#line 64 "src/introduction.anansi" #line 30 "src/introduction.anansi" -- Copyright (C) 2009-2010 John Millikin -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . #line 65 "src/introduction.anansi" #line 52 "src/introduction.anansi" {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} #line 66 "src/introduction.anansi" module Main (tests, main) where #line 159 "src/util.anansi" import Test.QuickCheck import qualified Test.Framework as F import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty) import Control.Arrow ((&&&)) import Control.Monad (replicateM) import qualified Data.Binary.Get as G import Data.Char (isPrint) import Data.String import Data.List (intercalate, isInfixOf) import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust, isNothing) import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64) import Data.Int (Int16, Int32, Int64) import DBus.Address import DBus.Message.Internal import DBus.Types import DBus.Wire.Internal import DBus.Wire.Marshal import DBus.Wire.Unmarshal import qualified DBus.Introspection as I #line 68 "src/introduction.anansi" tests :: [F.Test] tests = [ F.testGroup "dummy" [] #line 384 "src/types.anansi" , F.testGroup "String" [ testProperty "String -> strict Text" $ funEq (fromVariant . toVariant) (Just . T.pack) , testProperty "String <- strict Text" $ funEq (fromVariant . toVariant) (Just . T.unpack) , testProperty "String -> lazy Text" $ funEq (fromVariant . toVariant) (Just . TL.pack) , testProperty "String <- lazy Text" $ funEq (fromVariant . toVariant) (Just . TL.unpack) , testProperty "Strict Text -> lazy Text" $ funEq (fromVariant . toVariant) (Just . TL.pack . T.unpack) , testProperty "Strict Text <- lazy Text" $ funEq (fromVariant . toVariant) (Just . T.pack . TL.unpack) ] #line 736 "src/types.anansi" , F.testGroup "Signature" [ testProperty "Signature identity" $ funEq (mkSignature . strSignature) Just ] #line 806 "src/types.anansi" , F.testGroup "ObjectPath" [ testProperty "ObjectPath identity" $ funEq (mkObjectPath . strObjectPath) Just ] #line 942 "src/types.anansi" , F.testGroup "Array" [ testProperty "Array identity" $ \x -> Just x == arrayFromItems (arrayType x) (arrayItems x) , testProperty "Array homogeneity" prop_ArrayHomogeneous ] #line 1071 "src/types.anansi" , F.testGroup "Dictionary" [ testProperty "Dictionary identity" $ \x -> Just x == dictionaryFromItems (dictionaryKeyType x) (dictionaryValueType x) (dictionaryItems x) , testProperty "Dictionary homogeneity" prop_DictionaryHomogeneous , testProperty "Dictionary must have atomic keys" $ \vt -> forAll containerType $ \kt -> isNothing (dictionaryFromItems kt vt []) , testProperty "Dictionary <-> Array conversion" $ funEq (arrayToDictionary . dictionaryToArray) Just ] #line 1232 "src/types.anansi" , F.testGroup "BusName" [ testProperty "BusName identity" $ funEq (mkBusName . strBusName) Just ] #line 1279 "src/types.anansi" , F.testGroup "InterfaceName" [ testProperty "InterfaceName identity" $ funEq (mkInterfaceName . strInterfaceName) Just ] #line 1311 "src/types.anansi" , F.testGroup "ErrorName" [ testProperty "ErrorName identity" $ funEq (mkErrorName . strErrorName) Just ] #line 1354 "src/types.anansi" , F.testGroup "MemberName" [ testProperty "MemberName identity" $ funEq (mkMemberName . strMemberName) Just ] #line 1223 "src/wire.anansi" , F.testGroup "Wire format" [ testProperty "Marshal -> Ummarshal" prop_Unmarshal , F.testGroup "Messages" [ testProperty "Method calls" prop_WireMethodCall , testProperty "Method returns" prop_WireMethodReturn , testProperty "Errors" prop_WireError , testProperty "Signals" prop_WireSignal ] ] #line 177 "src/addresses.anansi" , F.testGroup "Addresses" [ testProperty "Address identity" $ \x -> mkAddresses (strAddress x) == Just [x] , testProperty "Multiple addresses" $ \x y -> let joined = TL.concat [strAddress x, ";", strAddress y] in mkAddresses joined == Just [x, y] , testProperty "Ignore trailing semicolon" $ \x -> mkAddresses (TL.append (strAddress x) ";") == Just [x] , testProperty "Ignore trailing comma" $ \x -> let hasParams = not . Map.null . addressParameters $ x parsed = mkAddresses (TL.append (strAddress x) ",") in hasParams ==> parsed == Just [x] , F.testGroup "Valid addresses" [ test "colon" $ isJust . mkAddresses $ ":" , test "just scheme" $ isJust . mkAddresses $ "a:" , test "param" $ isJust . mkAddresses $ "a:b=c" , test "trailing semicolon" $ isJust . mkAddresses $ "a:;" , test "two schemes" $ isJust . mkAddresses $ "a:;b:" , test "trailing comma" $ isJust . mkAddresses $ "a:b=c," ] , F.testGroup "Invalid addresses" [ test "empty" $ isNothing . mkAddresses $ "" , test "no colon" $ isNothing . mkAddresses $ "a" , test "no equals" $ isNothing . mkAddresses $ "a:b" , test "no param" $ isNothing . mkAddresses $ "a:b=" , test "no param" $ isNothing . mkAddresses $ "a:," ] ] #line 507 "src/introspection.anansi" , F.testGroup "Introspection" [ testProperty "Generate -> Parse" $ \x@(I.Object path _ _) -> let xml = I.toXML x Just xml' = xml parsed = I.fromXML path xml' in isJust xml ==> I.fromXML path xml' == Just x ] #line 72 "src/introduction.anansi" ] main :: IO () main = F.defaultMain tests #line 106 "src/types.anansi" instance Arbitrary Type where arbitrary = oneof [atomicType, containerType] atomicType :: Gen Type atomicType = elements [ DBusBoolean , DBusByte , DBusWord16 , DBusWord32 , DBusWord64 , DBusInt16 , DBusInt32 , DBusInt64 , DBusDouble , DBusString , DBusObjectPath , DBusSignature ] containerType :: Gen Type containerType = do c <- choose (0,3) :: Gen Int case c of 0 -> fmap DBusArray arbitrary 1 -> do kt <- atomicType vt <- arbitrary return $ DBusDictionary kt vt 2 -> fmap DBusStructure $ halfSized arbitrary 3 -> return DBusVariant #line 272 "src/types.anansi" instance Arbitrary Variant where arbitrary = arbitrary >>= genVariant genVariant :: Type -> Gen Variant genVariant t = case t of DBusBoolean -> fmap toVariant (arbitrary :: Gen Bool) DBusByte -> fmap toVariant (arbitrary :: Gen Word8) DBusWord16 -> fmap toVariant (arbitrary :: Gen Word16) DBusWord32 -> fmap toVariant (arbitrary :: Gen Word32) DBusWord64 -> fmap toVariant (arbitrary :: Gen Word64) DBusInt16 -> fmap toVariant (arbitrary :: Gen Int16) DBusInt32 -> fmap toVariant (arbitrary :: Gen Int32) DBusInt64 -> fmap toVariant (arbitrary :: Gen Int64) DBusDouble -> fmap toVariant (arbitrary :: Gen Double) DBusString -> fmap toVariant (arbitrary :: Gen String) DBusObjectPath -> fmap toVariant (arbitrary :: Gen ObjectPath) DBusSignature -> fmap toVariant (arbitrary :: Gen Signature) (DBusArray _) -> fmap toVariant (arbitrary :: Gen Array) (DBusDictionary _ _) -> fmap toVariant (arbitrary :: Gen Dictionary) (DBusStructure _) -> fmap toVariant (arbitrary :: Gen Structure) DBusVariant -> fmap toVariant (arbitrary :: Gen Variant) #line 731 "src/types.anansi" instance Arbitrary Signature where arbitrary = sizedText 255 $ fmap (TL.concat . map typeCode) arbitrary #line 797 "src/types.anansi" instance Arbitrary ObjectPath where arbitrary = fmap (mkObjectPath_ . TL.pack) path' where c = ['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z'] ++ ['0'..'9'] ++ "_" path = fmap (intercalate "/" . ([] :)) genElements path' = frequency [(1, return "/"), (9, path)] genElements = atLeast 1 (atLeast 1 (elements c)) #line 926 "src/types.anansi" instance Arbitrary Array where arbitrary = do t <- atomicType xs <- listOf $ genVariant t return . fromJust $ arrayFromItems t xs prop_ArrayHomogeneous vs = isJust array == homogeneousTypes where array = arrayFromItems firstType vs homogeneousTypes = all (== firstType) types types = map variantType vs firstType = if null types then DBusByte else head types #line 1053 "src/types.anansi" instance Arbitrary Dictionary where arbitrary = do kt <- atomicType vt <- atomicType ks <- listOf $ genVariant kt vs <- vectorOf (length ks) $ genVariant vt return . fromJust $ dictionaryFromItems kt vt $ zip ks vs prop_DictionaryHomogeneous x = all correctType pairs where pairs = dictionaryItems x kType = dictionaryKeyType x vType = dictionaryValueType x correctType (k, v) = variantType k == kType && variantType