{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy, DeriveDataTypeable #-}

-- | Floating-point decimals.
-- This uses the decNumber C library, so you will want to read the
-- documentation about it to fully understand this module:
-- <http://speleotrove.com/decimal/decnumber.html>
-- <http://speleotrove.com/decimal/decarith.html>
-- <http://speleotrove.com/decimal/>
-- Many of the comments on what these functions do are taken
-- directly from the documentation for the decNumber C library.
-- In particular, this module implements the decQuad type.  decQuad
-- supports up to 34 digits of precision and exponents between -6176
-- and 6111.  It doesn't silently round, overflow, or underflow;
-- rather, the library will notify you if these things happen.
-- Many functions in this module clash with Prelude names, so you
-- might want to do
-- > import qualified Data.Deka.Quad as Q
module Data.Deka.Quad
    -- * Quad
  , QuadT(..)

    -- * Rounding
    -- | For more on the rounding algorithms, see
    -- <http://speleotrove.com/decimal/damodel.html>
  , Round
  , roundCeiling
  , roundUp
  , roundHalfUp
  , roundHalfEven
  , roundHalfDown
  , roundDown
  , roundFloor
  , round05Up

  -- * Flags
  -- | For more on possible flags, see
  -- <http://speleotrove.com/decimal/damodel.html>
  , Flag
  , divisionUndefined
  , divisionByZero
  , divisionImpossible
  , invalidOperation
  , inexact
  , underflow
  , overflow
  , conversionSyntax

  , Flags
  , unFlags
  , setFlag
  , clearFlag
  , checkFlag
  , emptyFlags

  -- * Ctx monad
  , Ctx
  , getStatus
  , setStatus
  , mapStatus
  , getRound
  , setRound
  , runCtx
  , evalCtx

  -- * Class
  , DecClass
  , sNan
  , qNan
  , negInf
  , negNormal
  , negSubnormal
  , negZero
  , posZero
  , posSubnormal
  , posNormal
  , posInf
  , decClass

  -- * Converting to and from strings
  , fromByteString
  , toByteString
  , toEngByteString

  -- * Converting to and from integers
  , fromInt32
  , fromUInt32
  , toInt32
  , toInt32Exact
  , toUInt32
  , toUInt32Exact

  -- * Arithmetic
  , add
  , subtract
  , multiply
  , fma
  , divide
  , divideInteger
  , remainder
  , remainderNear

  -- * Exponent and coefficient adjustment
  , quantize
  , reduce

  -- * Comparisons
  , compare
  , compareOrd
  , compareSignal
  , compareTotal
  , compareTotalMag
  , max
  , maxMag
  , min
  , minMag
  , sameQuantum

  -- * Tests
  , isFinite
  , isInfinite
  , isInteger
  , isLogical
  , isNaN
  , isNegative
  , isNormal
  , isPositive
  , isSignaling
  , isSigned
  , isSubnormal
  , isZero

  -- * Signs
  , plus
  , minus
  , abs
  , copySign

  -- * Increment and decrement
  , nextMinus
  , nextPlus
  , nextToward

  -- * Digit-wise
  , and
  , or
  , xor
  , invert
  , shift
  , rotate

  -- * log and scale
  , logB
  , scaleB

  -- * Attributes
  , digits

  -- * Integral rounding

  -- | If you want to round but not to an integral value (e.g. round
  -- to two decimal places), see 'quantize'.
  , toIntegralExact
  , toIntegralValue

  -- * Constants
  , zero
  , one
  , version

  -- * Complete encoding and decoding

  -- | These convert a 'Quad' to a 'Decoded', which is a pure
  -- Haskell type containing all the information in the 'Quad'.

  -- ** Digits
  , Digit(..)
  , digitToInt
  , intToDigit
  , digitToChar
  , digitsToInteger
  , integralToDigits

  -- ** Coefficients
  , coefficientLen
  , payloadLen
  , Coefficient
  , coefficient
  , unCoefficient
  , zeroCoefficient
  , oneCoefficient
  , Payload
  , payload
  , unPayload
  , zeroPayload

  -- ** Exponents
  , Exponent
  , exponent
  , unExponent
  , zeroExponent
  , minMaxExp
  , AdjustedExp
  , adjustedExp
  , unAdjustedExp
  , minNormalAdj
  , minNormalExp
  , adjustedToExponent

  -- ** Sign, NaN, Value, Decoded
  , Sign(..)
  , NaN(..)
  , Value(..)
  , Decoded(..)

  --- ** Conversion functions
  , fromBCD
  , toBCD
  , scientific
  , ordinary
  , decodedToRational

  -- ** Decoded predicates

  -- *** Duplicates of Quad tests that return Bool
  -- | These duplicate the tests that are available for the Quad
  -- type directly.
  , dIsFinite
  , dIsInfinite
  , dIsInteger
  , dIsLogical
  , dIsNaN
  , dIsNegative
  , dIsNormal
  , dIsPositive
  , dIsSignaling
  , dIsSigned
  , dIsSubnormal
  , dIsZero
  , dDigits

  -- *** Duplicates of Quad tests that return 'DecClass'
  , dIsSNaN
  , dIsQNaN
  , dIsNegInf
  , dIsNegNormal
  , dIsNegSubnormal
  , dIsNegZero
  , dIsPosZero
  , dIsPosSubnormal
  , dIsPosNormal
  , dIsPosInf

  ) where

-- # Imports

import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Typeable
import Foreign.Safe hiding
  ( void
  , isSigned
  , rotate
  , shift
  , xor
import Prelude hiding
  ( abs
  , and
  , compare
  , isInfinite
  , isNaN
  , max
  , min
  , or
  , subtract
  , significand
  , exponent
import qualified Prelude
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

import Data.Deka.Decnumber
import Data.Deka.Internal

-- # Rounding

newtype Round = Round { unRound :: C'rounding }
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Show Round where
  show (Round r)
    | r == c'DEC_ROUND_CEILING = "roundCeiling"
    | r == c'DEC_ROUND_UP = "roundUp"
    | r == c'DEC_ROUND_HALF_UP = "roundHalfUp"
    | r == c'DEC_ROUND_HALF_EVEN = "roundHalfEven"
    | r == c'DEC_ROUND_HALF_DOWN = "roundHalfDown"
    | r == c'DEC_ROUND_DOWN = "roundDown"
    | r == c'DEC_ROUND_FLOOR = "roundFloor"
    | r == c'DEC_ROUND_05UP = "round05Up"
    | otherwise = error "Deka.Quad.Round.show: unrecognized rounding"

-- | Round toward positive infinity.
roundCeiling :: Round
roundCeiling = Round c'DEC_ROUND_CEILING

-- | Round away from zero.
roundUp :: Round
roundUp = Round c'DEC_ROUND_UP

-- | @0.5@ rounds up
roundHalfUp :: Round
roundHalfUp = Round c'DEC_ROUND_HALF_UP

-- | @0.5@ rounds to nearest even
roundHalfEven :: Round
roundHalfEven = Round c'DEC_ROUND_HALF_EVEN

-- | @0.5@ rounds down
roundHalfDown :: Round
roundHalfDown = Round c'DEC_ROUND_HALF_DOWN

-- | Round toward zero - truncate
roundDown :: Round
roundDown = Round c'DEC_ROUND_DOWN

-- | Round toward negative infinity.
roundFloor :: Round
roundFloor = Round c'DEC_ROUND_FLOOR

-- | Round for reround
round05Up :: Round
round05Up = Round c'DEC_ROUND_05UP

-- # Status

-- | A single error or warning condition that may be set in the
-- 'Ctx'.
newtype Flag = Flag C'uint32_t
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Show Flag where
  show (Flag f)
    | f == c'DEC_Division_undefined = "disivionUndefined"
    | f == c'DEC_Division_by_zero = "divisionByZero"
    | f == c'DEC_Division_impossible = "divisionImpossible"
    | f == c'DEC_Inexact = "inexact"
    | f == c'DEC_Invalid_operation = "invalidOperation"
    | f == c'DEC_Underflow = "underflow"
    | f == c'DEC_Overflow = "overflow"
    | f == c'DEC_Conversion_syntax = "conversionSyntax"
    | otherwise = error "Deka.Quad: show flag: unrecogized flag"

-- Docs are a bit unclear about what status flags can actually be
-- set; the source code reveals that these can be set.

