{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

-- | Descriptive parsers.

module Descriptive
  (-- * Consuming and describing
   -- * Lower-level runners
  -- * Types
  -- * Combinators

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Data.Function
import Data.Monoid

-- Running

-- | Run a consumer.
consume :: Consumer s d a -- ^ The consumer to run.
        -> s -- ^ Initial state.
        -> Either (Description d) a
consume (Consumer _ m) = fst . m

-- | Describe a consumer.
describe :: Consumer s d a -- ^ The consumer to run.
         -> s -- ^ Initial state. Can be empty if you don't use it for
              -- generating descriptions.
         -> Description d -- ^ A description and resultant state.
describe (Consumer desc _) = fst . desc

-- | Run a consumer.
runConsumer :: Consumer s d a -- ^ The consumer to run.
            -> s -- ^ Initial state.
            -> (Either (Description d) a,s)
runConsumer (Consumer _ m) = m

-- | Describe a consumer.
runDescription :: Consumer s d a -- ^ The consumer to run.
               -> s -- ^ Initial state. Can be empty if you don't use it for
                    -- generating descriptions.
               -> (Description d,s) -- ^ A description and resultant state.
runDescription (Consumer desc _) = desc

-- Types

-- | Description of a consumable thing.
data Description a
  = Unit !a
  | Bounded !Integer !Bound !(Description a)
  | And !(Description a) !(Description a)
  | Or !(Description a) !(Description a)
  | Sequence [Description a]
  | Wrap a (Description a)
  | None
  deriving (Show)

instance Monoid (Description d) where
  mempty = None
  mappend = And

-- | The bounds of a many-consumable thing.
data Bound
  = NaturalBound !Integer
  | UnlimitedBound
  deriving (Show)

-- | A consumer.
data Consumer s d a =
  Consumer {consumerDesc :: s -> (Description d,s)
           ,consumerParse :: s -> (Either (Description d) a,s)}

instance Functor (Consumer s d) where
  fmap f (Consumer d p) =
    Consumer d
             (\s ->
                case p s of
                  (Left e,s') -> (Left e,s')
                  (Right a,s') ->
                    (Right (f a),s'))

instance Applicative (Consumer s d) where
  pure a =
    consumer (\s -> (mempty,s))
             (\s -> (Right a,s))
  Consumer d pf <*> Consumer d' p' =
    consumer (\s ->
                let !(e,s') = d s
                    !(e',s'') = d' s'
                in (e <> e',s''))
             (\s ->
                let !(mf,s') = pf s
                    !(ma,s'') = p' s'
                in case mf of
                     Left e -> (Left e,s')
                     Right f ->
                       case ma of
                         Left e -> (Left e,s'')
                         Right a ->
                           (Right (f a),s''))

instance Alternative (Consumer s d) where
  empty =
    Consumer (\s -> (mempty,s))
             (\s -> (Left mempty,s))
  a <|> b =
    Consumer (\s ->
                let !(d1,s') = consumerDesc a s
                    !(d2,s'') = consumerDesc b s'
                in (Or d1 d2,s''))
             (\s ->
                case consumerParse a s of
                  (Left e1,_) ->
                    case consumerParse b s of
                      (Left e2,s') ->
                        (Left (Or e1 e2),s')
                      (Right a2,s') ->
                        (Right a2,s')
                  (Right a1,s') -> (Right a1,s'))
  some = sequenceHelper 1
  many = sequenceHelper 0

-- | An internal sequence maker which describes itself better than
-- regular Alternative, and is strict, not lazy.
sequenceHelper :: Integer -> Consumer t d a -> Consumer t d [a]
sequenceHelper minb =
  wrap (\s d -> first redescribe (d s))
       (\s _ r ->
          fix (\go !i s' as ->
                 case r s' of
                   (Right a,s'') ->
                     go (i + 1)
                        (a : as)
                   (Left e,s'')
                     | i >= minb ->
                       (Right (reverse as),s')
                     | otherwise ->
                       (Left (redescribe e),s''))
  where redescribe =
          Bounded minb UnlimitedBound

instance (Monoid a) => Monoid (Either (Description d) a) where
  mempty = Right mempty
  mappend x y =
    case x of
      Left e -> Left e
      Right a ->
        case y of
          Left e -> Left e
          Right b -> Right (a <> b)

instance (Monoid a) => Monoid (Consumer s d a) where
  mempty = Consumer (\s -> (mempty,s)) (\s -> (mempty,s))
  mappend x y = (<>) <$> x <*> y

-- Combinators

-- | Make a consumer.
consumer :: (s -> (Description d,s)) -- ^ Produce description based on the state.
         -> (s -> (Either (Description d) a,s)) -- ^ Parse the state and maybe transform it if desired.
         -> Consumer s d a
consumer d p =
  Consumer d p

-- | Wrap a consumer with another consumer.
wrap :: (s -> (t -> (Description d,t)) -> (Description d,s)) -- ^ Transformer the description.
     -> (s -> (t -> (Description d,t)) -> (t -> (Either (Description d) a,t)) -> (Either (Description d) b,s)) -- ^ Transform the parser. Can re-run the parser if desired.
     -> Consumer t d a -- ^ The consumer to transform.
     -> Consumer s d b -- ^ A new consumer with a potentially new state type.
wrap redescribe reparse (Consumer d p) =
  Consumer (\s -> redescribe s d)
           (\s -> reparse s d p)

-- | Compose contiguous items into one sequence. Similar to 'sequenceA'.
sequencing :: [Consumer d s a] -> Consumer d s [a]
sequencing =
  wrap (\s d ->
          first (Sequence . se)
                (d s))
       (\s _ p -> p s) .
  where se (And x y) = x : se y
        se None = []
        se x = [x]
        go (x:xs) = (:) <$> x <*> sequencing xs
        go [] = mempty