Examples for the Deka library ============================= For very simple arithmetic, just import `Data.Deka`. It contains a `Deka` type, which is an instance of Num. For more control over your arithmetic, import `Data.Deka.Quad`. Be aware that `Quad` exports some functions that clash with Prelude names, so you might want to do a qualified `import`; however we will just import them unqualified here.
> -- Examples will deliberately shadow some names
> {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
> -- | If you are viewing this module in Haddock and expecting to
> -- see examples, you won't see anything.  The file is written in
> -- literate Haskell, so the idea is that you will look at the
> -- source itself.  You can look at the source in Haddock, but it
> -- will probably be poorly formatted because HsColour formats it
> -- rather oddly by default.  The easiest way to see it
> -- is on Github:
> --
> -- <https://github.com/massysett/deka/blob/master/lib/Data/Deka/Docs/Examples.lhs>
> module Data.Deka.Docs.Examples where
> import Data.Deka
> import Data.Maybe
> import Data.Deka.Quad
We need Char8 ByteStrings when working with the `Quad` module:
> import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
> examples :: IO ()
> examples = do {
Why is decimal arithmetic important? The webpages here discuss the issue at great length: http://speleotrove.com/decimal/ But in a nutshell, the floats that are built in to nearly every computer language, including Haskell, are approximate. That's OK for many purposes. It's not OK if you need exact results, such as for financial purposes. For example, on my machine this will not output 0.3 but instead will output 0.3 plus a small fraction:
> print $ 0.1 + 0.1 + (0.1 :: Double);
This sort of imprecision adds up quickly and makes your life as a programmer harder in many ways. It also produces results that are simply incorrect if you needed an exact answer. For simple arithmetic like this, deka provides the `Deka` type. It is an instance of `Num`. Results with the `Deka` type are never, ever rounded. You are limited to 34 digits of precision. If you need more than 34 digits of precision, you can afford to pay someone to develop your own library :) For example, these numbers all have 5 digits of precision: 12345 123.45 0.12345 0.00012345 All numbers in deka are stored as a "coefficient" and an "exponent". The coefficient is an integer, and the exponent is an integer that may be negative, zero, or positive. Here, the coefficient is always 12345, but the exponent varies: Number Exponent 12345 0 123.45 -2 0.12345 -5 0.00012345 -8 Some numbers can only accurately be written down using scientific notation if we want to reflect how many digits are in the coefficient. We can do this with E notation, where the coefficient is followed by the exponent. To get the original number, if the coefficient is c and the exponent is e, do c * 10 ^ e So, for example, you can say that `12345e0` and `1234500e-2` are the same number, but they have different coefficients. For more about decimal arithmetic, you will really want to read http://speleotrove.com/decimal/decarith.html It's written in a very clear style. OK, so back to `Deka`. We said that `print $ 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1` yields an inaccurate result. How to do it with `Deka`? First we have to create a `Deka`. `Deka` is not an instance of `Read`. However you can use `strToDeka`, which has the type strToDeka :: String -> Maybe Deka If you give a bad input string, you get `Nothing`; otherwise you get a `Just` with your `Deka`. The input string can be in regular or scientific notation. So, the following snippet will not give you incorrectly rounded results:
> let { oneTenth = fromJust . strToDeka $ "0.1" };
> print $ oneTenth + oneTenth + oneTenth;
`Deka` is not an instance of other numeric typeclasses, such as `Real` or `Fractional`. That's because `Deka` never ever rounds, no matter what. For `Deka` to be a member of `Fractional`, it would need to implement division, and division without rounding can't do very much. Sometimes it will be impossible for `Deka` to do its math without rounding. In that case, the functions in the `Deka` module will apply `error` and quit. That way you are assured that if you have a result, it is not rounded. More flexibility with the `Data.Deka.Quad` module =============================================== Though the `Deka` type provides you with some flexibility--and it's easy to use because it's an instance of `Num`--sometimes you need more flexibility. If you want to perform division, for example, `Deka` is no good. For more flexibility, but more cumbersome use, turn to the `Data.Deka.Quad` module. The main type of the `Quad` module is called `Quad`, after decQuad in the decNumber library. It exposes the full power of the decNumber library. The disadvantage is that many computations must be performed in the `Ctx` monad. This monad carries the state that decNumber needs to do its work. It provides you with a lot of