{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} -- | -- Module : Test.DejaFu.Conc -- Copyright : (c) 2016--2017 Michael Walker -- License : MIT -- Maintainer : Michael Walker <mike@barrucadu.co.uk> -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : CPP, FlexibleInstances, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeFamilies -- -- Deterministic traced execution of concurrent computations. -- -- This works by executing the computation on a single thread, calling -- out to the supplied scheduler after each step to determine which -- thread runs next. module Test.DejaFu.Conc ( -- * The @ConcT@ monad transformer ConcT , ConcIO -- * Executing computations , Failure(..) , MemType(..) , runConcurrent , subconcurrency , dontCheck -- ** Snapshotting -- $snapshotting_io , DCSnapshot , runForDCSnapshot , runWithDCSnapshot , canDCSnapshot , threadsFromDCSnapshot -- * Execution traces , Trace , Decision(..) , ThreadId(..) , ThreadAction(..) , Lookahead(..) , MVarId , CRefId , MaskingState(..) , showTrace , showFail -- * Scheduling , module Test.DejaFu.Schedule ) where import Control.Exception (MaskingState(..)) import qualified Control.Monad.Catch as Ca import qualified Control.Monad.IO.Class as IO import Control.Monad.Ref (MonadRef) import qualified Control.Monad.Ref as Re import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans(..)) import qualified Data.Foldable as F import Data.IORef (IORef) import Data.List (partition) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import Data.Maybe (isNothing) import Test.DejaFu.Schedule import qualified Control.Monad.Conc.Class as C import Test.DejaFu.Conc.Internal import Test.DejaFu.Conc.Internal.Common import Test.DejaFu.Conc.Internal.STM import Test.DejaFu.Conc.Internal.Threading (Thread(_blocking), Threads) import Test.DejaFu.Internal import Test.DejaFu.Types import Test.DejaFu.Utils #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0) import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail #endif -- | @since newtype ConcT r n a = C { unC :: M n r a } deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad) #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0) -- | @since instance Fail.MonadFail (ConcT r n) where fail = C . fail #endif -- | A 'MonadConc' implementation using @IO@. -- -- @since type ConcIO = ConcT IORef IO toConc :: ((a -> Action n r) -> Action n r) -> ConcT r n a toConc = C . cont wrap :: (M n r a -> M n r a) -> ConcT r n a -> ConcT r n a wrap f = C . f . unC -- | @since instance IO.MonadIO n => IO.MonadIO (ConcT r n) where liftIO ma = toConc (\c -> ALift (fmap c (IO.liftIO ma))) instance Re.MonadRef (CRef r) (ConcT r n) where newRef a = toConc (ANewCRef "" a) readRef ref = toConc (AReadCRef ref) writeRef ref a = toConc (\c -> AWriteCRef ref a (c ())) modifyRef ref f = toConc (AModCRef ref (\a -> (f a, ()))) instance Re.MonadAtomicRef (CRef r) (ConcT r n) where atomicModifyRef ref f = toConc (AModCRef ref f) instance MonadTrans (ConcT r) where lift ma = toConc (\c -> ALift (fmap c ma)) instance Ca.MonadCatch (ConcT r n) where catch ma h = toConc (ACatching (unC . h) (unC ma)) instance Ca.MonadThrow (ConcT r n) where throwM e = toConc (\_ -> AThrow e) instance Ca.MonadMask (ConcT r n) where mask mb = toConc (AMasking MaskedInterruptible (\f -> unC $ mb $ wrap f)) uninterruptibleMask mb = toConc (AMasking MaskedUninterruptible (\f -> unC $ mb $ wrap f)) instance Monad n => C.MonadConc (ConcT r n) where type MVar (ConcT r n) = MVar r type CRef (ConcT r n) = CRef r type Ticket (ConcT r n) = Ticket type STM (ConcT r n) = S n r type ThreadId (ConcT r n) = ThreadId -- ---------- forkWithUnmaskN n ma = toConc (AFork n (\umask -> runCont (unC $ ma $ wrap umask) (\_ -> AStop (pure ())))) forkOnWithUnmaskN n _ = C.forkWithUnmaskN n forkOSN n ma = forkOSWithUnmaskN n (const ma) isCurrentThreadBound = toConc AIsBound -- This implementation lies and returns 2 until a value is set. This -- will potentially avoid special-case behaviour for 1 capability, -- so it seems a sane choice. getNumCapabilities = toConc AGetNumCapabilities setNumCapabilities caps = toConc (\c -> ASetNumCapabilities caps (c ())) myThreadId = toConc AMyTId yield = toConc (\c -> AYield (c ())) threadDelay n = toConc (\c -> ADelay n (c ())) -- ---------- newCRefN n a = toConc (ANewCRef n a) readCRef ref = toConc (AReadCRef ref) readForCAS ref = toConc (AReadCRefCas ref) peekTicket' _ = _ticketVal writeCRef ref a = toConc (\c -> AWriteCRef ref a (c ())) casCRef