{-# language GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# language NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} {-# language NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# language OverloadedStrings #-} {-# language RecordWildCards #-} {-# language ViewPatterns #-} module Main ( main ) where import Control.Applicative ( (<**>), (<|>), Const(..), optional ) import Control.Monad ( guard ) import Data.Char ( isAlphaNum ) import Control.Monad.Trans.Class ( lift ) import Control.Monad.Trans.State ( State, execState, get, modify, put ) import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer ( WriterT, execWriterT, tell ) import Data.Foldable ( asum, foldl', traverse_ ) import Data.Functor.Product ( Product(..) ) import Data.Functor.Identity ( Identity(..) ) import Data.Monoid ( Any(..), (<>) ) import Data.Function ( (&) ) import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe ) import Data.Text.Lazy (Text) import System.Environment ( getArgs ) import Data.String ( fromString ) import DhallLocation ( typesLocation, dhallFromGitHub ) import DhallToCabal import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as InsOrdHashMap import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as LazyText import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc as Pretty import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Text as Pretty import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Symbols.Unicode as Pretty import qualified Dhall import qualified Dhall.Context import qualified Dhall.Core as Dhall import qualified Dhall.Core as Expr ( Expr(..), Var(..), shift ) import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as Cabal import qualified Dhall.Parser import qualified Dhall.TypeCheck as Dhall import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription.PrettyPrint as Cabal import qualified Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription as Cabal import qualified Distribution.Types.PackageId as Cabal import qualified Distribution.Types.PackageName as Cabal import qualified Options.Applicative as OptParse import qualified System.IO data Command = RunDhallToCabal DhallToCabalOptions | PrintType PrintTypeOptions data KnownType = Library | ForeignLibrary | Benchmark | Executable | TestSuite | BuildInfo | Config | SourceRepo | RepoType | RepoKind | Compiler | OS | Extension | CompilerOptions | Arch | Language | License | BuildType | Package | VersionRange | Version | SPDX | LicenseId | LicenseExceptionId deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Ord, Read, Show) -- | A 'Benchmark' is a proper subrecord of an 'Executable', but we -- don't want to write 'Executable' in terms of 'Benchmark'! Hence, -- limit which types we will do the common-field extraction for to -- only 'BuildInfo', for the time being. isCandidateSubrecord :: KnownType -> Bool isCandidateSubrecord BuildInfo = True isCandidateSubrecord _ = False shouldBeImported :: KnownType -> Bool shouldBeImported Extension = True shouldBeImported LicenseId = True shouldBeImported LicenseExceptionId = True shouldBeImported _ = False data DhallToCabalOptions = DhallToCabalOptions { dhallFilePath :: Maybe String , explain :: Bool } dhallToCabalOptionsParser :: OptParse.Parser DhallToCabalOptions dhallToCabalOptionsParser = DhallToCabalOptions <$> optional ( OptParse.argument OptParse.str ( mconcat [ OptParse.metavar "" , OptParse.help "The Dhall expression to convert to a Cabal file" ] ) ) <*> OptParse.flag False True ( mconcat [ OptParse.long "explain" , OptParse.help "Provide explanations to type Dhall syntax and type errors." ] ) data PrintTypeOptions = PrintTypeOptions { typeToPrint :: KnownType , selfContained :: Bool } printTypeOptionsParser :: OptParse.Parser PrintTypeOptions printTypeOptionsParser = PrintTypeOptions <$> OptParse.option OptParse.auto modifiers <*> OptParse.flag False True ( mconcat [ OptParse.long "self-contained" , OptParse.help "Emit self-contained types. Without this flag, some large enumerations are referenced by import." ] ) where modifiers = mconcat [ OptParse.long "print-type" , OptParse.help "Print out the description of a type. For a full description, try --print-type Package" , OptParse.metavar "TYPE" ] runDhallToCabal :: DhallToCabalOptions -> IO () runDhallToCabal DhallToCabalOptions { dhallFilePath, explain } = do source <- case dhallFilePath of Nothing -> LazyText.getContents Just filePath -> LazyText.readFile filePath let fileName = fromMaybe "(STDIN)" dhallFilePath explaining ( dhallToCabal fileName source & fmap ( \ pkgDesc -> pkgDesc & Cabal.showGenericPackageDescription & addWarningHeader ( pkgDescName pkgDesc ) ) >>= putStrLn ) where explaining = if explain then Dhall.detailed else id pkgDescName = Cabal.unPackageName . Cabal.pkgName . Cabal.package . Cabal.packageDescription -- Make sure that the displayed source path is copy-pasteable to -- the command line, and won't break the generated Cabal -- file. This is a somewhat conservative check. isAcceptableCommentChar c = isAlphaNum c || c == '.' || c == '/' || c == '_' || c == '-' regenerationInstructions name = case dhallFilePath of Just filePath | all isAcceptableCommentChar filePath -> [ "-- Instead, edit the source Dhall file, namely" , "-- '" ++ filePath ++ "', and re-generate this file by running" , "-- 'dhall-to-cabal -- " ++ filePath ++ " > " ++ name ++ ".cabal'." ] _ -> [ "-- Instead, edit the source Dhall file (which may have the" , "-- '.dhall' extension) and re-run dhall-to-cabal, passing the" , "-- source file's name as its argument and redirecting output to" , "-- '" ++ name ++ ".cabal' (this file)." ] -- Starting with Cabal 2.2, the cabal-version field *has* to be -- the first thing in the .cabal file. So split that off and plonk -- the warning header after it. addWarningHeader name str = case lines str of [] -> error "addWarningHeader: no cabal-version line found?" cabalVersion : rest -> unlines $ concat [ [ cabalVersion , "-- * * * * * * * * * * * * WARNING * * * * * * * * * * * *" , "-- This file has been AUTO-GENERATED by dhall-to-cabal." , "--" , "-- Do not edit it by hand, because your changes will be over-written!" , "--" ] , regenerationInstructions name , [ "-- * * * * * * * * * * * * WARNING * * * * * * * * * * * *" ] , rest ] main :: IO () main = do command <- OptParse.execParser opts case command of RunDhallToCabal options -> runDhallToCabal options PrintType options -> printType options where parser = asum [ RunDhallToCabal <$> dhallToCabalOptionsParser , PrintType <$> printTypeOptionsParser ] opts = OptParse.info ( parser <**> OptParse.helper ) modifiers modifiers = mconcat [ OptParse.progDesc "Generate Cabal files from Dhall expressions" ] -- Shamelessly taken from dhall-format opts :: Pretty.LayoutOptions opts = Pretty.defaultLayoutOptions { Pretty.layoutPageWidth = Pretty.AvailablePerLine 80 1.0 } data CSEState a = CSEState { factoredOutTypes :: [ ( KnownType, Expr.Expr Dhall.Parser.Src a ) ] -- ^ Things we've already factored out (which may undergo further factoring themselves). , rootType :: Expr.Expr Dhall.Parser.Src a -- ^ The original type, which we started factoring things from. } traverseTypes :: ( Applicative f ) => ( Expr.Expr Dhall.Parser.Src a -> f ( Expr.Expr Dhall.Parser.Src b ) ) -> CSEState a -> f ( CSEState b ) traverseTypes f (CSEState types root) = CSEState <$> traverse (traverse f) types <*> f root printType :: PrintTypeOptions -> IO () printType PrintTypeOptions { .. } = do Pretty.renderIO System.IO.stdout ( Pretty.layoutSmart opts ( Pretty.pretty factoredType ) ) putStrLn "" where dhallType :: KnownType -> Dhall.Expr Dhall.Parser.Src a dhallType t = fmap Dhall.absurd ( case t of Config -> configRecordType Library -> Dhall.expected library ForeignLibrary -> Dhall.expected foreignLib Executable -> Dhall.expected executable Benchmark -> Dhall.expected benchmark TestSuite -> Dhall.expected testSuite BuildInfo -> buildInfoType SourceRepo -> Dhall.expected sourceRepo RepoType -> Dhall.expected repoType RepoKind -> Dhall.expected repoKind Compiler -> Dhall.expected compilerFlavor OS -> Dhall.expected operatingSystem Extension -> Dhall.expected extension CompilerOptions -> Dhall.expected compilerOptions Arch -> Dhall.expected arch Language -> Dhall.expected language License -> Dhall.expected license BuildType -> Dhall.expected buildType Package -> Dhall.expected genericPackageDescription VersionRange -> Dhall.expected versionRange Version -> Dhall.expected version SPDX -> Dhall.expected spdxLicense LicenseId -> Dhall.expected spdxLicenseId LicenseExceptionId -> Dhall.expected spdxLicenseExceptionId ) makeLetOrImport t val reduced = let name = fromString ( show t ) in if shouldBeImported t && not selfContained then Dhall.subst ( Expr.V name 0 ) ( Expr.Var ( Expr.V "types" 0 ) `Expr.Field` name ) reduced else Expr.Let name Nothing val reduced factoredType :: Expr.Expr Dhall.Parser.Src Dhall.Import factoredType = let initialState :: CSEState Dhall.Import initialState = CSEState mempty ( dhallType typeToPrint ) CSEState types expr = execState ( traverse_ step [ minBound .. maxBound ] ) initialState -- Note: right fold here, though the above traversal is a left -- fold. We need the types we factor out last to be the -- outermost-bound. body = foldr ( uncurry makeLetOrImport ) expr types importing = if any shouldBeImported ( fst <$> types ) && not selfContained then Expr.Let "types" Nothing ( Expr.Embed ( typesLocation dhallFromGitHub ) ) else id in importing body step :: (Eq a) => KnownType -- ^ Name of the type we're trying to factor out -> State ( CSEState a ) () step factorType = do Any usedFactor <- execWriterT ( lift . put =<< traverseTypes ( tryCSE factorType ) =<< lift get ) let addingUsedFactor = if usedFactor then ( ( factorType, ( dhallType factorType ) ) : ) else id modify $ \ ( CSEState types expr ) -> CSEState ( addingUsedFactor types ) expr tryCSE :: (Eq a, Monad m) => KnownType -- ^ The type we're factoring out -> Expr.Expr Dhall.Parser.Src a -> WriterT Any m ( Expr.Expr Dhall.Parser.Src a ) tryCSE factorType expr = let name = fromString ( show factorType ) subrecord = isCandidateSubrecord factorType in case liftCSE subrecord name ( dhallType factorType ) expr of Just expr' -> do tell (Any True) return expr' Nothing -> return expr liftCSE :: (Eq s, Eq a) => Bool -- ^ Should we attempt to find the subexpression as a sub-record? -> Text -- ^ The name of the binding -> Expr.Expr s a -- ^ The common subexpression to lift -> Expr.Expr s a -- ^ The expression to remove a common subexpression from -> Maybe (Expr.Expr s a) -- ^ 'Just' the CSE-ed expression, or Nothing if the subexpression wasn't found. liftCSE subrecord name body expr = let v0 = Expr.V name 0 in case go ( Expr.shift 1 v0 expr ) v0 of Pair ( Const ( Any False ) ) _ -> -- There was nothing to lift Nothing Pair _ ( Identity reduced ) | reduced == Expr.Var v0 -> -- We lifted the whole expression out. This is