{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

module DDC.Core.Salt.Exp 
        ( module DDC.Core.Exp.Generic.Exp
        , FromAnnot (..)
        , ErrorFromAnnot (..)

        , Annot, Bind, Bound, Prim
        , Exp, Abs, Arg, Lets, Alt, Pat, Cast, Witness, WiCon
        , Type)
import DDC.Core.Exp.Generic.Exp
import qualified DDC.Core.Exp.Generic.Exp       as G
import qualified DDC.Core.Salt.Name             as A
import qualified DDC.Core.Exp.Annot.Exp         as N
import qualified DDC.Type.Exp                   as C

-- Type synonyms for the Salt fragment.
type instance GAnnot A.Name  = ()
type instance GBind  A.Name  = C.Bind  A.Name
type instance GBound A.Name  = C.Bound A.Name
type instance GPrim  A.Name  = A.PrimOp

type Annot      = GAnnot    A.Name
type Bind       = GBind     A.Name
type Bound      = GBound    A.Name
type Prim       = GPrim     A.Name
type Exp        = GExp      A.Name
type Abs        = GAbs      A.Name
type Arg        = GArg      A.Name
type Lets       = GLets     A.Name
type Alt        = GAlt      A.Name
type Pat        = GPat      A.Name
type Cast       = GCast     A.Name
type Witness    = GWitness  A.Name
type WiCon      = GWiCon    A.Name

type Type       = C.Type    A.Name

-- | Convert annotated version of the Core language to the Salt fragment.
class FromAnnot c1 c2 | c1 -> c2 where
 fromAnnot :: c1 -> Either ErrorFromAnnot c2

-- | Things that can go wrong when converting Salt code.
data ErrorFromAnnot
        -- | Found a type that isn't part of a function application.
        = ErrorFromAnnotFoundNakedType

        -- | Found a witness that isn't part of a function application.
        | ErrorFromAnnotFoundNakedWitness

instance FromAnnot (N.Exp a A.Name) Exp where
 fromAnnot xx
  = case xx of
        N.XVar  _ (C.UPrim (A.NamePrimVal (A.PrimValOp op)) _)
         -> G.XPrim <$> pure op

        N.XVar  _ u
         -> G.XVar  <$> fromAnnot u

        N.XCon  _ c
         -> G.XCon  <$> fromAnnot c

        N.XLAM  _ b x
         -> G.XAbs  <$> (G.ALAM <$> fromAnnot b) <*> fromAnnot x

        N.XLam  _ b x
         -> G.XAbs  <$> (G.ALam <$> fromAnnot b) <*> fromAnnot x

        N.XApp  _ x1 (N.XType _ t) 
         -> G.XApp  <$> fromAnnot x1  <*> (G.RType    <$> fromAnnot t)

        N.XApp  _ x1 (N.XWitness _ w)
         -> G.XApp  <$> fromAnnot x1  <*> (G.RWitness <$> fromAnnot w)    

        N.XApp  _ x1 x2         
         -> G.XApp  <$> fromAnnot x1  <*> (G.RExp     <$> fromAnnot x2)

        N.XLet  _ lts x
         -> G.XLet  <$> fromAnnot lts <*> fromAnnot x

        N.XCase _ x alts
         -> G.XCase <$> fromAnnot x   <*> fromAnnots alts

        N.XCast _ c x
         -> G.XCast <$> fromAnnot c   <*> fromAnnot x

         -> Left $ ErrorFromAnnotFoundNakedType

         -> Left $ ErrorFromAnnotFoundNakedWitness

instance FromAnnot (N.Lets a A.Name) Lets where
 fromAnnot lts
  = case lts of
        N.LLet u x
         -> G.LLet     <$> fromAnnot u <*> fromAnnot x

        N.LRec bxs
         -> G.LRec     <$> (sequence $ fmap fromAnnot2 bxs)

        N.LPrivate rs mt wt     
         -> G.LPrivate <$> fromAnnots rs <*> fromAnnotM mt <*> fromAnnots wt

instance FromAnnot (N.Alt a A.Name) Alt where
 fromAnnot aa
  = case aa of
        N.AAlt w x              -> G.AAlt <$> fromAnnot w <*> fromAnnot x

instance FromAnnot (N.Pat A.Name) Pat where
 fromAnnot pp
  = case pp of
        N.PDefault              -> pure G.PDefault
        N.PData dc bs           -> G.PData <$> pure dc <*> fromAnnots bs

instance FromAnnot (N.Cast a A.Name) Cast where
 fromAnnot cc
  = case cc of
        N.CastWeakenEffect t    -> G.CastWeakenEffect <$> pure t
        N.CastPurify w          -> G.CastPurify       <$> fromAnnot w
        N.CastBox               -> pure G.CastBox
        N.CastRun               -> pure G.CastRun

instance FromAnnot (N.Witness a A.Name) Witness where
 fromAnnot ww
  = case ww of
        N.WVar  _ u             -> G.WVar  <$> pure u
        N.WCon  _ wc            -> G.WCon  <$> fromAnnot wc
        N.WApp  _ w1 w2         -> G.WApp  <$> fromAnnot w1 <*> fromAnnot w2
        N.WType _ t             -> G.WType <$> pure t

instance FromAnnot (N.DaCon A.Name) (N.DaCon A.Name)  where
 fromAnnot dc   = pure dc

instance FromAnnot (N.WiCon A.Name) WiCon where
 fromAnnot ww
  = case ww of
        N.WiConBound u t        -> G.WiConBound <$> pure u <*> pure t

instance FromAnnot (C.Type A.Name) (C.Type A.Name) where
 fromAnnot tt   = pure tt

instance FromAnnot (N.Bind A.Name) (C.Bind A.Name) where
 fromAnnot bb   = pure bb

instance FromAnnot (N.Bound A.Name) (C.Bound A.Name) where
 fromAnnot uu   = pure uu

fromAnnot2 (x, y)
 = (,) <$> fromAnnot x <*> fromAnnot y

fromAnnots xs
 = sequence $ fmap fromAnnot xs

fromAnnotM Nothing      = pure Nothing
fromAnnotM (Just x)     = Just <$> fromAnnot x