{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Diagrams.Coordinates
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2012 diagrams-lib team (see LICENSE)
-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  diagrams-discuss@googlegroups.com
-- Nice syntax for constructing and pattern-matching on literal
-- points and vectors.

module Diagrams.Coordinates
    ( (:&)(..), Coordinates(..)

import           Diagrams.Points

import           Linear          (V2 (..), V3 (..), V4 (..))

-- | Types which are instances of the @Coordinates@ class can be
--   constructed using '^&' (for example, a three-dimensional vector
--   could be constructed by @1 ^& 6 ^& 3@), and deconstructed using
--   'coords'.  A common pattern is to use 'coords' in conjunction
--   with the @ViewPatterns@ extension, like so:
-- @
-- foo :: Vector3 -> ...
-- foo (coords -> x :& y :& z) = ...
-- @
class Coordinates c where

  -- | The type of the final coordinate.
  type FinalCoord c    :: *

  -- | The type of everything other than the final coordinate.
  type PrevDim c       :: *

  -- | Decomposition of @c@ into applications of ':&'.
  type Decomposition c :: *
    -- Decomposition c = Decomposition (PrevDim c) :& FinalCoord c  (essentially)

  -- | Construct a value of type @c@ by providing something of one
  --   less dimension (which is perhaps itself recursively constructed
  --   using @(^&)@) and a final coordinate.  For example,
  -- @
  -- 2 ^& 3 :: P2
  -- 3 ^& 5 ^& 6 :: V3
  -- @
  --   Note that @^&@ is left-associative.
  (^&)    :: PrevDim c -> FinalCoord c -> c

  -- | Prefix synonym for @^&@. pr stands for pair of @PrevDim@, @FinalCoord@
  pr      :: PrevDim c -> FinalCoord c -> c
  pr = (^&)

  -- | Decompose a value of type @c@ into its constituent coordinates,
  --   stored in a nested @(:&)@ structure.
  coords :: c -> Decomposition c

infixl 7 ^&

-- | A pair of values, with a convenient infix (left-associative)
--   data constructor.
data a :& b = a :& b
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

infixl 7 :&

-- Instance for :& (the buck stops here)
instance Coordinates (a :& b) where
  type FinalCoord (a :& b) = b
  type PrevDim (a :& b) = a
  type Decomposition (a :& b) = a :& b
  x ^& y                    = x :& y
  coords (x :& y)           = x :& y

-- Some standard instances for plain old tuples

instance Coordinates (a,b) where
  type FinalCoord (a,b)    = b
  type PrevDim (a,b)       = a
  type Decomposition (a,b) = a :& b

  x ^& y                   = (x,y)
  coords (x,y)             = x :& y

instance Coordinates (a,b,c) where
  type FinalCoord (a,b,c)    = c
  type PrevDim (a,b,c)       = (a,b)
  type Decomposition (a,b,c) = Decomposition (a,b) :& c

  (x,y) ^& z                  = (x,y,z)
  coords (x,y,z)             = coords (x,y) :& z

instance Coordinates (a,b,c,d) where
  type FinalCoord (a,b,c,d)    = d
  type PrevDim (a,b,c,d)       = (a,b,c)
  type Decomposition (a,b,c,d) = Decomposition (a,b,c) :& d

  (w,x,y)  ^& z                = (w,x,y,z)
  coords (w,x,y,z)             = coords (w,x,y) :& z

instance Coordinates (v n) => Coordinates (Point v n) where
  type FinalCoord (Point v n)    = FinalCoord (v n)
  type PrevDim (Point v n)       = PrevDim (v n)
  type Decomposition (Point v n) = Decomposition (v n)

  x ^& y       = P (x ^& y)
  coords (P v) = coords v

-- instances for linear

instance Coordinates (V2 n) where
  type FinalCoord (V2 n)    = n
  type PrevDim (V2 n)       = n
  type Decomposition (V2 n) = n :& n

  x ^& y          = V2 x y
  coords (V2 x y) = x :& y

instance Coordinates (V3 n) where
  type FinalCoord (V3 n)    = n
  type PrevDim (V3 n)       = V2 n
  type Decomposition (V3 n) = n :& n :& n

  V2 x y ^& z       = V3 x y z
  coords (V3 x y z) = x :& y :& z

instance Coordinates (V4 n) where
  type FinalCoord (V4 n)    = n
  type PrevDim (V4 n)       = V3 n
  type Decomposition (V4 n) = n :& n :& n :& n

  V3 x y z ^& w       = V4 x y z w
  coords (V4 x y z w) = x :& y :& z :& w