-- | -- Copyright : © 2009 CNRS - École Polytechnique - INRIA -- License : GPL -- -- Global site-specific configuration variables. module Dedukti.Config where import System.Environment (getProgName) import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) data Verbosity = Quiet | Verbose | Debug deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) data Format = External | Prefix deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) data Config = Config { imageName :: FilePath , hsCompiler :: FilePath , verbosity :: Verbosity , format :: Maybe Format -- ^ @Just format@ if input format is forced. , jobs :: Int -- ^ Number of simultaneous jobs to run. } defaultConfig = Config { imageName = unsafePerformIO $ getProgName , hsCompiler = "ghc" , verbosity = Quiet , format = Nothing , jobs = 1 }