{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE IncoherentInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module Data.QuadTree where
import Math.Geometry

import Data.Maybe
import Data.List ( sortBy )
import qualified Data.List as List

{- A hierarchical space subdivision of a region. 
 - Query for elements matching a certain criteria
 - Needs to support intersecting elements in the region.
 - Each node in the quadtree is composed of
data QuadTree e where
    QuadTree :: (Intersectable e Boundary)
-- A list of elements who's shape can be queried for intersection with the quad.
                => [e] 
-- And the quadrants of the axis aligned boundary square
                -> Boundary
                -> ( Maybe (QuadTree e) , Maybe (QuadTree e)
                   , Maybe (QuadTree e) , Maybe (QuadTree e)
                -> QuadTree e

instance HasBoundary (QuadTree e) where
    boundary_points (QuadTree _ bounds _) = boundary_points bounds
    boundary_edges (QuadTree _ bounds _) = boundary_edges bounds
    boundary_extents (QuadTree _ bounds _) = boundary_extents bounds
    boundary_square (QuadTree _ bounds _) = bounds

data Quadrant = 
        NPQuad | PPQuad
      | NNQuad | PNQuad
    deriving (Eq, Show)

{- As an element of a quadtree can intersect multiple leaf nodes in the quadtree it's best if each
 - node in the quadtree could contain a reference to the element. This permits the property: forall
 - p <: paths to a leaf node, forall e <: elements in the universe p will countain no more than 1
 - reference to e.
 - Which, I think, greatly simplifies things?
 - EG:
 -  let qt = QuadTree.empty
 -      qt' = QuadTree.insert qt e0
 -      qt'' = QuadTree.insert q' e1
 -  In the case where e1 entirely encompasses qt' there would be greater sharing betwee qt'' and qt'
 -  than if each node in the tree contained references to all elements that intersect that node.
 -  On the other hand the query "All elements intersecting this child node of this quadtree." would
 -  require a full descent from the root to collect the list of elements. I could see this being a
 -  useful query. 
 -  I think this is resolvable. The query necessitates a cursor like structure: The reference to a
 -  specific child node in a quadtree. Which could transparently cache the parent node element
 -  references.

pp_quad (QuadTree _ _
         (  _, mq, 
            _,  _
    = mq
pn_quad (QuadTree _ _
         (  _,  _, 
            _, mq
    = mq
nn_quad (QuadTree _ _
         (  _,  _, 
           mq,  _
    = mq
np_quad (QuadTree _ _
         ( mq,  _, 
            _,  _
    = mq

{- | Returns an empty QuadTree. Which is centered around (0,0) with a size of 2
empty :: Intersectable e Boundary => QuadTree e
empty = QuadTree [] (Boundary (-1,-1) 2) empty_children

empty_children = ( Nothing, Nothing
                 , Nothing, Nothing

singleton_child NPQuad q = ( Just q , Nothing
                           , Nothing, Nothing
singleton_child PPQuad q = ( Nothing, Just q
                           , Nothing, Nothing
singleton_child NNQuad q = ( Nothing, Nothing
                           , Just q , Nothing
singleton_child PNQuad q = ( Nothing, Nothing
                           , Nothing, Just q

{- | Inserts the given element into the quadtree. 
 - If all boundary points of an element are not contained within the QuadTree's boundary then a
 - insert_as_parent is performed.
 - If only a single quadrant intersects the element then a insert_as_child is performed.
 - Otherwise the element is inserted into the current node's element reference list.
insert :: (Intersectable e Boundary, HasBoundary e) => e -> QuadTree e -> QuadTree e
insert e q =
    if q `encloses` e
        then insert_self_or_child e q
        else insert_via_parent e q

encloses :: (Intersectable e Boundary, HasBoundary e) => QuadTree e -> e -> Bool
encloses q@(QuadTree _ bounds _) e = all (intersects bounds) (boundary_points $ boundary_square e)

insert_self_or_child e q@(QuadTree es bounds quadrants) =
    case intersections e (quadrant_bounds q) of
        [child]      -> insert_child child e q 
        _            -> QuadTree (e : es) bounds quadrants

quadrant_bounds :: QuadTree e -> [(Boundary, Quadrant)]
quadrant_bounds (QuadTree _ (Boundary p size) _) = 
    let child_size = size / 2
        nn_p = p 
        np_p = p ^+^ (0         , child_size)
        pp_p = p ^+^ (child_size, child_size)
        pn_p = p ^+^ (child_size, 0         )
    in map (\(p, q) -> (Boundary p child_size, q))
        [ (nn_p, NNQuad)
        , (np_p, NPQuad)
        , (pp_p, PPQuad)
        , (pn_p, PNQuad)

-- Which are intersectable as the paired boundary is intersectable
instance Intersectable s Boundary => Intersectable s (Boundary, Quadrant) where
    intersects s (bounds, _) = intersects s bounds