-- | @0/0@ is undefined.  It sets this flag and returns a quiet NaN.
divisionUndefined :: Flag
divisionUndefined = Flag c'DEC_Division_undefined

-- | A non-zero dividend is divided by zero.  Unlike @0/0@, it has a
-- defined result (a signed Infinity).
divisionByZero :: Flag
divisionByZero = Flag c'DEC_Division_by_zero

-- | Sometimes raised by 'divideInteger' and 'remainder'.
divisionImpossible :: Flag
divisionImpossible = Flag c'DEC_Division_impossible

-- | Raised on a variety of invalid operations, such as an attempt
-- to use 'compareSignal' on an operand that is an NaN.
invalidOperation :: Flag
invalidOperation = Flag c'DEC_Invalid_operation

-- | One or more non-zero coefficient digits were discarded during
-- rounding.
inexact :: Flag
inexact = Flag c'DEC_Inexact

-- | A result is both subnormal and inexact.
underflow :: Flag
underflow = Flag c'DEC_Underflow

-- | The exponent of a result is too large to be represented.
overflow :: Flag
overflow = Flag c'DEC_Overflow

-- | A source string (for instance, in 'fromByteString') contained
-- errors.
conversionSyntax :: Flag
conversionSyntax = Flag c'DEC_Conversion_syntax

-- Invalid Context is not recreated here; it should never happen

-- | A container for multiple 'Flag' indicating which are set and
-- which are not.  An instance of 'Exception' so you can throw it if
-- you want (no functions in this module throw.)
newtype Flags = Flags C'uint32_t
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable)

instance Exception Flags

unFlags :: Flags -> [Flag]
unFlags fs = mapMaybe getFlag allFlags
    getFlag fl = if checkFlag fl fs then Just fl else Nothing
    allFlags = [ divisionUndefined, divisionByZero,
      divisionImpossible, invalidOperation, inexact, underflow,
      overflow, conversionSyntax]

-- | Show gives you a comma-separated list of flags that are set, or
-- an empty string if no flags are set.
instance Show Flags where
  show = show . unFlags

setFlag :: Flag -> Flags -> Flags
setFlag (Flag f1) (Flags fA) = Flags (f1 .|. fA)

clearFlag :: Flag -> Flags -> Flags
clearFlag (Flag f1) (Flags fA) = Flags (complement f1 .&. fA)

-- | Is this 'Flag' set?
checkFlag :: Flag -> Flags -> Bool
checkFlag (Flag f1) (Flags fA) = (f1 .&. fA) /= 0

-- | A 'Flags' with no 'Flag' set.
emptyFlags :: Flags
emptyFlags = Flags 0

-- | The current status flags, which indicate results from previous
-- computations.
getStatus :: Ctx Flags
getStatus = Ctx $ \cPtr -> do
  let pSt = p'decContext'status cPtr
  fmap Flags . peek $ pSt

-- | Set the current status to whatever you wish.
setStatus :: Flags -> Ctx ()
setStatus (Flags f) = Ctx $ \cPtr -> do
  let pSt = p'decContext'status cPtr
  poke pSt f

mapStatus :: (Flags -> Flags) -> Ctx ()
mapStatus f = do
  st <- getStatus
  let st' = f st
  setStatus st'

-- | The current rounding method
getRound :: Ctx Round
getRound = Ctx $ \cPtr -> do
  let pR = p'decContext'round cPtr
  fmap Round . peek $ pR

-- | Change the current rounding method
setRound :: Round -> Ctx ()
setRound r = Ctx $ \cPtr -> do
  let pR = p'decContext'round cPtr
  poke pR . unRound $ r

-- | By default, rounding is set to 'roundHalfEven'.  No status flags are set
-- initially.  Returns the final status flags along with the result
-- of the computation.
runCtx :: Ctx a -> (a, Flags)
runCtx (Ctx k) = unsafePerformIO $ do
  fp <- mallocForeignPtr
  withForeignPtr fp $ \pCtx -> do
    _ <- unsafe'c'decContextDefault pCtx c'DEC_INIT_DECQUAD
    res <- k pCtx
    fl' <- fmap Flags . peek . p'decContext'status $ pCtx
    return (res, fl')

-- | Like 'runCtx' but does not return the final flags.
evalCtx :: Ctx a -> a
evalCtx (Ctx k) = unsafePerformIO $ do
  fp <- mallocForeignPtr
  withForeignPtr fp $ \pCtx -> do
    _ <- unsafe'c'decContextDefault pCtx c'DEC_INIT_DECQUAD
    k pCtx

-- # Class

-- | Different categories of 'Quad'.
newtype DecClass = DecClass C'decClass
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

-- | Signaling NaN
sNan :: DecClass
sNan = DecClass c'DEC_CLASS_SNAN

-- | Quiet NaN
qNan :: DecClass
qNan = DecClass c'DEC_CLASS_QNAN

-- | Negative infinity
negInf :: DecClass
negInf = DecClass c'DEC_CLASS_NEG_INF

-- | Negative normal number
negNormal :: DecClass
negNormal = DecClass c'DEC_CLASS_NEG_NORMAL

-- | Negative subnormal number
negSubnormal :: DecClass
negSubnormal = DecClass c'DEC_CLASS_NEG_SUBNORMAL

-- | The negative zero
negZero :: DecClass
negZero = DecClass c'DEC_CLASS_NEG_ZERO

-- | The positive zero
posZero :: DecClass
posZero = DecClass c'DEC_CLASS_POS_ZERO

-- | A positive subnormal number
posSubnormal :: DecClass
posSubnormal = DecClass c'DEC_CLASS_POS_SUBNORMAL

-- | A positive normal number
posNormal :: DecClass
posNormal = DecClass c'DEC_CLASS_POS_NORMAL

-- | Positive infinity
posInf :: DecClass
posInf = DecClass c'DEC_CLASS_POS_INF

instance Show DecClass where
  show (DecClass x)
    | x == c'DEC_CLASS_SNAN = "sNaN"
    | x == c'DEC_CLASS_QNAN = "NaN"
    | x == c'DEC_CLASS_NEG_INF = "-Infinity"
    | x == c'DEC_CLASS_NEG_NORMAL = "-Normal"
    | x == c'DEC_CLASS_NEG_SUBNORMAL = "-Subnormal"
    | x == c'DEC_CLASS_NEG_ZERO = "-Zero"
    | x == c'DEC_CLASS_POS_ZERO = "+Zero"
    | x == c'DEC_CLASS_POS_SUBNORMAL = "+Subnormal"
    | x == c'DEC_CLASS_POS_NORMAL = "+Normal"
    | x == c'DEC_CLASS_POS_INF = "+Infinity"
    | otherwise = error "decClass show: invalid value"

