-- | Primitive operator names.
--   The arithmetic operators are also used by the Lite language.
module DDC.Core.Salt.Name.PrimOp
        ( PrimOp        (..)
        , PrimArith     (..),   readPrimArith
        , PrimCast      (..),   readPrimCast
        , primCastPromoteIsValid
        , primCastTruncateIsValid
        , PrimStore     (..),   readPrimStore
        , PrimCall      (..),   readPrimCall
        , PrimControl   (..),   readPrimControl)
import DDC.Core.Salt.Name.PrimTyCon
import DDC.Core.Salt.Platform
import DDC.Base.Pretty
import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.Char
import Data.List

-- PrimOp ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Primitive operators implemented directly by the machine or runtime system.
data    PrimOp
        -- | Arithmetic, logic, comparison and bit-wise operators.
        = PrimArith     PrimArith

        -- | Casting between numeric types.
        | PrimCast      PrimCast

        -- | Raw store access.
        | PrimStore     PrimStore

        -- | Special function calling conventions.
        | PrimCall      PrimCall

        -- | Non-functional control flow.
        | PrimControl   PrimControl
        deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

instance NFData PrimOp where
 rnf op
  = case op of
        PrimArith pa    -> rnf pa
        PrimCast  pc    -> rnf pc
        PrimStore ps    -> rnf ps
        PrimCall  pc    -> rnf pc
        PrimControl pc  -> rnf pc

instance Pretty PrimOp where
 ppr pp
  = case pp of
        PrimArith    op -> ppr op
        PrimCast     c  -> ppr c
        PrimStore    p  -> ppr p
        PrimCall     c  -> ppr c
        PrimControl  c  -> ppr c

-- PrimArith ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Primitive arithmetic, logic, and comparison opretors.
--   We expect the backend/machine to be able to implement these directly.
--   For the Shift Right operator, the type that it is used at determines
--   whether it is an arithmetic (with sign-extension) or logical
--   (no sign-extension) shift.
data PrimArith
        -- numeric
        = PrimArithNeg  -- ^ Negation
        | PrimArithAdd  -- ^ Addition
        | PrimArithSub  -- ^ Subtraction
        | PrimArithMul  -- ^ Multiplication
        | PrimArithDiv  -- ^ Division
        | PrimArithMod  -- ^ Modulus
        | PrimArithRem  -- ^ Remainder

        -- comparison
        | PrimArithEq   -- ^ Equality
        | PrimArithNeq  -- ^ Negated Equality
        | PrimArithGt   -- ^ Greater Than
        | PrimArithGe   -- ^ Greater Than or Equal
        | PrimArithLt   -- ^ Less Than
        | PrimArithLe   -- ^ Less Than or Equal

        -- boolean
        | PrimArithAnd  -- ^ Boolean And
        | PrimArithOr   -- ^ Boolean Or

        -- bitwise
        | PrimArithShl  -- ^ Shift Left
        | PrimArithShr  -- ^ Shift Right
        | PrimArithBAnd -- ^ Bit-wise And
        | PrimArithBOr  -- ^ Bit-wise Or
        | PrimArithBXOr -- ^ Bit-wise eXclusive Or
        deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

instance NFData PrimArith

instance Pretty PrimArith where
 ppr op
  = let Just (_, n) = find (\(p, _) -> op == p) primArithNames
    in  (text n)

-- | Read a primitive operator.
readPrimArith :: String -> Maybe PrimArith
readPrimArith str
  =  case find (\(_, n) -> str == n) primArithNames of
        Just (p, _)     -> Just p
        _               -> Nothing

-- | Names of primitve operators.
primArithNames :: [(PrimArith, String)]
 =      [ (PrimArithNeg,        "neg#")
        , (PrimArithAdd,        "add#")
        , (PrimArithSub,        "sub#")
        , (PrimArithMul,        "mul#")
        , (PrimArithDiv,        "div#")
        , (PrimArithRem,        "rem#")
        , (PrimArithMod,        "mod#")
        , (PrimArithEq ,        "eq#" )
        , (PrimArithNeq,        "neq#")
        , (PrimArithGt ,        "gt#" )
        , (PrimArithGe ,        "ge#" )
        , (PrimArithLt ,        "lt#" )
        , (PrimArithLe ,        "le#" )
        , (PrimArithAnd,        "and#")
        , (PrimArithOr ,        "or#" ) 
        , (PrimArithShl,        "shl#")
        , (PrimArithShr,        "shr#")
        , (PrimArithBAnd,       "band#")
        , (PrimArithBOr,        "bor#")
        , (PrimArithBXOr,       "bxor#") ]

