ddc-core-salt- Disciplined Disciple Compiler C code generator.

Safe HaskellNone



Types of Disciple Core Salt primops.



primDataDefs :: DataDefs NameSource

Data type definitions for:

  Type                        Constructors
  ----                --------------------------
  Bool#               True# False#
  Nat#                0# 1# 2# ...
  Int#                ... -2i# -1i# 0i# 1i# 2i# ...
  Tag#                (none, convert from Nat#)
  Word{8,16,32,64}#   42w8# 123w64# ...
  Float{32,64}#       (none, convert from Int#)

primKindEnv :: Env NameSource

Kind environment containing kinds of primitive data types.

primTypeEnv :: Env NameSource

Type environment containing types of primitive operators.

typeOfPrimArith :: PrimArith -> Type NameSource

Take the type of a primitive operator.

typeOfPrimCast :: PrimCast -> Type NameSource

Take the type of a primitive cast.

typeOfPrimCall :: PrimCall -> Type NameSource

Take the type of a primitive call operator.

typeOfPrimStore :: PrimStore -> Type NameSource

Take the type of a primitive projection.

typeIsUnboxed :: Type Name -> BoolSource

Check if a type is an unboxed data type.