-- | A Quad is not a member of 'Eq' or 'Ord' because the semantics
-- of the 'compare' function do not easily allow for this.  However,
-- if you want to compare using a total ordering, you can wrap your
-- 'Quad' in 'QuadT'.  For more on what a total ordering is, see
-- <http://speleotrove.com/decimal/decifaq4.html>
-- and look under @Which is larger? 7.5 or 7.500?@.  As this
-- title suggests, when using a total ordering, @7.5@ and @7.500@
-- are not equal.

newtype QuadT = QuadT { unQuadT :: Quad }
  deriving Show

instance Eq QuadT where
  QuadT x == QuadT y = compareTotal x y == EQ

instance Ord QuadT where
  compare (QuadT x) (QuadT y) = compareTotal x y

-- # Helpers.  Do not export these.

-- | Creates a new Quad.  Uninitialized, so don't export this
-- function.
newQuad :: IO Quad
newQuad = fmap Quad mallocForeignPtr

type Unary
  = Ptr C'decQuad
  -> Ptr C'decQuad
  -> Ptr C'decContext
  -> IO (Ptr C'decQuad)

  :: Unary
  -> Quad
  -> Ctx Quad
unary f d = Ctx $ \ptrC ->
  newQuad >>= \r ->
  withForeignPtr (unQuad d) $ \ptrX ->
  withForeignPtr (unQuad r) $ \ptrR ->
  f ptrR ptrX ptrC >>
  return r

type Binary
  = Ptr C'decQuad
  -> Ptr C'decQuad
  -> Ptr C'decQuad
  -> Ptr C'decContext
  -> IO (Ptr C'decQuad)

  :: Binary
  -> Quad
  -> Quad
  -> Ctx Quad
binary f x y = Ctx $ \pC ->
  newQuad >>= \r ->
  withForeignPtr (unQuad r) $ \pR ->
  withForeignPtr (unQuad x) $ \pX ->
  withForeignPtr (unQuad y) $ \pY ->
  f pR pX pY pC >>
  return r

type BinaryCtxFree
  = Ptr C'decQuad
  -> Ptr C'decQuad
  -> Ptr C'decQuad
  -> IO (Ptr C'decQuad)

  :: BinaryCtxFree
  -> Quad
  -> Quad
  -> Quad
binaryCtxFree f x y = unsafePerformIO $
  newQuad >>= \r ->
  withForeignPtr (unQuad r) $ \pR ->
  withForeignPtr (unQuad x) $ \pX ->
  withForeignPtr (unQuad y) $ \pY ->
  f pR pX pY >>
  return r

type UnaryGet a
  = Ptr C'decQuad
  -> IO a

  :: UnaryGet a
  -> Quad
  -> a
unaryGet f d = unsafePerformIO $
  withForeignPtr (unQuad d) $ \pD -> f pD

type Ternary
  = Ptr C'decQuad
  -> Ptr C'decQuad
  -> Ptr C'decQuad
  -> Ptr C'decQuad
  -> Ptr C'decContext
  -> IO (Ptr C'decQuad)

  :: Ternary
  -> Quad
  -> Quad
  -> Quad
  -> Ctx Quad
ternary f x y z = Ctx $ \pC ->
  newQuad >>= \r ->
  withForeignPtr (unQuad r) $ \pR ->
  withForeignPtr (unQuad x) $ \pX ->
  withForeignPtr (unQuad y) $ \pY ->
  withForeignPtr (unQuad z) $ \pZ ->
  f pR pX pY pZ pC
  >> return r

type Boolean
  = Ptr C'decQuad
  -> IO C'uint32_t

  :: Boolean
  -> Quad
  -> Bool
boolean f d = unsafePerformIO $
  withForeignPtr (unQuad d) $ \pD ->
  f pD >>= \r ->
  return $ case r of
    1 -> True
    0 -> False
    _ -> error "boolean: bad return value"

-- MkString and mkString - moved to Internal so that toByteString
-- can use them

type GetRounded a
  = Ptr C'decQuad
  -> Ptr C'decContext
  -> C'rounding
  -> IO a

  :: GetRounded a
  -> Round
  -> Quad
  -> Ctx a
getRounded f (Round r) d = Ctx $ \pC ->
  withForeignPtr (unQuad d) $ \pD ->
  f pD pC r

-- # End Helpers

-- # Functions from decQuad. In alphabetical order.

-- | Absolute value.  NaNs are handled normally (the sign of an NaN
-- is not affected, and an sNaN sets 'invalidOperation'.
abs :: Quad -> Ctx Quad
abs = unary unsafe'c'decQuadAbs

add :: Quad -> Quad -> Ctx Quad
add = binary unsafe'c'decQuadAdd

-- | Digit-wise logical and.  Operands must be:
-- * zero or positive
-- * integers
-- * comprise only zeroes and/or ones
-- If not, 'invalidOperation' is set.
and :: Quad -> Quad -> Ctx Quad
and = binary unsafe'c'decQuadAnd

-- | More information about a particular 'Quad'.
decClass :: Quad -> DecClass
decClass = DecClass . unaryGet unsafe'c'decQuadClass

-- | Compares two 'Quad' numerically.  The result might be @-1@, @0@,
-- @1@, or NaN, where @-1@ means x is less than y, @0@ indicates
-- numerical equality, @1@ means y is greater than x.  NaN is
-- returned only if x or y is an NaN.
-- Thus, this function does not return an 'Ordering' because the
-- result might be an NaN.
compare :: Quad -> Quad -> Ctx Quad
compare = binary unsafe'c'decQuadCompare

-- | Wrapper for 'compare' that returns an 'Ordering' rather than a
-- 'Quad'.  Returns @Just LT@ rather than -1, @Just EQ@ rather than
-- 0, and @Just GT@ rather than 1, and @Nothing@ rather than NaN.
-- This is a pure function; it does not affect the 'Ctx'.

compareOrd :: Quad -> Quad -> Maybe Ordering
compareOrd x y = evalCtx $ do
  c <- compare x y
  let r | isNaN c = Nothing
        | isNegative c = Just LT
        | isZero c = Just EQ
        | isPositive c = Just GT
        | otherwise = error "compareOrd: unknown result"
  return r

-- | Same as 'compare', but a quietNaN is treated like a signaling
-- NaN (sets 'invalidOperation').
compareSignal :: Quad -> Quad -> Ctx Quad
compareSignal = binary unsafe'c'decQuadCompareSignal

-- | Compares using an IEEE 754 total ordering, which takes into
-- account the exponent.  IEEE 754 says that this function might
-- return different results depending upon whether the operands are
-- canonical; 'Quad' are always canonical so you don't need to worry
-- about that here.
compareTotal :: Quad -> Quad -> Ordering
compareTotal x y =
  let c = binaryCtxFree unsafe'c'decQuadCompareTotal x y
      r | isNegative c = LT
        | isZero c = EQ
        | isPositive c = GT
        | otherwise = error "compareTotal: unknown result"
  in r

-- | Same as 'compareTotal' but compares the absolute value of the
-- two arguments.
compareTotalMag :: Quad -> Quad -> Ordering
compareTotalMag x y =
  let c = binaryCtxFree unsafe'c'decQuadCompareTotalMag x y
      r | isNegative c = LT
        | isZero c = EQ
        | isPositive c = GT
        | otherwise = error "compareTotalMag: unknown result"
  in r

-- decNumber's CopySign copies the contents from pS to PN, except
-- that the sign is copied from pP to pN

-- | @copySign x y@ returns @z@, which is a copy of @x@ but has the
-- sign of @y@.  This function never raises any signals.
copySign :: Quad -> Quad -> Quad
copySign s p = unsafePerformIO $
  newQuad >>= \n ->
  withForeignPtr (unQuad n) $ \pN ->
  withForeignPtr (unQuad s) $ \pS ->
  withForeignPtr (unQuad p) $ \pP ->
  unsafe'c'decQuadCopySign pN pS pP >>
  return n

-- | Number of significant digits.  If zero or infinite, returns 1.
-- If NaN, returns number of digits in the payload.
digits :: Quad -> Int
digits = fromIntegral . unaryGet unsafe'c'decQuadDigits

divide :: Quad -> Quad -> Ctx Quad
divide = binary unsafe'c'decQuadDivide

-- | @divideInteger x y@ returns the integer part of the result
-- (rounded toward zero), with an exponent of 0.  If the the result
-- would not fit because it has too many digits,
-- 'divisionImpossible' is set.
divideInteger :: Quad -> Quad -> Ctx Quad
divideInteger = binary unsafe'c'decQuadDivideInteger

-- | Fused multiply add; @fma x y z@ calculates @x * y + z@.  The
-- multiply is carried out first and is exact, so the result has
-- only one final rounding.
fma :: Quad -> Quad -> Quad -> Ctx Quad
fma = ternary unsafe'c'decQuadFMA

fromInt32 :: C'int32_t -> Quad
fromInt32 i = unsafePerformIO $
  newQuad >>= \r ->
  withForeignPtr (unQuad r) $ \pR ->
  unsafe'c'decQuadFromInt32 pR i
  >> return r

-- | Reads a ByteString, which can be in scientific, engineering, or
-- \"regular\" decimal notation.  Also reads NaN, Infinity, etc.
-- Will return a signaling NaN and set 'invalidOperation' if the
-- string given is invalid.
-- In the decNumber C library, this function was called
-- @fromString@; the name was changed here because it doesn't take a
-- regular Haskell 'String'.
fromByteString :: BS8.ByteString -> Ctx Quad
fromByteString s = Ctx $ \pC ->
  newQuad >>= \r ->
  withForeignPtr (unQuad r) $ \pR ->
  BS8.useAsCString s $ \pS ->
  unsafe'c'decQuadFromString pR pS pC >>
  return r

fromUInt32 :: C'uint32_t -> Quad
fromUInt32 i = unsafePerformIO $
  newQuad >>= \r ->
  withForeignPtr (unQuad r) $ \pR ->
  unsafe'c'decQuadFromUInt32 pR i >>
  return r

-- | Digit-wise logical inversion.  The operand must be:
-- * zero or positive
-- * integers
-- * comprise only zeroes and/or ones
-- If not, 'invalidOperation' is set.
invert :: Quad -> Ctx Quad
invert = unary unsafe'c'decQuadInvert

-- | True if @x@ is neither infinite nor a NaN.
isFinite :: Quad -> Bool
isFinite = boolean unsafe'c'decQuadIsFinite

-- | True for infinities.
isInfinite :: Quad -> Bool
isInfinite = boolean unsafe'c'decQuadIsInfinite

-- | True if @x@ is finite and has exponent of @0@; False otherwise.
-- This tests the exponent, not the /adjusted/ exponent.  This can
-- lead to results you may not expect:
-- >>> isInteger . evalCtx . fromByteString . pack $ "3.00e2"
-- True
-- >>> isInteger . evalCtx . fromByteString . pack $ "3e2"
-- False
-- >>> isInteger . evalCtx . fromByteString . pack $ "3.00e0"
-- False
isInteger :: Quad -> Bool
isInteger = boolean unsafe'c'decQuadIsInteger

-- | True only if @x@ is zero or positive, an integer (finite with
-- exponent of 0), and the coefficient is only zeroes and/or ones.
isLogical :: Quad -> Bool
isLogical = boolean unsafe'c'decQuadIsLogical

-- | True for NaNs.
isNaN :: Quad -> Bool
isNaN = boolean unsafe'c'decQuadIsNaN

-- | True only if @x@ is less than zero and is not an NaN.
isNegative :: Quad -> Bool
isNegative = boolean unsafe'c'decQuadIsNegative

-- | True only if @x@ is finite, non-zero, and not subnormal.
isNormal :: Quad -> Bool
isNormal = boolean unsafe'c'decQuadIsNormal

-- | True only if @x@ is greater than zero and is not an NaN.
isPositive :: Quad -> Bool
isPositive = boolean unsafe'c'decQuadIsPositive

-- | True only if @x@ is a signaling NaN.
isSignaling :: Quad -> Bool
isSignaling = boolean unsafe'c'decQuadIsSignaling

-- | True only if @x@ has a sign of 1.  Note that zeroes and NaNs
-- may have sign of 1.
isSigned :: Quad -> Bool
isSigned = boolean unsafe'c'decQuadIsSigned

-- | True only if @x@ is subnormal - that is, finite, non-zero, and
-- with a magnitude less than 10 ^ emin.
isSubnormal :: Quad -> Bool
isSubnormal = boolean unsafe'c'decQuadIsSubnormal

-- | True only if @x@ is a zero.
isZero :: Quad -> Bool
isZero = boolean unsafe'c'decQuadIsZero

-- | @logB x@ Returns the adjusted exponent of x, according to IEEE
-- 754 rules.  If @x@ is infinite, returns +Infinity.  If @x@ is
-- zero, the result is -Infinity, and 'divisionByZero' is set.  If
-- @x@ is less than zero, the absolute value of @x@ is used.  If @x@
-- is one, the result is 0.  NaNs are propagated as for arithmetic
-- operations.
logB :: Quad -> Ctx Quad
logB = unary unsafe'c'decQuadLogB

-- | @max x y@ returns the larger argument; if either (but not both)
-- @x@ or @y@ is a quiet NaN then the other argument is the result;
-- otherwise, NaNs, are handled as for arithmetic operations.
max :: Quad -> Quad -> Ctx Quad
max = binary unsafe'c'decQuadMax

-- | Like 'max' but the absolute values of the arguments are used.
maxMag :: Quad -> Quad -> Ctx Quad
maxMag = binary unsafe'c'decQuadMaxMag

-- | @min x y@ returns the smaller argument; if either (but not both)
-- @x@ or @y@ is a quiet NaN then the other argument is the result;
-- otherwise, NaNs, are handled as for arithmetic operations.
min :: Quad -> Quad -> Ctx Quad
min = binary unsafe'c'decQuadMin

-- | Like 'min' but the absolute values of the arguments are used.
minMag :: Quad -> Quad -> Ctx Quad
minMag = binary unsafe'c'decQuadMinMag