-- PrimCast -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Primitive cast between two types.
--   The exact set of available casts is determined by the target platform.
--   For example, you can only promote a @Nat\#@ to a @Word32\#@ on a 32-bit
--   system. On a 64-bit system the @Nat\#@ type is 64-bits wide, so casting it
--   to a @Word32\#@ would be a truncation.
data PrimCast
        -- | Promote a value to one of similar or larger width,
        --   without loss of precision.
        = PrimCastPromote

        -- | Truncate a value to a new width, 
        --   possibly losing precision.
        | PrimCastTruncate
        deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

instance NFData PrimCast

instance Pretty PrimCast where
 ppr c
  = case c of
        PrimCastPromote         -> text "promote#"
        PrimCastTruncate        -> text "truncate#"

readPrimCast :: String -> Maybe PrimCast
readPrimCast str
 = case str of
        "promote#"              -> Just PrimCastPromote
        "truncate#"             -> Just PrimCastTruncate
        _                       -> Nothing

-- | Check for a valid promotion primop.
        :: Platform     -- ^ Target platform.
        -> PrimTyCon    -- ^ Source type.
        -> PrimTyCon    -- ^ Destination type.
        -> Bool

primCastPromoteIsValid pp src dst
        -- Promote unsigned to a larger or similar width.
        | primTyConIsIntegral src, primTyConIsIntegral dst
        , primTyConIsUnsigned src, primTyConIsUnsigned dst
        , primTyConWidth pp dst >= primTyConWidth pp src
        = True

        -- Promote signed to a larger or similar width.
        | primTyConIsIntegral src, primTyConIsIntegral dst
        , primTyConIsSigned   src, primTyConIsSigned   dst
        , primTyConWidth pp dst >= primTyConWidth pp src
        = True

        -- Promote unsigned to a strictly larger unsigned width.
        | primTyConIsIntegral src, primTyConIsIntegral dst
        , primTyConIsUnsigned src, primTyConIsSigned   dst
        , primTyConWidth pp dst >  primTyConWidth pp src
        = True

        | otherwise
        = False

-- | Check for valid truncation primop.
        :: Platform     -- ^ Target platform.
        -> PrimTyCon    -- ^ Source type.
        -> PrimTyCon    -- ^ Destination type.
        -> Bool

primCastTruncateIsValid _pp src dst
        | primTyConIsIntegral src
        , primTyConIsIntegral dst
        = True

        | otherwise
        = False

-- PrimStore --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Raw access to the store.
data PrimStore
        -- Constants ------------------
        -- | Number of bytes needed to store a value of a primitive type.
        = PrimStoreSize

        -- | Log2 of number of bytes need to store a value of a primitive type.
        | PrimStoreSize2

        -- Allocation -----------------
        -- | Create a heap of the given size.
        --     This must be called before @alloc#@ below, and has global side effect. 
        --     Calling it twice in the same program is undefined.
        | PrimStoreCreate

        -- | Check whether there are at least this many bytes still available
        --   on the heap.
        | PrimStoreCheck

        -- | Force a garbage collection to recover at least this many bytes.
        | PrimStoreRecover

        -- | Allocate some space on the heap.
        --   There must be enough space available, else undefined.
        | PrimStoreAlloc

        -- Addr operations ------------
        -- | Read a value from the store at the given address and offset.
        | PrimStoreRead

        -- | Write a value to the store at the given address and offset.
        | PrimStoreWrite

        -- | Add an offset in bytes to an address.
        | PrimStorePlusAddr

        -- | Subtract an offset in bytes from an address.
        | PrimStoreMinusAddr

        -- Ptr operations -------------
        -- | Read a value from a pointer plus the given offset.
        | PrimStorePeek