ref tick a = toConc (ACasCRef ref tick a) atomicModifyCRef ref f = toConc (AModCRef ref f) modifyCRefCAS ref f = toConc (AModCRefCas ref f) -- ---------- newEmptyMVarN n = toConc (ANewMVar n) putMVar var a = toConc (\c -> APutMVar var a (c ())) readMVar var = toConc (AReadMVar var) takeMVar var = toConc (ATakeMVar var) tryPutMVar var a = toConc (ATryPutMVar var a) tryReadMVar var = toConc (ATryReadMVar var) tryTakeMVar var = toConc (ATryTakeMVar var) -- ---------- throwTo tid e = toConc (\c -> AThrowTo tid e (c ())) -- ---------- atomically = toConc . AAtom -- move this into the instance defn when forkOSWithUnmaskN is added to MonadConc in 2018 forkOSWithUnmaskN :: Applicative n => String -> ((forall a. ConcT r n a -> ConcT r n a) -> ConcT r n ()) -> ConcT r n ThreadId forkOSWithUnmaskN n ma | C.rtsSupportsBoundThreads = toConc (AForkOS n (\umask -> runCont (unC $ ma $ wrap umask) (\_ -> AStop (pure ())))) | otherwise = fail "RTS doesn't support multiple OS threads (use ghc -threaded when linking)" -- | Run a concurrent computation with a given 'Scheduler' and initial -- state, returning a failure reason on error. Also returned is the -- final state of the scheduler, and an execution trace. -- -- If the RTS supports bound threads (ghc -threaded when linking) then -- the main thread of the concurrent computation will be bound, and -- @forkOS@ / @forkOSN@ will work during execution. If not, then the -- main thread will not be found, and attempting to fork a bound -- thread will raise an error. -- -- __Warning:__ Blocking on the action of another thread in 'liftIO' -- cannot be detected! So if you perform some potentially blocking -- action in a 'liftIO' the entire collection of threads may deadlock! -- You should therefore keep @IO@ blocks small, and only perform -- blocking operations with the supplied primitives, insofar as -- possible. -- -- __Note:__ In order to prevent computation from hanging, the runtime -- will assume that a deadlock situation has arisen if the scheduler -- attempts to (a) schedule a blocked thread, or (b) schedule a -- nonexistent thread. In either of those cases, the computation will -- be halted. -- -- @since runConcurrent :: (C.MonadConc n, MonadRef r n) => Scheduler s -> MemType -> s -> ConcT r n a -> n (Either Failure a, s, Trace) runConcurrent sched memtype s ma = do res <- runConcurrency False sched memtype s initialIdSource 2 (unC ma) out <- efromJust "runConcurrent" <$> Re.readRef (finalRef res) pure ( out , cSchedState (finalContext res) , F.toList (finalTrace res) ) -- | Run a concurrent computation and return its result. -- -- This can only be called in the main thread, when no other threads -- exist. Calls to 'subconcurrency' cannot be nested, or placed inside -- a call to 'dontCheck'. Violating either of these conditions will -- result in the computation failing with @IllegalSubconcurrency@. -- -- @since subconcurrency :: ConcT r n a -> ConcT r n (Either Failure a) subconcurrency ma = toConc (ASub (unC ma)) -- | Run an arbitrary action which gets some special treatment: -- -- * For systematic testing, 'dontCheck' is not dependent with -- anything, even if the action has dependencies. -- -- * For pre-emption bounding, 'dontCheck' counts for zero -- pre-emptions, even if the action performs pre-emptive context -- switches. -- -- * For fair bounding, 'dontCheck' counts for zero yields/delays, -- even if the action performs yields or delays. -- -- * For length bounding, 'dontCheck' counts for one step, even if -- the action has many. -- -- * All SCT functions use 'runForDCSnapshot' / 'runWithDCSnapshot' -- to ensure that the action is only executed once, although you -- should be careful with @IO@ (see note on snapshotting @IO@). -- -- The action is executed atomically with a deterministic scheduler -- under sequential consistency. Any threads created inside the -- action continue to exist in the main computation. -- -- This must be the first thing done in the main thread. Violating -- this condition will result in the computation failing with -- @IllegalDontCheck@. -- -- If the action fails (deadlock, length bound exceeded, etc), the -- whole computation fails. -- -- @since dontCheck :: Maybe Int -- ^ An optional length bound. -> ConcT r n a -- ^ The action to execute. -> ConcT r n a dontCheck lb ma = toConc (ADontCheck lb (unC ma)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Snapshotting -- $snapshotting_io -- -- __Snapshotting @IO@:__ A snapshot captures entire state