-- | Negation.  Result has the same effect as @0 - x@ when the
-- exponent of the zero is the same as that of @x@, if @x@ is
-- finite.
minus :: Quad -> Ctx Quad
minus = unary unsafe'c'decQuadMinus

multiply :: Quad -> Quad -> Ctx Quad
multiply = binary unsafe'c'decQuadMultiply

-- | Decrements toward negative infinity.
nextMinus :: Quad -> Ctx Quad
nextMinus = unary unsafe'c'decQuadNextMinus

-- | Increments toward positive infinity.
nextPlus :: Quad -> Ctx Quad
nextPlus = unary unsafe'c'decQuadNextPlus

-- | @nextToward x y@ returns the next 'Quad' in the direction of
-- @y@.
nextToward :: Quad -> Quad -> Ctx Quad
nextToward = binary unsafe'c'decQuadNextToward

-- | Digit wise logical inclusive Or.  Operands must be:
-- * zero or positive
-- * integers
-- * comprise only zeroes and/or ones
-- If not, 'invalidOperation' is set.
or :: Quad -> Quad -> Ctx Quad
or = binary unsafe'c'decQuadOr

-- | Same effect as @0 + x@ where the exponent of the zero is the
-- same as that of @x@ if @x@ is finite).  NaNs are handled as for
-- arithmetic operations.
plus :: Quad -> Ctx Quad
plus = unary unsafe'c'decQuadPlus

-- | @quantize x y@ returns @z@ which is @x@ set to have the same
-- quantum as @y@; that is, numerically the same value but rounded
-- or padded if necessary to have the same exponent as @y@.  Useful
-- for rounding monetary quantities.
quantize :: Quad -> Quad -> Ctx Quad
quantize = binary unsafe'c'decQuadQuantize

-- | Reduces coefficient to its shortest possible form without
-- changing the value of the result by removing all possible
-- trailing zeroes.
reduce :: Quad -> Ctx Quad
reduce = unary unsafe'c'decQuadReduce

-- | Remainder from integer division.  If the intermediate integer
-- does not fit within a Quad, 'divisionImpossible' is raised.
remainder :: Quad -> Quad -> Ctx Quad
remainder = binary unsafe'c'decQuadRemainder

-- | Like 'remainder' but the nearest integer is used for for the
-- intermediate result instead of the result from 'divideInteger'.
remainderNear :: Quad -> Quad -> Ctx Quad
remainderNear = binary unsafe'c'decQuadRemainderNear

-- | @rotate x y@ rotates the digits of x to the left (if @y@ is
-- positive) or right (if @y@ is negative) without adjusting the
-- exponent or sign of @x@.  @y@ is the number of positions to
-- rotate and must be in the range @negate 'coefficientLen'@ to
-- @'coefficentLen'@.
-- NaNs are propagated as usual.  No status is set unless @y@ is
-- invalid or an operand is an NaN.
rotate :: Quad -> Quad -> Ctx Quad
rotate = binary unsafe'c'decQuadRotate

-- | True only if both operands have the same exponent or are both
-- NaNs (quiet or signaling) or both infinite.
sameQuantum :: Quad -> Quad -> Bool
sameQuantum x y = unsafePerformIO $
  withForeignPtr (unQuad x) $ \pX ->
  withForeignPtr (unQuad y) $ \pY ->
  unsafe'c'decQuadSameQuantum pX pY >>= \r ->
  return $ case r of
    1 -> True
    0 -> False
    _ -> error "sameQuantum: error: invalid result"

-- | @scaleB x y@ calculates @x * 10 ^ y@.  @y@ must be an integer
-- (finite with exponent of 0) in the range of plus or minus @2 *
-- 'coefficientLen' + 'coefficientLen')@, typically resulting from
-- 'logB'.  Underflow and overflow might occur; NaNs propagate as
-- usual.
scaleB :: Quad -> Quad -> Ctx Quad
scaleB = binary unsafe'c'decQuadScaleB

-- | @shift x y@ shifts digits the digits of x to the left (if @y@
-- is positive) or right (if @y@ is negative) without adjusting the
-- exponent or sign of @x@.  Any digits shifted in from the left or
-- right will be 0.
-- @y@ is a count of positions to shift; it must be a finite
-- integer in the range @negate 'coefficientLen'@ to
-- 'coefficientLen'.  NaNs propagate as usual.  If @x@ is infinite
-- the result is an infinity of the same sign.  No status is set
-- unless y is invalid or the operand is an NaN.
shift :: Quad -> Quad -> Ctx Quad
shift = binary unsafe'c'decQuadShift

-- omitted: Show

subtract :: Quad -> Quad -> Ctx Quad
subtract = binary unsafe'c'decQuadSubtract

-- | Returns a string in engineering notation.
-- In the decNumber C library, this is called @toEngString@; the
-- name is changed here because the function does not return a
-- regular Haskell 'String'.
toEngByteString :: Quad -> BS8.ByteString
toEngByteString = mkString unsafe'c'decQuadToEngString

-- | Uses the rounding method given rather than the one in the
-- 'Ctx'.  If the operand is infinite, an NaN, or if the result of
-- rounding is outside the range of a 'C'int32_t', then
-- 'invalidOperation' is set.  'inexact' is not set even if rounding
-- occurred.
toInt32 :: Round -> Quad -> Ctx C'int32_t
toInt32 = getRounded unsafe'c'decQuadToInt32

-- | Like 'toInt32' but if rounding removes non-zero digits then
-- 'inexact' is set.
toInt32Exact :: Round -> Quad -> Ctx C'int32_t
toInt32Exact = getRounded unsafe'c'decQuadToInt32Exact

-- | Rounds to an integral using the rounding mode set in the 'Ctx'.
-- If the operand is infinite, an infinity of the same sign is
-- returned.  If the operand is an NaN, the result is the same as
-- for other arithmetic operations.  If rounding removes non-zero
-- digits then 'inexact' is set.
toIntegralExact :: Quad -> Ctx Quad
toIntegralExact = unary unsafe'c'decQuadToIntegralExact

-- | @toIntegralValue r x@ returns an integral value of @x@ using
-- the rounding mode @r@ rather than the one specified in the 'Ctx'.
-- If the operand is an NaN, the result is the same as for other
-- arithmetic operations.  'inexact' is not set even if rounding
-- occurred.
toIntegralValue :: Round -> Quad -> Ctx Quad
toIntegralValue (Round rnd) d = Ctx $ \pC ->
  withForeignPtr (unQuad d) $ \pD ->
  newQuad >>= \r ->
  withForeignPtr (unQuad r) $ \pR ->
  unsafe'c'decQuadToIntegralValue pR pD pC rnd >>
  return r

-- toByteString - moved to Internal so that Quad can Show in a
-- non-orphan instance

-- | @toUInt32 r x@ returns the value of @x@, rounded to an integer
-- if necessary using the rounding mode @r@ rather than the one
-- given in the 'Ctx'.  If @x@ is infinite, or outside of the range
-- of a 'C'uint32_t', then 'invalidOperation' is set.  'inexact' is
-- not set even if rounding occurs.
-- The negative zero converts to 0 and is valid, but negative
-- numbers are not valid.
toUInt32 :: Round -> Quad -> Ctx C'uint32_t
toUInt32 = getRounded unsafe'c'decQuadToUInt32

-- | Same as 'toUInt32' but if rounding removes non-zero digits then
-- 'inexact' is set.
toUInt32Exact :: Round -> Quad -> Ctx C'uint32_t
toUInt32Exact = getRounded unsafe'c'decQuadToUInt32Exact

