Name: debian Version: 3.95 License: BSD3 License-File: debian/copyright Author: David Fox , Jeremy Shaw , Clifford Beshers Category: Debian Maintainer: David Fox Homepage: Build-Type: Simple Synopsis: Modules for working with the Debian package system Cabal-Version: >= 1.9 Description: This library includes modules covering some basic data types defined by the Debian policy manual - version numbers, control file syntax, etc. extra-source-files: Test/Main.hs, Test/Changes.hs, Test/Dependencies.hs, Test/Versions.hs, Test/Control.hs, changelog, debian/changelog, debian/changelog.pre-debian flag network-uri Description: Get Network.URI from the network-uri package Default: True flag pretty-new Description: pretty-1.1.2 includes the Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass module from prettyclass Default: True Manual: True Library Hs-Source-Dirs: src Build-Depends: base >= 4 && < 5, bytestring, bzlib, Cabal, containers, directory, either, exceptions, filepath, HaXml >= 1.20, hostname, HUnit, lens, ListLike >= 4.3.5, mtl, old-locale, parsec >= 2 && <4, process, process-extras >= 0.2.0, pureMD5, QuickCheck, regex-compat, regex-tdfa, SHA, syb, template-haskell, text, th-lift, th-orphans, time, unix, Unixutils >= 1.52.4, utf8-string, zlib if flag(network-uri) Build-Depends: network-uri >= 2.6 else Build-Depends: network >= 2.4 && < 2.6 if flag(pretty-new) Build-Depends: pretty >= 1.1.2 else Build-Depends: pretty, prettyclass ghc-options: -Wall Exposed-modules: Debian.Apt.Dependencies, Debian.Apt.Index, Debian.Apt.Methods, Debian.Apt.Package, Debian.Arch, Debian.Changes, Debian.Codename, Debian.Control, Debian.Control.Common, Debian.Control.Builder Debian.Control.ByteString, Debian.Control.Policy, Debian.Control.String, Debian.Control.Text, Debian.Control.TextLazy, Debian.Deb, Debian.Extra.Files, Debian.GenBuildDeps, Debian.Loc, Debian.Pretty, Debian.Relation, Debian.Relation.ByteString, Debian.Relation.Common, Debian.Relation.String, Debian.Relation.Text, Debian.Release, Debian.Sources, Debian.Version, Debian.Version.ByteString, Debian.Version.Common, Debian.Version.String, Debian.Version.Text, Debian.Report, Debian.TH, Debian.Time, Debian.URI, Debian.UTF8, Debian.Util.FakeChanges, Debian.VendorURI other-modules: Debian.Version.Internal Executable fakechanges Hs-Source-Dirs: utils Main-is: FakeChanges.hs Build-Depends: base, debian, directory, filepath ghc-options: -threaded -W Extensions: ExistentialQuantification CPP Executable debian-report Hs-Source-Dirs: utils Main-is: Report.hs Build-Depends: base, debian, HaXml, unix ghc-options: -threaded -W C-Sources: cbits/gwinsz.c Include-Dirs: cbits Install-Includes: gwinsz.h Extensions: ExistentialQuantification CPP Build-Depends: pretty Executable apt-get-build-depends Hs-Source-Dirs: utils Main-is: AptGetBuildDeps.hs Build-Depends: base, debian, process ghc-options: -threaded -W Extensions: ExistentialQuantification CPP Test-Suite debian-tests Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 Hs-Source-Dirs: Test Main-Is: Main.hs Build-Depends: base, Cabal, debian, HUnit, parsec, regex-tdfa, text Other-Modules: Changes Control Dependencies Paths_debian Versions if flag(pretty-new) Build-Depends: pretty >= 1.1.2 else Build-Depends: pretty, prettyclass source-repository head type: git location: