-- | Thread a state token through calls to given functions.
--   * Program is a-normalized and fully named.
module DDC.Core.Transform.Thread
        ( Thread (..)
        , Config (..)
        , injectStateType)
import DDC.Core.Compounds
import DDC.Core.Module
import DDC.Core.Exp
import DDC.Base.Pretty
import DDC.Core.Transform.Reannotate
import DDC.Core.Check           (AnTEC (..))
import DDC.Type.Env             (KindEnv, TypeEnv)
import qualified DDC.Type.Env   as Env
import qualified DDC.Core.Check as Check

-- | Configuration for the Thread transform.
data Config a n
        = Config
        { -- | Config for the type checker.
          --   We need to reconstruct the type of the result of stateful
          --   functions when bundling them into the tuple that holds the 
          --   state token.
          configCheckConfig     :: Check.Config n

          -- | Function to decide which top-level bindings are stateful and
          --   need the state token threaded through them. If the binding with
          --   the given name is stateful then the function should return the
          --   new type for the binding that accepts and returns the state token.
        , configThreadMe        :: n -> Type n -> Maybe (Type n) 

          -- | Type of the state token to use.
        , configTokenType       :: Type n

          -- | Type that represents a missing value.
          --   If a stateful function returns a void then our thread transform
          --   rewrites it to return the state token, instead of a tuple
          --   that contains the token as well as a void value.
        , configVoidType        :: Type n

          -- | Wrap a type with the world token.
          --   eg change Int to (World#, Int)
        , configWrapResultType  :: Type n -> Type n

          -- | Wrap a result expression with the state token.
          --   The function is given the types of the world token and result,
          --   then the expressions for the same.
        , configWrapResultExp   :: Exp (AnTEC a n) n  -> Exp (AnTEC a n) n 
                                -> Exp a n

          -- | Make a pattern which binds the world argument
          --   from a threaded primop.
        , configThreadPat       :: n -> Maybe (Bind n -> [Bind n] -> Pat n)

-- | Class of things that can have a state token threaded through them.
class Thread (c :: * -> * -> *) where
 thread :: (Ord n, Show n, Pretty n)
        => Config a n 
        -> KindEnv n -> TypeEnv n 
        -> c (AnTEC a n) n     
        -> c a n

instance Thread Module where
 thread config kenv tenv mm
  = let body'   = threadModuleBody config kenv tenv (moduleBody mm) 
    in  mm { moduleBody = body' }

-- | Keeps track of which recursive functions we're inside.
data Context n
        -- | We're in the body of an effectful recursive function.
        = ContextRec n

        -- | This effectful function in the context had a world token threaded
        --   through it, but we're not in its body.
        | ContextFun n
        deriving Eq

-- Module ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Thread state token though a module body.
--   We assume every top-level binding is a stateful function
--   that needs to accept and return the state token.
        :: (Ord n, Show n, Pretty n)
        => Config a n 
        -> KindEnv n -> TypeEnv n
        -> Exp (AnTEC a n) n   
        -> Exp a n

threadModuleBody config kenv tenv xx
 = case xx of
        XLet a lts x
         -> let lts'       = threadTopLets    config kenv tenv lts
                (bks, bts) = bindsOfLets lts
                kenv'      = Env.extends bks kenv
                tenv'      = Env.extends bts tenv
                x'         = threadModuleBody config kenv' tenv' x
            in  XLet (annotTail a) lts' x'

        _ -> reannotate annotTail xx

-- | Thread state token through some top-level bindings in a module.
        :: (Ord n, Show n, Pretty n)
        => Config a n 
        -> KindEnv n -> TypeEnv n
        -> Lets (AnTEC a n) n  
        -> Lets a n

threadTopLets config kenv tenv lts
 = case lts of
        LLet b x
         -> let (b', x')  = threadTopBind config [] kenv tenv b x
            in  LLet b' x'

        LRec bxs
         -> let tenv'     =   Env.extends (map fst bxs) tenv
                bxs'      = [ threadTopBind config [ContextRec n] kenv tenv' b x 
                                | (b, x) <- bxs
                                , let BName n _ = b ]
            in  LRec bxs'

        _ -> reannotate annotTail lts

-- TopBind ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Thread state token into a top-level binding.
--   We assume every top-level binding is stateful function that needs to
--   accept and return the state token.
--   We inject the world type into the type of the function and then call
--   threadBind which will add the actual lambda for the new argument.
        :: (Ord n, Show n, Pretty n)
        => Config a n
        -> [Context n]
        -> KindEnv n -> TypeEnv n
        ->  Bind n   -> Exp (AnTEC a n) n
        -> (Bind n,     Exp a n)

threadTopBind config context kenv tenv b xBody
 = let  tBind   = typeOfBind b
        tBind'  = injectStateType config tBind
        b'      = replaceTypeOfBind tBind' b
        tenv'   = Env.extend b' tenv
        tsArgs  = fst $ takeTFunAllArgResult tBind'
   in   ( b'
        , threadProc config context kenv tenv' xBody tsArgs)