        -- | Write a value to a pointer plus the given offset.
        | PrimStorePoke

        -- | Add an offset in bytes to a pointer.
        | PrimStorePlusPtr

        -- | Subtract an offset in bytes from a pointer.
        | PrimStoreMinusPtr

        -- | Convert an raw address to a pointer.
        | PrimStoreMakePtr

        -- | Convert a pointer to a raw address.
        | PrimStoreTakePtr

        -- | Cast between pointer types.
        | PrimStoreCastPtr
        deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

instance NFData PrimStore

instance Pretty PrimStore where
 ppr p
  = case p of        
        PrimStoreSize           -> text "size#"
        PrimStoreSize2          -> text "size2#"        
        PrimStoreCreate         -> text "create#"
        PrimStoreCheck          -> text "check#"
        PrimStoreRecover        -> text "recover#"
        PrimStoreAlloc          -> text "alloc#"

        PrimStoreRead           -> text "read#"
        PrimStoreWrite          -> text "write#"
        PrimStorePlusAddr       -> text "plusAddr#"
        PrimStoreMinusAddr      -> text "minusAddr#"

        PrimStorePeek           -> text "peek#"
        PrimStorePoke           -> text "poke#"
        PrimStorePlusPtr        -> text "plusPtr#"
        PrimStoreMinusPtr       -> text "minusPtr#"
        PrimStoreMakePtr        -> text "makePtr#"
        PrimStoreTakePtr        -> text "takePtr#"
        PrimStoreCastPtr        -> text "castPtr#"

readPrimStore :: String -> Maybe PrimStore
readPrimStore str
 = case str of
        "size#"                 -> Just PrimStoreSize
        "size2#"                -> Just PrimStoreSize2

        "create#"               -> Just PrimStoreCreate
        "check#"                -> Just PrimStoreCheck
        "recover#"              -> Just PrimStoreRecover
        "alloc#"                -> Just PrimStoreAlloc

        "read#"                 -> Just PrimStoreRead
        "write#"                -> Just PrimStoreWrite
        "plusAddr#"             -> Just PrimStorePlusAddr
        "minusAddr#"            -> Just PrimStoreMinusAddr

        "peek#"                 -> Just PrimStorePeek
        "poke#"                 -> Just PrimStorePoke
        "plusPtr#"              -> Just PrimStorePlusPtr
        "minusPtr#"             -> Just PrimStoreMinusPtr
        "makePtr#"              -> Just PrimStoreMakePtr
        "takePtr#"              -> Just PrimStoreTakePtr
        "castPtr#"              -> Just PrimStoreCastPtr

        _                       -> Nothing

-- PrimCall -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Primitive ways of invoking a function, 
--   where control flow returns back to the caller.
data PrimCall
        -- | Tailcall a function
        = PrimCallTail    Int
        deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

instance NFData PrimCall where
 rnf (PrimCallTail i)   = rnf i

instance Pretty PrimCall where
 ppr pc
  = case pc of
        PrimCallTail    arity
         -> text "tailcall" <> int arity <> text "#"

readPrimCall :: String -> Maybe PrimCall
readPrimCall str

        -- tailcallN#
        | Just rest     <- stripPrefix "tailcall" str
        , (ds, "#")     <- span isDigit rest
        , not $ null ds
        , n             <- read ds
        , n > 0
        = Just $ PrimCallTail n

        | otherwise
        = Nothing

-- PrimControl ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Primitive non-returning control flow.
data PrimControl
        -- | Ungraceful failure -- just abort the program.
        --   This is called on internal errors in the runtime system.
        --   There is no further debugging info provided, so you'll need to 
        --   look at the stack trace to debug it.
        = PrimControlFail

        -- | Return from the enclosing function with the given value.
        | PrimControlReturn
        deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

instance NFData PrimControl

instance Pretty PrimControl where
 ppr pc
  = case pc of
        PrimControlFail         -> text "fail#"
        PrimControlReturn       -> text "return#"

readPrimControl :: String -> Maybe PrimControl
readPrimControl str
 = case str of
        "fail#"         -> Just $ PrimControlFail
        "return#"       -> Just $ PrimControlReturn
        _               -> Nothing