-- | Utilities for constructing and destructing compound expressions.
--   For the annotated version of the AST.
module DDC.Core.Exp.Annot.Compounds
        ( module DDC.Type.Compounds

          -- * Annotations
        , annotOfExp
        , mapAnnotOfExp

          -- * Lambdas
        , xLAMs
        , xLams
        , makeXLamFlags
        , takeXLAMs
        , takeXLams
        , takeXLamFlags

        , Param(..)
        , takeXLamParam

          -- * Applications
        , xApps
        , makeXAppsWithAnnots
        , takeXApps
        , takeXApps1
        , takeXAppsAsList
        , takeXAppsWithAnnots
        , takeXConApps
        , takeXPrimApps

          -- * Lets
        , xLets,               xLetsAnnot
        , splitXLets,          splitXLetsAnnot
        , bindsOfLets
        , specBindsOfLets
        , valwitBindsOfLets

          -- * Alternatives
        , patOfAlt
        , takeCtorNameOfAlt

          -- * Patterns
        , bindsOfPat

          -- * Casts
        , makeRuns

          -- * Witnesses
        , wApp
        , wApps
        , annotOfWitness
        , takeXWitness
        , takeWAppsAsList
        , takePrimWiConApps

          -- * Types
        , takeXType

          -- * Data Constructors
        , xUnit, dcUnit
        , takeNameOfDaCon
        , takeTypeOfDaCon)
import DDC.Core.Exp.Annot.Exp
import DDC.Core.Exp.DaCon
import DDC.Type.Compounds

-- Annotations ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Take the outermost annotation from an expression.
annotOfExp :: Exp a n -> a
annotOfExp xx
 = case xx of
        XVar     a _      -> a
        XCon     a _      -> a
        XLAM     a _ _    -> a
        XLam     a _ _    -> a
        XApp     a _ _    -> a
        XLet     a _ _    -> a
        XCase    a _ _    -> a
        XCast    a _ _    -> a
        XType    a _      -> a
        XWitness a _      -> a

-- | Apply a function to the annotation of an expression.
mapAnnotOfExp :: (a -> a) -> Exp a n -> Exp a n
mapAnnotOfExp f xx
 = case xx of
        XVar     a u      -> XVar     (f a) u
        XCon     a c      -> XCon     (f a) c
        XLAM     a b  x   -> XLAM     (f a) b  x
        XLam     a b  x   -> XLam     (f a) b  x
        XApp     a x1 x2  -> XApp     (f a) x1 x2
        XLet     a lt x   -> XLet     (f a) lt x
        XCase    a x  as  -> XCase    (f a) x  as
        XCast    a c  x   -> XCast    (f a) c  x
        XType    a t      -> XType    (f a) t
        XWitness a w      -> XWitness (f a) w

-- Lambdas ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Make some nested type lambdas.
xLAMs :: a -> [Bind n] -> Exp a n -> Exp a n
xLAMs a bs x
        = foldr (XLAM a) x bs

-- | Make some nested value or witness lambdas.
xLams :: a -> [Bind n] -> Exp a n -> Exp a n
xLams a bs x
        = foldr (XLam a) x bs

-- | Split type lambdas from the front of an expression,
--   or `Nothing` if there aren't any.
takeXLAMs :: Exp a n -> Maybe ([Bind n], Exp a n)
takeXLAMs xx
 = let  go bs (XLAM _ b x) = go (b:bs) x
        go bs x            = (reverse bs, x)
   in   case go [] xx of
         ([], _)        -> Nothing
         (bs, body)     -> Just (bs, body)

-- | Split nested value or witness lambdas from the front of an expression,
--   or `Nothing` if there aren't any.
takeXLams :: Exp a n -> Maybe ([Bind n], Exp a n)
takeXLams xx
 = let  go bs (XLam _ b x) = go (b:bs) x
        go bs x            = (reverse bs, x)
   in   case go [] xx of
         ([], _)        -> Nothing
         (bs, body)     -> Just (bs, body)

-- | Make some nested lambda abstractions,
--   using a flag to indicate whether the lambda is a
--   level-1 (True), or level-0 (False) binder.
makeXLamFlags :: a -> [(Bool, Bind n)] -> Exp a n -> Exp a n
makeXLamFlags a fbs x
 = foldr (\(f, b) x'
           -> if f then XLAM a b x'
                   else XLam a b x')
                x fbs

