module DDC.Core.Lexer.Tokens
        ( -- * Tokens
          Tok      (..)
        , renameTok
        , describeTok

          -- * Meta Tokens
        , TokMeta  (..)
        , describeTokMeta

          -- * Atomic Tokens
        , TokAtom  (..)
        , describeTokAtom

          -- * Named Tokens
        , TokNamed (..)
        , describeTokNamed)
import DDC.Core.Pretty
import DDC.Core.Exp
import Control.Monad
import Data.Text                (Text)
import qualified Data.Text      as T

-- TokenFamily ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- | The family of a token.
--   This is used to help generate parser error messages,
--   so we can say ''the constructor Cons''
--             and ''the keyword case'' etc.
data TokenFamily
        = Symbol
        | Keyword
        | Constructor
        | Index
        | Literal
        | Pragma

-- | Describe a token family, for parser error messages.
describeTokenFamily :: TokenFamily -> String
describeTokenFamily tf
 = case tf of
        Symbol          -> "symbol"
        Keyword         -> "keyword"
        Constructor     -> "constructor"
        Index           -> "index"
        Literal         -> "literal"
        Pragma          -> "pragma"

-- Tok ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Tokens accepted by the core language parser.
data Tok n
        -- | Some junk symbol that isn't part of the language.
        = KErrorJunk String

        -- | The first part of an unterminated string.
        | KErrorUnterm String

        -- | Meta tokens contain out-of-band information that is eliminated
        --   before parsing proper.
        | KM    !TokMeta

        -- | Atomic tokens are keywords, punctuation and baked-in 
        --   constructor names.
        | KA    !TokAtom 

        -- | A named token that is specific to the language fragment 
        --   (maybe it's a primop), or a user defined name.
        | KN    !(TokNamed n)
        deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Apply a function to all the names in a `Tok`.
        :: Ord n2
        => (n1 -> Maybe n2) 
        -> Tok n1 
        -> Maybe (Tok n2)

renameTok f kk
 = case kk of
        KErrorJunk s 
         -> Just $ KErrorJunk s

        KErrorUnterm s
          -> Just $ KErrorUnterm s

        KM t    -> Just $ KM t
        KA t    -> Just $ KA t
        KN t    -> liftM KN $ renameTokNamed f t

-- | Describe a token for parser error messages.
describeTok :: Pretty n => Tok n -> String
describeTok kk
 = case kk of
        KErrorJunk c    -> "character " ++ show c
        KErrorUnterm _  -> "unterminated string"
        KM tm           -> describeTokMeta  tm
        KA ta           -> describeTokAtom  ta
        KN tn           -> describeTokNamed tn

-- TokMeta --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Meta tokens contain out-of-band information that is 
--   eliminated before parsing proper.
data TokMeta
        = KNewLine
        | KCommentLineStart
        | KCommentBlockStart
        | KCommentBlockEnd

        -- | This is injected by `dropCommentBlock` when it finds
        --   an unterminated block comment.
        | KCommentUnterminated

        -- | This is injected by `applyOffside` when it finds an explit close
        --   brace in a position where it would close a synthetic one.
        | KOffsideClosingBrace
        deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Describe a TokMeta, for lexer error messages.
describeTokMeta :: TokMeta -> String
describeTokMeta tm
 = case tm of
        KNewLine                -> "new line"
        KCommentLineStart       -> "comment start"
        KCommentBlockStart      -> "block comment start"
        KCommentBlockEnd        -> "block comment end"
        KCommentUnterminated    -> "unterminated block comment"
        KOffsideClosingBrace    -> "closing brace"

-- TokAtom --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Atomic tokens are keywords, punctuation and baked-in constructor names.
--   They don't contain user-defined names or primops specific to the 
--   language fragment.
data TokAtom
        -- Single char parenthesis
        = KRoundBra             -- ^ Like '('
        | KRoundKet             -- ^ Like ')'
        | KSquareBra            -- ^ Like '['
        | KSquareKet            -- ^ Like ']'
        | KBraceBra             -- ^ Like '{'
        | KBraceKet             -- ^ Like '}'

