module DDC.Core.Flow.Transform.Schedule
import DDC.Core.Flow.Transform.Schedule.SeriesEnv
import DDC.Core.Flow.Transform.Schedule.Nest
import DDC.Core.Flow.Procedure
import DDC.Core.Flow.Process
import DDC.Core.Flow.Compounds
import DDC.Core.Flow.Prim
import DDC.Core.Flow.Exp
import DDC.Base.Pretty
import Control.Monad

-- | Create loops from a list of operators.
--   * The input series must all have the same rate.
scheduleProcess :: Process -> Procedure
                { processName           = name
                , processParamTypes     = psType
                , processParamValues    = psValue
                , processContexts       = contexts
                , processOperators      = ops 
                , processStmts          = stmts
                , processResultType     = tResult
                , processResult         = xResult})
  = let
        -- Create all the contexts, starting with an empty loop nest.
        Just nest1      = foldM insertContext NestEmpty contexts

        -- Schedule the series operators into the nest.
        nest2           = scheduleOperators nest1 emptySeriesEnv ops

    in  Procedure
                { procedureName         = name
                , procedureParamTypes   = psType
                , procedureParamValues  = psValue
                , procedureNest         = nest2
                , procedureStmts        = stmts
                , procedureResultType   = tResult
                , procedureResult       = xResult }

-- | Schedule some series operators into a loop nest.
        :: Nest         -- ^ The starting loop nest.
        -> SeriesEnv    -- ^ Series environment maps series binds to elem binds.
        -> [Operator]   -- ^ The operators to schedule.
        -> Nest

scheduleOperators nest0 env ops
 = case ops of
        [] -> nest0
        op : ops'     
           -> let (env', nest')   = scheduleOperator nest0 env op
              in  scheduleOperators nest' env' ops'

-- | Schedule a single series operator into a loop nest.
        :: Nest         -- ^ The current loop nest
        -> SeriesEnv    -- ^ Series environment maps series binds to elem binds.
        -> Operator     -- ^ Operator to schedule.
        -> (SeriesEnv, Nest)

scheduleOperator nest0 env op

 -- Id -------------------------------------------
 | OpId{}     <- op
 = let
        -- Get binders for the input elements.
        Just nSeries
         = takeNameOfBound (opInputSeries op)

        (uInput, env1, nest1)
         = bindNextElem nSeries
                        (opInputRate op) (opElemType op)
                        env nest0

        Just bResultElem     
         = elemBindOfSeriesBind $ opResultSeries op

        context         = ContextRate (opInputRate op)

        Just nest2      = insertBody nest1 context
                        $ [ BodyStmt bResultElem (XVar uInput) ]

   in   (env1, nest2)

 -- Create ---------------------------------------
 | OpCreate{} <- op
 = let  
        -- Get binders for the input elements.
        Just nSeries    
         = takeNameOfBound (opInputSeries op)
        (uInput, env1, nest1)
         = bindNextElem nSeries 
                        (opInputRate op) (opElemType  op)
                        env nest0

        -- Insert statements that allocate the vector.
        --  We use the type-level series rate to describe the length of
        --  the vector. This will be repalced by a RateNat value during
        --  the concretization phase.
        BName nVec _    = opResultVector op
        context         = ContextRate (opInputRate op)

        -- Rate we're using to allocate the result vector.
        --   This will be larger than the actual result series rate if we're
        --   creating a vector inside a selector context.
        Just tRateAlloc = opAllocRate op

        Just nest2      = insertStarts nest1 context
                        $ [ StartVecNew  
                                nVec                    -- allocated vector
                                (opElemType op)         -- elem type
                                tRateAlloc ]            -- allocation rate

        -- Insert statements that write the current element to the vector.
        Just nest3      = insertBody   nest2 context 
                        $ [ BodyVecWrite 
                                nVec                    -- destination vector
                                (opElemType op)         -- elem type
                                (XVar (UIx 0))          -- index
                                (XVar uInput) ]         -- value

        -- Slice the vector at the end
        Just nest4      = insertEnds   nest3 context 
                        $ [ EndVecSlice
                                nVec                    -- destination vector
                                (opElemType op)         -- elem type
                                (opInputRate op) ]      -- index

