module DDC.War.Option (parseOptions) where import DDC.War.Create.Way import DDC.War.Config import Data.Char import DDC.War.Task.Test as T import DDC.War.Task.Nightly as N import qualified BuildBox.Command.Mail as B import qualified BuildBox.Data.Schedule as B parseOptions :: [String] -> Config -> IO Config parseOptions [] _ = do printUsage Nothing error "Nothing to do..." parseOptions args _ | elem "-help" args || elem "--help" args = do printUsage Nothing error "Nothing to do..." parseOptions args0 config0 = return $ eat args0 config0 where eat [] config = config eat args@(arg : rest) config | elem arg ["-d", "-debug"] = eat rest $ config { configDebug = True } | "-nightly" : dir : more <- args = case eatn more defaultNightlySpec of Left badArg -> error $ "Invalid argument " ++ show badArg Right nspec -> config { configNightly = Just (nspec { specLocalBuildDir = Just dir }) } | otherwise = case eatt args defaultTestSpec of Left badArg -> error $ "Invalid argument " ++ show badArg Right tspec -> config { configTest = Just tspec } -- Parse options for test mode eatt [] spec = Right spec eatt args@(arg : rest) spec | elem arg ["-b", "-batch"] = eatt rest $ spec { T.specInteractive = False } | "-j" : sThreads : more <- args , all isDigit sThreads = eatt more $ spec { T.specThreads = read sThreads} | "-results" : file : more <- args = eatt more $ spec { T.specResultsFileAll = Just file } | "-results-failed" : file : more <- args = eatt more $ spec { T.specResultsFileFailed = Just file } | "+compway" : name : flags <- args , (wayFlags, more) <- break (\x -> take 1 x == "+") flags = eatt more $ spec { T.specWays = T.specWays spec ++ [Way name wayFlags []] } | "+runway" : name : flags <- args , (wayFlags, more) <- break (\x -> take 1 x == "+") flags = eatt more $ spec { T.specWays = T.specWays spec ++ [Way name [] wayFlags] } | '-' : _ <- arg = Left arg -- Accept dirs for test mode | otherwise = eatt rest $ spec { specTestDirs = specTestDirs spec ++ [arg]} -- Parse options for nightly mode. eatn [] spec = Right spec eatn args@(_arg:_rest) spec | "-build-dir" : dir : more <- args = eatn more $ spec { N.specLocalBuildDir = Just dir } | "-daily" : time : more <- args = eatn more $ spec { N.specContinuous = Just $ B.Daily $ read time } | "-now" : more <- args = eatn more $ spec { N.specNow = True } | "-cleanup" : more <- args = eatn more $ spec { N.specCleanup = True } | "-sendmail" : more <- args = eatn more $ spec { N.specMailer = Just $ B.MailerSendmail "sendmail" [] } | "-msmtp" : port : more <- args = eatn more $ spec { N.specMailer = Just $ B.MailerMSMTP "msmtp" (Just $ read port) } | "-mail-from" : addr : more <- args = eatn more $ spec { N.specMailFrom = Just addr } | "-mail-to" : addr : more <- args = eatn more $ spec { N.specMailTo = Just addr } | "-log-userhost" : str : more <- args = eatn more $ spec { N.specLogUserHost = Just str } | "-log-remote-dir" : dir : more <- args = eatn more $ spec { N.specLogRemoteDir = Just dir } | "-log-remote-url" : url : more <- args = eatn more $ spec { N.specLogRemoteURL = Just url } | "-build-threads" : threads : more <- args , all isDigit threads , t <- read threads , t > 0 = eatn more $ spec { N.specBuildThreads = t} | "-build-flavour" : flavour : more <- args = eatn more $ spec { N.specBuildFlavour = flavour } eatn (arg : _) _ = Left arg printUsage :: Maybe String -> IO () printUsage badArg = putStr $ unlines $ maybe [] (\arg -> ["invalid argument " ++ arg]) badArg ++ [ "Usage: war [flags]" , " -help Display this help." , " -debug, -d Emit debugging info for the war test driver." , " -nightly Become the nightly buildbot in this directory." , "" , " Test mode: war ..." , " -batch, -b Don't interactively ask what to do if a test fails." , " -j Set number of threads (jobs) to use." , " -results Log test results to this file." , " -results-failed Log failed tests to this file." , " +compway [OPTIONS] Also compile with these DDC options." , " +runway [OPTIONS] Also run executables with these RTS options." , "" , " Buildbot mode: war -nightly [flags] ..." , " -cleanup Delete build dir after a successful build." , " -daily Build every day at this time (in UTC)" , " -now ... and also do a build right now." , "" , " -sendmail (*) Use sendmail to report build results" , " -msmtp (or) msmtp instead" , " -mail-from
(*) ... and send from this address" , " -mail-to
(*) ... to this address." , "" , " -log-userhost (*) Use 'scp' to copy logs to this server" , " -log-remote-dir (*) ... to this remote directory" , " -log-remote-url (*) ... with the logs appearing at this public URL." , "" , " -ddc-snapshot (*) Download DDC snapshot from this URL." , " -ddc-repository (*) Update snapshot with this repository." , " -build-threads (*) Threads to use when building DDC." , "" , " (*) Defaults are:" , " -sendmail" , " -mail-from \"DDC Buildbot \"" , " -mail-to" , " -log-userhost" , " -log-remote-dir log/desire/ddc/head" , " -log-remote-url" , " -ddc-snapshot" , " -ddc-repository" , " -build-threads 1" , "" ]