{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} {-| This module provides internal pretty-printing utilities which are used by other modules but are not part of the public facing API -} module Dhall.Pretty.Internal ( Ann(..) , annToAnsiStyle , prettyExpr , prettySrcExpr , CharacterSet(..) , prettyCharacterSet , prettyVar , pretty_ , escapeText_ , escapeEnvironmentVariable , prettyEnvironmentVariable , prettyConst , escapeLabel , prettyLabel , prettyAnyLabel , prettyLabels , prettyNatural , prettyNumber , prettyInt , prettyDouble , prettyToStrictText , prettyToString , layout , layoutOpts , docToStrictText , builtin , keyword , literal , operator , colon , comma , dot , equals , forall , label , lambda , langle , lbrace , lbracket , lparen , pipe , rangle , rarrow , rbrace , rbracket , rparen ) where import Data.Foldable import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..)) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc (Doc, Pretty, space) import Dhall.Map (Map) import Dhall.Set (Set) import Dhall.Src (Src (..)) import Dhall.Syntax import Numeric.Natural (Natural) import Prelude hiding (succ) import qualified Data.Char import qualified Data.HashSet import qualified Data.List import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty import qualified Data.Set import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc as Pretty import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.String as Pretty import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Terminal as Terminal import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Text as Pretty import qualified Dhall.Map as Map import qualified Dhall.Set {-| Annotation type used to tag elements in a pretty-printed document for syntax highlighting purposes -} data Ann = Keyword -- ^ Used for syntactic keywords | Syntax -- ^ Syntax punctuation such as commas, parenthesis, and braces | Label -- ^ Record labels | Literal -- ^ Literals such as integers and strings | Builtin -- ^ Builtin types and values | Operator -- ^ Operators deriving Show {-| Convert annotations to their corresponding color for syntax highlighting purposes -} annToAnsiStyle :: Ann -> Terminal.AnsiStyle annToAnsiStyle Keyword = Terminal.bold <> Terminal.colorDull Terminal.Green annToAnsiStyle Syntax = Terminal.bold <> Terminal.colorDull Terminal.Green annToAnsiStyle Label = mempty annToAnsiStyle Literal = Terminal.colorDull Terminal.Magenta annToAnsiStyle Builtin = Terminal.underlined annToAnsiStyle Operator = Terminal.bold <> Terminal.colorDull Terminal.Green -- | This type determines whether to render code as `ASCII` or `Unicode` data CharacterSet = ASCII | Unicode deriving Show -- | Pretty print an expression prettyExpr :: Pretty a => Expr s a -> Doc Ann prettyExpr = prettySrcExpr . denote prettySrcExpr :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann prettySrcExpr = prettyCharacterSet Unicode {-| Internal utility for pretty-printing, used when generating element lists to supply to `enclose` or `enclose'`. This utility indicates that the compact represent is the same as the multi-line representation for each element -} duplicate :: a -> (a, a) duplicate x = (x, x) isWhitespace :: Char -> Bool isWhitespace c = case c of ' ' -> True '\n' -> True '\t' -> True '\r' -> True _ -> False {-| Used to render inline `Src` spans preserved by the syntax tree >>> let unusedSourcePos = Text.Megaparsec.SourcePos "" (Text.Megaparsec.mkPos 1) (Text.Megaparsec.mkPos 1) >>> let nonEmptySrc = Src unusedSourcePos unusedSourcePos "-- Documentation for x\n" >>> "let" <> " " <> renderSrc id (Just nonEmptySrc) <> "x = 1 in x" let -- Documentation for x x = 1 in x >>> let emptySrc = Src unusedSourcePos unusedSourcePos " " >>> "let" <> " " <> renderSrc id (Just emptySrc) <> "x = 1 in x" let x = 1 in x >>> "let" <> " " <> renderSrc id Nothing <> "x = 1 in x" let x = 1 in x -} renderSrc :: (Text -> Text) -- ^ Used to preprocess the comment string (e.g. to strip whitespace) -> Maybe Src -- ^ Source span to render (if present) -> Doc Ann renderSrc strip (Just (Src {..})) | not (Text.all isWhitespace srcText) = Pretty.align (Pretty.concatWith f newLines <> suffix) where horizontalSpace c = c == ' ' || c == '\t' strippedText = strip srcText suffix = if Text.null strippedText then mempty else if Text.last strippedText == '\n' then mempty else " " oldLines = Text.splitOn "\n" strippedText spacePrefix = Text.takeWhile horizontalSpace commonPrefix a b = case Text.commonPrefixes a b of Nothing -> "" Just (c, _, _) -> c sharedSpacePrefix [] = "" sharedSpacePrefix (l : ls) = foldl' commonPrefix (spacePrefix l) ls blank = Text.all horizontalSpace newLines = case oldLines of [] -> [] l0 : ls -> let sharedPrefix = sharedSpacePrefix (filter (not . blank) ls) perLine l = case Text.stripPrefix sharedPrefix l of Nothing -> Pretty.pretty l Just l' -> Pretty.pretty l' in Pretty.pretty l0 : map perLine ls f x y = x <> Pretty.hardline <> y renderSrc _ _ = mempty -- Annotation helpers keyword, syntax, label, literal, builtin, operator :: Doc Ann -> Doc Ann keyword = Pretty.annotate Keyword syntax = Pretty.annotate Syntax label = Pretty.annotate Label literal = Pretty.annotate Literal builtin = Pretty.annotate