        -- But only slice it if the input rate is different to output rate
        nest'           = if   opInputRate op == tRateAlloc
                          then nest3
                          else nest4
   in   (env1, nest')

 -- Maps -----------------------------------------
 | OpMap{} <- op
 = let  
        -- Get binders for the input elements.
        Just nsSeries   = sequence $ map takeNameOfBound $ opInputSeriess op
        tsRate          = repeat (opInputRate op)
        tsElem          = map typeOfBind $ opWorkerParams op

        (usInputs, env1, nest1)    
                        = bindNextElems (zip3 nsSeries tsRate tsElem) env nest0

        -- Variables for all the input elements.
        xsInputs        = map XVar usInputs

        -- Substitute input element vars into the worker body.
        xBody           = foldl (\x (b, p) -> XApp (XLam b x) p)
                                (opWorkerBody op)
                                (zip (opWorkerParams op) xsInputs)

        -- Binder for a single result element in the series context.
        Just nResultSeries = takeNameOfBind $ opResultSeries op
        nResultElem     = NameVarMod nResultSeries "elem"
        uResultElem     = UName nResultElem

        Just bResultElem   = elemBindOfSeriesBind (opResultSeries op)

        -- Insert the expression that computes the new result into the nest.
        context         = ContextRate $ opInputRate op
        Just nest2      = insertBody nest1 context
                        $ [ BodyStmt bResultElem xBody ]

        -- Associate the variable for the result element with the result series.
        env2            = insertElemForSeries nResultSeries uResultElem env1

    in  (env2, nest2)

 -- Folds ---------------------------------------
 | OpFold{} <- op
 = let  
        -- Lookup binders for the input elements.
        Just nSeries    = takeNameOfBound (opInputSeries op)
        tRate           = opInputRate op
        tInputElem      = typeOfBind (opWorkerParamElem op)
        (uInput, env1, nest1)
                        = bindNextElem nSeries tRate tInputElem env nest0

        -- Make a name for the accumulator.
        BName nResult _ = opResultValue op
        nAcc            = NameVarMod nResult "acc"

        -- Type of the accumulator.
        tAcc            = typeOfBind (opWorkerParamAcc op)
        -- Insert statements that initialize the starting value
        --  of the accumulator.
        context         = ContextRate $ opInputRate op
        Just nest2      = insertStarts nest1 context
                        $ [ StartAcc nAcc tAcc (opZero op) ]

        -- Substitute input and accumulator vars into worker body.
        xBody           = XApp  (XApp   ( XLam (opWorkerParamElem op)
                                        $ XLam (opWorkerParamIndex op) 
                                               (opWorkerBody op))
                                        (XVar uInput))
                                (XVar (UIx 0))

        -- Insert statements that update the accumulator
        --  into the loop body.
        Just nest3      = insertBody nest2 context
                        $ [ BodyAccRead  nAcc tAcc (opWorkerParamAcc op)
                          , BodyAccWrite nAcc tAcc xBody ]
        -- Insert statements that read back the final value
        --  after the loop has finished.
        Just nest4      = insertEnds nest3 context
                        $ [ EndAcc   nResult tAcc nAcc ]
   in   (env1, nest4)

 -- Pack ----------------------------------------
 | OpPack{}     <- op
 = let  
        -- Lookup binder for the input element.
        Just nSeries    = takeNameOfBound (opInputSeries op)
        tRate           = opInputRate op
        tInputElem      = opElemType op
        (uInput, env1, nest1)
                        = bindNextElem nSeries tRate tInputElem env nest0

        -- Associate the variable for the result element with the result
        -- series. We could instead add an explicit binding, but it's 
        -- easier just to insert an entry into the series environment.
        Just nResultSeries = takeNameOfBind (opResultSeries op)
        env2               = insertElemForSeries nResultSeries uInput env1

   in   (env2, nest1)

 | otherwise
 = error $ renderIndent 
 $ vcat [ text "ddc-core-flow.scheduleOperator"
        , indent 4 $ text "Can't schedule operator."
        , indent 4 $ ppr op ]