module DDC.Core.Fragment.Compliance
        ( complies
        , compliesWithEnvs
        , Complies)
import DDC.Core.Fragment.Feature
import DDC.Core.Fragment.Profile
import DDC.Core.Fragment.Error
import DDC.Core.Module
import DDC.Core.Exp.Annot
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import DDC.Type.Env                     (Env)
import Data.Set                         (Set)
import qualified DDC.Type.Env           as Env
import qualified Data.Set               as Set

-- | Check whether a core thing complies with a language fragment profile.
        :: (Ord n, Show n, Complies c)
        => Profile n            -- ^ Fragment profile giving the supported
                                --   language features and primitive operators.
        -> c a n                -- ^ The thing to check.
        -> Maybe (Error a n)

complies profile thing
 = compliesWithEnvs profile
        (profilePrimKinds profile)
        (profilePrimTypes profile)

-- | Like `complies` but with some starting environments.
        :: (Ord n, Show n, Complies c)
        => Profile n            -- ^ Fragment profile giving the supported
                                --   language features and primitive operators.
        -> Env.KindEnv n        -- ^ Starting kind environment.
        -> Env.TypeEnv n        -- ^ Starting type environment.
        -> c a n                -- ^ The thing to check.
        -> Maybe (Error a n)

compliesWithEnvs profile kenv tenv thing
 = let  merr    = result 
                $ compliesX profile 
                        kenv tenv
                        contextTop thing
   in   case merr of
         Left err -> Just err
         Right _  -> Nothing

-- Complies -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Class of things we can check language fragment compliance for.
class Complies (c :: * -> * -> *) where
 -- Check compliance of a well typed term with a language profile.
 -- If it is not well typed then this can return a bad result.
        :: (Ord n, Show n)
        => Profile n            -- ^ Fragment profile giving the supported
                                --   language features and primitive operators.
        -> Env n                -- ^ Starting Kind environment.
        -> Env n                -- ^ Starting Type environment.
        -> Context
        -> c a n 
        -> CheckM a n
                (Set n, Set n)  -- Used type and value names.

instance Complies Module where
 compliesX profile kenv tenv context mm
  = do  let bs          = [ BName n (typeOfImportValue isrc) 
                                | (n, isrc) <- moduleImportValues mm ]
        let tenv'       = Env.extends bs tenv
        compliesX profile kenv tenv' context (moduleBody mm)

-- We'll mark type vars that only appear in types of binders as unused.
instance Complies Exp where
 compliesX profile kenv tenv context xx
  = let has f   = f $ profileFeatures profile
        ok      = return (Set.empty, Set.empty)
    in case xx of

        -- variables ----------------------------
        XVar _ u@(UName n)
         |  not $ Env.member u tenv
         ,  not $ has featuresUnboundLevel0Vars 
         -> throw $ ErrorUndefinedVar n

         |  args        <- fromMaybe 0 $ contextFunArgs context
         ,  Just t      <- Env.lookup u tenv
         ,  arity       <- arityOfType t
         ,  args >= 1 && args < arity
         ,  not $ has featuresPartialApplication
         -> throw $ ErrorUnsupported PartialApplication

         | otherwise
         ->     return (Set.empty, Set.singleton n)

        XVar _ u@(UPrim n t)
         |  not $ Env.member u (profilePrimTypes profile)
         -> throw $ ErrorUndefinedPrim n

         |  args        <- fromMaybe 0 $ contextFunArgs context
         ,  arity       <- arityOfType t
         ,  args < arity
         ,  not $ has featuresPartialPrims
         -> throw $ ErrorUnsupported PartialPrims

         | otherwise
         -> return (Set.empty, Set.empty)

        XVar{}          -> ok

        -- constructors -------------------------
        XCon{}          -> ok

        -- spec binders -------------------------
        XLAM _ b x
         | contextAbsBody context
         , not $ has featuresNestedFunctions
         -> throw $ ErrorUnsupported NestedFunctions

         | otherwise
         -> do  
                -- If the body isn't another lambda then remember
                -- that we've entered into a function.
                let context'
                     | isXLAM x || isXLam x = context
                     | otherwise            = setBody context