Builtin operator = Pretty.annotate Operator comma, lbracket, rbracket, langle, rangle, lbrace, rbrace, lparen, rparen, pipe, dollar, colon, equals, dot :: Doc Ann comma = syntax Pretty.comma lbracket = syntax Pretty.lbracket rbracket = syntax Pretty.rbracket langle = syntax Pretty.langle rangle = syntax Pretty.rangle lbrace = syntax Pretty.lbrace rbrace = syntax Pretty.rbrace lparen = syntax Pretty.lparen rparen = syntax Pretty.rparen pipe = syntax Pretty.pipe dollar = syntax "$" colon = syntax ":" equals = syntax "=" dot = syntax "." lambda :: CharacterSet -> Doc Ann lambda Unicode = syntax "λ" lambda ASCII = syntax "\\" forall :: CharacterSet -> Doc Ann forall Unicode = syntax "∀" forall ASCII = syntax "forall " rarrow :: CharacterSet -> Doc Ann rarrow Unicode = syntax "→" rarrow ASCII = syntax "->" doubleColon :: Doc Ann doubleColon = syntax "::" -- | Pretty-print a list list :: [Doc Ann] -> Doc Ann list [] = lbracket <> rbracket list docs = enclose (lbracket <> space) (lbracket <> space) (comma <> space) (comma <> space) (space <> rbracket) rbracket (fmap duplicate docs) -- | Pretty-print union types and literals angles :: [(Doc Ann, Doc Ann)] -> Doc Ann angles [] = langle <> rangle angles docs = enclose (langle <> space) (langle <> space) (space <> pipe <> space) (pipe <> space) (space <> rangle) rangle docs -- | Pretty-print record types and literals braces :: [(Doc Ann, Doc Ann)] -> Doc Ann braces [] = lbrace <> rbrace braces docs = enclose (lbrace <> space) (lbrace <> space) (comma <> space) (comma <> space) (space <> rbrace) rbrace docs hangingBraces :: Int -> [(Doc Ann, Doc Ann)] -> Doc Ann hangingBraces _ [] = lbrace <> rbrace hangingBraces n docs = Pretty.group (Pretty.flatAlt ( lbrace <> Pretty.hardline <> Pretty.indent n ( mconcat (zipWith combineLong (repeat separator) docsLong) <> rbrace ) ) (mconcat (zipWith (<>) (beginShort : repeat separator) docsShort) <> space <> rbrace) ) where separator = comma <> space docsShort = fmap fst docs docsLong = fmap snd docs beginShort = lbrace <> space combineLong x y = x <> y <> Pretty.hardline unsnoc :: [a] -> Maybe ([a], a) unsnoc [] = Nothing unsnoc (x0 : xs0) = Just (go id x0 xs0) where go diffXs x [] = (diffXs [], x) go diffXs x (y : ys) = go (diffXs . (x:)) y ys -- | Pretty-print anonymous functions and function types arrows :: CharacterSet -> [ Doc Ann ] -> Doc Ann arrows characterSet docs = Pretty.group (Pretty.flatAlt long short) where long = Pretty.align (mconcat (Data.List.intersperse Pretty.hardline docs')) where docs' = case unsnoc docs of Nothing -> docs Just (init_, last_) -> init' ++ [ last' ] where appendArrow doc = doc <> space <> rarrow characterSet init' = map appendArrow init_ last' = space <> space <> last_ short = mconcat (Data.List.intersperse separator docs) where separator = space <> rarrow characterSet <> space combine :: CharacterSet -> Text combine ASCII = "/\\" combine Unicode = "∧" combineTypes :: CharacterSet -> Text combineTypes ASCII = "//\\\\" combineTypes Unicode = "⩓" prefer :: CharacterSet -> Text prefer ASCII = "//" prefer Unicode = "⫽" equivalent :: CharacterSet -> Text equivalent ASCII = "===" equivalent Unicode = "≡" {-| Format an expression that holds a variable number of elements, such as a list, record, or union -} enclose :: Doc ann -- ^ Beginning document for compact representation -> Doc ann -- ^ Beginning document for multi-line representation -> Doc ann -- ^ Separator for compact representation -> Doc ann -- ^ Separator for multi-line representation -> Doc ann -- ^ Ending document for compact representation -> Doc ann -- ^ Ending document for multi-line representation -> [(Doc ann, Doc ann)] -- ^ Elements to format, each of which is a pair: @(compact, multi-line)@ -> Doc ann enclose beginShort _ _ _ endShort _ [] = beginShort <> endShort where enclose beginShort beginLong sepShort sepLong endShort endLong docs = Pretty.group (Pretty.flatAlt (Pretty.align (mconcat (zipWith combineLong (beginLong : repeat sepLong) docsLong) <> endLong) ) (mconcat (zipWith combineShort (beginShort : repeat sepShort) docsShort) <> endShort) ) where docsShort = fmap fst docs docsLong = fmap snd docs combineLong x y = x <> y <> Pretty.hardline combineShort x y = x <> y {-| Format an expression that holds a variable number of elements without a trailing document such as nested `let`, nested lambdas, or nested `forall`s -} enclose' :: Doc ann -- ^ Beginning document for compact representation -> Doc ann -- ^ Beginning document for multi-line representation -> Doc ann -- ^ Separator for compact representation -> Doc ann -- ^ Separator for multi-line representation -> [(Doc ann, Doc ann)] -- ^ Elements to format, each of which is a pair: @(compact, multi-line)@ -> Doc ann enclose' beginShort beginLong sepShort sepLong docs = Pretty.group (Pretty.flatAlt long short) where longLines = zipWith (<>) (beginLong : repeat sepLong) docsLong long = Pretty.align (mconcat (Data.List.intersperse Pretty.hardline longLines)) short = mconcat (zipWith (<>) (beginShort : repeat sepShort) docsShort) docsShort = fmap fst docs docsLong = fmap snd docs alpha :: Char -> Bool alpha c = ('\x41' <= c && c <= '\x5A') || ('\x61' <= c && c <= '\x7A') digit :: Char -> Bool digit c = '\x30' <= c && c <= '\x39' alphaNum :: Char -> Bool alphaNum c = alpha c || digit c headCharacter :: Char -> Bool headCharacter c = alpha c || c == '_' tailCharacter :: Char -> Bool tailCharacter c = alphaNum c || c == '_' || c == '-' || c == '/' -- | Escape a label if it is not valid when unquoted escapeLabel :: Bool -> Text -> Text escapeLabel allowReserved l = case Text.uncons l of Just (h, t) | headCharacter h && Text.all tailCharacter t && (notReservedIdentifier || (allowReserved && someOrNotLanguageKeyword)) -> l _ -> "`" <> l <> "`" where notReservedIdentifier = not (Data.HashSet.member l reservedIdentifiers) someOrNotLanguageKeyword = l == "Some" || not (Data.HashSet.member l reservedKeywords) prettyLabelShared :: Bool -> Text -> Doc Ann prettyLabelShared b l = label (Pretty.pretty (escapeLabel b l)) prettyLabel :: Text -> Doc Ann prettyLabel = prettyLabelShared False prettyAnyLabel :: Text -> Doc Ann prettyAnyLabel = prettyLabelShared True prettyAnyLabels :: Foldable list => list Text -> Doc Ann prettyAnyLabels = mconcat . Pretty.punctuate dot . fmap prettyAnyLabel . toList prettyLabels :: Set Text -> Doc Ann prettyLabels a | Data.Set.null (Dhall.Set.toSet a) = lbrace <> rbrace | otherwise = braces (map (duplicate . prettyAnyLabel) (Dhall.Set.toList a)) prettyNumber :: Integer -> Doc Ann prettyNumber = literal . Pretty.pretty prettyInt :: Int -> Doc Ann prettyInt = literal . Pretty.pretty prettyNatural :: Natural -> Doc Ann prettyNatural = literal . Pretty.pretty prettyDouble :: Double -> Doc Ann prettyDouble = literal . Pretty.pretty prettyConst :: Const -> Doc Ann prettyConst Type = builtin "Type" prettyConst Kind = builtin "Kind" prettyConst Sort = builtin "Sort" prettyVar :: Var -> Doc Ann prettyVar (V x 0) = label (Pretty.unAnnotate (prettyLabel x)) prettyVar (V x n) = label (Pretty.unAnnotate (prettyLabel x <> "@" <> prettyInt n)) prettyEnvironmentVariable :: Text -> Doc ann prettyEnvironmentVariable t = Pretty.pretty (escapeEnvironmentVariable t) preserveSource :: Expr Src a -> Maybe (Doc Ann) preserveSource (Note Src{..} (DoubleLit {})) = Just (Pretty.pretty srcText) preserveSource (Note Src{..} (IntegerLit {})) = Just (Pretty.pretty srcText) preserveSource (Note Src{..} (NaturalLit {})) = Just (Pretty.pretty srcText) preserveSource _ = Nothing -- | Escape an environment variable if not a valid Bash environment variable escapeEnvironmentVariable :: Text -> Text escapeEnvironmentVariable t | validBashEnvVar t = t | otherwise = "\"" <> escapeText_ t <> "\"" where validBashEnvVar v = case Text.uncons v of Nothing -> False Just (c, v') -> (alpha c || c == '_') && Text.all (\c' -> alphaNum c' || c' == '_') v' {- There is a close correspondence between the pretty-printers in 'prettyCharacterSet' and the sub-parsers in 'Dhall.Parser.Expression.parsers'. Most pretty-printers are named after the corresponding parser and the relationship between pretty-printers exactly matches the relationship between parsers. This leads to the nice emergent property of automatically getting all the parentheses and precedences right. This approach has one major disadvantage: you can get an infinite loop if you add a new constructor to the syntax tree without adding a matching case the corresponding builder. -} {-| Pretty-print an 'Expr' using the given 'CharacterSet'. 'prettyCharacterSet' largely ignores 'Note's. 'Note's do however matter for the layout of let-blocks: >>> let inner = Let (Binding Nothing "x" Nothing Nothing Nothing (NaturalLit 1)) (Var (V "x" 0)) :: Expr Src () >>> prettyCharacterSet ASCII (Let (Binding Nothing "y" Nothing Nothing Nothing (NaturalLit 2)) inner) let y = 2 let x = 1 in x >>> prettyCharacterSet ASCII (Let (Binding Nothing "y" Nothing Nothing Nothing (NaturalLit 2)) (Note (Src unusedSourcePos unusedSourcePos "") inner)) let y = 2 in let x = 1 in x This means the structure of parsed let-blocks is preserved. -} prettyCharacterSet :: Pretty a => CharacterSet -> Expr Src a -> Doc Ann prettyCharacterSet characterSet expression = Pretty.group (prettyExpression expression) where prettyExpression a0@(Lam _ _ _) = arrows characterSet (docs a0) where docs (Lam a b c) = Pretty.group (Pretty.flatAlt long short) : docs c where long = (lambda characterSet <> space) <> Pretty.align ( (lparen <> space) <> prettyLabel a <> Pretty.hardline <> (colon <> space) <> prettyExpression b <> Pretty.hardline <> rparen ) short = (lambda characterSet <> lparen) <> prettyLabel a <> (space <> colon <> space) <> prettyExpression b <> rparen docs c | Just doc <- preserveSource c = [ doc ] | Note _ d <- c = docs d | otherwise = [ prettyExpression c ] prettyExpression a0@(BoolIf _ _ _) = Pretty.group (Pretty.flatAlt long short) where prefixesLong = "" : cycle [ keyword "then" <> " " , keyword "else" <> " " ] prefixesShort = "" : cycle [ space <> keyword "then" <> space , space <> keyword "else" <> space ] longLines = zipWith (<>) prefixesLong (docsLong True a0) long = Pretty.align (mconcat (Data.List.intersperse Pretty.hardline longLines)) short = mconcat (zipWith (<>) prefixesShort (docsShort a0)) docsLong initial (BoolIf a b c) = docLong ++ docsLong False c where padding | initial = " " | otherwise = mempty