v == vType #line 1138 "src/types.anansi" instance Arbitrary Structure where arbitrary = fmap Structure $ halfSized arbitrary #line 1212 "src/types.anansi" instance Arbitrary BusName where arbitrary = sizedText 255 (oneof [unique, wellKnown]) where c = ['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z'] ++ "_-" c' = c ++ ['0'..'9'] unique = do elems' <- atLeast 2 $ elems c' return . TL.pack $ ':' : intercalate "." elems' wellKnown = do elems' <- atLeast 2 $ elems c return . TL.pack $ intercalate "." elems' elems start = do x <- elements start xs <- atLeast 0 (elements c') return (x:xs) #line 1265 "src/types.anansi" instance Arbitrary InterfaceName where arbitrary = sizedText 255 genName where c = ['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z'] ++ "_" c' = c ++ ['0'..'9'] genName = fmap (TL.pack . intercalate ".") genElements genElements = atLeast 2 genElement genElement = do x <- elements c xs <- atLeast 0 (elements c') return (x:xs) #line 1306 "src/types.anansi" instance Arbitrary ErrorName where arbitrary = fmap (mkErrorName_ . strInterfaceName) arbitrary #line 1342 "src/types.anansi" instance Arbitrary MemberName where arbitrary = sizedText 255 genName where c = ['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z'] ++ "_" c' = c ++ ['0'..'9'] genName = do x <- elements c xs <- atLeast 0 (elements c') return . TL.pack $ (x:xs) #line 73 "src/messages.anansi" instance Arbitrary Flag where arbitrary = elements [NoReplyExpected, NoAutoStart] #line 131 "src/messages.anansi" instance Arbitrary Serial where arbitrary = fmap Serial arbitrary #line 173 "src/messages.anansi" instance Arbitrary MethodCall where arbitrary = do path <- arbitrary member <- arbitrary iface <- arbitrary dest <- arbitrary flags <- fmap Set.fromList arbitrary Structure body <- arbitrary return $ MethodCall path member iface dest flags body #line 210 "src/messages.anansi" instance Arbitrary MethodReturn where arbitrary = do serial <- arbitrary dest <- arbitrary Structure body <- arbitrary return $ MethodReturn serial dest body #line 261 "src/messages.anansi" instance Arbitrary Error where arbitrary = do name <- arbitrary serial <- arbitrary dest <- arbitrary Structure body <- arbitrary return $ Error name serial dest body #line 300 "src/messages.anansi" instance Arbitrary Signal where arbitrary = do path <- arbitrary member <- arbitrary iface <- arbitrary dest <- arbitrary Structure body <- arbitrary return $ Signal path member iface dest body #line 58 "src/wire.anansi" instance Arbitrary Endianness where arbitrary = elements [LittleEndian, BigEndian] #line 1188 "src/wire.anansi" prop_Unmarshal :: Endianness -> Variant -> Property prop_Unmarshal e x = valid ==> unmarshaled == Right [x] where sig = mkSignature . typeCode . variantType $ x Just sig' = sig bytes = runMarshal (marshal x) e Right bytes' = bytes valid = isJust sig && isRight bytes unmarshaled = runUnmarshal (unmarshal sig') e bytes' prop_MarshalMessage e serial msg expected = valid ==> correct where bytes = marshalMessage e serial msg Right bytes' = bytes getBytes = G.getLazyByteString . fromIntegral unmarshaled = G.runGet (unmarshalMessage getBytes) bytes' valid = isRight bytes correct = unmarshaled == Right expected prop_WireMethodCall e serial msg = prop_MarshalMessage e serial msg $ ReceivedMethodCall serial Nothing msg prop_WireMethodReturn e serial msg = prop_MarshalMessage e serial msg $ ReceivedMethodReturn serial Nothing msg prop_WireError e serial msg = prop_MarshalMessage e serial msg $ ReceivedError serial Nothing msg prop_WireSignal e serial msg = prop_MarshalMessage e serial msg $ ReceivedSignal serial Nothing msg #line 138 "src/addresses.anansi" instance Arbitrary Address where arbitrary = genAddress where optional = ['0'..'9'] ++ ['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z'] ++ "-_/\\*." methodChars = filter (flip notElem ":;") ['!'..'~'] keyChars = filter (flip notElem "=;,") ['!'..'