                (tUsed, vUsed)  <- compliesX profile 
                                        (Env.extend b kenv) tenv 
                                        context' x

                tUsed'          <- checkBind profile kenv b tUsed
                return (tUsed', vUsed)

        -- value and witness abstraction --------
        XLam _ b x
         | contextAbsBody context
         , not $ has featuresNestedFunctions
         -> throw $ ErrorUnsupported NestedFunctions

         | otherwise
         -> do  
                -- If the body isn't another lambda then remember
                -- that we've entered into a function.
                let context'
                     | isXLAM x || isXLam x = context
                     | otherwise            = setBody context

                (tUsed, vUsed)  <- compliesX profile 
                                        kenv (Env.extend b tenv)
                                        context' x

                vUsed'          <- checkBind profile tenv b vUsed
                return (tUsed, vUsed')
        -- application --------------------------
        XApp _ x1 (XType _ t2)
         | profileTypeIsUnboxed profile t2
         , Nothing      <- takeXPrimApps xx
         -> throw $ ErrorUnsupported UnboxedInstantiation

         | otherwise
         -> do  checkFunction profile x1
                compliesX     profile kenv tenv (addArg context) x1

        XApp _ x1 XWitness{}
         -> do  checkFunction profile x1
                compliesX     profile kenv tenv (addArg context) x1

        XApp _ x1 x2
         -> do  checkFunction profile x1
                (tUsed1, vUsed1) <- compliesX profile kenv tenv (addArg context) x1
                (tUsed2, vUsed2) <- compliesX profile kenv tenv context x2
                return  ( Set.union tUsed1 tUsed2
                        , Set.union vUsed1 vUsed2)

        -- let ----------------------------------
        XLet _ (LLet b1 x1) x2
         -> do  let tenv'        = Env.extend b1 tenv
                (tUsed1, vUsed1) <- compliesX profile kenv tenv  (reset context) x1
                (tUsed2, vUsed2) <- compliesX profile kenv tenv' (reset context) x2
                vUsed2'          <- checkBind profile tenv b1 vUsed2

                return  ( Set.union tUsed1 tUsed2
                        , Set.union vUsed1 vUsed2')

        XLet _ (LRec bxs) x2
         -> do  let (bs, xs)    = unzip bxs
                let tenv'       = Env.extends bs tenv

                (tUseds1, vUseds1) 
                 <- liftM unzip
                 $  mapM (compliesX profile kenv tenv' (reset context)) 

                (tUsed2,  vUsed2) <- compliesX profile kenv tenv' (reset context) x2
                let tUseds        = Set.unions (tUsed2 : tUseds1)
                let vUseds        = Set.unions (vUsed2 : vUseds1)

                vUseds'           <- checkBinds profile tenv bs vUseds
                return (tUseds, vUseds')

        XLet _ (LPrivate rs _ bs) x2
         -> do  (tUsed2, vUsed2) 
                 <- compliesX profile   (Env.extends rs  kenv) 
                                        (Env.extends bs tenv) 
                                        (reset context) x2
                return (tUsed2, vUsed2)

        -- case ---------------------------------
        XCase _ x1 alts
         -> do  (tUsed1,  vUsed1)  
                 <- compliesX profile kenv tenv (reset context) x1

                (tUseds2, vUseds2) <- liftM unzip 
                                   $  mapM (compliesX profile kenv tenv (reset context)) alts

                return  ( Set.unions $ tUsed1 : tUseds2
                        , Set.unions $ vUsed1 : vUseds2)

        -- cast ---------------------------------
        XCast _ _ x     -> compliesX profile kenv tenv (reset context) x

