{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, LambdaCase #-}
module Data.Serialize (
  -- * You'll need this
  module Algebra.Parser,
  -- * Serialization
  -- ** Convenience functions
  ) where

import Algebra.Parser hiding (uncons)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Builder
import qualified Data.ByteString as BSS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
import Data.ByteString.Unsafe 
import Data.Word
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
import qualified Data.Monoid as M
import System.Endian
import Data.Bits (shiftR,shiftL)
import Data.Containers
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 (uncons)

class Serializable t where
  encode :: t -> Builder
  serializable :: Parser Bytes t 

serialize :: Serializable t => t -> Bytes
serialize = toLazyByteString . encode

serial :: (Serializable t,Serializable t') => Traversal t t' Bytes Bytes
serial = prism (serializable^.from parser & \f a -> map snd (foldr (const . Right) (Left a) (f a))) (const serialize)

bytesBuilder :: Bytes:<->:Builder
bytesBuilder = iso lazyByteString toLazyByteString
chunkBuilder :: Chunk:<->:Builder
chunkBuilder = iso byteString (by chunk.toLazyByteString)

instance Semigroup Word8 ; instance Monoid Word8
instance Semigroup Word32 ; instance Monoid Word32
instance Semigroup Word64 ; instance Monoid Word64

instance Semigroup Builder where (+) = M.mappend
instance Monoid Builder where zero = M.mempty

withChunk :: Chunk -> (Ptr b -> IO a) -> a
withChunk b f = unsafeUseAsCString b (f . castPtr)^.thunk

storable :: forall a. Storable a => Parser Bytes a
storable = p^.parser
  where p s | BSS.length ch >= sz = pure (t,res)
            | otherwise = zero
          where res = withChunk ch peek :: a
                (h,t) = BS.splitAt (fromIntegral sz) s
                ch = h^.chunk
                sz = sizeOf res
instance Serializable Char where
  encode = charUtf8
  serializable = gets uncons >>= \case
    Just (c,t) -> c <$ put t
    Nothing -> zero
instance Serializable Word8 where
  encode = word8
  serializable = storable
instance Serializable Word32 where
  encode = word32BE
  serializable = fromBE32<$>storable
instance Serializable Word64 where
  encode = word64BE
  serializable = fromBE64<$>storable
instance Serializable Int where
  encode n = encode (size bytes :: Word8) + foldMap (encode . w8) bytes
    where bytes = takeWhile (>0) $ iterate (`shiftR`8) n
          w8 = fromIntegral :: Int -> Word8
  serializable = serializable >>= \n -> do
    bytes <- sequence (serializable <$ [1..n :: Word8])
    return $ sum (zipWith shiftL (map (fromIntegral :: Word8 -> Int) bytes) [0,8..])
instance Serializable Integer where
  encode n = encode s + foldMap (word8 . fromIntegral) (take s l)
    where l = iterate (`shiftR`8) (if n>=0 then n else (-n))
          s = length (takeWhile (/=0) l)
  serializable = do
    n <- serializable
    doTimes n serializable <&> sum . zipWith (\sh b -> fromIntegral (b :: Word8)`shiftL`sh) [0,8..]
instance Serializable a => Serializable (Maybe a) where
  encode (Just a) = word8 1 + encode a
  encode Nothing = word8 0
  serializable = serializable >>= \w -> case w :: Word8 of
    0 -> return Nothing
    1 -> Just<$>serializable
    _ -> error "Invalid encoding for Maybe serialized value"
instance Serializable a => Serializable [a] where
  encode l = encode (length l) + foldMap encode l
  serializable = serializable >>= \n -> doTimes n serializable
instance (Ord k,Serializable k,Serializable a) => Serializable (Map k a) where
  encode m = encode (m^.keyed & toList)
  serializable = serializable <&> fromList
instance (Ord k,Ord a,Serializable k,Serializable a) => Serializable (Bimap k a) where
  encode m = encode (toMap m^.keyed & toList)
  serializable = serializable <&> fromList
instance (Ord a,Serializable a) => Serializable (Set a) where
  encode = encode . toList
  serializable = serializable <&> fromList . map (,zero)
instance (Serializable a,Serializable b) => Serializable (a:*:b) where
  encode (a,b) = encode a+encode b
  serializable = (,)<$>serializable<*>serializable
instance (Serializable a,Serializable b,Serializable c) => Serializable (a,b,c) where
  encode (a,b,c) = encode a+encode b+encode c
  serializable = (,,)<$>serializable<*>serializable<*>serializable
instance (Serializable a,Serializable b,Serializable c,Serializable d) => Serializable (a,b,c,d) where
  encode (a,b,c,d) = encode a+encode b+encode c+encode d
  serializable = (,,,)<$>serializable<*>serializable<*>serializable<*>serializable
instance (Serializable a,Serializable b,Serializable c,Serializable d,Serializable e) => Serializable (a,b,c,d,e) where
  encode (a,b,c,d,e) = encode a+encode b+encode c+encode d+encode e
  serializable = (,,,,)<$>serializable<*>serializable<*>serializable<*>serializable<*>serializable
instance (Serializable a,Serializable b) => Serializable (a:+:b) where
  encode (Left a) = word8 0+encode a
  encode (Right b) = word8 1+encode b
  serializable = storable >>= \x -> case x :: Word8 of
    0 -> Left<$>serializable
    1 -> Right<$>serializable
    _ -> zero

data Either3 a b c = Alt3_1 a | Alt3_2 b | Alt3_3 c
instance (Serializable a,Serializable b,Serializable c) => Serializable (Either3 a b c) where
  encode (Alt3_1 a) = word8 0+encode a
  encode (Alt3_2 b) = word8 1+encode b
  encode (Alt3_3 c) = word8 2+encode c
  serializable = storable >>= \x -> case x :: Word8 of
    0 -> Alt3_1<$>serializable
    1 -> Alt3_2<$>serializable
    2 -> Alt3_3<$>serializable
    _ -> zero