{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Data.Containers.Sequence (

  -- * Strict and lazy slices (bytestrings on arbitrary Storable types)



  ) where

import Definitive.Base
import Data.Containers
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as Bytes
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BSI
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V
import Foreign.Storable (sizeOf)
import qualified Prelude as P
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (ForeignPtr,castForeignPtr)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)

class Monoid t => Sequence t where
  splitAt :: Int -> t -> (t,t)

take :: Sequence t => Int -> t -> t
take = map2 fst splitAt
drop :: Sequence t => Int -> t -> t
drop = map2 snd splitAt

instance V.Storable a => Semigroup (V.Vector a) where (+) = (V.++)
instance V.Storable a => Monoid (V.Vector a) where zero = V.empty
instance Sequence [a] where
  splitAt n l = (h,t)
    where ~(h,t) = case (n,l) of
            (0,_) -> ([],l)
            (_,[]) -> ([],[])
            (_,(x:l')) -> let (h',t') = splitAt (n-1) l' in (x:h',t')
instance Sequence Bytes where
  splitAt = Bytes.splitAt . fromIntegral
instance V.Storable a => Sequence (V.Vector a) where
  splitAt = V.splitAt

class Stream c s | s -> c where
  uncons :: s -> Maybe (c,s)
  cons :: c -> s -> s
instance Stream a [a] where
  uncons [] = Nothing
  uncons (x:xs) = Just (x,xs)
  cons = (:)
instance Stream Char Chunk where
  uncons = Char8.uncons
  cons = Char8.cons

type Slice a = V.Vector a
i'storables :: forall a b. (V.Storable a,V.Storable b) => Iso (Slice a) (Slice b) Chunk Chunk
i'storables = iso toV fromV
  where toV bs = vec
            vec = V.unsafeFromForeignPtr (castForeignPtr fptr :: ForeignPtr a) (scale off) (scale len)
            (fptr, off, len) = BSI.toForeignPtr bs
            scale = (`div` sizeOf (V.head vec))
        fromV v = BSI.fromForeignPtr (castForeignPtr fptr) 0 (len * sizeOf (undefined :: b))
          where (fptr, len) = V.unsafeToForeignPtr0 v

newtype Slices a = Slices [Slice a]
                    deriving (Semigroup,Monoid)
_Slices :: Iso (Slices a) (Slices b) [Slice a] [Slice b]
_Slices = iso Slices (\(Slices cs) -> cs)
instance V.Storable a => Sequence (Slices a) where
  splitAt _ (Slices []) = zero
  splitAt n (Slices (h:t))
    | l>n = let (vh,vt) = splitAt n h in (Slices [vh],Slices (vt:t))
    | l==n = (Slices [h],Slices t)
    | otherwise = let ~(c1,c2) = splitAt (n-l) (Slices t) in (c1 & _Slices %%~ (h:),c2)
      where l = V.length h
slice :: (V.Storable a,V.Storable b) => Iso (Slice a) (Slice b) [a] [b]
slice = iso (V.unfoldr uncons) (V.foldr (:) [])

slices :: (V.Storable a,V.Storable b) => Iso (Slices a) (Slices b) (Slice a) (Slice b)
slices = iso pure V.concat . _Slices

newtype PMonad m a = PMonad { runPMonad :: m a }
instance Functor m => P.Functor (PMonad m) where fmap f (PMonad m) = PMonad (map f m)
instance Monad m => P.Monad (PMonad m) where
  PMonad m >>= k = PMonad (m >>= runPMonad . k)
  return = PMonad . pure
instance V.Storable a => DataMap (Slice a) Int a where
  at i = lens (\v -> v V.!? i) (\v e -> case e of
                                   Just a -> v V.// [(i,a)]
                                   Nothing -> take i v)

sliceElt :: (V.Storable a,V.Storable b) => Action a b (Slice a) (Slice b)
sliceElt f = V.mapM (unsafeCoerce f) <&> runPMonad

breadth :: V.Storable a => Slices a -> Int
breadth s = s^.._Slices & foldMap V.length

span :: Stream c s => (c -> Bool) -> s -> ([c],s)
span p = fix $ \f s -> (case uncons s of
                             Just (a,t) | p a -> let ~(l,t') = f t in (a:l,t')
                             _ -> ([],s))
break :: Stream c s => (c -> Bool) -> s -> ([c],s)
break = span . map not

takeWhile :: Stream c s => (c -> Bool) -> s -> [c]
takeWhile p = fst . span p
dropWhile :: Stream c s => (c -> Bool) -> s -> s
dropWhile p = snd . span p
takeUntil :: Stream c s => (c -> Bool) -> s -> [c]
takeUntil = takeWhile . map not
dropUntil :: Stream c s => (c -> Bool) -> s -> s
dropUntil = dropWhile . map not

pry :: Stream c s => Int -> s -> ([c],s)
pry 0 s = ([],s)
pry n s = case uncons s of
  Just (a,s') -> let ~(t,l') = pry (n-1) s' in (a:t,l')
  Nothing -> ([],s)

(++) :: Stream c s => [c] -> s -> s
(a:t) ++ c = cons a (t++c)
[] ++ c = c

i'elems :: (Monoid s',Stream c s,Stream c' s') => Iso [c] [c'] s s'
i'elems = iso (takeUntil (const False)) (++zero)

newtype StreamC a = StreamC (forall x. (a -> x -> x) -> x)

instance Stream a (StreamC a) where
  cons a (StreamC l) = StreamC (\c -> c a (l c))
  uncons (StreamC l) = Just (l const,l (flip const))