-- | Split nested lambdas from the front of an expression,
--   with a flag indicating whether the lambda was a level-1 (True),
--   or level-0 (False) binder.
takeXLamFlags :: Exp a n -> Maybe ([(Bool, Bind n)], Exp a n)
takeXLamFlags xx
 = let  go bs (XLAM _ b x) = go ((True,  b):bs) x
        go bs (XLam _ b x) = go ((False, b):bs) x
        go bs x            = (reverse bs, x)
   in   case go [] xx of
         ([], _)        -> Nothing
         (bs, body)     -> Just (bs, body)

-- | Parameters of a function.
data Param n
        = ParamType  (Bind n)
        | ParamValue (Bind n)
        | ParamBox
        deriving Show

-- | Take the parameters of a function.
takeXLamParam :: Exp a n -> Maybe ([Param n], Exp a n)
takeXLamParam xx
 = let  go bs (XLAM  _ b x)       = go (ParamType  b : bs) x
        go bs (XLam  _ b x)       = go (ParamValue b : bs) x
        go bs (XCast _ CastBox x) = go (ParamBox     : bs) x
        go bs x                   = (reverse bs, x)
   in   case go [] xx of
         ([], _)        -> Nothing
         (bs, body)     -> Just (bs, body)

-- Applications ---------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Build sequence of value applications.
xApps   :: a -> Exp a n -> [Exp a n] -> Exp a n
xApps a t1 ts     = foldl (XApp a) t1 ts

-- | Build sequence of applications.
--   Similar to `xApps` but also takes list of annotations for
--   the `XApp` constructors.
makeXAppsWithAnnots :: Exp a n -> [(Exp a n, a)] -> Exp a n
makeXAppsWithAnnots f xas
 = case xas of
        []              -> f
        (arg,a ) : as   -> makeXAppsWithAnnots (XApp a f arg) as

-- | Flatten an application into the function part and its arguments.
--   Returns `Nothing` if there is no outer application.
takeXApps :: Exp a n -> Maybe (Exp a n, [Exp a n])
takeXApps xx
 = case takeXAppsAsList xx of
        (x1 : xsArgs)   -> Just (x1, xsArgs)
        _               -> Nothing

-- | Flatten an application into the function part and its arguments.
--   This is like `takeXApps` above, except we know there is at least one argument.
takeXApps1 :: Exp a n -> Exp a n -> (Exp a n, [Exp a n])
takeXApps1 x1 x2
 = case takeXApps x1 of
        Nothing          -> (x1,  [x2])
        Just (x11, x12s) -> (x11, x12s ++ [x2])

-- | Flatten an application into the function parts and arguments, if any.
takeXAppsAsList  :: Exp a n -> [Exp a n]
takeXAppsAsList xx
 = case xx of
        XApp _ x1 x2    -> takeXAppsAsList x1 ++ [x2]
        _               -> [xx]

-- | Destruct sequence of applications.
--   Similar to `takeXAppsAsList` but also keeps annotations for later.
takeXAppsWithAnnots :: Exp a n -> (Exp a n, [(Exp a n, a)])
takeXAppsWithAnnots xx
 = case xx of
        XApp a f arg
         -> let (f', args') = takeXAppsWithAnnots f
            in  (f', args' ++ [(arg,a)])

        _ -> (xx, [])

-- | Flatten an application of a primop into the variable
--   and its arguments.
--   Returns `Nothing` if the expression isn't a primop application.
takeXPrimApps :: Exp a n -> Maybe (n, [Exp a n])
takeXPrimApps xx
 = case takeXAppsAsList xx of
        XVar _ (UPrim p _) : xs -> Just (p, xs)
        _                       -> Nothing

-- | Flatten an application of a data constructor into the constructor
--   and its arguments.
--   Returns `Nothing` if the expression isn't a constructor application.
takeXConApps :: Exp a n -> Maybe (DaCon n, [Exp a n])
takeXConApps xx
 = case takeXAppsAsList xx of
        XCon _ dc : xs  -> Just (dc, xs)
        _               -> Nothing

-- Lets -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Wrap some let-bindings around an expression.
xLets :: a -> [Lets a n] -> Exp a n -> Exp a n
xLets a lts x
 = foldr (XLet a) x lts

-- | Wrap some let-bindings around an expression, with individual annotations.
xLetsAnnot :: [(Lets a n, a)] -> Exp a n -> Exp a n
xLetsAnnot lts x
 = foldr (\(l, a) x' -> XLet a l x') x lts

-- | Split let-bindings from the front of an expression, if any.
splitXLets :: Exp a n -> ([Lets a n], Exp a n)
splitXLets xx
 = case xx of
        XLet _ lts x
         -> let (lts', x')      = splitXLets x
            in  (lts : lts', x')

        _ -> ([], xx)

-- | Split let-bindings from the front of an expression, with annotations.
splitXLetsAnnot :: Exp a n -> ([(Lets a n, a)], Exp a n)
splitXLetsAnnot xx
 = case xx of
        XLet a lts x
         -> let (lts', x')              = splitXLetsAnnot x
            in  ((lts, a) : lts', x')

        _ -> ([], xx)

-- | Take the binds of a `Lets`.
--   The level-1 and level-0 binders are returned separately.
bindsOfLets :: Lets a n -> ([Bind n], [Bind n])
bindsOfLets ll
 = case ll of
        LLet b _          -> ([],  [b])
        LRec bxs          -> ([],  map fst bxs)
        LPrivate bs _ bbs -> (bs, bbs)

-- | Like `bindsOfLets` but only take the spec (level-1) binders.
specBindsOfLets :: Lets a n -> [Bind n]
specBindsOfLets ll
 = case ll of
        LLet _ _        -> []
        LRec _          -> []
        LPrivate bs _ _ -> bs

-- | Like `bindsOfLets` but only take the value and witness (level-0) binders.
valwitBindsOfLets :: Lets a n -> [Bind n]
valwitBindsOfLets ll
 = case ll of
        LLet b _        -> [b]
        LRec bxs        -> map fst bxs
        LPrivate _ _ bs -> bs

-- Alternatives ---------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Take the pattern of an alternative.
patOfAlt :: Alt a n -> Pat n
patOfAlt (AAlt pat _)   = pat

-- | Take the constructor name of an alternative, if there is one.
takeCtorNameOfAlt :: Alt a n -> Maybe n
takeCtorNameOfAlt aa
 = case aa of
        AAlt (PData dc _) _     -> takeNameOfDaCon dc
        _                       -> Nothing

-- Patterns -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Take the binds of a `Pat`.
bindsOfPat :: Pat n -> [Bind n]
bindsOfPat pp
 = case pp of
        PDefault          -> []
        PData _ bs        -> bs

-- Casts ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Wrap an expression in the given number of 'run' casts.
makeRuns :: a -> Int -> Exp a n -> Exp a n
makeRuns _a 0 x = x
makeRuns a n x  = XCast a CastRun (makeRuns a (n - 1) x)

-- Witnesses ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Construct a witness application
wApp :: a -> Witness a n -> Witness a n -> Witness a n
wApp = WApp

-- | Construct a sequence of witness applications
wApps :: a -> Witness a n -> [Witness a n] -> Witness a n
wApps a = foldl (wApp a)

-- | Take the annotation from a witness.
annotOfWitness :: Witness a n -> a
annotOfWitness ww
 = case ww of
        WVar  a _       -> a
        WCon  a _       -> a
        WApp  a _ _     -> a
        WType a _       -> a

-- | Take the witness from an `XWitness` argument, if any.
takeXWitness :: Exp a n -> Maybe (Witness a n)
takeXWitness xx
 = case xx of
        XWitness _ t -> Just t
        _            -> Nothing

-- | Flatten an application into the function parts and arguments, if any.
takeWAppsAsList :: Witness a n -> [Witness a n]
takeWAppsAsList ww
 = case ww of
        WApp _ w1 w2 -> takeWAppsAsList w1 ++ [w2]
        _          -> [ww]

-- | Flatten an application of a witness into the witness constructor
--   name and its arguments.
--   Returns nothing if there is no witness constructor in head position.
takePrimWiConApps :: Witness a n -> Maybe (n, [Witness a n])
takePrimWiConApps ww
 = case takeWAppsAsList ww of
        WCon _ wc : args | WiConBound (UPrim n _) _ <- wc
          -> Just (n, args)
        _ -> Nothing

-- Types ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Take the type from an `XType` argument, if any.
takeXType :: Exp a n -> Maybe (Type n)
takeXType xx
 = case xx of
        XType _ t -> Just t
        _         -> Nothing

-- Units -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Construct a value of unit type.
xUnit   :: a -> Exp a n
xUnit a = XCon a dcUnit