-- | -- Module : Codec.Binary.Uu -- Copyright : (c) 2007 Magnus Therning -- License : BSD3 -- -- Uuencoding is notoriously badly specified. This implementation is -- compatible with the GNU Sharutils -- (). -- -- Further documentation and information can be found at -- . module Codec.Binary.Uu ( EncIncData(..) , EncIncRes(..) , encodeInc , encode , DecIncData(..) , DecIncRes(..) , decodeInc , decode , chop , unchop ) where import Codec.Binary.Util import Control.Monad import Data.Array import Data.Bits import Data.Maybe import Data.Word import qualified Data.Map as M -- {{{1 enc/dec map _encMap = zip [0..] "`!\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_" -- {{{1 encodeArray encodeArray :: Array Word8 Char encodeArray = array (0, 64) _encMap -- {{{1 decodeMap decodeMap :: M.Map Char Word8 decodeMap = M.fromList [(snd i, fst i) | i <- _encMap] -- {{{1 encode -- | Incremental encoder function. encodeInc :: EncIncData -> EncIncRes String encodeInc e = eI [] e where enc3 [o1, o2, o3] = map (encodeArray !) [i1, i2, i3, i4] where i1 = o1 `shiftR` 2 i2 = (o1 `shiftL` 4 .|. o2 `shiftR` 4) .&. 0x3f i3 = (o2 `shiftL` 2 .|. o3 `shiftR` 6) .&. 0x3f i4 = o3 .&. 0x3f eI [] EDone = EFinal [] eI [o1] EDone = EFinal $ take 2 $ enc3 [o1, 0, 0] eI [o1, o2] EDone = EFinal $ take 3 $ enc3 [o1, o2, 0] eI lo (EChunk bs) = doEnc [] (lo ++ bs) where doEnc acc (o1:o2:o3:os) = doEnc (acc ++ enc3 [o1, o2, o3]) os doEnc acc os = EPart acc (eI os) -- | Encode data. encode :: [Word8] -> String encode = encoder encodeInc -- {{{1 decode -- | Incremental decoder function. decodeInc :: DecIncData String -> DecIncRes String decodeInc d = dI [] d where dec4 cs = let ds = map (flip M.lookup decodeMap) cs [e1, e2, e3, e4] = map fromJust ds o1 = e1 `shiftL` 2 .|. e2 `shiftR` 4 o2 = e2 `shiftL` 4 .|. e3 `shiftR` 2 o3 = e3 `shiftL` 6 .|. e4 allJust = and . map isJust in if allJust ds then Just [o1, o2, o3] else Nothing dI [] DDone = DFinal [] [] dI lo@[c1, c2] DDone = maybe (DFail [] lo) (\ bs -> DFinal (take 1 bs) []) (dec4 [c1, c2, '`', '`']) dI lo@[c1, c2, c3] DDone = maybe (DFail [] lo) (\ bs -> DFinal (take 2 bs) []) (dec4 [c1, c2, c3, '`']) dI lo DDone = DFail [] lo dI lo (DChunk s) = doDec [] (lo ++ s) where doDec acc s'@(c1:c2:c3:c4:cs) = maybe (DFail acc s') (\ bs -> doDec (acc ++ bs) cs) (dec4 [c1, c2, c3, c4]) doDec acc s' = DPart acc (dI s') -- | Decode data. decode :: String -> Maybe [Word8] decode = decoder decodeInc -- {{{1 chop -- | Chop up a string in parts. Each string in the resulting list is prepended -- with the length according to the uuencode \"specificiation\". -- -- /Notes:/ -- -- * The length of the strings in the result will be @(n -1) `div` 4 * 4 + -- 1@. The @-1@ comes from the need to prepend the length (which explains -- the final @+1@). Keeping it to a multiple of 4 means that strings -- returned from 'encode' can be chopped without requiring any changes. -- -- * The length of lines in GNU's sharutils is 61. chop :: Int -- ^ length (value should be in the range @[5..85]@) -> String -> [String] chop n "" = [] chop n s = let enc_len | n < 5 = 4 | n >= 85 = 84 | otherwise = (n - 1) `div` 4 * 4 enc_line = take enc_len s act_len = fromIntegral $ case (length enc_line `divMod` 4) of (l, 0) -> l * 3 (l, 2) -> l * 3 + 1 (l, 3) -> l * 3 + 2 len = (encodeArray ! act_len) in (len : enc_line) : chop n (drop enc_len s) -- {{{1 unchop -- | Concatenate the strings into one long string. Each string is assumed to -- be prepended with the length according to the uuencode specification. unchop :: [String] -> String unchop ss = let singleUnchop (l : cs) = let act_len = fromIntegral $ decodeMap M.! l enc_len = case (act_len `divMod` 3) of (n, 0) -> n * 4 (n, 1) -> n * 4 + 2 (n, 2) -> n * 4 + 3 in take enc_len cs in foldr ((++) . singleUnchop) "" ss