{-| Module : Foreign.Storable.Generic.Internal Copyright : (c) Mateusz Kłoczko, 2016 License : MIT Maintainer : mateusz.p.kloczko@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : portable -} {-#LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-#LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-#LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-} {-#LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-#LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-#LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} module Foreign.Storable.Generic.Internal ( GStorable'(..), GStorable (..), internalSizeOf, internalAlignment, internalPeekByteOff, internalPokeByteOff, internalOffsets ) where import GHC.Generics import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.Storable import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc import Foreign.C.Types import Data.Int import Debug.Trace import Foreign.Storable.Generic.Tools import GHC.Exts -- Defining the generics --- class GStorable' f where -- | Read the element at a given offset. Additional information about the offests -- of the subfields are needed. gpeekByteOff' :: [Int] -- ^ List of fields' offsets for the type/struct. -> Int -- ^ The index. Used to obtain the correct offset -> Ptr b -- ^ The pointer to the type/struct. -> Int -- ^ Global offset. -> IO (f a) -- ^ The result, wrapped in GHC.Generic metadata. -- | Write the element at a given offset. Additional information about the offests -- of the subfields are needed. gpokeByteOff' :: [Int] -- ^ List of fields' offsets for the type/struct. -> Int -- ^ The index. Used to obtain the correct offset. -> Ptr b -- ^ The pointer to the type/struct. -> Int -- ^ Global offset. -> (f a) -- ^ The element to write, wrapped in GHC.Generic metadata. -> IO () -- | Calculates the number of type's/struct's fields. gnumberOf' :: f a -- ^ GHC.Generic information about a given type/struct. -> Int -- ^ Size. -- | Calculates the sizes of type's/struct's fields. glistSizeOf' :: f a -- ^ GHC.Generic information about a given type/struct. -> [Size] -- ^ List of sizes. -- | Calculates the alignments of type's/struct's fields. glistAlignment' :: f a -- ^ GHC.Generic information about a given type/struct. -> [Alignment] -- ^ List of alignments. instance (GStorable' f) => GStorable' (M1 i t f) where -- Wrap the peeked value in metadata. {-# INLINE gpeekByteOff' #-} gpeekByteOff' offsets ix ptr offset = M1 <$> gpeekByteOff' offsets ix ptr offset -- Discard the metadata and go further. {-# INLINE gpokeByteOff' #-} gpokeByteOff' offsets ix ptr offset (M1 x) = gpokeByteOff' offsets ix ptr offset x gnumberOf' (M1 v) = gnumberOf' v glistSizeOf' _ = glistSizeOf' (undefined :: f p) glistAlignment' _ = glistAlignment' (undefined :: f p) instance GStorable' U1 where -- Wrap the peeked value in metadata. {-# INLINE gpeekByteOff' #-} gpeekByteOff' offsets ix ptr offset = return U1 -- Discard the metadata and go further. {-# INLINE gpokeByteOff' #-} gpokeByteOff' offsets ix ptr offset (U1) = return () gnumberOf' (U1) = 0 glistSizeOf' _ = [] glistAlignment' _ = [] instance (GStorable' f, GStorable' g) => GStorable' (f :*: g) where -- Tree-like traversal for reading the type. {-# INLINE gpeekByteOff' #-} gpeekByteOff' offsets ix ptr offset = (:*:) <$> peeker new_ix <*> peeker ix where new_ix = ix - n2 -- The new index for the left part of the tree. n2 = gnumberOf' (undefined :: g a) -- Number of elements for the right part of the tree peeker n_ix = gpeekByteOff' offsets n_ix ptr offset -- gpeekByteOff' wrapped to peek into subtrees. -- Tree like traversal for writing the type. {-# INLINE gpokeByteOff' #-} gpokeByteOff' offsets ix ptr offset (x :*: y) = peeker new_ix x >> peeker ix y where new_ix = ix - n2 n2 = gnumberOf' (undefined :: g a) -- Number of elements for the right part of the tree. peeker n_ix z = gpokeByteOff' offsets n_ix ptr offset z -- gpokeByteOff' wrapped to peek into the subtree gnumberOf' _ = gnumberOf' (undefined :: f a) + gnumberOf' (undefined :: g a) -- Concatenate the lists. glistSizeOf' _ = glistSizeOf' (undefined :: f a) ++ glistSizeOf' (undefined :: g a) -- Concatenate the lists. glistAlignment' _ = glistAlignment' (undefined :: f a) ++ glistAlignment' (undefined :: g a) instance (GStorable a) => GStorable' (K1 i a) where {-# INLINE gpeekByteOff' #-} gpeekByteOff' offsets ix ptr offset = K1 <$> gpeekByteOff ptr (off1 + offset) where off1 = inline (offsets !! ix) {-# INLINE gpokeByteOff' #-} gpokeByteOff' offsets ix ptr offset (K1 x) = gpokeByteOff ptr (off1 + offset) x where off1 = inline (offsets !! ix) -- When we use the contructor, just return one. gnumberOf' _ = 1 -- When the constructor is used, return the size of -- the constructed type in a list. glistSizeOf' _ = [gsizeOf (undefined :: a)] -- When the constructor is used, return the alignment of -- the constructed type in a list. glistAlignment' _ = [galignment (undefined :: a)] -- These functions were moved outside GStorable type class. -- They take generic representations as input. {-# INLINE internalSizeOf #-} -- | Calculates the size of generic data-type. internalSizeOf :: forall f p. (GStorable' f) => f p -- ^ Generic representation -> Int -- ^ Resulting size internalSizeOf _ = calcSize $ zip sizes aligns where sizes = glistSizeOf' (undefined :: f p) aligns = glistAlignment' (undefined :: f p) {-# INLINE internalAlignment #-} -- | Calculates the alignment of generic data-type. internalAlignment :: forall f p. (GStorable' f) => f p -- ^ Generic representation -> Alignment -- ^ Resulting alignment internalAlignment _ = calcAlignment aligns where aligns = glistAlignment' (undefined :: f p) {-# INLINE internalPeekByteOff #-} -- | View the variable under a pointer, with offset. internalPeekByteOff :: forall f p b. (GStorable' f) => Ptr b -- ^ Pointer to peek -> Offset -- ^ Offset -> IO (f p) -- ^ Resulting generic representation internalPeekByteOff ptr off = gpeekByteOff' offsets ix ptr off where offsets = internalOffsets (undefined :: f p) ix = gnumberOf' (undefined :: f p) - 1 {-# INLINE internalPokeByteOff #-} -- | Write the variable under the pointer, with offset. internalPokeByteOff :: forall f p b. (GStorable' f) => Ptr b -- ^ Pointer to write to -> Offset -- ^ Offset -> f p -- ^ Written generic representation -> IO () internalPokeByteOff ptr off rep = gpokeByteOff' offsets ix ptr off rep where offsets = internalOffsets (undefined :: f p) ix = gnumberOf' (undefined :: f p) - 1 {-# INLINE internalOffsets #-} -- | Obtain the list of offsets internalOffsets :: forall f p. (GStorable' f) => f p -- Generic representation -> [Offset] -- List of offsets internalOffsets _ = calcOffsets $ zip sizes aligns where sizes = glistSizeOf' (undefined :: f p) aligns= glistAlignment' (undefined :: f p) -- | The class uses the default Generic based implementations to -- provide Storable instances for types made from primitive types. -- Does not work on Algebraic Data Types with more than one constructor. class GStorable a where -- | Calculate the size of the type. {-# INLINE gsizeOf #-} gsizeOf :: a -- ^ Element of a given type. Can be undefined. -> Int -- ^ Size. default gsizeOf :: (Generic a, GStorable' (Rep a)) => a -> Int gsizeOf _ = internalSizeOf (undefined :: Rep a p) -- | Calculate the alignment of the type. {-# INLINE galignment #-} galignment :: a -- ^ Element of a given type. Can be undefined -> Int -- ^ Alignment. default galignment :: (Generic a, GStorable' (Rep a)) => a -> Int galignment _ = internalAlignment (undefined :: Rep a p) -- | Read the variable from a given pointer. gpeekByteOff :: Ptr b -- ^ Pointer to the variable -> Int -- ^ Offset -> IO a -- ^ Returned variable. default gpeekByteOff :: (Generic a, GStorable' (Rep a)) => Ptr b -> Int -> IO a {-# INLINE gpeekByteOff #-} gpeekByteOff ptr offset = to <$> internalPeekByteOff ptr offset -- | Write the variable to a pointer. gpokeByteOff :: Ptr b -- ^ Pointer to the variable. -> Int -- ^ Offset. -> a -- ^ The variable -> IO () default gpokeByteOff :: (Generic a, GStorable' (Rep a)) => Ptr b -> Int -> a -> IO () {-# INLINE gpokeByteOff #-} gpokeByteOff ptr offset x = internalPokeByteOff ptr offset (from x)