        -- Compound parenthesis
        | KSquareColonBra       -- ^ Like '[:'
        | KSquareColonKet       -- ^ Like ':]'
        | KBraceColonBra        -- ^ Like '{:'
        | KBraceColonKet        -- ^ Like ':}'

        -- Operator symbols
        -- These can be used as part of an infix operator.
        | KOp     String        -- ^ Naked operator,   like in 1 + 2.
        | KOpVar  String        -- ^ Wrapped operator, like in (+) 1 2.
        -- Operator body symbols.
        --   These can be used in an operator body, but cannot start an operator.
        -- Allowing '^' to start an operator causes problems in type signatures.
        --   We end up lexing a '^^^' operator with  '[^^^ : Int]'
        --   and a '^:' operator in                  '[^:Int]'
        | KHat

        -- Punctuation symbols.
        --   These cannot be used as part of an infix operator.
        -- Allowing '.' in an operator conflicts with trailing big-lambdas.
        --   We end up lexing './' as an operator in '\(x:Int)./\(a : Data)'
        | KDot
        | KComma           
        | KSemiColon
        | KUnderscore
        | KBackSlash
        | KEquals
        | KBar
        -- Compound symbols.
        | KBigLambdaSlash
        | KBigLambda
        | KLambda

        -- symbolic constructors
        | KArrowTilde
        | KArrowDash
        | KArrowDashLeft
        | KArrowEquals

        -- bottoms
        | KBotEffect
        | KBotClosure

        -- core keywords
        | KModule
        | KImport
        | KExport
        | KForeign
        | KType
        | KCapability
        | KValue
        | KData
        | KWith
        | KWhere
        | KIn
        | KLet
        | KLetCase
        | KLetRec
        | KPrivate
        | KExtend
        | KUsing
        | KWithRegion
        | KCase
        | KOf
        | KWeakEff
        | KWeakClo
        | KPurify
        | KForget
        | KBox
        | KRun

        -- sugar keywords
        | KDo
        | KMatch
        | KIf
        | KThen
        | KElse
        | KOtherwise

        -- debruijn indices
        | KIndex Int

        -- literal strings
        | KString Text

        -- pragmas
        | KPragma Text

        -- builtin names 
        --   sort constructors.
        | KSoConBuiltin SoCon

        --   kind constructors.
        | KKiConBuiltin KiCon

        --   witness type constructors.
        | KTwConBuiltin TwCon

        --   other builtin spec constructors.
        | KTcConBuiltin TcCon

        --   the unit data constructor.
        | KDaConUnit
        deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Describe a `TokAtom`, for parser error messages.
describeTokAtom  :: TokAtom -> String
describeTokAtom ta
 = let  (family, str)           = describeTokAtom' ta
   in   describeTokenFamily family ++ " " ++ show str

describeTokAtom' :: TokAtom -> (TokenFamily, String)
describeTokAtom' ta
 = case ta of
        -- parens
        KRoundBra               -> (Symbol, "(")
        KRoundKet               -> (Symbol, ")")
        KSquareBra              -> (Symbol, "[")
        KSquareKet              -> (Symbol, "]")
        KBraceBra               -> (Symbol, "{")
        KBraceKet               -> (Symbol, "}")
        -- compound parens
        KSquareColonBra         -> (Symbol, "[:")
        KSquareColonKet         -> (Symbol, ":]")
        KBraceColonBra          -> (Symbol, "{:")
        KBraceColonKet          -> (Symbol, ":}")

        -- operator symbols
        KOp    op               -> (Symbol, op)
        KOpVar op               -> (Symbol, "(" ++ op ++ ")")
        -- operator body symbols
        KHat                    -> (Symbol, "^")

        -- punctuation symbols
        KDot                    -> (Symbol, ".")
        KComma                  -> (Symbol, ",")
        KSemiColon              -> (Symbol, ";")
        KUnderscore             -> (Symbol, "_")