{- insert_via_parent adds the given element to a new quadtree, q_e, that is connected to the given
 - quadtree, q, through a parent tree, q_root. 
 - The two quadtrees q and q_e are both children on some path from q_root.
 - There is at least one path from q_root to q and q_e. There may be multiple paths?
 -  let q = (-1, -1) -> 1
 -      q_e = (0,0) -> 1
 -      q_root = (-1,-1) -> 2
 - In the above case there is only one possible q_root with minimum bounds. However there are multiple
 - mays to connect q and q_e through a parent node.
 -      q_p_0 = (-2, -2) -> 2 [PP => q]
 -      q_p_1 = (0,0) -> 2 [NN => q_e]
 -      q_root = (-2, -2) -> 4 [NN => q_p_0, PP => q_p_1]
 - I'm not really sure of how to optimally introduce a node for q_e and connect them through a
 - parent node.  There are incorrect methods. EG: Always picking the parent quadtree such that the
 - given quadtree is at a fixed position.  This could result in a search for a new encompasing
 - parent that never converges.
 - The method used here is to add parent nodes to q until a parent node is found that encompass e.
 - This is a breadth first search of the generated graph
 - Nodes are parent quadtrees containing q as a child and encompasing e
 - Edges are directional (q_u, q_v). Each edge represents the operation of adding a parent to q_u
 - such that q_u is a specific quadrant of the parent.
 - Given quadtree q and an element e:
 -  There is an edge from q for each of PNQuad, PPQuad, NPQuad, NNQuad to a parent quadtree with q
 -  as the given quadrant.
 -  This parent quadtree can be generated from q and the quadrant identifier.

-- parent_trees generates all possible parent trees of the given tree (Without memoization) in the
-- order suitable for a breadth first search.
parent_trees q = parent_trees' [q]
        parent_trees' (q : qs) = 
            let parents = imm_parents q
            in parents ++ parent_trees' (qs ++ parents)
        imm_parents q_child = map (quadtree_with_child_in_quad q_child) [PNQuad, PPQuad, NPQuad, NNQuad]

quadtree_with_child_in_quad q@(QuadTree _ (Boundary (child_x,child_y) child_size) _) quad 
    | quad == NPQuad = QuadTree [] (Boundary (child_x, child_y - child_size) parent_size) $ singleton_child quad q
    | quad == PPQuad = QuadTree [] (Boundary (child_x - child_size, child_y - child_size) parent_size) $ singleton_child quad q
    | quad == PNQuad = QuadTree [] (Boundary (child_x - child_size, child_y) parent_size) $ singleton_child quad q
    | quad == NNQuad = QuadTree [] (Boundary (child_x, child_y) parent_size) $ singleton_child quad q
    where parent_size = child_size * 2

-- The parent to add e to is then the first of parent_trees that encloses e.
insert_via_parent :: (Intersectable e Boundary, HasBoundary e) 
                    => e
                    -> QuadTree e 
                    -> QuadTree e
insert_via_parent e q = 
    let q_root = first (flip encloses e) (parent_trees q)
    in insert_self_or_child e q_root
    where first f = fromJust . List.find f

 - I wonder if there is a closed form solution to this search?
 -  For all Integer i =>
 -      The size of the quadrants at this level are equal to 
 -          size_i = base_size * 2^i
 -      For all Integer u,v => 
 -          The corner points of the quadrants are given by
 -          ( base_point.x + size_i * u, base_point.y + size_i * v)
 -  The search is for an (i,u,v) such that the quadrant identified by (i,u,v) completely encompases
 -  the element being inserted.
 -  For a given i it is possible to find a quadrant that either encompasses the element or
 -  intersects the elements boundary.

{- Inserts the element in the child identified by the given boundary and Quadrant.
 - If there is no child at the given quadrant then a child is added and the element is inserted into
 - the new child.
insert_child :: (Intersectable e Boundary, HasBoundary e) 
                => (Boundary, Quadrant) 
                -> e 
                -> QuadTree e
                -> QuadTree e
insert_child (cb, quad) e q@(QuadTree es b cs) = 
    let update_child = Just . insert_self_or_child e . maybe (QuadTree [] cb empty_children) id
    in QuadTree es b $ map_child update_child quad cs

map_child :: (Maybe (QuadTree e) -> Maybe (QuadTree e)) 
             -> Quadrant 
             -> (Maybe (QuadTree e), Maybe (QuadTree e)
                ,Maybe (QuadTree e), Maybe (QuadTree e)
             -> (Maybe (QuadTree e), Maybe (QuadTree e)
                ,Maybe (QuadTree e), Maybe (QuadTree e)
map_child f NPQuad ( np_c, pp_c
                   , nn_c, pn_c
                   ) = ( f np_c, pp_c
                       , nn_c  , pn_c
map_child f PPQuad ( np_c, pp_c
                   , nn_c, pn_c
                   ) = ( np_c, f pp_c
                       , nn_c, pn_c
map_child f NNQuad ( np_c, pp_c
                   , nn_c, pn_c
                   ) = ( np_c  , pp_c
                       , f nn_c, pn_c
map_child f PNQuad ( np_c, pp_c
                   , nn_c, pn_c
                   ) = ( np_c, pp_c
                       , nn_c, f pn_c

instance Show (QuadTree Boundary) where
    show (QuadTree es b cq) = show es ++ " " ++ show b ++ " " ++ show cq ++ "\n"

instance Show ( Maybe (QuadTree Boundary), Maybe (QuadTree Boundary)
              , Maybe (QuadTree Boundary), Maybe (QuadTree Boundary) ) where
    show (mq0, mq1, mq2, mq3) = "( " ++ show (fmap show mq0) ++ "," ++ show (fmap show mq1) ++
                                "," ++ show (fmap show mq2) ++ "," ++ show (fmap show mq3) ++ ")"
