-- content information name: definitive-graphics category: Graphics synopsis: A definitive package allowing you to open windows, read image files and render text to be displayed or saved homepage: http://coiffier.net/projects/definitive-framework.html description: -- meta-information author: Marc Coiffier maintainer: marc.coiffier@gmail.com version: 1.2 x-revision: 1 license: OtherLicense license-file: LICENSE -- build information build-type: Simple cabal-version: >=1.10 library exposed-modules: IO.Graphics Data.Scene Data.Vertex Data.Texture Data.Texture.Core Data.Raster Data.Font Data.Input.Button build-depends: base (== 4.6.*), definitive-base (== 1.2.*), containers (== 0.5.*), deepseq (== 1.3.*), array (== 0.5.*), bytestring (== 0.10.*), vector (== 0.10.*), primitive (== 0.5.*), definitive-reactive (== 1.0.*), clock (== 0.4.*), definitive-parser (== 1.2.*), cpu (== 0.1.*), utf8-string (== 0.3.*), JuicyPixels (== 3.1.*), binary (== 0.7.*), mtl (== 2.1.*), transformers (== 0.3.*), zlib (== 0.5.*), stb-truetype (== 0.1.*), GLFW (== 0.5.*) default-extensions: RebindableSyntax NoMonomorphismRestriction TypeOperators ViewPatterns FlexibleInstances MultiParamTypeClasses ghc-options: -W -threaded default-language: Haskell2010