        KBackSlash              -> (Symbol, "\\")
        KLambda                 -> (Symbol, "λ")

        KBigLambdaSlash         -> (Symbol, "/\\")
        KBigLambda              -> (Symbol, "Λ")

        KEquals                 -> (Symbol, "=")
        KBar                    -> (Symbol, "|")

        -- symbolic constructors
        KArrowTilde             -> (Constructor, "~>")
        KArrowDash              -> (Constructor, "->")
        KArrowDashLeft          -> (Constructor, "<-")
        KArrowEquals            -> (Constructor, "=>")

        -- bottoms
        KBotEffect              -> (Constructor, "Pure")
        KBotClosure             -> (Constructor, "Empty")
        -- expression keywords
        KModule                 -> (Keyword, "module")
        KImport                 -> (Keyword, "import")
        KExport                 -> (Keyword, "export")
        KForeign                -> (Keyword, "foreign")
        KType                   -> (Keyword, "type")
        KCapability             -> (Keyword, "capability")
        KValue                  -> (Keyword, "value")
        KData                   -> (Keyword, "data")
        KWith                   -> (Keyword, "with")
        KWhere                  -> (Keyword, "where")
        KIn                     -> (Keyword, "in")
        KLet                    -> (Keyword, "let")
        KLetCase                -> (Keyword, "letcase")
        KLetRec                 -> (Keyword, "letrec")
        KPrivate                -> (Keyword, "private")
        KExtend                 -> (Keyword, "extend")
        KUsing                  -> (Keyword, "using")
        KWithRegion             -> (Keyword, "withregion")
        KCase                   -> (Keyword, "case")
        KOf                     -> (Keyword, "of")
        KWeakEff                -> (Keyword, "weakeff")
        KWeakClo                -> (Keyword, "weakclo")
        KPurify                 -> (Keyword, "purify")
        KForget                 -> (Keyword, "forget")
        KBox                    -> (Keyword, "box")
        KRun                    -> (Keyword, "run")

        -- sugar keywords
        KDo                     -> (Keyword, "do")
        KMatch                  -> (Keyword, "match")
        KIf                     -> (Keyword, "if")
        KThen                   -> (Keyword, "then")
        KElse                   -> (Keyword, "else")
        KOtherwise              -> (Keyword, "otherwise")

        -- debruijn indices
        KIndex  i               -> (Index,   "^" ++ show i)
        KString s               -> (Literal, show s)
        KPragma p               -> (Pragma,  "{-#" ++ T.unpack p ++ "#-}")

        -- builtin names
        KSoConBuiltin so        -> (Constructor, renderPlain $ ppr so)
        KKiConBuiltin ki        -> (Constructor, renderPlain $ ppr ki)
        KTwConBuiltin tw        -> (Constructor, renderPlain $ ppr tw)
        KTcConBuiltin tc        -> (Constructor, renderPlain $ ppr tc)
        KDaConUnit              -> (Constructor, "()")

-- TokNamed -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | A token with a user-defined name.
data TokNamed n
        = KCon n
        | KVar n
        | KLit n
        deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Describe a `TokNamed`, for parser error messages.
describeTokNamed :: Pretty n => TokNamed n -> String
describeTokNamed tn
 = case tn of
        KCon n  -> renderPlain $ text "constructor" <+> (dquotes $ ppr n)
        KVar n  -> renderPlain $ text "variable"    <+> (dquotes $ ppr n)
        KLit n  -> renderPlain $ text "literal"     <+> (dquotes $ ppr n)

-- | Apply a function to all the names in a `TokNamed`.
        :: Ord n2
        => (n1 -> Maybe n2) 
        -> TokNamed n1 
        -> Maybe (TokNamed n2)

renameTokNamed f kk
  = case kk of
        KCon c           -> liftM KCon $ f c
        KVar c           -> liftM KVar $ f c
        KLit c           -> liftM KLit $ f c