-- | Identifies the version of the decNumber C library.
version :: BS8.ByteString
version = unsafePerformIO $
  unsafe'c'decQuadVersion >>= BS8.packCString

-- | Digit-wise logical exclusive or.  Operands must be:
-- * zero or positive
-- * integers
-- * comprise only zeroes and/or ones
-- If not, 'invalidOperation' is set.

xor :: Quad -> Quad -> Ctx Quad
xor = binary unsafe'c'decQuadXor

-- | A Quad whose coefficient, exponent, and sign are all 0.
zero :: Quad
zero = unsafePerformIO $
  newQuad >>= \d ->
  withForeignPtr (unQuad d) $ \pD ->
  unsafe'c'decQuadZero pD >>
  return d

-- | A Quad with coefficient 'D1', exponent 0, and sign 'Sign0'.
one :: Quad
one = fromBCD
  $ Decoded Sign0 (Finite (Coefficient [D1]) (Exponent 0))

-- # Conversions

data Sign
  = Sign0
  -- ^ The number is positive or is zero
  | Sign1
  -- ^ The number is negative or the negative zero
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded)

data NaN
  = Quiet
  | Signaling
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded)

-- Decimal Arithmetic Specification version 1.70, page 10, says that
-- the minimum and maximum adjusted exponent is given by
-- @-x - (c - 1) + 1@ and @x - (c - 1)@
-- where @x@ the upper limit on the absolute value of exponent, and
-- @c@ is the length of the coefficient in decimal digits.
-- However, the lower bound of the above formula only accounts for
-- normal numbers.  When subnormal numbers are enabled (as they are
-- here), the lower bound on exponents is
-- @m - (p - 1)@
-- where @m@ is the smallest possible adjusted exponent for normal
-- numbers (called Emin), and p is the working precision.
-- Also, the upper bound is different too, becuase decQuad is
-- clamped; see decNumber manual, page 23.  This means the maximum
-- exponent is limited to
-- @t - (p - 1)@
-- where @t@ is the maximum possible adjusted exponent and p is the
-- working precision.
-- The function below uses the minimum and maximum accounting for
-- the clamp and the subnormals.

-- | The minimum and maximum possible exponent.
minMaxExp :: (Int, Int)
minMaxExp = (l, h)
    l = c'DECQUAD_Emin - c'DECQUAD_Pmax + 1
    h = c'DECQUAD_Emax - c'DECQUAD_Pmax + 1

-- | The smallest possible adjusted exponent that is still normal.
-- Adjusted exponents smaller than this are subnormal.
minNormalAdj :: AdjustedExp
minNormalAdj = AdjustedExp c'DECQUAD_Emin

-- | Like 'minNormalAdj', but returns the size of the regular exponent
-- rather than the adjusted exponent.
minNormalExp :: Coefficient -> Exponent
minNormalExp c = adjustedToExponent c $ minNormalAdj

-- | The signed integer which indicates the power of ten by which
-- the coefficient is multiplied.
newtype Exponent = Exponent { unExponent :: Int }
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

instance Bounded Exponent where
  minBound = Exponent . fst $ minMaxExp
  maxBound = Exponent . snd $ minMaxExp

instance Enum Exponent where
  toEnum i
    | r < minBound = error e
    | r > maxBound = error e
    | otherwise = r
      r = Exponent i
      e = "Deka.Exponent.toEnum: integer out of range"

  fromEnum (Exponent i) = i

-- | Ensures that the exponent is within the range allowed by
-- 'minMaxExp'.
exponent :: Int -> Maybe Exponent
exponent i
  | i < l = Nothing
  | i > h = Nothing
  | otherwise = Just . Exponent $ i
    (l, h) = minMaxExp

-- | An Exponent whose value is 0.
zeroExponent :: Exponent
zeroExponent = Exponent 0

data Value
  = Finite Coefficient Exponent
  | Infinite
  | NaN NaN Payload
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | A pure Haskell type which holds information identical to that
-- in a 'Quad'.
data Decoded = Decoded
  { dSign :: Sign
  , dValue :: Value
  } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | Decodes a 'Quad' to a pure Haskell type which holds identical
-- information.
toBCD :: Quad -> Decoded
toBCD d = unsafePerformIO $
  withForeignPtr (unQuad d) $ \pD ->
  allocaBytes c'DECQUAD_Pmax $ \pArr ->
  alloca $ \pExp ->
  unsafe'c'decQuadToBCD pD pExp pArr >>= \sgn ->
  peek pExp >>= \ex ->
  peekArray c'DECQUAD_Pmax pArr >>= \coef ->
  return (getDecoded sgn ex coef)

-- | Encodes a new 'Quad'.
fromBCD :: Decoded -> Quad
fromBCD dcd = unsafePerformIO $
  newQuad >>= \d ->
  withForeignPtr (unQuad d) $ \pD ->
  let (expn, digs, sgn) = toDecNumberBCD dcd in
  withArray digs $ \pArr ->
  unsafe'c'decQuadFromBCD pD expn pArr sgn >>
  return d

-- ## Decoding and encoding helpers

toDecNumberBCD :: Decoded -> (C'int32_t, [C'uint8_t], C'int32_t)
toDecNumberBCD (Decoded s v) = (e, ds, sgn)
    sgn = case s of { Sign0 -> 0; Sign1 -> c'DECFLOAT_Sign }
    (e, ds) = case v of
      Infinite -> (c'DECFLOAT_Inf, replicate c'DECQUAD_Pmax 0)
      NaN n (Payload ps) -> (ns, np)
          ns = case n of
            Quiet -> c'DECFLOAT_qNaN
            Signaling -> c'DECFLOAT_sNaN
          np = pad ++ map digitToInt ps
          pad = replicate (c'DECQUAD_Pmax - length ps) 0
      Finite (Coefficient digs) (Exponent ex) ->
        ( fromIntegral ex, pad ++ map digitToInt digs )
          pad = replicate (c'DECQUAD_Pmax - length digs) 0

  :: C'int32_t
  -- ^ Sign. Zero if sign is zero; non-zero if sign is not zero
  -- (that is, is negavite.)
  -> C'int32_t
  -- ^ Exponent
  -> [C'uint8_t]
  -- ^ Coefficient
  -> Decoded
getDecoded sgn ex coef = Decoded s v
    s = if sgn == 0 then Sign0 else Sign1
    v | ex == c'DECFLOAT_qNaN = NaN Quiet pld
      | ex == c'DECFLOAT_sNaN = NaN Signaling pld
      | ex == c'DECFLOAT_Inf = Infinite
      | otherwise = Finite coe (Exponent $ fromIntegral ex)
        pld = Payload . toDigs . tail $ coef
        coe = Coefficient . toDigs $ coef
        toDigs c = case dropWhile (== D0) . map intToDigit $ c of
          [] -> [D0]
          xs -> xs

-- ## Decoded to scientific and ordinary notation

-- | Converts a Decoded to scientific notation.  Unlike
-- 'toByteString' this will always use scientific notation.  For
-- NaNs and infinities, the notation is identical to that of
-- decNumber  (see Decimal Arithmetic Specification page 19).  This
-- means that a quiet NaN is @NaN@ while a signaling NaN is @sNaN@,
-- and infinity is @Infinity@.
-- Like decQuadToString, the payload of an NaN is not shown if it is
-- zero.