~'] genMethod = atLeast 0 $ elements methodChars genParam = do key <- genKey value <- genValue return . concat $ [key, "=", value] genKey = atLeast 1 $ elements keyChars genValue = oneof [encodedValue, plainValue] genHex = elements $ ['0'..'9'] ++ ['a'..'f'] ++ ['A'..'F'] encodedValue = do x1 <- genHex x2 <- genHex return ['%', x1, x2] plainValue = atLeast 1 $ elements optional genParams = do params <- atLeast 0 genParam let params' = intercalate "," params extraComma <- if null params then return "" else elements ["", ","] return $ concat [params', extraComma] genAddress = do m <- genMethod params <- genParams extraSemicolon <- elements ["", ";"] let addrStr = concat [m, ":", params, extraSemicolon] let Just [addr] = mkAddresses $ TL.pack addrStr return addr #line 442 "src/introspection.anansi" subObject :: ObjectPath -> Gen I.Object subObject parentPath = sized $ \n -> resize (min n 4) $ do let nonRoot = do x <- arbitrary case strObjectPath x of "/" -> nonRoot x' -> return x' thisPath <- nonRoot let path' = case strObjectPath parentPath of "/" -> thisPath x -> TL.append x thisPath let path = mkObjectPath_ path' ifaces <- arbitrary children <- halfSized . listOf . subObject $ path return $ I.Object path ifaces children instance Arbitrary I.Object where arbitrary = arbitrary >>= subObject instance Arbitrary I.Interface where arbitrary = do name <- arbitrary methods <- arbitrary signals <- arbitrary properties <- arbitrary return $ I.Interface name methods signals properties instance Arbitrary I.Method where arbitrary = do name <- arbitrary inParams <- arbitrary outParams <- arbitrary return $ I.Method name inParams outParams instance Arbitrary I.Signal where arbitrary = do name <- arbitrary params <- arbitrary return $ I.Signal name params singleType :: Gen Signature singleType = do t <- arbitrary case mkSignature $ typeCode t of Just x -> return x Nothing -> singleType instance Arbitrary I.Parameter where arbitrary = do name <- listOf $ arbitrary `suchThat` isPrint sig <- singleType return $ I.Parameter (TL.pack name) sig instance Arbitrary I.Property where arbitrary = do name <- listOf $ arbitrary `suchThat` isPrint sig <- singleType access <- elements [[], [I.Read], [I.Write], [I.Read, I.Write]] return $ I.Property (TL.pack name) sig access #line 187 "src/util.anansi" halfSized :: Gen a -> Gen a halfSized gen = sized $ \n -> if n > 0 then resize (n `div` 2) gen else gen funEq :: Eq b => (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> a -> Bool funEq f g x = f x == g x sizedText :: (IsString a, Arbitrary a) => Integer -> Gen TL.Text -> Gen a sizedText maxSize gen = step where step = do s <- gen if toInteger (TL.length s) > maxSize then halfSized step else return . fromString . TL.unpack $ s atLeast :: Int -> Gen a -> Gen [a] atLeast minSize g = sized $ \n -> do count <- choose (minSize, max minSize n) replicateM count g isRight :: Either a b -> Bool isRight = either (const False) (const True) #line 216 "src/util.anansi" test :: Testable a => F.TestName -> a -> F.Test test name prop = F.plusTestOptions options (testProperty name prop) where options = F.TestOptions Nothing (Just 1) Nothing Nothing #line 225 "src/util.anansi" instance Arbitrary Word8 where arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedIntegral shrink = shrinkIntegral instance Arbitrary Word16 where arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedIntegral shrink = shrinkIntegral instance Arbitrary Word32 where arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedIntegral shrink = shrinkIntegral instance Arbitrary Word64 where arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedIntegral shrink = shrinkIntegral instance Arbitrary Int16 where arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedIntegral shrink = shrinkIntegral instance Arbitrary Int32 where arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedIntegral shrink = shrinkIntegral instance Arbitrary Int64 where arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedIntegral shrink = shrinkIntegral instance Arbitrary T.Text where arbitrary = fmap T.pack arbitrary instance Arbitrary TL.Text where arbitrary = fmap TL.pack arbitrary