not a win, so don't bother. Nothing Pair _ ( Identity reduced ) -> Just reduced where shiftName n v | n == name = shiftVar 1 v shiftName _ v = v shiftVar delta ( Expr.V name' n ) = Expr.V name' ( n + delta ) subtractRecordFields a b = do guard subrecord Expr.Record left <- return a Expr.Record right <- return b let intersection = InsOrdHashMap.intersectionWith (==) left right -- The right record cannot have any fields not in left. guard ( InsOrdHashMap.null ( InsOrdHashMap.difference right left ) ) -- We must have at least one field with a common name guard ( not ( InsOrdHashMap.null intersection ) ) -- All common fields must have identical types guard ( and intersection ) let extra = InsOrdHashMap.difference left right guard ( not ( InsOrdHashMap.null extra ) ) return ( Expr.Record extra ) go e v | e == body = Pair ( Const ( Any True ) ) ( Identity ( Expr.Var v ) ) go ( ( `subtractRecordFields` body ) -> Just extra ) v = Pair ( Const ( Any True ) ) ( Identity ( Expr.CombineTypes ( Expr.Var v ) extra ) ) go e v = case e of Expr.Lam n t b -> Expr.Lam n t <$> go b ( shiftName n v ) Expr.Pi n t b -> Expr.Pi n <$> go t v <*> go b ( shiftName n v ) Expr.App f a -> Expr.App <$> go f v <*> go a v Expr.Let n t b e -> Expr.Let n t <$> go b v <*> go e ( shiftName n v ) Expr.Annot a b -> Expr.Annot <$> go a v <*> go b v Expr.BoolAnd a b -> Expr.BoolAnd <$> go a v <*> go b v Expr.BoolOr a b -> Expr.BoolOr <$> go a v <*> go b v Expr.BoolEQ a b -> Expr.BoolEQ <$> go a v <*> go b v Expr.BoolNE a b -> Expr.BoolNE <$> go a v <*> go b v Expr.BoolIf a b c -> Expr.BoolIf <$> go a v <*> go b v <*> go c v Expr.NaturalPlus a b -> Expr.NaturalPlus <$> go a v <*> go b v Expr.NaturalTimes a b -> Expr.NaturalTimes <$> go a v <*> go b v Expr.ListAppend a b -> Expr.ListAppend <$> go a v <*> go b v Expr.Combine a b -> Expr.Combine <$> go a v <*> go b v Expr.Prefer a b -> Expr.Prefer <$> go a v <*> go b v Expr.TextAppend a b -> Expr.TextAppend <$> go a v <*> go b v Expr.ListLit t elems -> Expr.ListLit <$> ( traverse ( `go` v ) t ) <*> ( traverse ( `go` v ) elems ) Expr.OptionalLit t elems -> Expr.OptionalLit <$> go t v <*> ( traverse ( `go` v ) elems ) Expr.Record fields -> Expr.Record <$> traverse ( `go` v ) fields Expr.RecordLit fields -> Expr.RecordLit <$> traverse ( `go` v ) fields Expr.Union fields -> Expr.Union <$> traverse ( `go` v ) fields Expr.UnionLit n a fields -> Expr.UnionLit n <$> go a v <*> traverse ( `go` v ) fields Expr.Merge a b t -> Expr.Merge <$> go a v <*> go b v <*> traverse ( `go` v ) t Expr.Constructors e -> Expr.Constructors <$> go e v Expr.Field e f -> Expr.Field <$> go e v <*> pure f Expr.Note s e -> Expr.Note s <$> go e v Expr.CombineTypes a b -> Expr.CombineTypes <$> go a v <*> go b v Expr.Project e fs -> Expr.Project <$> go e v <*> pure fs Expr.Embed{} -> pure e Expr.Const{} -> pure e Expr.Var{} -> pure e Expr.Bool{} -> pure e Expr.BoolLit{} -> pure e Expr.Natural{} -> pure e Expr.NaturalLit{} -> pure e Expr.NaturalFold{} -> pure e Expr.NaturalBuild{} -> pure e Expr.NaturalIsZero{} -> pure e Expr.NaturalEven{} -> pure e Expr.NaturalOdd{} -> pure e Expr.NaturalToInteger{} -> pure e Expr.NaturalShow{} -> pure e Expr.Integer{} -> pure e Expr.IntegerShow{} -> pure e Expr.IntegerLit{} -> pure e Expr.Double{} -> pure e Expr.DoubleShow{} -> pure e Expr.DoubleLit{} -> pure e Expr.Text{} -> pure e Expr.TextLit{} -> pure e Expr.List -> pure e Expr.ListBuild -> pure e Expr.ListFold -> pure e Expr.ListLength -> pure e Expr.ListHead -> pure e Expr.ListLast -> pure e Expr.ListIndexed -> pure e Expr.ListReverse -> pure e Expr.Optional -> pure e Expr.OptionalFold -> pure e Expr.OptionalBuild -> pure e