# ./.mergify.yml pull_request_rules: - name: Automatically merge pull requests conditions: - status-success=continuous-integration/appveyor/pr - label=merge me - ! '#approved-reviews-by>=1' actions: merge: strict: smart method: squash - name: Delete head branch after merge conditions: - merged actions: delete_head_branch: {} - name: backport patches to 1.0.x branch conditions: - merged - label=backport-1.0 actions: backport: branches: - 1.0.x label: remove: - "backport-1.0" - name: backport patches to 1.1.x branch conditions: - merged - label=backport-1.1 actions: backport: branches: - 1.1.x label: remove: - "backport-1.1" - name: backport patches to 1.2.x branch conditions: - merged - label=backport-1.2 actions: backport: branches: - 1.2.x label: remove: - "backport-1.2" - name: backport patches to 1.3.x branch conditions: - merged - label=backport-1.3 actions: backport: branches: - 1.3.x label: remove: - "backport-1.3" - name: backport patches to 1.4.x branch conditions: - merged - label=backport-1.4 actions: backport: branches: - 1.4.x label: remove: - "backport-1.4" - name: backport patches to 1.5.x branch conditions: - merged - label=backport actions: backport: branches: - 1.5.x label: remove: - "backport-1.5"