        -- type and witness ---------------------
        XType    _ t    -> throw $ ErrorNakedType    t
        XWitness _ w    -> throw $ ErrorNakedWitness w

instance Complies Alt where
 compliesX profile kenv tenv context aa
  = case aa of
        AAlt PDefault x
         -> do  (tUsed1, vUsed1)  <- compliesX profile kenv tenv 
                                        (reset context) x
                return  (tUsed1, vUsed1)

        AAlt (PData _ bs) x
         -> do  (tUsed1, vUsed1) <- compliesX profile kenv (Env.extends bs tenv) 
                                        (reset context) x
                vUsed1'          <- checkBinds profile tenv bs vUsed1 
                return (tUsed1, vUsed1')

-- Bind -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Check for compliance violations at a binding site.
        :: Ord n 
        => Profile n            -- ^ The current language profile.
        -> Env n                -- ^ The current environment
        -> Bind n               -- ^ The binder at this site.
        -> Set n                -- ^ Names used under the binder.
        -> CheckM a n (Set n)   -- ^ Names used above the binder.

checkBind profile env bb used
 = let has f   = f $ profileFeatures profile
   in case bb of
        BName n _
         | not $ Set.member n used
         , not $ has featuresUnusedBindings 
         -> throw $ ErrorUnusedBind n

         | Env.memberBind bb env
         , not $ has featuresNameShadowing 
         -> throw $ ErrorShadowedBind n

         | otherwise
         -> return $ Set.delete n used

         | not $ has featuresDebruijnBinders
         -> throw $ ErrorUnsupported DebruijnBinders

        _ -> return used

-- | Check for compliance violations at a binding site.
--   The binders must all be at the same level.
        :: Ord n  
        => Profile n 
        -> Env n  -> [Bind n] -> Set n 
        -> CheckM a n (Set n)

checkBinds profile env bs used
 = case bs of
        []              -> return used
        (b : bs')        
         -> do  used'   <- checkBinds profile env bs' used
                checkBind profile env b used'

-- Function -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Check the function part of an application.
checkFunction :: Profile n -> Exp a n -> CheckM a n ()
checkFunction profile xx 
 = let  has f   = f $ profileFeatures profile
        ok       = return ()
   in case xx of
        XVar{}  -> ok
        XCon{}  -> ok
        XApp{}  -> ok
        XCast{} -> ok
         | has featuresGeneralApplication -> return ()
         | otherwise    -> throw $ ErrorUnsupported GeneralApplication

-- Context --------------------------------------------------------------------
data Context
        = Context
        { contextAbsBody        :: Bool 
        , contextFunArgs        :: Maybe Int }
        deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | The top level context, used at the top-level scope of a module.
contextTop :: Context
        = Context
        { contextAbsBody        = False
        , contextFunArgs        = Nothing }

-- | Record that we've entered into an abstraction body.
setBody :: Context -> Context
setBody context = context { contextAbsBody = True }

-- | Record that the expression is being directly applied to an argument.
addArg  :: Context -> Context
addArg context
 = case contextFunArgs context of
        Nothing         -> context { contextFunArgs = Just 1 }
        Just args       -> context { contextFunArgs = Just (args + 1) }

-- | Reset the argument counter of a context.
reset   :: Context -> Context
reset context   = context { contextFunArgs = Nothing } 

-- Monad ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Compliance checking monad.
data CheckM a n x
        = CheckM (Either (Error a n) x)

instance Functor (CheckM s err) where
 fmap   = liftM

instance Applicative (CheckM s err) where
 (<*>)  = ap
 pure   = return

instance Monad (CheckM a n) where
 return x   = CheckM (Right x)
 (>>=) m f  
  = case m of
          CheckM (Left err)     -> CheckM (Left err)
          CheckM (Right x)      -> f x

-- | Throw an error in the monad.
throw :: Error a n -> CheckM a n x
throw e       = CheckM $ Left e

-- | Take the result from a check monad.
result :: CheckM a n x -> Either (Error a n) x
result (CheckM r)       = r