{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns              #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Diagrams.Backend.Rasterific
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2014-2015 diagrams-rasterific team (see LICENSE)
-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  diagrams-discuss@googlegroups.com
-- A full-featured rendering backend for diagrams using Rasterific,
-- implemented natively in Haskell (making it easy to use on any
-- platform). Can create png, tif, bmp, jpg, and animated GIFs.
-- To invoke the Rasterific backend, you have three options.
-- * You can use the "Diagrams.Backend.Rasterific.CmdLine" module to create
--   standalone executables which output images when invoked.
-- * You can use the 'renderRasterific' function provided by this module,
--   which gives you more flexible programmatic control over when and
--   how images are output (making it easy to, for example, write a
--   single program that outputs multiple images, or one that outputs
--   images dynamically based on user input, and so on).
-- * For the most flexibility (/e.g./ if you want access to the
--   resulting Rasterific value directly in memory without writing it to
--   disk), you can manually invoke the 'renderDia' method from the
--   'Diagrams.Core.Types.Backend' instance for @Rasterific@.  In particular,
--   'Diagrams.Core.Types.renderDia' has the generic type
-- > renderDia :: b -> Options b v n -> QDiagram b v n m -> Result b v n
-- (omitting a few type class constraints).  @b@ represents the
-- backend type, @v@ the vector space, @n@ the numeric field, and @m@ the type
-- of monoidal query annotations on the diagram.  'Options' and 'Result' are
-- associated data and type families, respectively, which yield the
-- type of option records and rendering results specific to any
-- particular backend.  For @b ~ Rasterific@, @v ~ V2@, and @n ~ n@, we have
-- > data Options Rasterific V2 n = RasterificOptions
-- >        { _size      :: SizeSpec2D n -- ^ The requested size of the output
-- >        }
-- @
-- type family Result Rasterific V2 n = 'Image PixelRGBA8'
-- @
-- So the type of 'renderDia' resolves to
-- @
-- renderDia :: Rasterific -> Options Rasterific V2 n -> QDiagram Rasterific V2 n m -> 'Image PixelRGBA8'
-- @
-- which you could call like @renderDia Rasterific (RasterificOptions (mkWidth 250))
-- myDiagram@.
module Diagrams.Backend.Rasterific
  ( Rasterific(..)
  , B -- rendering token
  , Options(..)

  , renderRasterific
  , size

  , writeJpeg

  , texterific
  , texterific'

  ) where

import           Diagrams.Core.Compile
import           Diagrams.Core.Transform             (matrixHomRep)
import           Diagrams.Core.Types

import           Diagrams.Prelude                    hiding (local, opacity)
import           Diagrams.TwoD.Adjust                (adjustDia2D)
import           Diagrams.TwoD.Text                  hiding (Font)

import           Codec.Picture
import           Codec.Picture.Types                 (convertImage,

import qualified Graphics.Rasterific                 as R
import           Graphics.Rasterific.Texture         (Gradient,
                                                      linearGradientTexture, radialGradientWithFocusTexture,

import qualified Graphics.Rasterific.Transformations as R

import           Control.Monad.Reader
import           Diagrams.Backend.Rasterific.Text

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy                as L (writeFile)
import qualified Data.Foldable                       as F
import           Data.Hashable                       (Hashable (..))
import           Data.Maybe                          (fromMaybe)
import           Data.Tree
import           Data.Typeable
import           Data.Word                           (Word8)

import           System.FilePath                     (takeExtension)

