module Language.Haskell.TH.Peephole(peephole, replaceVar, replaceVars) where
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Language.Haskell.TH.Helper
import Language.Haskell.TH.SYB
import Data.Generics
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Debug.Trace
traceMode = False
peephole :: Data a => a -> a
peephole = everywhere (mkT peep) . everywhere (mkT peepPat)
replaceVars :: [(Name,Exp)] -> Exp -> Exp
replaceVars rep orig = fExp orig
fExp x = case x of
VarE y -> fromMaybe x $ lookup y rep
ConE _ -> x
LitE _ -> x
AppE x y -> AppE (fExp x) (fExp y)
CaseE x y -> CaseE (fExp x) (map fMatch y)
TupE xs -> TupE (map fExp xs)
ListE xs -> ListE (map fExp xs)
LamE x y -> LamE x (fPat x y)
_ | null $ map fst rep `intersect` getNames x -> x
_ -> error $ "replaceVar: " ++ show x
getNames x = everything (++) ([] `mkQ` f) x
f :: Name -> [Name]
f x = [x]
fMatch o@(Match pat (NormalB bod) []) =
Match pat (NormalB $ fPat [pat] bod) []
fPat :: [Pat] -> Exp -> Exp
fPat pat = replaceVars (filter ((`notElem` used) . fst) rep)
where used = concatMap usedPats pat
usedPats x = everything (++) ([] `mkQ` f) x
f (VarP x) = [x]
f _ = []
replaceVar :: Name -> Exp -> Exp -> Exp
replaceVar name with = replaceVars [(name,with)]
peep :: Exp -> Exp
peep (ListE xs)
| not (null xs) && all (isJust . fromLitChar) xs =
peep $ LitE $ StringL $ map (fromJust . fromLitChar) xs
fromLitChar (LitE (CharL x)) = Just x
fromLitChar _ = Nothing
peep (AppE x y)
| x ~= "id" = y
peep (AppE (AppE op x) y)
| Just res <- peepBin op x y = res
peep (InfixE (Just x) op (Just y))
| Just res <- peepBin op x y = res
peep (LamE [] x) = x
peep (LamE [VarP x] (VarE y))
| x == y = l0 "id"
peep (DoE [NoBindS x]) = x
peep x@(ConE _)
| x ~= "[]" = ListE []
peep (AppE (AppE cons x) nil)
| cons ~= ":" && nil ~= "[]" = ListE [x]
peep (DoE [BindS (VarP p) (AppE ret (LitE val)),NoBindS e])
| ret ~= "return" = peep $ replaceVar p (LitE val) e
peep (LamE [TupP [VarP x, VarP y]] (VarE z))
| x == z = l0 "fst"
| y == z = l0 "snd"
peep (AppE (LamE (VarP x:xs) y) z)
| simple z
= peep $ LamE xs (replaceVar x z y)
peep (AppE (AppE bind (AppE ret x)) y)
| bind ~= ">>=" && ret ~= "return" = peep $ AppE y x
peep (InfixE (Just (AppE ret x)) bind (Just y))
| bind ~= ">>=" && ret ~= "return" = peep $ AppE y x
peep (InfixE (Just (AppE pure x)) ap y)
| ap ~= "<*>" && pure ~= "pure" = peep $ InfixE (Just x) (l0 "<$>") y
peep (InfixE (Just x) fmap (Just (AppE pure y)))
| fmap ~= "<$>" && pure ~= "pure" = peep $ AppE pure (peep $ AppE x y)
peep (AppE append (ListE [x]))
| append ~= "++" = peep $ AppE (l0 ":") x
peep (InfixE (Just (ListE [x])) append y)
| append ~= "++" = peep $ InfixE (Just x) (l0 ":") y
peep (InfixE (Just x) cons (Just (ListE xs)))
| cons ~= ":" = peep $ ListE (x:xs)
peep (AppE (AppE (AppE comp f) g) x)
| comp ~= "." = peep $ AppE f (peep $ AppE g x)
peep (AppE (InfixE (Just f) comp (Just g)) x)
| comp ~= "." = peep $ AppE f (peep $ AppE g x)
peep (AppE (AppE (AppE flip f) x) y)
| flip ~= "flip" = peep $ AppE (AppE f y) x
peep (AppE (InfixE (Just x) op Nothing) y) = peep $ InfixE (Just x) op (Just y)
peep (AppE (InfixE Nothing op (Just y)) x) = peep $ InfixE (Just x) op (Just y)
peep (AppE f (LamE x (ListE [y])))
| f ~= "concatMap" = peep $ AppE (l0 "map") (peep $ LamE x y)
peep (AppE f (ListE xs))
| f ~= "head" && not (null xs) = head xs
| f ~= "reverse" = ListE $ reverse xs
peep (AppE f (TupE [x,y]))
| f ~= "choose" && x == y = peep $ AppE (VarE (mkName "return")) x
peep (AppE (AppE sq o@(AppE rnf x)) (TupE []))
| sq ~= "seq" && rnf ~= "rnf" = o
peep (CaseE (LitE x) (Match (LitP y) (NormalB z) [] : _))
| x == y = z
peep (AppE len (ListE xs))
| len ~= "length" = LitE $ IntegerL $ toInteger $ length xs
peep (TupE [x]) = x
peep (AppE (LamE [pat] x) e) = CaseE e [Match pat (NormalB x) []]
peep (AppE (CaseE e [Match p (NormalB x) []]) y)
= CaseE e [Match p (NormalB $ peep $ AppE x y) []]
peep x | traceMode = trace (show x) x
peep x = x
peepPat :: Pat -> Pat
peepPat (ListP xs)
| all (\x -> case x of LitP (CharL _) -> True
_ -> False) xs =
LitP $ StringL $ map (\(LitP (CharL x)) -> x) xs
peepPat x = x
peepBin :: Exp -> Exp -> Exp -> Maybe Exp
peepBin op x y
| op ~= "." && x ~= "id" = Just y
| op ~= "." && y ~= "id" = Just x
| op ~= "&&" && y ~= "True" = Just x
| op ~= "const" = Just x
| op ~= "map" && x ~= "id" = Just y
| op ~= "++" && x ~= "[]" = Just y
| op ~= "++" && y ~= "[]" = Just x
| op ~= "." && y ~= "id" = Just x
| op ~= ">>" && x ~= "return" && y == TupE [] = Just $ l0 "id"
| op ~= "$" = Just $ peep $ AppE x y
peepBin op (LitE (StringL x)) (LitE (StringL y))
| op ~= "++" = Just $ LitE $ StringL (x++y)
peepBin _ _ _ = Nothing
(VarE f) ~= x = show f == x
(ConE f) ~= x = show f == x
(ListE []) ~= "[]" = True
_ ~= _ = False
simple (VarE _) = True
simple (LitE _) = True
simple _ = False