module Derive.Test(test) where import Derive.Utils import Language.Haskell.Exts import Data.Derive.DSL.HSE import Data.DeriveDSL import Control.Monad import Data.Maybe import Data.List import System.FilePath import System.Directory import System.Cmd import System.Exit import Control.Arrow import Data.Char import Data.Derive.All import Data.Derive.Internal.Derivation -- These overlap with other derivations overlaps = [["BinaryDefer","EnumCyclic","LazySet","DataAbstract"] ,["Serialize"]] -- REASONS: -- UniplateDirect: Doesn't work through Template Haskell exclude = ["ArbitraryOld","UniplateDirect","Ref","Serial"] -- These must be first and in every set priority = ["Eq","Typeable"] listType :: Decl listType = DataDecl sl DataType [] (Ident "[]") [UnkindedVar $ Ident "a"] [QualConDecl sl [] [] (ConDecl (Ident "[]") []) ,QualConDecl sl [] [] (ConDecl (Ident "Cons") [UnBangedTy (TyVar (Ident "a")) ,UnBangedTy (TyApp (TyCon (UnQual (Ident "List"))) (TyVar (Ident "a")))])] [] -- test each derivation test :: IO () test = do decls <- fmap (filter isDataDecl . moduleDecls) $ readHSE "Data/Derive/Internal/Test.hs" -- check the test bits let ts = ("[]",listType) : map (dataDeclName &&& id) decls mapM_ (testFile ts) derivations -- check the $(derive) bits putStrLn "Type checking examples" let name = "AutoGenerated_Test" devs <- sequence [liftM ((,) d) $ readSrc $ "Data/Derive" derivationName d <.> "hs" | d <- derivations] let lookupDev x = fromMaybe (error $ "Couldn't find derivation: " ++ x) $ find ((==) x . derivationName . fst) devs let sets = zip [1..] $ map (map lookupDev) $ map (priority++) $ [d | d <- map (derivationName . fst) devs, d `notElem` (exclude ++ priority ++ concat overlaps)] : overlaps forM sets $ \(i,xs) -> autoTest (name++show i) decls xs writeFile (name++".hs") $ unlines $ ["import " ++ name ++ show (fst i) | i <- sets] ++ ["main = putStrLn \"Type checking successful\""] res <- system $ "runhaskell " ++ name ++ ".hs" when (res /= ExitSuccess) $ error "Failed to typecheck results" testFile :: [(String,Decl)] -> Derivation -> IO () testFile types (Derivation name op) = do putStrLn $ "Testing " ++ name src <- readSrc $ "Data/Derive/" ++ name ++ ".hs" forM_ (srcTest src) $ \(typ,res) -> do let d = if tyRoot typ /= name then tyRoot typ else tyRoot $ head $ snd $ fromTyApps $ fromTyParen typ let grab x = fromMaybe (error $ "Error in tests, couldn't resolve type: " ++ x) $ lookup x types let Right r = op typ grab (ModuleName "Example", grab d) when (not $ r `outEq` res) $ error $ "Results don't match!\nExpected:\n" ++ showOut res ++ "\nGot:\n" ++ showOut r ++ "\n\n" ++ detailedNeq res r detailedNeq as bs | na /= nb = "Lengths don't match, " ++ show na ++ " vs " ++ show nb where na = length as ; nb = length bs detailedNeq as bs = "Mismatch on line " ++ show i ++ "\n" ++ show a ++ "\n" ++ show b where (i,a,b) = head $ filter (\(i,a,b) -> a /= b) $ zip3 [1..] (noSl as) (noSl bs) autoTest :: String -> [DataDecl] -> [(Derivation,Src)] -> IO () autoTest name ts ds = writeFile (name++".hs") $ unlines $ ["{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell,FlexibleInstances,MultiParamTypeClasses,TypeOperators #-}" ,"{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fno-warn-missing-fields -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}" ,"module " ++ name ++ " where" ,"import Prelude" ,"import Data.DeriveTH" ,"import Derive.TestInstances()"] ++ [prettyPrint i | (_,s) <- ds, i <- srcImportStd s] ++ [prettyPrint t | t <- ts2] ++ ["$(derives [make" ++ derivationName d ++ "] " ++ types ++ ")" | (d,_) <- ds] where types = "[" ++ intercalate "," ["''" ++ dataDeclName t | t <- ts2] ++ "]" ts2 = filter (not . isBuiltIn) ts isBuiltIn x = dataDeclName x `elem` ["Bool","Either"]