of your -- concurrent program: the state of every thread, the number of -- capabilities, the values of any @CRef@s, @MVar@s, and @TVar@s, and -- records any @IO@ that you performed. -- -- When restoring a snapshot this @IO@ is replayed, in order. But the -- whole snapshotted computation is not. So the effects of the @IO@ -- take place again, but any return values are ignored. For example, -- this program will not do what you want: -- -- @ -- bad_snapshot = do -- r <- dontCheck Nothing $ do -- r <- liftIO (newIORef 0) -- liftIO (modifyIORef r (+1)) -- pure r -- liftIO (readIORef r) -- @ -- -- When the snapshot is taken, the value in the @IORef@ will be 1. -- When the snapshot is restored for the first time, those @IO@ -- actions will be run again, /but their return values will be discarded/. -- The value in the @IORef@ will be 2. When the snapshot -- is restored for the second time, the value in the @IORef@ will be -- 3. And so on. -- -- To safely use @IO@ in a snapshotted computation, __the combined effect must be idempotent__. -- You should either use actions which set the state to the final -- value directly, rather than modifying it (eg, using a combination -- of @liftIO . readIORef@ and @liftIO . writeIORef@ here), or reset -- the state to a known value. Both of these approaches will work: -- -- @ -- good_snapshot1 = do -- r <- dontCheck Nothing $ do -- let modify r f = liftIO (readIORef r) >>= liftIO . writeIORef r . f -- r <- liftIO (newIORef 0) -- modify r (+1) -- pure r -- liftIO (readIORef r) -- -- good_snapshot2 = do -- r <- dontCheck Nothing $ do -- r <- liftIO (newIORef 0) -- liftIO (writeIORef r 0) -- liftIO (modifyIORef r (+1)) -- pure r -- liftIO (readIORef r) -- @ -- | A snapshot of the concurrency state immediately after 'dontCheck' -- finishes. -- -- @since data DCSnapshot r n a = DCSnapshot { dcsContext :: Context n r () -- ^ The execution context. The scheduler state is ignored when -- restoring. , dcsRestore :: Threads n r -> n () -- ^ Action to restore CRef, MVar, and TVar values. , dcsRef :: r (Maybe (Either Failure a)) -- ^ Reference where the result will be written. } -- | Like 'runConcurrent', but terminates immediately after running -- the 'dontCheck' action with a 'DCSnapshot' which can be used in -- 'runWithDCSnapshot' to avoid doing that work again. -- -- If this program does not contain a legal use of 'dontCheck', then -- the result will be @Nothing@. -- -- If you are using the SCT functions on an action which contains a -- 'dontCheck', snapshotting will be handled for you, without you -- needing to call this function yourself. -- -- @since runForDCSnapshot :: (C.MonadConc n, MonadRef r n) => ConcT r n a -> n (Maybe (Either Failure (DCSnapshot r n a), Trace)) runForDCSnapshot ma = do res <- runConcurrency True roundRobinSchedNP SequentialConsistency () initialIdSource 2 (unC ma) out <- Re.readRef (finalRef res) pure $ case (finalRestore res, out) of (Just _, Just (Left f)) -> Just (Left f, F.toList (finalTrace res)) (Just restore, _) -> Just (Right (DCSnapshot (finalContext res) restore (finalRef res)), F.toList (finalTrace res)) (_, _) -> Nothing -- | Like 'runConcurrent', but uses a 'DCSnapshot' produced by -- 'runForDCSnapshot' to skip the 'dontCheck' work. -- -- If you are using the SCT functions on an action which contains a -- 'dontCheck', snapshotting will be handled for you, without you -- needing to call this function yourself. -- -- @since runWithDCSnapshot :: (C.MonadConc n, MonadRef r n) => Scheduler s -> MemType -> s -> DCSnapshot r n a -> n (Either Failure a, s, Trace) runWithDCSnapshot sched memtype s snapshot = do let context = (dcsContext snapshot) { cSchedState = s } let restore = dcsRestore snapshot let ref = dcsRef snapshot res <- runConcurrencyWithSnapshot sched memtype context restore ref out <- efromJust "runWithDCSnapshot" <$> Re.readRef (finalRef res) pure ( out , cSchedState (finalContext res) , F.toList (finalTrace res) ) -- | Check if a 'DCSnapshot' can be taken from this computation. -- -- @since canDCSnapshot :: ConcT r n a -> Bool canDCSnapshot (C (M k)) = lookahead (k undefined) == WillDontCheck -- | Get the threads which exist in a snapshot, partitioned into -- runnable and not runnable. -- -- @since threadsFromDCSnapshot :: DCSnapshot r n a -> ([ThreadId], [ThreadId]) threadsFromDCSnapshot snapshot = partition isRunnable (M.keys threads) where threads = cThreads (dcsContext snapshot) isRunnable tid = isNothing (_blocking =<< M.lookup tid threads)