module DDC.War.Create.CreateTestDS (create) where import DDC.War.Create.Way import DDC.War.Driver import System.FilePath import Data.List import DDC.War.Job () import Data.Set (Set) import qualified DDC.War.Job.CompileDS as CompileDS import qualified DDC.War.Job.Diff as Diff import qualified Data.Set as Set -- | Compile Test.ds files. create :: Way -> Set FilePath -> FilePath -> Maybe Chain create way allFiles filePath | isSuffixOf ".ds" filePath = let fileName = takeFileName filePath sourceDir = takeDirectory filePath buildDir = sourceDir "war-" ++ wayName way testName = filePath mainDS = sourceDir "Main.ds" mainSH = sourceDir "" testErrorCheck = sourceDir replaceExtension fileName ".error.check" testCompStdout = buildDir replaceExtension fileName ".compile.stdout" testCompStderr = buildDir replaceExtension fileName ".compile.stderr" testCompDiff = buildDir replaceExtension fileName ".compile.stderr.diff" shouldSucceed = not $ Set.member testErrorCheck allFiles -- Compile the .ds file compile = jobOfSpec (JobId testName (wayName way)) $ CompileDS.Spec filePath (wayOptsComp way) ["-M50M"] buildDir testCompStdout testCompStderr Nothing shouldSucceed diffError = jobOfSpec (JobId testName (wayName way)) $ Diff.Spec testErrorCheck testCompStderr testCompDiff in -- Don't do anything if there is a Main.ds here. -- This other .ds file is probably a part of a larger program. if Set.member mainDS allFiles || Set.member mainSH allFiles then Nothing else Just $ Chain $ [compile] ++ (if shouldSucceed then [] else [diffError]) | otherwise = Nothing