-- | Application of simplifiers to modules and expressions. module DDC.Core.Simplifier.Apply ( applySimplifier , applyTransform , applySimplifierX , applyTransformX) where import DDC.Base.Pretty import DDC.Core.Module import DDC.Core.Exp import DDC.Core.Fragment import DDC.Core.Simplifier.Base import DDC.Core.Transform.AnonymizeX import DDC.Core.Transform.Snip as Snip import DDC.Core.Transform.Flatten import DDC.Core.Transform.Beta import DDC.Core.Transform.Eta as Eta import DDC.Core.Transform.Prune import DDC.Core.Transform.Forward as Forward import DDC.Core.Transform.Bubble import DDC.Core.Transform.Inline import DDC.Core.Transform.Namify import DDC.Core.Transform.Rewrite import DDC.Core.Transform.Elaborate import DDC.Type.Env (KindEnv, TypeEnv) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Control.Monad.State.Strict import qualified DDC.Base.Pretty as P import qualified Data.Set as Set -- Modules -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Apply a simplifier to a module. -- -- The state monad can be used by `Namifier` functions to generate fresh names. -- applySimplifier :: (Show a, Ord n, Show n, Pretty n) => Profile n -- ^ Profile of language we're working in -> KindEnv n -- ^ Kind environment -> TypeEnv n -- ^ Type environment -> Simplifier s a n -- ^ Simplifier to apply -> Module a n -- ^ Module to simplify -> State s (TransformResult (Module a n)) applySimplifier !profile !kenv !tenv !spec !mm = let down = applySimplifier profile kenv tenv in case spec of Seq t1 t2 -> do tm <- down t1 mm tm' <- down t2 (result tm) let info = case (resultInfo tm, resultInfo tm') of (TransformInfo i1, TransformInfo i2) -> SeqInfo i1 i2 let again = resultAgain tm || resultAgain tm' let progress = resultProgress tm || resultProgress tm' return TransformResult { result = result tm' , resultAgain = again , resultProgress = progress , resultInfo = TransformInfo info } Fix i s -> do tm <- applyFixpoint profile kenv tenv i s mm let info = case resultInfo tm of TransformInfo info1 -> FixInfo i info1 return TransformResult { result = result tm , resultAgain = resultAgain tm , resultProgress = resultProgress tm , resultInfo = TransformInfo info } Trans t1 -> applyTransform profile kenv tenv t1 mm -- | Apply a transform until it stops progressing, or a maximum number of times applyFixpoint :: (Show a, Ord n, Show n, Pretty n) => Profile n -- ^ Profile of language we're working in -> KindEnv n -- ^ Kind environment -> TypeEnv n -- ^ Type environment -> Int -- ^ Maximum number of times to apply -> Simplifier s a n -- ^ Transform to apply. -> Module a n -- ^ Module to simplify. -> State s (TransformResult (Module a n)) applyFixpoint !profile !kenv !tenv !i' !spec !mm' = go i' mm' False where simp = applySimplifier profile kenv tenv spec go 0 mm progress = do tm <- simp mm return tm { resultProgress = progress } go i mm progress = do tm <- simp mm case resultAgain tm of False -> return tm { resultProgress = progress } True -> do tm' <- go (i-1) (result tm) True let info = case (resultInfo tm, resultInfo tm') of (TransformInfo i1, TransformInfo i2) -> SeqInfo i1 i2 return TransformResult { result = result tm' , resultAgain = resultProgress tm' , resultProgress = resultProgress tm' , resultInfo = TransformInfo info } -- | Apply a transform to a module. applyTransform :: (Show a, Ord n, Show n, Pretty n) => Profile n -- ^ Profile of language we're working in -> KindEnv n -- ^ Kind environment -> TypeEnv n -- ^ Type environment -> Transform s a n -- ^ Transform to apply. -> Module a n -- ^ Module to simplify. -> State s (TransformResult (Module a n)) applyTransform !profile !_kenv !