-- Arg ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Thread state token into an argument expression.
--   If it is a syntactic function then we assume the function is stateful
--   and needs the state token added, otherwise return it unharmed.
        :: (Ord n, Show n, Pretty n)
        => Config a n
        -> [Context n]
        -> KindEnv n -> TypeEnv n
        -> Type n    -> Exp (AnTEC a n) n
        -> Exp a n

threadArg config context kenv tenv t xx
 = case xx of
        XLam{}  -> threadProcArg config context kenv tenv t xx
        XLAM{}  -> threadProcArg config context kenv tenv t xx
        _       -> reannotate annotTail xx

threadProcArg config context kenv tenv t xx
 = let  tsArgs  = fst $ takeTFunAllArgResult t
   in   threadProc config context kenv tenv xx tsArgs

-- Proc -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Thread world token into the body of a stateful function (procedure).
        :: (Ord n, Show n, Pretty n)
        => Config a n
        -> [Context n]
        -> KindEnv n -> TypeEnv n
        -> Exp (AnTEC a n) n    -- Whole expression, including lambdas.
        -> [Type n]             -- Types of function parameters.
        -> Exp a n

-- We're out of parameters. 
--  Now thread into the statements in the function body.
threadProc config context kenv tenv xx []
 = threadProcBody config context kenv tenv xx

-- We're still decending past all the lambdas.
--  When we get to the inner-most one then add the state parameter.
threadProc config context kenv tenv xx (t : tsArgs)
 = case xx of
        XLAM a b x
          -> let kenv'  = Env.extend b kenv
                 x'     = threadProc config context kenv' tenv x tsArgs
             in  XLAM (annotTail a) b x'

        XLam a b x      
          -> let tenv'  = Env.extend b tenv
                 x'     = threadProc config context kenv tenv' x tsArgs
             in  XLam (annotTail a) b x'

        -- Inject a new lambda to bind the state parameter.
        _ |  a          <- annotOfExp xx
          ,  t == configTokenType config 
          -> let b'     = BAnon (configTokenType config)
                 tenv'  = Env.extend b' tenv
                 x'     = threadProc config context kenv tenv' xx tsArgs
             in  XLam (annotTail a) b' x'

        -- We've decended past all the lambdas,
        -- so now thread into the procedure body.
        _ -> threadProcBody config context kenv tenv xx

-- | Thread world token into the body of a procedure,
--   after we've decended past all the lambdas.
        :: (Ord n, Show n, Pretty n)
        => Config a n 
        -> [Context n]
        -> KindEnv n -> TypeEnv n
        -> Exp (AnTEC a n) n   
        -> Exp a n

threadProcBody config context kenv tenv xx
 = case xx of
        -- Recursive let bindings in a procedure body.
        -- These will be local loops.
        XLet a (LRec bxs) x2
         -> let bxs'    = [threadTopBind config 
                                (context ++ [ContextRec n]) 
                                kenv tenv b x
                                | (b, x)        <- bxs 
                                , let BName n _ = b ]

                tenv'   = Env.extends (map fst bxs) tenv

                x2'     = threadProcBody config 
                                (context ++ [ContextFun n 
                                                | (b, _x)  <- bxs
                                                , let BName n _ = b ])
                                kenv tenv' x2
            in  XLet (annotTail a) (LRec bxs') x2'

        -- A statement in the procedure body.
        XLet _ (LLet b x) x2
         |  Just (XVar a u, xsArgs) <- takeXApps x
         ,  Just n       <- takeNameOfBound u
         ,  Just tOld    <- Env.lookup u tenv
         ,  Just tNew    <- configThreadMe  config n tOld
         ,  Just mkPat   <- configThreadPat config n
         -> let 
                tWorld  = configTokenType config

                -- Add world token as final argument 
                xsArgs' = xsArgs ++ [XVar a (UIx 0)]

                -- Thread into possibly higher order arguments.
                tsArgs   = fst $ takeTFunAllArgResult tNew
                xsArgs'' = zipWith (threadArg config context kenv tenv) tsArgs xsArgs'

                -- Build the final expression.
                u'      = replaceTypeOfBound tNew u
                x'      = xApps (annotTail a) (XVar (annotTail a) u') xsArgs''