docLong = [ keyword "if" <> padding <> " " <> prettyExpression a , prettyExpression b ] docsLong initial c | Just doc <- preserveSource c = [ doc ] | Note _ d <- c = docsLong initial d | otherwise = [ prettyExpression c ] docsShort (BoolIf a b c) = docShort ++ docsShort c where docShort = [ keyword "if" <> " " <> prettyExpression a , prettyExpression b ] docsShort c | Just doc <- preserveSource c = [ doc ] | Note _ d <- c = docsShort d | otherwise = [ prettyExpression c ] prettyExpression (Let a0 b0) = enclose' "" "" space Pretty.hardline (fmap duplicate (fmap docA (toList as)) ++ [ docB ]) where MultiLet as b = multiLet a0 b0 stripSpaces = Text.dropAround (\c -> c == ' ' || c == '\t') -- Strip a single newline character. Needed to ensure idempotency in -- cases where we add hard line breaks. stripNewline t = case Text.uncons t' of Just ('\n', t'') -> stripSpaces t'' _ -> t' where t' = stripSpaces t docA (Binding src0 c src1 Nothing src2 e) = Pretty.group (Pretty.flatAlt long short) where long = keyword "let" <> space <> Pretty.align ( renderSrc stripSpaces src0 <> prettyLabel c <> space <> renderSrc stripSpaces src1 <> equals <> Pretty.hardline <> renderSrc stripNewline src2 <> " " <> prettyExpression e ) short = keyword "let" <> space <> renderSrc stripSpaces src0 <> prettyLabel c <> space <> renderSrc stripSpaces src1 <> equals <> space <> renderSrc stripSpaces src2 <> prettyExpression e docA (Binding src0 c src1 (Just (src3, d)) src2 e) = keyword "let" <> space <> Pretty.align ( renderSrc stripSpaces src0 <> prettyLabel c <> Pretty.hardline <> renderSrc stripNewline src1 <> colon <> space <> renderSrc stripSpaces src3 <> prettyExpression d <> Pretty.hardline <> equals <> space <> renderSrc stripSpaces src2 <> prettyExpression e ) docB = ( keyword "in" <> " " <> prettyExpression b , keyword "in" <> " " <> prettyExpression b ) prettyExpression a0@(Pi _ _ _) = arrows characterSet (docs a0) where docs (Pi "_" b c) = prettyOperatorExpression b : docs c docs (Pi a b c) = Pretty.group (Pretty.flatAlt long short) : docs c where long = forall characterSet <> space <> Pretty.align ( lparen <> space <> prettyLabel a <> Pretty.hardline <> colon <> space <> prettyExpression b <> Pretty.hardline <> rparen ) short = forall characterSet <> lparen <> prettyLabel a <> space <> colon <> space <> prettyExpression b <> rparen docs c | Just doc <- preserveSource c = [ doc ] | Note _ d <- c = docs d | otherwise = [ prettyExpression c ] prettyExpression (With a b c) = prettyExpression a <> Pretty.flatAlt long short where short = " " <> keyword "with" <> " " <> update long = Pretty.hardline <> " " <> Pretty.align (keyword "with" <> " " <> update) (update, _) = prettyKeyValue prettyAnyLabels prettyOperatorExpression equals (b, c) prettyExpression (Assert a) = Pretty.group (Pretty.flatAlt long short) where short = keyword "assert" <> " " <> colon <> " " <> prettyExpression a long = Pretty.align ( " " <> keyword "assert" <> Pretty.hardline <> colon <> " " <> prettyExpression a ) prettyExpression a | Just doc <- preserveSource a = doc | Note _ b <- a = prettyExpression b | otherwise = prettyAnnotatedExpression a prettyAnnotatedExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann prettyAnnotatedExpression (Merge a b (Just c)) = Pretty.group (Pretty.flatAlt long short) where long = Pretty.align ( keyword "merge" <> Pretty.hardline <> Pretty.indent 2 (prettyImportExpression a) <> Pretty.hardline <> Pretty.indent 2 (prettyImportExpression b) <> Pretty.hardline <> colon <> space <> prettyApplicationExpression c ) short = keyword "merge" <> space <> prettyImportExpression a <> " " <> prettyImportExpression b <> space <> colon <> space <> prettyApplicationExpression c prettyAnnotatedExpression (ToMap a (Just b)) = Pretty.group (Pretty.flatAlt long short) where long = Pretty.align ( keyword "toMap" <> Pretty.hardline <> Pretty.indent 2 (prettyImportExpression a) <> Pretty.hardline <> colon <> space <> prettyApplicationExpression b ) short = keyword "toMap" <> space <> prettyImportExpression a <> space <> colon <> space <> prettyApplicationExpression b prettyAnnotatedExpression a0@(Annot _ _) = enclose' "" " " (" " <> colon <> " ") (colon <> space) (fmap duplicate (docs a0)) where docs (Annot a b) = prettyOperatorExpression a : docs b docs a | Just doc <- preserveSource a = [ doc ] | Note _ b <- a = docs b | otherwise = [ prettyExpression a ] prettyAnnotatedExpression (ListLit (Just a) b) = list (map prettyExpression (Data.Foldable.toList b)) <> " : " <> prettyApplicationExpression a prettyAnnotatedExpression a | Just doc <- preserveSource a = doc | Note _ b <- a = prettyAnnotatedExpression b | otherwise = prettyOperatorExpression a prettyOperatorExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann prettyOperatorExpression = prettyEquivalentExpression prettyOperator :: Text -> [Doc Ann] -> Doc Ann prettyOperator op docs = enclose' "" prefix (" " <> operator (Pretty.pretty op) <> " ") (operator (Pretty.pretty op) <> spacer) (reverse (fmap duplicate docs)) where prefix = if Text.length op == 1 then " " else " " spacer = if Text.length op == 1 then " " else " " prettyEquivalentExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann prettyEquivalentExpression a0@(Equivalent _ _) = prettyOperator (equivalent characterSet) (docs a0) where docs (Equivalent a b) = prettyImportAltExpression b : docs a docs a | Just doc <- preserveSource a = [ doc ] | Note _ b <- a = docs b | otherwise = [ prettyImportAltExpression a ] prettyEquivalentExpression a | Just doc <- preserveSource a = doc | Note _ b <- a = prettyEquivalentExpression b | otherwise = prettyImportAltExpression a prettyImportAltExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann prettyImportAltExpression a0@(ImportAlt _ _) = prettyOperator "?" (docs a0) where docs (ImportAlt a b) = prettyOrExpression b : docs a docs a | Just doc <- preserveSource a = [ doc ] | Note _ b <- a = docs b | otherwise = [ prettyOrExpression a ] prettyImportAltExpression a | Just doc <- preserveSource a = doc | Note _ b <- a = prettyImportAltExpression b | otherwise = prettyOrExpression a prettyOrExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann prettyOrExpression a0@(BoolOr _ _) = prettyOperator "||" (docs a0) where docs (BoolOr a b) = prettyPlusExpression b : docs a docs a | Just doc <- preserveSource a = [ doc ] | Note _ b <- a = docs b | otherwise = [ prettyPlusExpression a ] prettyOrExpression a | Just doc <- preserveSource a = doc | Note _ b <- a = prettyOrExpression b | otherwise = prettyPlusExpression a prettyPlusExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann prettyPlusExpression a0@(NaturalPlus _ _) = prettyOperator "+" (docs a0) where docs (NaturalPlus a b) = prettyTextAppendExpression b : docs a docs a | Just doc <- preserveSource a = [ doc ] | Note _ b <- a = docs b | otherwise = [ prettyTextAppendExpression a ] prettyPlusExpression a | Just doc <- preserveSource a = doc | Note _ b <- a = prettyPlusExpression b | otherwise = prettyTextAppendExpression a prettyTextAppendExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann prettyTextAppendExpression a0@(TextAppend _ _) = prettyOperator "++" (docs a0) where docs (TextAppend a b) = prettyListAppendExpression b : docs a docs a | Just doc <- preserveSource a = [ doc ] | Note _ b <- a = docs b | otherwise = [ prettyListAppendExpression a ] prettyTextAppendExpression a | Just doc <- preserveSource a = doc | Note _ b <- a = prettyTextAppendExpression b | otherwise = prettyListAppendExpression a prettyListAppendExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann prettyListAppendExpression a0@(ListAppend _ _) = prettyOperator "#" (docs a0) where docs (ListAppend a b) = prettyAndExpression b : docs a docs a | Just doc <- preserveSource a = [ doc ] | Note _ b <- a = docs b | otherwise = [ prettyAndExpression a ] prettyListAppendExpression a | Just doc <- preserveSource a = doc | Note _ b <- a = prettyListAppendExpression b | otherwise = prettyAndExpression a prettyAndExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann prettyAndExpression a0@(BoolAnd _ _) = prettyOperator "&&" (docs a0) where docs (BoolAnd a b) = prettyCombineExpression b : docs a docs a | Just doc <- preserveSource a = [ doc ] | Note _ b <- a = docs b | otherwise = [ prettyCombineExpression a ] prettyAndExpression a | Just doc <- preserveSource a = doc | Note _ b <- a = prettyAndExpression b | otherwise = prettyCombineExpression a prettyCombineExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann prettyCombineExpression a0@(Combine _ _ _) = prettyOperator (combine characterSet) (docs a0) where docs (Combine _ a b) = prettyPreferExpression b : docs a docs a | Just doc <- preserveSource a = [ doc ] | Note _ b <- a = docs b | otherwise = [ prettyPreferExpression a ] prettyCombineExpression a | Just doc <- preserveSource a = doc | Note _ b <- a = prettyCombineExpression b | otherwise = prettyPreferExpression a prettyPreferExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann prettyPreferExpression a0@(Prefer {}) = prettyOperator (prefer characterSet) (docs a0) where docs (Prefer _ a b) = prettyCombineTypesExpression b : docs a docs a | Just doc <- preserveSource a = [ doc ] | Note _ b <- a = docs b | otherwise = [ prettyCombineTypesExpression a ] prettyPreferExpression a | Just doc <- preserveSource a = doc | Note _ b <- a = prettyPreferExpression b | otherwise = prettyCombineTypesExpression a prettyCombineTypesExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann prettyCombineTypesExpression a0@(CombineTypes _ _) = prettyOperator (combineTypes characterSet) (docs a0) where docs (CombineTypes a b) = prettyTimesExpression b : docs a docs a | Just doc <- preserveSource a = [ doc ] | Note _ b <- a = docs b | otherwise = [ prettyTimesExpression a ] prettyCombineTypesExpression a | Just doc <- preserveSource a = doc | Note _ b <- a = prettyCombineTypesExpression b | otherwise = prettyTimesExpression a prettyTimesExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann prettyTimesExpression a0@(NaturalTimes _ _) = prettyOperator "*" (docs a0) where docs (NaturalTimes a b) = prettyEqualExpression b : docs a docs a | Just doc <- preserveSource a = [ doc ] | Note _ b <- a = docs b | otherwise = [ prettyEqualExpression a ] prettyTimesExpression a | Just doc <- preserveSource a = doc | Note _ b <- a = prettyTimesExpression b | otherwise = prettyEqualExpression a prettyEqualExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann prettyEqualExpression a0@(BoolEQ _ _) = prettyOperator "==" (docs a0) where docs (BoolEQ a b) = prettyNotEqualExpression b : docs a docs a | Just doc <- preserveSource a = [ doc ] | Note _ b <- a = docs b | otherwise = [ prettyNotEqualExpression a ] prettyEqualExpression a | Just doc <- preserveSource a = doc | Note _ b <- a = prettyEqualExpression b | otherwise = prettyNotEqualExpression a prettyNotEqualExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann prettyNotEqualExpression a0@(BoolNE _ _) = prettyOperator "!