{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-unused-binds #-}
module DDC.Core.Parser.Module
import DDC.Core.Parser.Type
import DDC.Core.Parser.Exp
import DDC.Core.Parser.Context
import DDC.Core.Parser.Base
import DDC.Core.Parser.ExportSpec
import DDC.Core.Parser.ImportSpec
import DDC.Core.Parser.DataDef
import DDC.Core.Module
import DDC.Core.Lexer.Tokens
import DDC.Core.Exp.Annot
import DDC.Base.Pretty
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Map               as Map
import qualified DDC.Base.Parser        as P
import qualified Data.Text              as T

-- | Parse a core module.
pModule :: (Ord n, Pretty n) 
        => Context n
        -> Parser n (Module P.SourcePos n)
pModule c
 = do   sp      <- pTokSP KModule
        name    <- pModuleName

        -- Parse header declarations
        heads                   <- P.many (pHeadDecl c)
        let importSpecs_noArity = concat $ [specs | HeadImportSpecs specs <- heads ]
        let exportSpecs         = concat $ [specs | HeadExportSpecs specs <- heads ]
        let defsLocal           =          [def   | HeadDataDef     def   <- heads ]

        -- Attach arity information to import specs.
        --   The aritity information itself comes in the ARITY pragmas,
        --   which are parsed as separate top level things.
        let importArities
                = Map.fromList  [ (n, (iTypes, iValues, iBoxes ))
                                | HeadPragmaArity n iTypes iValues iBoxes <- heads ]

        let attachAritySpec (ImportValue n (ImportValueModule mn v t _))
                = ImportValue n (ImportValueModule mn v t (Map.lookup n importArities))

            attachAritySpec spec = spec

        let importSpecs
                = map attachAritySpec importSpecs_noArity

        -- Parse function definitions.
        --  If there is a 'with' keyword then this is a standard module with bindings.
        --  If not, then it is a module header, which doesn't need bindings.
        (lts, isHeader) 
         <- P.choice
                [ do    pTok KWith

                        -- LET;+
                        lts  <- P.sepBy1 (pLetsSP c) (pTok KIn)
                        return (lts, False)

                , do    return ([],  True) ]

        -- The body of the module consists of the top-level bindings wrapped
        -- around a unit constructor place-holder.
        let body = xLetsAnnot lts (xUnit sp)

        return  $ ModuleCore
                { moduleName            = name
                , moduleIsHeader        = isHeader
                , moduleExportTypes     = []
                , moduleExportValues    = [(n, s) | ExportValue n s <- exportSpecs]
                , moduleImportTypes     = [(n, s) | ImportType  n s <- importSpecs]
                , moduleImportCaps      = [(n, s) | ImportCap   n s <- importSpecs]
                , moduleImportValues    = [(n, s) | ImportValue n s <- importSpecs]
                , moduleImportDataDefs  = [def    | ImportData  def <- importSpecs]
                , moduleDataDefsLocal   = defsLocal
                , moduleBody            = body }

-- | Wrapper for a declaration that can appear in the module header.
data HeadDecl n
        = HeadImportSpecs  [ImportSpec  n]
        | HeadExportSpecs  [ExportSpec  n]
        | HeadDataDef      (DataDef     n)

        -- | Number of type parameters, value parameters, and boxes for some super.
        | HeadPragmaArity  n Int Int Int

-- | Parse one of the declarations that can appear in a module header.
pHeadDecl :: (Ord n, Pretty n)
          => Context n -> Parser n (HeadDecl n)

pHeadDecl ctx
 = P.choice 
        [ do    def     <- pDataDef ctx
                return  $ HeadDataDef def

        , do    imports <- pImportSpecs ctx
                return  $ HeadImportSpecs imports

        , do    exports <- pExportSpecs ctx
                return  $ HeadExportSpecs exports 

        , do    pHeadPragma ctx ]

-- | Parse one of the pragmas that can appear in the module header.
pHeadPragma :: Context n -> Parser n (HeadDecl n)
pHeadPragma ctx
 = do   (txt, sp)      <- pPragmaSP
        case words $ T.unpack txt of

         -- The type and value arity of a super.
         ["ARITY", name, strTypes, strValues, strBoxes]
          |  all isDigit strTypes
          ,  all isDigit strValues
          ,  all isDigit strBoxes
          , Just makeStringName <- contextMakeStringName ctx
          -> return $ HeadPragmaArity
                (makeStringName sp (T.pack name))
                (read strTypes) (read strValues) (read strBoxes)

         _ -> P.unexpected $ "pragma " ++ "{-# " ++ T.unpack txt ++ "#-}"