scientific :: Decoded -> String
scientific d = sign ++ rest
    sign = case dSign d of
      Sign0 -> ""
      Sign1 -> "-"
    rest = case dValue d of
      Infinite -> "Infinity"
      Finite c e -> sciFinite c e
      NaN n p -> sciNaN n p

sciFinite :: Coefficient -> Exponent -> String
sciFinite c e = sCoe ++ 'E':sExp
    sCoe = case unCoefficient c of
      x:xs -> digitToChar x : case xs of
        [] -> []
        _ -> '.' : map digitToChar xs
      [] -> error "sciFinite: empty coefficient"
    sExp = show . unAdjustedExp . adjustedExp c $ e

sciNaN :: NaN -> Payload -> String
sciNaN n p = nStr ++ pStr
    nStr = case n of { Quiet -> "NaN"; Signaling -> "sNaN" }
    pStr = case unPayload p of
      [D0] -> ""
      xs -> map digitToChar xs

-- | Converts Decoded to ordinary decimal notation.  For NaNs and
-- infinities, the notation is identical to that of 'scientific'.
-- Unlike 'scientific', though the result can always be converted back
-- to a 'Quad' using 'fromByteString', the number of significant
-- digits might change.  For example, though @1.2E3@ has two
-- significant digits, using @ordinary@ on this value and then
-- reading it back in with @fromByteString@ will give you @1200E0@,
-- which has four significant digits.

ordinary :: Decoded -> String
ordinary d = sign ++ rest
    sign = case dSign d of
      Sign0 -> ""
      Sign1 -> "-"
    rest = case dValue d of
      Infinite -> "Infinity"
      Finite c e -> onyFinite c e
      NaN n p -> sciNaN n p

onyFinite :: Coefficient -> Exponent -> String
onyFinite c e
  | coe == [D0] = "0"
  | ex >= 0 = map digitToChar coe ++ replicate ex '0'
  | aex < lCoe =
      let (lft, rt) = splitAt (lCoe - aex) coe
      in map digitToChar lft ++ "." ++ map digitToChar rt
  | otherwise =
      let numZeroes = aex - lCoe
      in "0." ++ replicate numZeroes '0' ++ map digitToChar coe
    ex = unExponent e
    coe = unCoefficient c
    aex = Prelude.abs ex
    lCoe = length coe

-- | Converts a Decoded to a Rational.  Returns Nothing if the
-- Decoded is not finite.
decodedToRational :: Decoded -> Maybe Rational
decodedToRational d = case dValue d of
  (Finite c e) ->
    let int = digitsToInteger . unCoefficient $ c
        ex = unExponent e
        mkSgn = if dSign d == Sign0 then id else negate
        mult = if ex < 0 then 1 % (10 ^ Prelude.abs ex) else 10 ^ ex
    in Just . mkSgn $ fromIntegral int * mult
  _ -> Nothing

-- ## Digits

-- | A single decimal digit.
data Digit = D0 | D1 | D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 | D6 | D7 | D8 | D9
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded)

digitToInt :: Integral a => Digit -> a
digitToInt d = case d of
  { D0 -> 0; D1 -> 1; D2 -> 2; D3 -> 3; D4 -> 4; D5 -> 5;
    D6 -> 6; D7 -> 7; D8 -> 8; D9 -> 9 }

intToDigit :: Integral a => a -> Digit
intToDigit i = case i of
  { 0 -> D0; 1 -> D1; 2 -> D2; 3 -> D3; 4 -> D4;
    5 -> D5; 6 -> D6; 7 -> D7; 8 -> D8; 9 -> D9;
    _ -> error "intToDigit: integer out of range" }

digitToChar :: Digit -> Char
digitToChar d = case d of
  { D0 -> '0'; D1 -> '1'; D2 -> '2'; D3 -> '3'; D4 -> '4';
    D5 -> '5'; D6 -> '6'; D7 -> '7'; D8 -> '8'; D9 -> '9' }

-- | A list of digits, less than or equal to 'coefficientLen' long.
-- Corresponds only to finite numbers.
newtype Coefficient = Coefficient { unCoefficient :: [Digit] }
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

instance Bounded Coefficient where
  minBound = Coefficient [D0]
  maxBound = Coefficient $ replicate coefficientLen D9

instance Enum Coefficient where
  toEnum i
    | i < 0 = error $ "Deka.Quad.Coefficient.toEnum: argument "
      ++ "out of range; is negative"
    | length r > coefficientLen = error $ "Deka.Quad.Coefficient."
        ++ "toEnum: argument too large"
    | otherwise = Coefficient r
      r = integralToDigits i

  fromEnum i
    | r > (fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int)) =
        error $ "Deka.Quad.Coefficient.fromEnum:"
          ++ " argument too large to fit into Int"
    | otherwise = fromIntegral r
      r = digitsToInteger . unCoefficient $ i

-- | Creates a 'Coefficient'.  Checks to ensure it is not null and
-- that it is not longer than 'coefficientLen' and that it does not
-- have leading zeroes (if it is 0, a single 'D0' is allowed).
coefficient :: [Digit] -> Maybe Coefficient
coefficient ls
  | null ls = Nothing
  | length ls > 1 && head ls == D0 = Nothing
  | length ls > coefficientLen = Nothing
  | otherwise = Just . Coefficient $ ls

-- | Coefficient of 'D0'
zeroCoefficient :: Coefficient
zeroCoefficient = Coefficient [D0]

-- | Coefficient of 'D1'
oneCoefficient :: Coefficient
oneCoefficient = Coefficient [D1]

-- | A list of digits, less than or equal to 'payloadLen'
-- long.  Accompanies an NaN, potentially with diagnostic
-- information (I do not know if decNumber actually makes use of
-- this.)
newtype Payload = Payload { unPayload :: [Digit] }
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

instance Bounded Payload where
  minBound = Payload [D0]
  maxBound = Payload $ replicate payloadLen D9

instance Enum Payload where
  toEnum i
    | i < 0 = error $ "Deka.Quad.Payload.toEnum: argument "
      ++ "out of range; is negative"
    | length r > payloadLen = error $ "Deka.Quad.Payload."
        ++ "toEnum: argument too large"
    | otherwise = Payload r
      r = integralToDigits i

  fromEnum i
    | r > (fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int)) =
        error $ "Deka.Quad.Payload.fromEnum:"
          ++ " argument too large to fit into Int"
    | otherwise = fromIntegral r
      r = digitsToInteger . unPayload $ i

-- | Creates a 'Payload'.  Checks to ensure it is not null, not
-- longer than 'payloadLen' and that it does not have leading zeroes
-- (if it is 0, a single 'D0' is allowed).
payload :: [Digit] -> Maybe Payload
payload ds
  | null ds = Nothing
  | length ds > 1 && head ds == D0 = Nothing
  | length ds > payloadLen = Nothing
  | otherwise = Just . Payload $ ds

-- | Payload of [D0]
zeroPayload :: Payload
zeroPayload = Payload [D0]

-- | The most significant digit is at the head of the list.
digitsToInteger :: [Digit] -> Integer
digitsToInteger ls = go (length ls - 1) 0 ls
    go c t ds = case ds of
      [] -> t
      x:xs -> let m = digitToInt x * 10 ^ c
                  t' = m + t
                  c' = c - 1
                  _types = c :: Int
              in go c' t' xs