                -- Thread into let-expression body.
                tenv'   = Env.extend b tenv
                x2'     = threadProcBody config context kenv tenv' x2
                pat'    = mkPat (BAnon tWorld) [b]
            in  XCase (annotTail a) x' [AAlt pat' x2']

        -- Let bound effectful function.
        -- Needs to be converted to a 'case'.
        XLet a (LLet b x1) x2
         | Just (XVar _ (UName n), _xsArgs) <- takeXApps x1
         , elem (ContextFun n) context
         , Just mkPat   <- configThreadPat config n
         -> let 
                tWorld  = configTokenType config
                a'      = annotTail a
                x1'     = XApp a' (reannotate annotTail x1) (XVar a' (UIx 0))
                x2'     = threadProcBody config context kenv tenv x2
                pat'    = mkPat (BAnon tWorld) [b]

            in  XCase (annotTail a) x1' [AAlt pat' x2']

        -- A pure binding that doesn't need the token.
        XLet a lts x
         -> let (bks, bts) = bindsOfLets lts
                kenv'   = Env.extends bks kenv
                tenv'   = Env.extends bts tenv
                lts'    = reannotate annotTail lts
                x'      = threadProcBody config context kenv' tenv' x
            in  XLet (annotTail a) lts' x'

        -- Case of an effectful function.
        XCase a xScrut [AAlt (PData _dc bs) xBody]
         | Just ((XVar _ (UName n), _xsArgs)) <- takeXApps xScrut
         , elem (ContextFun n) context
         , Just mkPat   <- configThreadPat config n
         -> let 
                a'      = annotTail a
                tWorld  = configTokenType config
                xScrut' = XApp a' (reannotate annotTail xScrut) (XVar a' (UIx 0))
                pat'    = mkPat (BAnon tWorld) bs
                alt'    = threadAlt config context kenv tenv 
                                (AAlt pat' xBody)

            in  XCase (annotTail a) xScrut' [alt']

        -- Pure case. 
        XCase a x alts
         -> let alts' = map (threadAlt config context kenv tenv) alts
                x'    = reannotate annotTail x
            in  XCase (annotTail a) x' alts'

        -- We shouldn't see these things in a proc body.
        XLAM{}          -> error "ddc-core-simpl.Thread: unexpected XLAM"
        XLam{}          -> error "ddc-core-simpl.Thread: unexpected XLam"
        XCast{}         -> error "ddc-core-simpl.Thread: unexpected cast."

        XType a t       
         -> XType    (annotTail a) t
        XWitness a w      
         -> XWitness (annotTail a) (reannotate annotTail w)

        -- Tailcalls
        XApp a _ _
         | Just ((XVar _ (UName n), _xsArgs)) <- takeXApps xx
         , elem (ContextRec n) context
         -> let a'      = annotTail a
            in  XApp a' (reannotate annotTail xx)
                        (XVar a' (UIx 0))

        -- For XVar, XCon, XApp as result value of function.
         -- Otherwise wrap the returned value with a tuple holding
         -- the world.
         | otherwise
         -> let a       = annotOfExp xx
                a'      = AnTEC (configTokenType config) 
                                (tBot kEffect) 
                                (tBot kClosure)
                                (annotTail a)

                xWorld  = XVar a' (UIx 0)
                wrap    = configWrapResultExp config
            in  wrap xWorld xx

-- | Thread world token into a case alternative
        :: (Ord n, Show n, Pretty n)
        => Config a n 
        -> [Context n]
        -> KindEnv n -> TypeEnv n
        -> Alt (AnTEC a n) n   
        -> Alt a n

threadAlt config context kenv tenv (AAlt pat xx)
 = case pat of
         ->     AAlt pat (threadProcBody config context kenv tenv xx)

        PData _ bs
         -> let tenv' = Env.extends bs tenv
            in  AAlt pat (threadProcBody config context kenv tenv' xx)

-- | Inject the state token into the type of an effectful function.
--   Eg, change  ([a b : Data]. a -> b -> Int) 
--          to   ([a b : Data]. a -> b -> World -> (World, Int)
injectStateType :: Eq n => Config a n -> Type n -> Type n
injectStateType config tt
 = let down = injectStateType config
   in case tt of
        TForall b x     
         -> TForall b (down x)

         | (tsArg@(_ : _), tResult)     <- takeTFunArgResult tt
         -> let  tsArg'   = tsArg ++ [configTokenType config]
                 tResult' = injectStateType config tResult
            in   foldr tFunPE tResult' tsArg'

        _ | tt == configTokenType config -> tt
          | tt == configVoidType  config -> configTokenType config
          | otherwise                    -> configWrapResultType config tt