-- | Check the kind of a type.
module DDC.Type.Check
        ( Config        (..)
        , configOfProfile

          -- * Checking types.
        , checkType
        , checkTypeM

          -- * Wrappers for specific universes.
        , checkSpec
        , kindOfSpec
        , sortOfKind

          -- * Kinds of Constructors
        , takeSortOfKiCon
        , kindOfTwCon
        , kindOfTcCon
          -- * Errors
        , Error         (..)
        , ErrorData     (..))
import DDC.Type.Check.Judge.Kind
import DDC.Type.Check.Context
import DDC.Type.Check.Error
import DDC.Type.Check.ErrorMessage      ()
import DDC.Type.Check.CheckCon
import DDC.Type.Check.Config
import DDC.Type.Universe
import DDC.Type.Exp
import DDC.Base.Pretty
import DDC.Type.Pretty                   ()
import DDC.Type.Env                      (KindEnv)
import DDC.Control.Monad.Check           (evalCheck)
import qualified DDC.Type.Env            as Env

-- | Check a type in the given universe with the given environment
--   Returns the updated type and its classifier (a kind or sort),
--   depeding on the universe of the type being checked.
checkType  :: (Ord n, Show n, Pretty n)
           => Config n -> KindEnv n -> Universe -> Type n
           -> Either (Error n) (Type n, Type n)

checkType config env uni tt
 = evalCheck (0, 0)
 $ do   (t, k, _) <- checkTypeM config env emptyContext 
                        uni tt Recon
        return (t, k)

-- | Check a spec in the given environment, returning an error or its kind.
checkSpec  :: (Ord n, Show n, Pretty n) 
           => Config n -> KindEnv n -> Type n
           -> Either (Error n) (Type n, Kind n)

checkSpec config env tt 
 = evalCheck (0, 0)
 $ do   (t, k, _) <- checkTypeM config env emptyContext 
                        UniverseSpec tt Recon
        return (t, k)

-- | Check a spec in an empty environment, returning an error or its kind.
        :: (Ord n, Show n, Pretty n) 
        => Config n -> Type n 
        -> Either (Error n) (Kind n)

kindOfSpec config tt
 = evalCheck (0, 0)
 $ do   (_, k, _) <- checkTypeM config Env.empty emptyContext 
                        UniverseSpec tt Recon
        return k

-- | Check a kind in an empty environment, returning an error or its sort.
        :: (Ord n, Show n, Pretty n)
        => Config n -> Kind n
        -> Either (Error n) (Sort n)

sortOfKind config tt
 = evalCheck (0, 0)
 $ do   (_, s, _) <- checkTypeM config Env.empty emptyContext 
                        UniverseKind tt Recon
        return s