module DDC.Core.Tetra.Env
        ( primDataDefs
        , primSortEnv
        , primKindEnv
        , primTypeEnv)
import DDC.Core.Tetra.Prim
import DDC.Core.Tetra.Compounds
import DDC.Type.DataDef
import DDC.Type.Exp
import DDC.Type.Env             (Env)
import qualified DDC.Type.Env   as Env

-- DataDefs -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Data type definitions 
-- >  Type                         Constructors
-- >  ----                ------------------------------
-- >  Bool                True False
-- >  Nat                 0 1 2 ...
-- >  Int                 ... -2i -1i 0i 1i 2i ...
-- >  Word{8,16,32,64}#   42w8 123w64 ...
primDataDefs :: DataDefs Name
 = fromListDataDefs
        -- Primitive -----------------------------------------------
        -- Bool#
  $     [ makeDataDefAlg (NamePrimTyCon PrimTyConBool) 
                (Just   [ (NameLitBool True,  []) 
                        , (NameLitBool False, []) ])

        -- Nat#
        , makeDataDefAlg (NamePrimTyCon PrimTyConNat)       [] Nothing

        -- Int#
        , makeDataDefAlg (NamePrimTyCon PrimTyConInt)       [] Nothing

        -- WordN#
        , makeDataDefAlg (NamePrimTyCon (PrimTyConWord 64)) [] Nothing
        , makeDataDefAlg (NamePrimTyCon (PrimTyConWord 32)) [] Nothing
        , makeDataDefAlg (NamePrimTyCon (PrimTyConWord 16)) [] Nothing
        , makeDataDefAlg (NamePrimTyCon (PrimTyConWord 8))  [] Nothing

        -- Ref#
        , makeDataDefAbs (NameTyConTetra TyConTetraRef) []

        -- Tuple
        -- Hard-code maximum tuple arity to 32.
        -- We don't have a way of avoiding the upper bound.
 ++     [ makeTupleDataDef arity
                | arity <- [2..32] ]

-- | Make a tuple data def for the given tuple arity.
makeTupleDataDef :: Int -> DataDef Name
makeTupleDataDef n
        = makeDataDefAlg
                (NameTyConTetra (TyConTetraTuple n))
                (replicate n (BAnon kData))
                (Just   [ ( NameDaConTetra (DaConTetraTuple n)
                          , (reverse [tIx kData i | i <- [0..n - 1]]))])

-- Sorts ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Sort environment containing sorts of primitive kinds.
primSortEnv :: Env Name
primSortEnv  = Env.setPrimFun sortOfPrimName Env.empty

-- | Take the sort of a primitive kind name.
sortOfPrimName :: Name -> Maybe (Sort Name)
sortOfPrimName _ = Nothing

-- Kinds ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Kind environment containing kinds of primitive data types.
primKindEnv :: Env Name
primKindEnv = Env.setPrimFun kindOfPrimName Env.empty

-- | Take the kind of a primitive name.
--   Returns `Nothing` if the name isn't primitive. 
kindOfPrimName :: Name -> Maybe (Kind Name)
kindOfPrimName nn
 = case nn of
        NameTyConTetra tc       -> Just $ kindTyConTetra tc
        NamePrimTyCon tc        -> Just $ kindPrimTyCon tc
        _                       -> Nothing

-- Types ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Type environment containing types of primitive operators.
primTypeEnv :: Env Name
primTypeEnv = Env.setPrimFun typeOfPrimName Env.empty

-- | Take the type of a name,
--   or `Nothing` if this is not a value name.
typeOfPrimName :: Name -> Maybe (Type Name)
typeOfPrimName dc
 = case dc of
        NameDaConTetra p        -> Just $ typeDaConTetra p
        NameOpStore    p        -> Just $ typeOpStore    p
        NamePrimArith  p        -> Just $ typePrimArith  p
        NamePrimCast   p        -> Just $ typePrimCast   p

        NameLitBool _           -> Just $ tBool
        NameLitNat  _           -> Just $ tNat
        NameLitInt  _           -> Just $ tInt
        NameLitWord _ bits      -> Just $ tWord bits

        _                       -> Nothing