{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}

-- | Module for debugging Haskell programs. To use, take the functions that
--   you are interested in debugging, e.g.:
-- > module QuickSort(quicksort) where
-- > import Data.List
-- >
-- > quicksort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
-- > quicksort [] = []
-- > quicksort (x:xs) = quicksort lt ++ [x] ++ quicksort gt
-- >     where (lt, gt) = partition (<= x) xs
--   Turn on the @TemplateHaskell@ and @ViewPatterns@ extensions, import "Debug",
--   indent your code and place it under a call to 'debug', e.g.:
-- > {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, ViewPatterns #-}
-- > module QuickSort(quicksort) where
-- > import Data.List
-- > import Debug
-- >
-- > debug [d|
-- >    quicksort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
-- >    quicksort [] = []
-- >    quicksort (x:xs) = quicksort lt ++ [x] ++ quicksort gt
-- >        where (lt, gt) = partition (<= x) xs
-- >    |]
--   We can now run our debugger with:
-- > $ ghci QuickSort.hs
-- > GHCi, version 8.2.1: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/  :? for help
-- > [1 of 1] Compiling QuickSort        ( QuickSort.hs, interpreted )
-- > Ok, 1 module loaded.
-- > *QuickSort> quicksort "haskell"
-- > "aehklls"
-- > *QuickSort> debugView
--   The final call to 'debugView' starts a web browser to view the recorded information.
--   Alternatively call 'debugSave' to write the web page to a known location.
--   For more ways to view the result (e.g. producing JSON) or record traces (without using
--   @TemplateHaskell@) see "Debug.Record".
module Debug(
    -- * Generate trace
    -- * View a trace
    debugView, debugSave, debugPrint,
    -- * Clear a trace
    ) where

import Debug.Record
import Data.List.Extra
import Data.Maybe
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data

-- | A @TemplateHaskell@ wrapper to convert a normal function into a traced function.
--   For an example see "Debug". Inserts 'funInfo' and 'var' calls.
debug :: Q [Dec] -> Q [Dec]
debug q = do
    decs <- q
    let askSig x = find (\case SigD y _ -> x == y; _ -> False) decs
    mapM (adjustDec askSig) decs

-- | List all the type variables of kind * (or do the best you can)
kindStar :: Type -> Q [Name]
-- in Q so we should be able to use 'reify' to do a better job
kindStar t = return $
    nubOrd [x | VarT x <- universe t] \\     -- find all variables
    nubOrd [x | AppT (VarT x) _ <- universe t] -- delete the "obvious" ones

adjustDec :: (Name -> Maybe Dec) -> Dec -> Q Dec
-- try and shove in a "Show a =>" if we can
adjustDec askSig (SigD name (ForallT vars ctxt typ)) = do
    vs <- kindStar typ
    return $ SigD name $ ForallT vars (nubOrd $ map (AppT (ConT ''Show) . VarT) vs ++ ctxt) typ
adjustDec askSig (SigD name typ) = adjustDec askSig $ SigD name $ ForallT [] [] typ
adjustDec askSig o@(FunD name clauses@(Clause arity _ _:_)) = do
    inner <- newName "inner"
    tag <- newName "tag"
    args <- sequence [newName $ "arg" ++ show i | i <- [1 .. length arity]]
    let addTag (Clause ps bod inner) = Clause (VarP tag:ps) bod inner
    let clauses2 = map addTag $ transformBi (adjustPat tag) clauses
    let args2 = [VarE 'var `AppE` VarE tag `AppE` toLitPre "$" a `AppE` VarE a | a <- args]
    let info = ConE 'Function `AppE`
            toLit name `AppE`
            LitE (StringL $ prettyPrint $ maybeToList (askSig name) ++ [o]) `AppE`
            ListE (map (toLitPre "$") args) `AppE`
            LitE (StringL "$result")
    let body2 = VarE 'var `AppE` VarE tag `AppE` LitE (StringL "$result") `AppE` foldl AppE (VarE inner) (VarE tag : args2)
    let body = VarE 'funInfo `AppE` info `AppE` LamE [VarP tag] body2
    return $ FunD name [Clause (map VarP args) (NormalB body) [FunD inner clauses2]]
adjustDec askSig x = return x

prettyPrint = pprint . transformBi f
    where f (Name x _) = Name x NameS -- avoid nasty qualifications

adjustPat :: Name -> Pat -> Pat
adjustPat tag (VarP x) = ViewP (VarE 'var `AppE` VarE tag `AppE` toLit x) (VarP x)
adjustPat tag x = x

toLit = toLitPre ""
toLitPre pre (Name (OccName x) _) = LitE $ StringL $ pre ++ x