let LicenseId = ../types/SPDX/LicenseId.dhall in let LicenseExceptionId = ../types/SPDX/LicenseExceptionId.dhall in λ(a : ../types/SPDX.dhall ) → λ(b : ../types/SPDX.dhall ) → λ(SPDX : Type) → λ(license : LicenseId → Optional LicenseExceptionId → SPDX) → λ(licenseVersionOrLater : LicenseId → Optional LicenseExceptionId → SPDX) → λ(ref : Text → Optional LicenseExceptionId → SPDX) → λ(refWithFile : Text → Text → Optional LicenseExceptionId → SPDX) → λ(and : SPDX → SPDX → SPDX) → λ(or : SPDX → SPDX → SPDX) → or ( a SPDX license licenseVersionOrLater ref refWithFile and or ) ( b SPDX license licenseVersionOrLater ref refWithFile and or )