <?> "section index"
    return $ SymEnt { symName  = name
                    , symAddr  = addr
                    , symSize  = size
                    , symBind  = bind
                    , symType  = tp
                    , symVisi  = visi
                    , symSecIx = secIx }

-- | ELF64 symbol table entry.
type SymEnt64 = SymEnt Elf64

-- | 'SymEnt64' proxy value.
aSymEnt64  Proxy SymEnt64
aSymEnt64 = Proxy

instance Serializable SymEnt64 where
  put (SymEnt {..})
    =  S.word32 symName
    <> S.word8 (shiftL (fromIntegral $ unSymBind symBind) 4 .|.
                fromIntegral (unSymType symType))
    <> S.word8 (fromIntegral (unSymVisi symVisi))
    <> S.word16 (unSecIx symSecIx)
    <> S.word64 symAddr
    <> S.word64 symSize

instance SizedSerializable SymEnt64 where
  size _ = 24
  {-# INLINE size #-}

instance Deserializable SymEnt64 where
  get = do
    name   D.word32 <?> "name"
    info   D.word8 <?> "info"
    let bind = SymBind (fromIntegral $ shiftR info 4)
        tp   = SymType (fromIntegral info)
    visi   SymVisi . fromIntegral <$> D.word8 <?> "visibility"
    secIx  SecIx <$> D.word16 <?> "section index"
    addr   D.word64 <?> "address"
    size   D.word64 <?> "size"
    return $ SymEnt { symName  = name
                    , symAddr  = addr
                    , symSize  = size
                    , symBind  = bind
                    , symType  = tp
                    , symVisi  = visi
                    , symSecIx = secIx }

-- | Symbol table entry filled with zeros.
zeroSymEnt  IsFileClass c  SymEnt c
zeroSymEnt = SymEnt { symName  = 0
                    , symBind  = localSymBind
                    , symType  = undefSymType
                    , symVisi  = defSymVisi
                    , symSecIx = undefSecIx
                    , symAddr  = 0
                    , symSize  = 0 }

-- | Relocation type.
newtype RelType c = RelType { unRelType  UnRelType c }
                    deriving Typeable

deriving instance (Data c, IsFileClass c)  Data (RelType c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Show (RelType c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Read (RelType c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Eq (RelType c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Ord (RelType c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Bounded (RelType c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Enum (RelType c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Ix (RelType c)

-- | ELF32 relocation type.
type RelType32 = RelType Elf32

-- | ELF64 relocation type.
type RelType64 = RelType Elf64

-- | Relocation table entry (REL).
data RelEnt c = RelEnt { relOff    Addr c
                       , relSymIx  SymIx c
                       , relType   RelType c }
                deriving Typeable

deriving instance (Data c, IsFileClass c)  Data (RelEnt c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Show (RelEnt c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Read (RelEnt c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Eq (RelEnt c)

-- | ELF32 relocation table entry (REL).
type RelEnt32 = RelEnt Elf32

-- | 'RelEnt32' proxy value.
aRelEnt32  Proxy RelEnt32
aRelEnt32 = Proxy

instance Serializable RelEnt32 where
  put (RelEnt {..})
    =  S.word32 relOff
    <> S.word32 (shiftL (fromIntegral relSymIx) 8 .|.
                 fromIntegral (unRelType relType))

instance SizedSerializable RelEnt32 where
  size _ = 8
  {-# INLINE size #-}

instance Deserializable RelEnt32 where
  get = do
    off   D.word32 <?> "offset"
    info  D.word32 <?> "info"
    let symIx = SymIx $ fromIntegral $ shiftR info 8
        tp    = RelType $ fromIntegral info
    return $ RelEnt { relOff   = off
                    , relSymIx = symIx
                    , relType  = tp }

-- | ELF64 relocation table entry (REL).
type RelEnt64 = RelEnt Elf64

-- | 'RelEnt64' proxy value.
aRelEnt64  Proxy RelEnt64
aRelEnt64 = Proxy

instance Serializable RelEnt64 where
  put (RelEnt {..})
    =  S.word64 relOff
    <> S.word64 (shiftL (fromIntegral relSymIx) 32 .|.
                 fromIntegral (unRelType relType))

instance SizedSerializable RelEnt64 where
  size _ = 16
  {-# INLINE size #-}

instance Deserializable RelEnt64 where
  get = do
    off   D.word64 <?> "offset"
    info  D.word64 <?> "info"
    let symIx = SymIx $ fromIntegral $ shiftR info 32
        tp    = RelType $ fromIntegral info
    return $ RelEnt { relOff   = off
                    , relSymIx = symIx
                    , relType  = tp }

-- | Relocation table entry (RELA).
data RelaEnt c = RelaEnt { relaOff     Addr c
                         , relaSymIx   SymIx c
                         , relaType    RelType c
                         , relaAddend  Addr c }
                 deriving Typeable

deriving instance (Data c, IsFileClass c)  Data (RelaEnt c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Show (RelaEnt c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Read (RelaEnt c)
deriving instance IsFileClass c  Eq (RelaEnt c)

-- | ELF32 relocation table entry (RELA).
type RelaEnt32 = RelaEnt Elf32

-- | 'RelaEnt32' proxy value.
aRelaEnt32  Proxy RelaEnt32
aRelaEnt32 = Proxy

instance Serializable RelaEnt32 where
  put (RelaEnt {..})
    =  S.word32 relaOff
    <> S.word32 (shiftL (fromIntegral relaSymIx) 8 .|.
                 fromIntegral (unRelType relaType))
    <> S.word32 relaAddend

instance SizedSerializable RelaEnt32 where
  size _ = 12
  {-# INLINE size #-}

instance Deserializable RelaEnt32 where
  get = do
    off     D.word32 <?> "offset"
    info    D.word32 <?> "info"
    let symIx = SymIx $ fromIntegral $ shiftR info 8
        tp    = RelType $ fromIntegral info
    addend  D.word32 <?> "addend"
    return $ RelaEnt { relaOff    = off
                     , relaSymIx  = symIx
                     , relaType   = tp
                     , relaAddend = addend }

-- | ELF64 relocation table entry (RELA).
type RelaEnt64 = RelaEnt Elf64

-- | 'RelaEnt64' proxy value.
aRelaEnt64  Proxy RelaEnt64
aRelaEnt64 = Proxy

instance Serializable RelaEnt64 where
  put (RelaEnt {..})
    =  S.word64 relaOff
    <> S.word64 (shiftL (fromIntegral relaSymIx) 32 .|.
                 fromIntegral (unRelType relaType))
    <> S.word64 relaAddend

instance SizedSerializable RelaEnt64 where
  size _ = 24
  {-# INLINE size #-}

instance Deserializable RelaEnt64 where
  get = do
    off     D.word64 <?> "offset"
    info    D.word64 <?> "info"
    let symIx = SymIx $ fromIntegral $ shiftR info 32
        tp    = RelType $ fromIntegral info
    addend  D.word64 <?> "addend"
    return $ RelaEnt { relaOff    = off
                     , relaSymIx  = symIx
                     , relaType   = tp
                     , relaAddend = addend }