module DDC.Core.Check.CheckModule
        ( checkModule
        , checkModuleM)
import DDC.Core.Module
import DDC.Core.Exp
import DDC.Core.Check.CheckExp
import DDC.Core.Check.Error
import DDC.Type.Compounds
import DDC.Base.Pretty
import DDC.Type.Equiv
import DDC.Type.Env             (KindEnv, TypeEnv)
import DDC.Control.Monad.Check  (result, throw)
import Data.Map                 (Map)
import qualified DDC.Type.Check as T
import qualified DDC.Type.Env   as Env
import qualified Data.Map       as Map

-- Wrappers -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Type check a module.
--   If it's good, you get a new version with types attached to all the bound
--   variables
--   If it's bad, you get a description of the error.
        :: (Ord n, Show n, Pretty n)
        => Config n             -- ^ Static configuration.
        -> Module a n           -- ^ Module to check.
        -> Either (Error a n) (Module (AnTEC a n) n)

checkModule !config !xx 
        = result 
        $ checkModuleM 
                (configPrimKinds config)
                (configPrimTypes config)

-- checkModule ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Like `checkModule` but using the `CheckM` monad to handle errors.
        :: (Ord n, Show n, Pretty n)
        => Config n             -- ^ Static configuration.
        -> KindEnv n            -- ^ Starting kind environment.
        -> TypeEnv n            -- ^ Starting type environment.
        -> Module a n           -- ^ Module to check.
        -> CheckM a n (Module (AnTEC a n) n)

checkModuleM !config !kenv !tenv mm@ModuleCore{}
 = do   
        -- Convert the imported kind and type map to a list of binds.
        let bksImport  = [BName n k |  (n, (_, k)) <- Map.toList $ moduleImportKinds mm]
        let btsImport  = [BName n t |  (n, (_, t)) <- Map.toList $ moduleImportTypes mm]

        -- Check the imported kinds and types.
        --  The imported types are in scope in both imported and exported signatures.
        mapM_ (checkTypeM config kenv) $ map typeOfBind bksImport
        let kenv' = Env.union kenv $ Env.fromList bksImport

        mapM_ (checkTypeM config kenv') $ map typeOfBind btsImport
        let tenv' = Env.union tenv $ Env.fromList btsImport

        -- Check the sigs for exported things.
        mapM_ (checkTypeM config kenv') $ Map.elems $ moduleExportKinds mm
        mapM_ (checkTypeM config kenv') $ Map.elems $ moduleExportTypes mm
        -- Check our let bindings.
        (x', _, _effs, _) <- checkExpM config kenv' tenv' (moduleBody mm)

        -- Check that each exported signature matches the type of its binding.
        envDef  <- checkModuleBinds (moduleExportKinds mm) (moduleExportTypes mm) x'

        -- Check that all exported bindings are defined by the module.
        mapM_ (checkBindDefined envDef) $ Map.keys $ moduleExportTypes mm

        -- Return the checked bindings as they have explicit type annotations.
        let mm'         = mm { moduleBody = x' }
        return mm'

-- | Check that the exported signatures match the types of their bindings.
        :: Ord n
        => Map n (Kind n)               -- ^ Kinds of exported types.
        -> Map n (Type n)               -- ^ Types of exported values.
        -> Exp (AnTEC a n) n
        -> CheckM a n (TypeEnv n)       -- ^ Environment of top-level bindings
                                        --   defined by the module

checkModuleBinds !ksExports !tsExports !xx
 = case xx of
        XLet _ (LLet _ b _) x2     
         -> do  checkModuleBind  ksExports tsExports b
                env     <- checkModuleBinds ksExports tsExports x2
                return  $ Env.extend b env

        XLet _ (LRec bxs) x2
         -> do  mapM_ (checkModuleBind ksExports tsExports) $ map fst bxs
                env     <- checkModuleBinds ksExports tsExports x2
                return  $ Env.extends (map fst bxs) env

        XLet _ (LLetRegions _ _) x2
         ->     checkModuleBinds ksExports tsExports x2

        _ ->    return Env.empty

-- | If some bind is exported, then check that it matches the exported version.
        :: Ord n
        => Map n (Kind n)       -- ^ Kinds of exported types.
        -> Map n (Type n)       -- ^ Types of exported values.
        -> Bind n
        -> CheckM a n ()

checkModuleBind !_ksExports !tsExports !b
 | BName n tDef <- b
 = case Map.lookup n tsExports of
        Nothing                 -> return ()
        Just tExport 
         | equivT tDef tExport  -> return ()
         | otherwise            -> throw $ ErrorExportMismatch n tExport tDef

 -- Only named bindings can be exported, 
 --  so we don't need to worry about non-named ones.
 | otherwise
 = return ()

-- | Check that a top-level binding is actually defined by the module.
        :: Ord n
        => TypeEnv n            -- ^ Types defined by the module.
        -> n                    -- ^ Name of an exported binding.
        -> CheckM a n ()

checkBindDefined env n
 = case Env.lookup (UName n) env of
        Just _  -> return ()
        _       -> throw $ ErrorExportUndefined n

-- | Check a type in the exp checking monad.
checkTypeM :: (Ord n, Show n, Pretty n) 
           => Config n 
           -> KindEnv n 
           -> Type n 
           -> CheckM a n (Kind n)

checkTypeM !config !kenv !tt
 = case T.checkType (configPrimDataDefs config) kenv tt of
        Left err        -> throw $ ErrorType err
        Right k         -> return k