----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Diagrams.Core -- Copyright : (c) 2011 diagrams-core team (see LICENSE) -- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE) -- Maintainer : diagrams-discuss@googlegroups.com -- -- The core library of primitives forming the basis of an embedded -- domain-specific language for describing and rendering diagrams. -- Normal users of the diagrams library should almost never need to -- import anything from this package directly; instead, import modules -- (especially @Diagrams.Prelude@) from the diagrams-lib package, -- which re-exports most things of value to users. -- -- For most library code needing access to core internals, it should -- be sufficient to import this module, which simply re-exports useful -- functionality from other modules in the core library. Library -- writers needing finer-grained access or functionality may -- occasionally find it useful to directly import one of the -- constituent core modules. -- -- The diagrams library relies heavily on custom types and classes. Many -- of the relevant definitions are in the "Diagrams.Core.Types" module. -- Indeed the definition of the diagram type @QDiagram@ is contained in: -- 'Diagrams.Core.Types.QDiagram'. -- -- The best place to start when learning -- about diagrams\' types is the user manual: -- -- The following list shows which types are contained in each module of -- "Diagrams.Core". -- -- * "Diagrams.Core.Types" -- -- * @Annotation@, -- * @UpAnnots b v m@, @DownAnnots v@, -- * @QDiaLeaf b v m@, @Measure v@, -- * @Subdiagram b v m@, @SubMap b v m@, -- * @Prim b v@, @Backend b v@, -- * @DNode b v a@, @DTree b v a@, -- * @RNode b v a@, @RTree b v a@, -- * @NullBackend@, @Renderable t b@, -- * @D v@. -- -- * "Diagrams.Core.Envelope" -- -- * @Envelope v@, @Enveloped v@, -- * @OrderedField s@. -- -- * "Diagrams.Core.Juxtapose" -- -- * @Juxtaposable a@. -- -- * "Diagrams.Core.Names" -- -- * @AName@, @Name@, @IsName a@, -- * @Qualifiable q@. -- -- * "Diagrams.Core.HasOrigin" -- -- * @HasOrigin t@. -- -- * "Diagrams.Core.Points" -- -- * @Point v@. -- -- * "Diagrams.Core.Query" -- -- * @Query v m@. -- -- * "Diagrams.Core.Style" -- -- * @AttributeClass a@, @Attribute v@, -- * @Style v@, @HasStyle@. -- -- * "Diagrams.Core.Trace" -- -- * @SortedList a@, -- * @Trace v@, @Traced a@. -- -- * "Diagrams.Core.Transform" -- -- * @u :-: v@, @HasLinearMap@, -- * @Transformation v@, @Transformable t@, -- * @TransInv t@. -- -- * "Diagrams.Core.V" -- -- * @V a@. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Diagrams.Core ( -- * Associated vector spaces V -- * Points , Point, origin, (*.) , _relative -- * Transformations -- ** Utilities , basis , dimension , determinant -- ** Invertible linear transformations , (:-:), (<->), linv, lapp -- ** General transformations , Transformation , inv, transp, transl , dropTransl , apply , papply , fromLinear -- ** Some specific transformations , translation, translate, moveTo, place , scaling, scale , avgScale -- ** The Transformable class , Transformable(..) -- ** Translational invariance , TransInv(TransInv) -- * Names , AName , Name, IsName(..) , Qualifiable(..), (.>) -- ** Subdiagram maps , SubMap(..) , fromNames , rememberAs , lookupSub -- * Attributes and styles , AttributeClass , Attribute, mkAttr, mkTAttr, mkGTAttr, unwrapAttr , Style, HasStyle(..) , getAttr, combineAttr , applyAttr, applyTAttr, applyGTAttr -- * Envelopes , Envelope(..) , appEnvelope, onEnvelope, mkEnvelope , Enveloped(..) , envelopeVMay, envelopeV, envelopePMay, envelopeP , diameter, radius -- * Traces , Trace(Trace) , SortedList, mkSortedList, getSortedList , appTrace, mkTrace , Traced(..) , traceV, traceP , maxTraceV, maxTraceP , rayTraceV, rayTraceP , maxRayTraceV, maxRayTraceP -- * Things with local origins , HasOrigin(..), moveOriginBy -- * Juxtaposable things , Juxtaposable(..), juxtaposeDefault -- * Queries , Query(..) -- * Primtives , Prim(..) -- * Diagrams , QDiagram, Diagram, mkQD, pointDiagram , envelope, trace, subMap, names, query, sample , value, resetValue, clearValue , nameSub , withName , withNameAll , withNames , localize , href , setEnvelope, setTrace , atop -- ** Subdiagrams , Subdiagram(..), mkSubdiagram , getSub, rawSub , location , subPoint -- * Measurements , Measure(..) , fromOutput , toOutput , atMost , atLeast -- * Backends , Backend(..) , Renderable(..) , renderDia , renderDiaT -- ** The null backend , NullBackend, D -- * Convenience classes , HasLinearMap , OrderedField , Monoid' ) where import Diagrams.Core.Compile import Diagrams.Core.Envelope import Diagrams.Core.HasOrigin import Diagrams.Core.Juxtapose import Diagrams.Core.Names import Diagrams.Core.Points import Diagrams.Core.Query import Diagrams.Core.Style import Diagrams.Core.Trace import Diagrams.Core.Transform import Diagrams.Core.Types import Diagrams.Core.V import Data.Monoid.WithSemigroup (Monoid')