_tenv !spec !mm = let res x = return $ resultDone (show $ ppr spec) x in case spec of Id -> res mm Anonymize -> res $ anonymizeX mm Snip config -> res $ snip config mm Flatten -> res $ flatten mm Beta config -> return $ betaReduce profile config mm Eta config -> return $ Eta.etaModule profile config mm Forward -> let config = Forward.Config (const FloatAllow) False in return $ forwardModule profile config mm Bubble -> res $ bubbleModule mm Namify namK namT -> namifyUnique namK namT mm >>= res Inline getDef -> res $ inline getDef Set.empty mm Rewrite rules -> res $ rewriteModule rules mm Prune -> res $ pruneModule profile mm Elaborate -> res $ elaborateModule mm -- Expressions ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Apply a simplifier to an expression. -- -- The state monad can be used by `Namifier` functions to generate fresh names. -- applySimplifierX :: (Show a, Show n, Ord n, Pretty n) => Profile n -- ^ Profile of language we're working in -> KindEnv n -- ^ Kind environment -> TypeEnv n -- ^ Type environment -> Simplifier s a n -- ^ Simplifier to apply -> Exp a n -- ^ Expression to simplify -> State s (TransformResult (Exp a n)) applySimplifierX !profile !kenv !tenv !spec !xx = let down = applySimplifierX profile kenv tenv in case spec of Seq t1 t2 -> do tx <- down t1 xx tx' <- down t2 (result tx) let info = case (resultInfo tx, resultInfo tx') of (TransformInfo i1, TransformInfo i2) -> SeqInfo i1 i2 let again = resultAgain tx || resultAgain tx' let progress = resultProgress tx || resultProgress tx' return TransformResult { result = result tx' , resultAgain = again , resultProgress = progress , resultInfo = TransformInfo info } Fix i s -> do tx <- applyFixpointX profile kenv tenv i s xx let info = case resultInfo tx of TransformInfo info1 -> FixInfo i info1 return TransformResult { result = result tx , resultAgain = resultAgain tx , resultProgress = resultProgress tx , resultInfo = TransformInfo info } Trans t1 -> applyTransformX profile kenv tenv t1 xx -- | Apply a simplifier until it stops progressing, or a maximum number of times applyFixpointX :: (Show a, Show n, Ord n, Pretty n) => Profile n -- ^ Profile of language we're working in -> KindEnv n -- ^ Kind environment -> TypeEnv n -- ^ Type environment -> Int -- ^ Maximum number of times to apply -> Simplifier s a n -- ^ Simplifier to apply. -> Exp a n -- ^ Exp to simplify. -> State s (TransformResult (Exp a n)) applyFixpointX !profile !kenv !tenv !i' !s !xx' = go i' xx' False where simp = applySimplifierX profile kenv tenv s go 0 xx progress = do tx <- simp xx return tx { resultProgress = progress } go i xx progress = do tx <- simp xx case resultAgain tx of False -> return tx { resultProgress = progress } True -> do tx' <- go (i-1) (result tx) True let info = case (resultInfo tx, resultInfo tx') of (TransformInfo i1, TransformInfo i2) -> SeqInfo i1 i2 return TransformResult { result = result tx' , resultAgain = resultProgress tx' , resultProgress = resultProgress tx' , resultInfo = TransformInfo info } -- | Result of applying two simplifiers in sequence. data SeqInfo = forall i1 i2 . (Typeable i1, Typeable i2, Pretty i1, Pretty i2) => SeqInfo i1 i2 deriving Typeable instance Pretty SeqInfo where ppr (SeqInfo i1 i2) = ppr i1 P.<> text ";" <$> ppr i2 -- | Result of applying a simplifier until we reach a fixpoint. data FixInfo = forall i1 . (Typeable i1, Pretty i1) => FixInfo Int i1 deriving Typeable instance Pretty FixInfo where ppr (FixInfo num i1) = text "fix" <+> int num P.<> text ":" <$> indent 4 (ppr i1) -- | Apply a single transform to an expression. applyTransformX :: (Show a, Show n, Ord n, Pretty n) => Profile n -- ^ Profile of language we're working in -> KindEnv n -- ^ Kind environment -> TypeEnv n -- ^ Type environment -> Transform s a n -- ^ Transform to apply. -> Exp a n -- ^ Exp to transform. -> State s (TransformResult (Exp a n)) applyTransformX !profile !kenv !tenv !spec !xx = let res x = return $ resultDone (show $ ppr spec) x in case spec of Id -> res xx Anonymize -> res $ anonymizeX xx Snip config -> res $ snip config xx Flatten -> res $ flatten xx Inline getDef -> res $ inline getDef Set.empty xx Beta config -> return $ betaReduce profile config xx Eta config -> return $ Eta.etaX profile config kenv tenv xx Prune -> return $ pruneX profile kenv tenv xx Forward -> let config = Forward.Config (const FloatAllow) False in return $ forwardX profile config xx Bubble -> res $ bubbleX kenv tenv xx Namify namK namT -> namifyUnique namK namT xx >>= res Rewrite rules -> return $ rewriteX rules xx Elaborate{} -> res $ elaborateX xx