-- Copyright (C) 2009-2012 John Millikin <john@john-millikin.com>
-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

module DBus.Address where

import qualified Control.Exception
import           Data.Char (digitToInt, ord, chr)
import           Data.List (intercalate)
import qualified Data.Map
import           Data.Map (Map)
import qualified System.Environment
import           Text.Printf (printf)

import           Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec

-- | When a D-Bus server must listen for connections, or a client must connect
-- to a server, the listening socket's configuration is specified with an
-- /address/. An address contains the /method/, which determines the
-- protocol and transport mechanism, and /parameters/, which provide
-- additional method-specific information about the address.
data Address = Address String (Map String String)
	deriving (Eq)

addressMethod :: Address -> String
addressMethod (Address x _ ) = x

addressParameters :: Address -> Map String String
addressParameters (Address _ x) = x

-- | Try to convert a method string and parameter map to an 'Address'.
-- Returns 'Nothing' if the method or parameters are invalid.
address :: String -> Map String String -> Maybe Address
address method params = if validMethod method && validParams params
	then if null method && Data.Map.null params
		then Nothing
		else Just (Address method params)
	else Nothing

validMethod :: String -> Bool
validMethod = all validChar where
	validChar c = c /= ';' && c /= ':'

validParams :: Map String String -> Bool
validParams = all validItem . Data.Map.toList where
	validItem (k, v) = notNull k && notNull v && validKey k
	validKey = all validChar
	validChar c = c /= ';' && c /= ',' && c /= '='
	notNull = not . null

optionallyEncoded :: [Char]
optionallyEncoded = concat
	[ ['0'..'9']
	, ['a'..'z']
	, ['A'..'Z']
	, ['-', '_', '/', '\\', '*', '.']

-- | Convert an address to a string in the format expected by 'parseAddress'.
formatAddress :: Address -> String
formatAddress (Address method params) = concat [method, ":", csvParams] where
	csvParams = intercalate "," $ do
		(k, v) <- Data.Map.toList params
		let v' = concatMap escape v
		return (concat [k, "=", v'])
	escape c = if elem c optionallyEncoded
		then [c]
		else printf "%%%02X" (ord c)

-- | Convert a list of addresses to a string in the format expected by
-- 'parseAddresses'.
formatAddresses :: [Address] -> String
formatAddresses = intercalate ";" . map formatAddress

instance Show Address where
	showsPrec d x = showParen (d > 10) $
		showString "Address " .
		shows (formatAddress x)

-- | Try to parse a string containing one valid address.
-- An address string is in the format @method:key1=val1,key2=val2@. There
-- are some limitations on the characters allowed within methods and
-- parameters; see the D-Bus specification for full details.
parseAddress :: String -> Maybe Address
parseAddress = maybeParseString $ do
	addr <- parsecAddress
	return addr

-- | Try to parse a string containing one or more valid addresses.
-- Addresses are separated by semicolons. See 'parseAddress' for the format
-- of addresses.
parseAddresses :: String -> Maybe [Address]
parseAddresses = maybeParseString $ do
	addrs <- sepEndBy parsecAddress (char ';')
	return addrs

parsecAddress :: Parser Address
parsecAddress = p where
	p = do
		method <- many (noneOf ":;")
		_ <- char ':'
		params <- sepEndBy param (char ',')
		return (Address method (Data.Map.fromList params))
	param = do
		key <- many1 (noneOf "=;,")
		_ <- char '='
		value <- many1 valueChar
		return (key, value)
	valueChar = encoded <|> unencoded
	encoded = do
		_ <- char '%'
		hex <- count 2 hexDigit
		return (chr (hexToInt hex))
	unencoded = oneOf optionallyEncoded

-- | Returns the address in the environment variable
-- @unix:path=\/var\/run\/dbus\/system_bus_socket@ if @DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS@
-- is not set.
-- Returns 'Nothing' if @DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS@ contains an invalid address.
getSystemAddress :: IO (Maybe Address)
getSystemAddress = do
	let system = "unix:path=/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket"
	env <- getenv "DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS"
	return (parseAddress (maybe system id env))

-- | Returns the address in the environment variable
-- @DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS@, which must be set.
-- Returns 'Nothing' if @DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS@ is unset or contains an
-- invalid address.
getSessionAddress :: IO (Maybe Address)
getSessionAddress = do
	return (env >>= parseAddress)

-- | Returns the address in the environment variable
-- @DBUS_STARTER_ADDRESS@, which must be set.
-- Returns 'Nothing' if @DBUS_STARTER_ADDRESS@ is unset or contains an
-- invalid address.
getStarterAddress :: IO (Maybe Address)
getStarterAddress = do
	env <- getenv "DBUS_STARTER_ADDRESS"
	return (env >>= parseAddress)

getenv :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
getenv name = Control.Exception.catch
	(fmap Just (System.Environment.getEnv name))
	(\(Control.Exception.SomeException _) -> return Nothing)

hexToInt :: String -> Int
hexToInt = foldl ((+) . (16 *)) 0 . map digitToInt

maybeParseString :: Parser a -> String -> Maybe a
maybeParseString p str = case runParser p () "" str of
	Left _ -> Nothing
	Right a -> Just a