=" (docs a0) where docs (BoolNE a b) = prettyApplicationExpression b : docs a docs a | Just doc <- preserveSource a = [ doc ] | Note _ b <- a = docs b | otherwise = [ prettyApplicationExpression a ] prettyNotEqualExpression a | Just doc <- preserveSource a = doc | Note _ b <- a = prettyNotEqualExpression b | otherwise = prettyApplicationExpression a prettyApplicationExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann prettyApplicationExpression = go [] where go args = \case App a b -> go (b : args) a Some a -> app (builtin "Some") (a : args) Merge a b Nothing -> app (keyword "merge") (a : b : args) ToMap a Nothing -> app (keyword "toMap") (a : args) e | Note _ b <- e -> go args b | null args -> prettyImportExpression e -- just a performance optimization | Just doc <- preserveSource e -> app doc args | otherwise -> app (prettyImportExpression e) args app f args = enclose' "" "" " " "" ( duplicate f : map (fmap (Pretty.indent 2) . duplicate . prettyImportExpression) args ) prettyImportExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann prettyImportExpression (Embed a) = Pretty.pretty a prettyImportExpression a | Just doc <- preserveSource a = doc | Note _ b <- a = prettyImportExpression b | otherwise = prettyCompletionExpression a prettyCompletionExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann prettyCompletionExpression (RecordCompletion a b) = case shallowDenote b of RecordLit kvs -> Pretty.align ( prettySelectorExpression a <> doubleColon <> prettyCompletionLit 0 kvs ) _ -> prettySelectorExpression a <> doubleColon <> prettySelectorExpression b prettyCompletionExpression a | Just doc <- preserveSource a = doc | Note _ b <- a = prettyCompletionExpression b | otherwise = prettySelectorExpression a prettySelectorExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann prettySelectorExpression (Field a b) = prettySelectorExpression a <> dot <> prettyAnyLabel b prettySelectorExpression (Project a (Left b)) = prettySelectorExpression a <> dot <> prettyLabels b prettySelectorExpression (Project a (Right b)) = prettySelectorExpression a <> dot <> lparen <> prettyExpression b <> rparen prettySelectorExpression a | Just doc <- preserveSource a = doc | Note _ b <- a = prettySelectorExpression b | otherwise = prettyPrimitiveExpression a prettyPrimitiveExpression :: Pretty a => Expr Src a -> Doc Ann prettyPrimitiveExpression (Var a) = prettyVar a prettyPrimitiveExpression (Const k) = prettyConst k prettyPrimitiveExpression Bool = builtin "Bool" prettyPrimitiveExpression Natural = builtin "Natural" prettyPrimitiveExpression NaturalFold = builtin "Natural/fold" prettyPrimitiveExpression NaturalBuild = builtin "Natural/build" prettyPrimitiveExpression NaturalIsZero = builtin "Natural/isZero" prettyPrimitiveExpression NaturalEven = builtin "Natural/even" prettyPrimitiveExpression NaturalOdd = builtin "Natural/odd" prettyPrimitiveExpression NaturalToInteger = builtin "Natural/toInteger" prettyPrimitiveExpression NaturalShow = builtin "Natural/show" prettyPrimitiveExpression NaturalSubtract = builtin "Natural/subtract" prettyPrimitiveExpression Integer = builtin "Integer" prettyPrimitiveExpression IntegerClamp = builtin "Integer/clamp" prettyPrimitiveExpression IntegerNegate = builtin "Integer/negate" prettyPrimitiveExpression IntegerShow = builtin "Integer/show" prettyPrimitiveExpression IntegerToDouble = builtin "Integer/toDouble" prettyPrimitiveExpression Double = builtin "Double" prettyPrimitiveExpression DoubleShow = builtin "Double/show" prettyPrimitiveExpression Text = builtin "Text" prettyPrimitiveExpression TextShow = builtin "Text/show" prettyPrimitiveExpression List = builtin "List" prettyPrimitiveExpression ListBuild = builtin "List/build" prettyPrimitiveExpression ListFold = builtin "List/fold" prettyPrimitiveExpression ListLength = builtin "List/length" prettyPrimitiveExpression ListHead = builtin "List/head" prettyPrimitiveExpression ListLast = builtin "List/last" prettyPrimitiveExpression ListIndexed = builtin "List/indexed" prettyPrimitiveExpression ListReverse = builtin "List/reverse" prettyPrimitiveExpression Optional = builtin "Optional" prettyPrimitiveExpression None = builtin "None" prettyPrimitiveExpression (BoolLit True) = builtin "True" prettyPrimitiveExpression (BoolLit False) = builtin "False" prettyPrimitiveExpression (IntegerLit a) | 0 <= a = literal "+" <> prettyNumber a | otherwise = prettyNumber a prettyPrimitiveExpression (NaturalLit a) = prettyNatural a prettyPrimitiveExpression (DoubleLit (DhallDouble a)) = prettyDouble a prettyPrimitiveExpression (TextLit a) = prettyChunks a