information about any errors that have occurred during computations. If you are getting into the `Quad` module, you really need to read the decimal arithmetic specification at http://speleotrove.com/decimal/decarith.html Context ------- This specification provides that many computations occur within a so-called "context", which holds information that affects the computation, such as how to round inexact results. The context also holds information about any errors that have happened so far, such as division by zero, and can tell you other information such as whether any computations performed so far have calculated an inexact result. The context of the decimal arithmetic specification is represented in Deka by the `Ctx` type. `Ctx` provides computations with the context that they need, and it allows computations to record errors that may arise. `Ctx` is a `Monad` so you can use the usual monad functions and `do` notation to combine your computations. `Data.Deka.Quad` has functions you can use to change the context's rounding, see what errors have been set, and clear errors. Once an error flag is set, you have to clear it; the functions in `Quad` won't clear it for you. However, computations can proceed normally even if an error flag was set in a previous computation. After building up a computation in the `Ctx` monad, you need a way to get the results and use them elsewhere in your program. Two functions do this: `runCtx` and `evalCtx`. `runCtx` has type runCtx :: Ctx a -> (a, Flags) It gives you the result of the computation, as well as any flags that may have arisen. Later we'll talk more about flags; they indicate any errors or warnings that arose during a computation. `evalCtx` has type evalCtx :: Ctx a -> a so it does not tell you any flags that may have arisen. Not all computations need a context. For example, `compareTotal` does not need a context, and it can never return an error. These functions are pure like any other Haskell function. Example - using `do` notation ----------------------------- Following is an example of how you would add one tenth using the Quad type:
> let { oneTenth = evalCtx . fromByteString . BS8.pack $ "0.1" };
> BS8.putStrLn . toByteString . evalCtx $ do
>   r1 <- add oneTenth oneTenth
>   add r1 oneTenth
> ;
As you can see this is much more cumbersome than using `Deka`. But it does give you the full power of decNumber. Rounding -------- One reason to use the `Deka` module is because you want greater control over rounding. There are many varieties of rounding available, which you can set. This can be useful with division, for example, where you will not get exact results. All results are computed to 34 digits of precision.
> let tenSixths = evalCtx $ do
>         setRound roundDown
>         ten <- fromByteString . BS8.pack $ "10"
>         three <- fromByteString . BS8.pack $ "6"
>         divide ten three
> ;
Perhaps you want to round the result to a particular number of decimal places. You do this with the `quantize` function. It takes two `Quad`: one that you want to round, and another that has the number of decimal places you want to round to.
> putStrLn "This is 10 / 6, rounded to two places:";
> BS8.putStrLn . toByteString . evalCtx $ do
>   twoPlaces <- fromByteString . BS8.pack $ "1e-2"
>   quantize tenSixths twoPlaces
> ;
By default, rounding is done using the "roundHalfEven" method. You can set a different rounding method if you wish; the rounding methods are listed in the Haddock documentation for `Data.Deka.Quad`.
> putStrLn "This is 10 / 6, rounded using the 'roundDown' method.";
> BS8.putStrLn . toByteString . evalCtx $ do
>   twoPlaces <- fromByteString . BS8.pack $ "1e-2"
>   setRound roundDown
>   quantize tenSixths twoPlaces
> ;
Flags ----- A computation may set any number of flags. These are listed in the `Data.Deka.Quad` module. They indicate errors (like division by zero) or give information (such as the fact that a computation was inexact.) Functions in `Data.Deka.Quad` manipulate which flags are currently set. Though computations set flags, they never clear them. You have to clear them yourself. In addition to flags being available for inspection within the `Ctx` monad, you can get the final flags using `runCtx`.
> let (r, fl) = runCtx $ do
>       big1 <- fromByteString . BS8.pack $ "987e3000"
>       big2 <- fromByteString . BS8.pack $ "322e6000"
>       rslt <- multiply big1 big2
>       return $ toByteString rslt
> ; 
> putStr "result: ";
> BS8.putStrLn r;
> putStr "flags set: ";
> print fl;
The above example also shows that computations may return a Quad that is not finite--that is, it might be inifite, or it might be a Not-a-Number, or NaN. In contrast, computations using the Deka type never return non-finite values. Conclusion ---------- That should be enough to get you started. If you find any bug no matter how small--even just a typo in the documentation--report it to me at omari@smileystation.com or file a ticket or a pull request in Github: https://github.com/massysett/deka No bug is too small!
> };