-- This file is auto-generated by dhall-to-cabal-meta. Look but don't touch (unless you want your edits to be over-written). < AllowAmbiguousTypes : Bool | ApplicativeDo : Bool | Arrows : Bool | AutoDeriveTypeable : Bool | BangPatterns : Bool | BinaryLiterals : Bool | BlockArguments : Bool | CApiFFI : Bool | CPP : Bool | ConstrainedClassMethods : Bool | ConstraintKinds : Bool | DataKinds : Bool | DatatypeContexts : Bool | DefaultSignatures : Bool | DeriveAnyClass : Bool | DeriveDataTypeable : Bool | DeriveFoldable : Bool | DeriveFunctor : Bool | DeriveGeneric : Bool | DeriveLift : Bool | DeriveTraversable : Bool | DerivingStrategies : Bool | DisambiguateRecordFields : Bool | DoAndIfThenElse : Bool | DoRec : Bool | DuplicateRecordFields : Bool | EmptyCase : Bool | EmptyDataDecls : Bool | ExistentialQuantification : Bool | ExplicitForAll : Bool | ExplicitNamespaces : Bool | ExtendedDefaultRules : Bool | ExtensibleRecords : Bool | FlexibleContexts : Bool | FlexibleInstances : Bool | ForeignFunctionInterface : Bool | FunctionalDependencies : Bool | GADTSyntax : Bool | GADTs : Bool | GHCForeignImportPrim : Bool | GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving : Bool | Generics : Bool | HereDocuments : Bool | HexFloatLiterals : Bool | ImplicitParams : Bool | ImplicitPrelude : Bool | ImpredicativeTypes : Bool | IncoherentInstances : Bool | InstanceSigs : Bool | InterruptibleFFI : Bool | JavaScriptFFI : Bool | KindSignatures : Bool | LambdaCase : Bool | LiberalTypeSynonyms : Bool | MagicHash : Bool | MonadComprehensions : Bool | MonadFailDesugaring : Bool | MonoLocalBinds : Bool | MonoPatBinds : Bool | MonomorphismRestriction : Bool | MultiParamTypeClasses : Bool | MultiWayIf : Bool | NPlusKPatterns : Bool | NamedFieldPuns : Bool | NamedWildCards : Bool | NegativeLiterals : Bool | NewQualifiedOperators : Bool | NondecreasingIndentation : Bool | NullaryTypeClasses : Bool | NumDecimals : Bool | NumericUnderscores : Bool | OverlappingInstances : Bool | OverloadedLabels : Bool | OverloadedLists : Bool | OverloadedStrings : Bool | PackageImports : Bool | ParallelArrays : Bool | ParallelListComp : Bool | PartialTypeSignatures : Bool | PatternGuards : Bool | PatternSignatures : Bool | PatternSynonyms : Bool | PolyKinds : Bool | PolymorphicComponents : Bool | PostfixOperators : Bool | QuantifiedConstraints : Bool | QuasiQuotes : Bool | Rank2Types : Bool | RankNTypes : Bool | RebindableSyntax : Bool | RecordPuns : Bool | RecordWildCards : Bool | RecursiveDo : Bool | RegularPatterns : Bool | RelaxedPolyRec : Bool | RestrictedTypeSynonyms : Bool | RoleAnnotations : Bool | Safe : Bool | SafeImports : Bool | ScopedTypeVariables : Bool | StandaloneDeriving : Bool | StarIsType : Bool | StaticPointers : Bool | Strict : Bool | StrictData : Bool | TemplateHaskell : Bool | TemplateHaskellQuotes : Bool | TraditionalRecordSyntax : Bool | TransformListComp : Bool | Trustworthy : Bool | TupleSections : Bool | TypeApplications : Bool | TypeFamilies : Bool | TypeFamilyDependencies : Bool | TypeInType : Bool | TypeOperators : Bool | TypeSynonymInstances : Bool | UnboxedSums : Bool | UnboxedTuples : Bool | UndecidableInstances : Bool | UndecidableSuperClasses : Bool | UnicodeSyntax : Bool | UnliftedFFITypes : Bool | Unsafe : Bool | ViewPatterns : Bool | XmlSyntax : Bool >