prettyPrimitiveExpression (Record a) = prettyRecord a prettyPrimitiveExpression (RecordLit a) = prettyRecordLit a prettyPrimitiveExpression (Union a) = prettyUnion a prettyPrimitiveExpression (ListLit Nothing b) = list (map prettyExpression (Data.Foldable.toList b)) prettyPrimitiveExpression a | Just doc <- preserveSource a = doc | Note _ b <- a = prettyPrimitiveExpression b | otherwise = Pretty.group (Pretty.flatAlt long short) where long = Pretty.align (lparen <> space <> prettyExpression a <> Pretty.hardline <> rparen) short = lparen <> prettyExpression a <> rparen prettyKeyValue :: Pretty a => (k -> Doc Ann) -> (Expr Src a -> Doc Ann) -> Doc Ann -> (k, Expr Src a) -> (Doc Ann, Doc Ann) prettyKeyValue prettyKey prettyValue separator (key, val) = duplicate (Pretty.group (Pretty.flatAlt long short)) where completion _T r = " " <> prettySelectorExpression _T <> doubleColon <> case shallowDenote r of RecordLit kvs -> prettyCompletionLit 2 kvs _ -> prettySelectorExpression r short = prettyKey key <> " " <> separator <> " " <> prettyValue val long = prettyKey key <> " " <> separator <> case shallowDenote val of Some val' -> " " <> builtin "Some" <> case shallowDenote val' of RecordCompletion _T r -> completion _T r RecordLit _ -> Pretty.hardline <> " " <> prettyImportExpression val' ListLit _ xs | not (null xs) -> Pretty.hardline <> " " <> prettyImportExpression val' _ -> Pretty.hardline <> " " <> prettyImportExpression val' ToMap val' Nothing -> " " <> keyword "toMap" <> case shallowDenote val' of RecordCompletion _T r -> completion _T r _ -> Pretty.hardline <> " " <> prettyImportExpression val' RecordCompletion _T r -> completion _T r RecordLit _ -> Pretty.hardline <> " " <> prettyValue val ListLit _ xs | not (null xs) -> Pretty.hardline <> " " <> prettyValue val _ -> Pretty.hardline <> " " <> prettyValue val prettyRecord :: Pretty a => Map Text (Expr Src a) -> Doc Ann prettyRecord = braces . map (prettyKeyValue prettyAnyLabel prettyExpression colon) . Map.toList prettyRecordLit :: Pretty a => Map Text (Expr Src a) -> Doc Ann prettyRecordLit = prettyRecordLike braces prettyCompletionLit :: Pretty a => Int -> Map Text (Expr Src a) -> Doc Ann prettyCompletionLit = prettyRecordLike . hangingBraces prettyRecordLike braceStyle a | Data.Foldable.null a = lbrace <> equals <> rbrace | otherwise = braceStyle (map prettyRecordEntry (Map.toList consolidated)) where consolidated = consolidateRecordLiteral a prettyRecordEntry (keys, value) = case keys of key :| [] | Var (V key' 0) <- Dhall.Syntax.shallowDenote value , key == key' -> duplicate (prettyAnyLabel key) _ -> prettyKeyValue prettyAnyLabels prettyExpression equals (keys, value) prettyAlternative (key, Just val) = prettyKeyValue prettyAnyLabel prettyExpression colon (key, val) prettyAlternative (key, Nothing) = duplicate (prettyAnyLabel key) prettyUnion :: Pretty a => Map Text (Maybe (Expr Src a)) -> Doc Ann prettyUnion = angles . map prettyAlternative . Map.toList prettyChunks :: Pretty a => Chunks Src a -> Doc Ann prettyChunks chunks@(Chunks a b) | anyText (== '\n') = if not (null a) || anyText (/= '\n') then long else Pretty.group (Pretty.flatAlt long short) | otherwise = short where long = Pretty.align ( literal "''" <> Pretty.hardline <> Pretty.align (foldMap prettyMultilineChunk a' <> prettyMultilineText b') <> literal "''" ) where Chunks a' b' = multilineChunks chunks short = literal "\"" <> foldMap prettyChunk a <> literal (prettyText b <> "\"") anyText predicate = any (\(text, _) -> Text.any predicate text) a || Text.any predicate b prettyMultilineChunk (c, d) = prettyMultilineText c <> dollar <> lbrace <> prettyExpression d <> rbrace prettyMultilineText text = mconcat docs where lines_ = Text.splitOn "\n" (escapeSingleQuotedText text) -- Annotate only non-empty lines so trailing whitespace can be -- removed on empty ones. prettyLine line = (if Text.null line then id else literal) (Pretty.pretty line) docs = Data.List.intersperse Pretty.hardline (map prettyLine lines_) prettyChunk (c, d) = prettyText c <> syntax "${" <> prettyExpression d <> syntax rbrace prettyText t = literal (Pretty.pretty (escapeText_ t)) -- | Prepare 'Chunks' for multi-line formatting by escaping problematic -- character sequences via string interpolations -- -- >>> multilineChunks (Chunks [] "\n \tx") -- Chunks [("\n",TextLit (Chunks [] " \t"))] "x" -- >>> multilineChunks (Chunks [] "\n\NUL\b\f\t") -- Chunks [("\n",TextLit (Chunks [] "\NUL\b\f"))] "\t" multilineChunks :: Chunks s a -> Chunks s a multilineChunks = escapeTrailingSingleQuote . escapeControlCharacters . escapeSharedWhitespacePrefix -- | Escape any leading whitespace shared by all lines -- -- This ensures that significant shared leading whitespace is not stripped -- -- >>> escapeSharedWhitespacePrefix (Chunks [] "\n \tx") -- Chunks [("\n",TextLit (Chunks [] " \t"))] "x" -- >>> escapeSharedWhitespacePrefix (Chunks [("\n",Var (V "x" 0))] " ") -- Chunks [("\n",Var (V "x" 0))] " " -- >>> escapeSharedWhitespacePrefix (Chunks [("\n ",Var (V "x" 0))] "") -- Chunks [("\n",TextLit (Chunks [] " ")),("",Var (V "x" 0))] "" -- >>> escapeSharedWhitespacePrefix (Chunks [("\n ",Var (V "x" 0))] "\n") -- Chunks [("\n ",Var (V "x" 0))] "\n" -- >>> escapeSharedWhitespacePrefix (Chunks [] " ") -- Chunks [("",TextLit (Chunks [] " "))] "" escapeSharedWhitespacePrefix :: Chunks s a -> Chunks s a escapeSharedWhitespacePrefix literal_ = unlinesLiteral literals₁ where literals₀ = linesLiteral literal_ sharedPrefix = longestSharedWhitespacePrefix literals₀ stripPrefix = Text.drop (Text.length sharedPrefix) escapeSharedPrefix (Chunks [] prefix₀) | Text.isPrefixOf sharedPrefix prefix₀ = Chunks [ ("", TextLit (Chunks [] sharedPrefix)) ] prefix₁ where prefix₁ = stripPrefix prefix₀ escapeSharedPrefix (Chunks ((prefix₀, y) : xys) z) | Text.isPrefixOf sharedPrefix prefix₀ = Chunks (("", TextLit (Chunks [] sharedPrefix)) : (prefix₁, y) : xys) z where prefix₁ = stripPrefix prefix₀ escapeSharedPrefix line = line literals₁ | not (Text.null sharedPrefix) = fmap escapeSharedPrefix literals₀ | otherwise = literals₀ -- | Escape control characters by moving them into string interpolations -- -- >>> escapeControlCharacters (Chunks [] "\n\NUL\b\f\t") -- Chunks [("\n",TextLit (Chunks [] "\NUL\b\f"))] "\t" escapeControlCharacters :: Chunks s a -> Chunks s a escapeControlCharacters (Chunks as0 b0) = Chunks as1 b1 where as1 = foldr f (map toChunk bs) as0 (bs, b1) = splitOnPredicate predicate b0 f (t0, e) chunks = map toChunk ts1 ++ (t1, e) : chunks where (ts1, t1) = splitOnPredicate predicate t0 predicate c = Data.Char.isControl c && c /= ' ' && c /= '\t' && c /= '\n' toChunk (t0, t1) = (t0, TextLit (Chunks [] t1)) -- | Split `Text` on a predicate, preserving all parts of the original string. -- -- >>> splitOnPredicate (== 'x') "" -- ([],"") -- >>> splitOnPredicate (== 'x') " xx " -- ([(" ","xx")]," ") -- >>> splitOnPredicate (== 'x') "xx" -- ([("","xx")],"") -- -- prop> \(Fun _ p) s -> let {t = Text.pack s; (as, b) = splitOnPredicate p t} in foldMap (uncurry (<>)) as <> b == t splitOnPredicate :: (Char -> Bool) -> Text -> ([(Text, Text)], Text) splitOnPredicate p t = case Text.break p t of (a, "") -> ([], a) (a, b) -> case Text.span p b of (c, d) -> case splitOnPredicate p d of (e, f) -> ((a, c) : e, f) -- | Escape a trailing single quote by moving it into a string interpolation -- -- Otherwise the multiline-string would end with @'''@, which would be parsed -- as an escaped @''@. -- -- >>> escapeTrailingSingleQuote (Chunks [] "\n'") -- Chunks [("\n",TextLit (Chunks [] "'"))] "" escapeTrailingSingleQuote :: Chunks s a -> Chunks s a escapeTrailingSingleQuote chunks@(Chunks as b) = case Text.unsnoc b of Just (b', '\'') -> Chunks (as ++ [(b', TextLit (Chunks [] "'"))]) "" _ -> chunks -- | Pretty-print a value pretty_ :: Pretty a => a -> Text pretty_ = prettyToStrictText {- This utility function converts `{ x = { y = { z = 1 } } }` to `{ x.y.z. = 1 }` -} consolidateRecordLiteral :: Map Text (Expr s a) -> Map (NonEmpty Text) (Expr s a) consolidateRecordLiteral = Map.fromList . fmap adapt . Map.toList where adapt :: (Text, Expr s a) -> (NonEmpty Text, Expr s a) adapt (key, expression) = case shallowDenote expression of RecordLit m -> case fmap adapt (Map.toList m) of [ (keys, expression') ] -> (NonEmpty.cons key keys, expression') _ -> (pure key, RecordLit m) _ -> (pure key, expression) -- | Escape a `Text` literal using Dhall's escaping rules for single-quoted -- @Text@ escapeSingleQuotedText :: Text -> Text escapeSingleQuotedText inputText = outputText where outputText = substitute "${" "''${" (substitute "''" "'''" inputText) substitute before after = Text.intercalate after . Text.splitOn before {-| Escape a `Text` literal using Dhall's escaping rules Note that the result does not include surrounding quotes -} escapeText_ :: Text -> Text escapeText_ text = Text.concatMap adapt text where adapt c | '\x20' <= c && c <= '\x21' = Text.singleton c -- '\x22' == '"' | '\x23' == c = Text.singleton c -- '\x24' == '$' | '\x25' <= c && c <= '\x5B' = Text.singleton c -- '\x5C' == '\\' | '\x5D' <= c && c <= '\x10FFFF' = Text.singleton c | c == '"' = "\\\"" | c == '$' = "\\$" | c == '\\' = "\\\\" | c == '\b' = "\\b" | c == '\f' = "\\f" | c == '\n' = "\\n" | c == '\r' = "\\r" | c == '\t' = "\\t" | otherwise = "\\u" <> showDigits (Data.Char.ord c) showDigits r0 = Text.pack (map showDigit [q1, q2, q3, r3]) where (q1, r1) = r0 `quotRem` 4096 (q2, r2) = r1 `quotRem` 256 (q3, r3) = r2 `quotRem` 16 showDigit n | n < 10 = Data.Char.chr (Data.Char.ord '0' + n) | otherwise = Data.Char.chr (Data.Char.ord 'A' + n - 10) prettyToString :: Pretty a => a -> String prettyToString = Pretty.renderString . layout . Pretty.pretty docToStrictText :: Doc ann -> Text.Text docToStrictText = Pretty.renderStrict . layout prettyToStrictText :: Pretty a => a -> Text.Text prettyToStrictText = docToStrictText . Pretty.pretty -- | Layout using 'layoutOpts' -- -- Tries hard to fit the document into 80 columns. -- -- This also removes trailing space characters (@' '@) /unless/ -- they are enclosed in an annotation. layout :: Pretty.Doc ann -> Pretty.SimpleDocStream ann layout = Pretty.removeTrailingWhitespace . Pretty.layoutSmart layoutOpts -- | Default layout options layoutOpts :: Pretty.LayoutOptions layoutOpts = Pretty.defaultLayoutOptions { Pretty.layoutPageWidth = Pretty.AvailablePerLine 80 1.0 } {- $setup >>> import Test.QuickCheck (Fun(..)) -}