{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}

-- | Module:      Data.Nat
--   License:     BSD3
--   Copyright:   2012 Gábor Lehel
--   Stability:   experimental
--   Maintainer:  Gábor Lehel <illissius@gmail.com>
--   Portability: portable
-- Operations which are undefined mathematically (@0 / 0@, @infinity * 0@, @infinity - infinity@, etc.)
-- also have undefined results in this implementation.

module Data.Nat (Nat(..), nat, foldNat, unfoldNat, infinity, diff) where

import Control.Arrow            (first)
import Data.Function            (fix)
import Data.Ix                  (Ix(..))
import Numeric.Natural.Internal (Whole(..))

import Data.Typeable            (Typeable)
#define MAYBE_TYPEABLE , Typeable

import GHC.Generics             (Generic)
#define MAYBE_GENERIC  , Generic

data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
           deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show MAYBE_TYPEABLE MAYBE_GENERIC)

negative :: String -> a
negative f = error ("Data.Nat." ++ f ++ ": would be negative")

instance Enum Nat where
    succ                   = Succ
    pred                   = nat (negative "pred") id
    toEnum                 = fromInteger  . fromIntegral
    fromEnum               = fromIntegral . toInteger
    enumFrom               = iterate succ
    enumFromTo     f    to = enumFromThenTo f (succ f) to
    enumFromThen   f th    = enumFromThenTo f th (if f < th then maxBound else minBound)
    enumFromThenTo f th to = either (const []) (accum f) (diff to f `divD` diff_th_f) where
        accum n            = nat [n] ((n:) . accum (step n))
        step               = either subtract (+) diff_th_f
        diff_th_f          = diff th f
        divD               = either (\x -> either (Right                            . div x) (Left  . div x))
                                    (\x -> either ((if x == 0 then Right else Left) . div x) (Right . div x))
                                    -- maybe this could be done simpler?

-- | maxBound = 'infinity'. Not sure if this is polite.
instance Bounded Nat where
    minBound = 0
    maxBound = infinity

instance Num Nat where
    (+) n       = foldNat n succ
    (*) n       = foldNat 0 (+n)
    (-) n       = nat n ((-) $! nat (negative "-") id n)
    negate      = nat 0 (const $ negative "negate")
    abs         = id
    signum      = nat 0 (const 1)
    fromInteger = unfoldNat $ \n -> case n of n | n < 0     -> negative "fromInteger"
                                                | n > 0     -> Just (n - 1)
                                                | otherwise -> Nothing

instance Real Nat where
    toRational = toRational . toNatural

instance Integral Nat where
    quotRem n m = either (const (0, n)) (\x -> first succ (quotRem x m)) (diff n m)
    divMod      = quotRem
    toInteger   = toInteger . toNatural

instance Whole Nat where
    toNatural  = foldNat 0 succ
    unsafePred = pred

instance Ix Nat where
    range     (n, m)   = [n..m]
    index     (n, m) i = fromIntegral (n - i)
    inRange   (n, m) i = n <= i && i <= m
    rangeSize (n, m)   = fromIntegral (m - n)

-- | Shallow deconstruction. Returns the first argument if @Zero@, applies the second argument to the inner value if @Succ@.
nat :: r -> (Nat -> r) -> Nat -> r
nat z s Zero     = z
nat z s (Succ n) = s n

-- | Returns the first argument if @Zero@, applies the second argument recursively for each @Succ@.
foldNat :: r -> (r -> r) -> Nat -> r
foldNat z s = nat z (s . foldNat z s)

-- | Build a @Nat@ from a seed value: the first argument should return the next seed value
--   if the building is to continue, or @Nothing@ if it is to stop.  A @Succ@ is added at each iteration.
unfoldNat :: (a -> Maybe a) -> a -> Nat
unfoldNat f a = maybe Zero (succ . unfoldNat f) (f a)

-- | Very big!
infinity :: Nat
infinity = fix Succ

-- | > diff n m | n >= m    = Right (n - m)
--   >          | otherwise = Left  (m - n)
diff :: Nat -> Nat -> Either Nat Nat
diff (Succ n) (Succ m) = diff n m
diff n        Zero     = Right n
diff Zero     n        = Left  n