-- | The most significant digit is at
-- the head of the list.  Sign of number is not relevant.
integralToDigits :: Integral a => a -> [Digit]
integralToDigits = reverse . go . Prelude.abs
    go i
      | i == 0 = []
      | otherwise =
          let (d, m) = i `divMod` 10
          in intToDigit m : go d

-- | Maximum number of digits in a coefficient.
coefficientLen :: Int
coefficientLen = c'DECQUAD_Pmax

-- | Maximum number of digits in a payload.
payloadLen :: Int
payloadLen = c'DECQUAD_Pmax - 1

-- # Decoded predicates

dIsFinite :: Decoded -> Bool
dIsFinite (Decoded _ v) = case v of
  Finite _ _ -> True
  _ -> False

dIsInfinite :: Decoded -> Bool
dIsInfinite (Decoded _ v) = case v of
  Infinite -> True
  _ -> False

dIsInteger :: Decoded -> Bool
dIsInteger (Decoded _ v) = case v of
  Finite _ e -> unExponent e == 0
  _ -> False

-- | True only if @x@ is zero or positive, an integer (finite with
-- exponent of 0), and the coefficient is only zeroes and/or ones.
-- The sign must be Sign0 (that is, you cannot have a negative
-- zero.)
dIsLogical :: Decoded -> Bool
dIsLogical (Decoded s v) = fromMaybe False $ do
  guard $ s == Sign0
  (d, e) <- case v of
    Finite ds ex -> return (ds, ex)
    _ -> Nothing
  guard $ e == zeroExponent
    . all (\x -> x == D0 || x == D1)
    . unCoefficient $ d

dIsNaN :: Decoded -> Bool
dIsNaN (Decoded _ v) = case v of
  NaN _ _ -> True
  _ -> False

-- | True only if @x@ is less than zero and is not an NaN.  It's not
-- enough for the sign to be Sign1; the coefficient (if finite) must
-- be greater than zero.
dIsNegative :: Decoded -> Bool
dIsNegative (Decoded s v) = fromMaybe False $ do
  guard $ s == Sign1
  return $ case v of
    Finite d _ -> any (/= D0) . unCoefficient $ d
    Infinite -> True
    _ -> False

dIsNormal :: Decoded -> Bool
dIsNormal (Decoded _ v) = case v of
  Finite d e
    | adjustedExp d e < minNormalAdj -> False
    | otherwise -> any (/= D0) . unCoefficient $ d
  _ -> False

dIsPositive :: Decoded -> Bool
dIsPositive (Decoded s v)
  | s == Sign1 = False
  | otherwise = case v of
      Finite d _ -> any (/= D0) . unCoefficient $ d
      Infinite -> True
      _ -> False

dIsSignaling :: Decoded -> Bool
dIsSignaling (Decoded _ v) = case v of
  NaN Signaling _ -> True
  _ -> False

dIsSigned :: Decoded -> Bool
dIsSigned (Decoded s _) = s == Sign1

dIsSubnormal :: Decoded -> Bool
dIsSubnormal (Decoded _ v) = case v of
  Finite d e -> adjustedExp d e < minNormalAdj
  _ -> False

-- | True for any zero (negative or positive zero).
dIsZero :: Decoded -> Bool
dIsZero (Decoded _ v) = case v of
  Finite d _ -> all (== D0) . unCoefficient $ d
  _ -> False

-- | The number of significant digits. Zero returns 1.
dDigits :: Coefficient -> Int
dDigits (Coefficient ds) = case dropWhile (== D0) ds of
  [] -> 1
  rs -> length rs

-- | An adjusted exponent is the value of an exponent of a number
-- when that number is expressed as though in scientific notation
-- with one digit before any decimal point.  This is the finite
-- exponent + (number of significant digits - 1).
newtype AdjustedExp = AdjustedExp { unAdjustedExp :: Int }
  deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

instance Bounded AdjustedExp where
  minBound = AdjustedExp $ fst minMaxExp
  maxBound = AdjustedExp $ snd minMaxExp + coefficientLen - 1

instance Enum AdjustedExp where
  toEnum i
    | r < minBound = error e
    | r > maxBound = error e
    | otherwise = r
      r = AdjustedExp i
      e = "Deka.AdjustedExp.toEnum: integer out of range"

  fromEnum (AdjustedExp i) = i

adjustedExp :: Coefficient -> Exponent -> AdjustedExp
adjustedExp ds e = AdjustedExp $ unExponent e
  + dDigits ds - 1

adjustedToExponent :: Coefficient -> AdjustedExp -> Exponent
adjustedToExponent ds e = Exponent $ unAdjustedExp e -
  dDigits ds + 1

-- # DecClass-like Decoded predicates

dIsSNaN :: Decoded -> Bool
dIsSNaN d = case dValue d of
  NaN n _ -> n == Signaling
  _ -> False

dIsQNaN :: Decoded -> Bool
dIsQNaN d = case dValue d of
  NaN n _ -> n == Quiet
  _ -> False

dIsNegInf :: Decoded -> Bool
dIsNegInf d
  | dSign d == Sign0 = False
  | otherwise = dValue d == Infinite

dIsNegNormal :: Decoded -> Bool
dIsNegNormal d
  | dSign d == Sign0 = False
  | otherwise = case dValue d of
      Finite c e -> e >= minNormalExp c
      _ -> False

dIsNegSubnormal :: Decoded -> Bool
dIsNegSubnormal d
  | dSign d == Sign0 = False
  | otherwise = case dValue d of
      Finite c e -> e < minNormalExp c
      _ -> False

dIsNegZero :: Decoded -> Bool
dIsNegZero d
  | dSign d == Sign0 = False
  | otherwise = case dValue d of
      Finite c _ -> unCoefficient c == [D0]
      _ -> False

dIsPosZero :: Decoded -> Bool
dIsPosZero d
  | dSign d == Sign1 = False
  | otherwise = case dValue d of
      Finite c _ -> unCoefficient c == [D0]
      _ -> False

dIsPosSubnormal :: Decoded -> Bool
dIsPosSubnormal d
  | dSign d == Sign1 = False
  | otherwise = case dValue d of
      Finite c e -> e < minNormalExp c
      _ -> False

dIsPosNormal :: Decoded -> Bool
dIsPosNormal d
  | dSign d == Sign1 = False
  | otherwise = case dValue d of
      Finite c e -> e >= minNormalExp c
      _ -> False

dIsPosInf :: Decoded -> Bool
dIsPosInf d
  | dSign d == Sign1 = False
  | otherwise = dValue d == Infinite

-- # decQuad functions not recreated here:

-- skipped: classString - not needed
-- skipped: copy - not needed
-- skipped: copyAbs - use abs instead
-- skipped: copyNegate - use negate instead
-- skipped: fromNumber - not needed
-- skipped: fromPacked - use fromPackedChecked instead
-- skipped: fromWider - not needed
-- skipped: getExponent, setExponent - use toBCD, fromBCD
-- skipped: getCoefficient, setCoefficient - use toBCD, fromBCD
-- skipped: isCanonical - not needed
-- skipped: radix - not needed
-- skipped: toNumber - not needed
-- skipped: toPacked - use decode function instead
-- skipped: toWider - not needed
-- skipped: show - not needed; impure