-- | This data declaration is simply used as a token to distinguish
--   the Rasterific backend: (1) when calling functions where the type
--   inference engine would otherwise have no way to know which
--   backend you wanted to use, and (2) as an argument to the
--   'Backend' and 'Renderable' type classes.
data Rasterific = Rasterific
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Typeable)

type B = Rasterific

type instance V Rasterific = V2
type instance N Rasterific = Double

-- | The custom monad in which intermediate drawing options take
--   place; 'Graphics.Rasterific.Drawing' is Rasterific's own rendering
--   monad.
type RenderM n = ReaderT (Style V2 n) RenderR

type RenderR = R.Drawing PixelRGBA8

liftR :: RenderR a -> RenderM n a
liftR = lift

runRenderM :: TypeableFloat n => RenderM n a -> RenderR a
runRenderM = flip runReaderT (mempty # recommendFillColor transparent)

-- From Diagrams.Core.Types.
instance TypeableFloat n => Backend Rasterific V2 n where
  newtype Render  Rasterific V2 n = R (RenderM n ())
  type Result  Rasterific V2 n = Image PixelRGBA8
  data Options Rasterific V2 n = RasterificOptions
          { _sizeSpec  :: SizeSpec V2 n -- ^ The requested size of the output
    deriving Show

  renderRTree _ opts t =
    R.renderDrawing (round w) (round h) bgColor r
      r       = runRenderM . runR . fromRTree $ t
      V2 w h  = specToSize 100 (opts^.sizeSpec)
      bgColor = PixelRGBA8 0 0 0 0

  adjustDia c opts d = adjustDia2D sizeSpec c opts (d # reflectY)

fromRTree :: TypeableFloat n => RTree Rasterific V2 n Annotation -> Render Rasterific V2 n
fromRTree (Node n rs) = case n of
  RPrim p                 -> render Rasterific p
  RStyle sty              -> R $ clip sty (local (<> sty) r)
  RAnnot (OpacityGroup x) -> R $ mapReaderT (R.withGroupOpacity (round $ 255 * x)) r
  _                       -> R r
  where R r = F.foldMap fromRTree rs

-- | Clip a render using the Clip from the style.
clip :: TypeableFloat n => Style V2 n -> RenderM n () -> RenderM n ()
clip sty r = go (sty ^. _clip)
    go []     = r
    go (p:ps) = mapReaderT (R.withClipping $ R.fill (renderPath p)) (go ps)

runR :: Render Rasterific V2 n -> RenderM n ()
runR (R r) = r

instance Monoid (Render Rasterific V2 n) where
  mempty = R $ return ()
  R rd1 `mappend` R rd2 = R (rd1 >> rd2)

instance Hashable n => Hashable (Options Rasterific V2 n) where
  hashWithSalt s (RasterificOptions sz) = s `hashWithSalt` sz

sizeSpec :: Lens' (Options Rasterific V2 n) (SizeSpec V2 n)
sizeSpec = lens _sizeSpec (\o s -> o {_sizeSpec = s})

rasterificStrokeStyle :: TypeableFloat n => Style v n
                     -> (n, R.Join, (R.Cap, R.Cap), Maybe (R.DashPattern, n))
rasterificStrokeStyle s = (strokeWidth, strokeJoin, (strokeCap, strokeCap), strokeDash)
    strokeWidth = views _lineWidthU (fromMaybe 1) s
    strokeJoin  = views _lineJoin   fromLineJoin s
    strokeCap   = views _lineCap    fromLineCap s
    strokeDash  = views _dashingU   (fmap fromDashing) s

fromLineCap :: LineCap -> R.Cap
fromLineCap LineCapButt   = R.CapStraight 0
fromLineCap LineCapRound  = R.CapRound
fromLineCap LineCapSquare = R.CapStraight 1

fromLineJoin :: LineJoin -> R.Join
fromLineJoin LineJoinMiter = R.JoinMiter 0
fromLineJoin LineJoinRound = R.JoinRound
fromLineJoin LineJoinBevel = R.JoinMiter 1

fromDashing :: Real n => Dashing n -> (R.DashPattern, n)
fromDashing (Dashing ds d) = (map realToFrac ds, d)

fromFillRule :: FillRule -> R.FillMethod
fromFillRule EvenOdd = R.FillEvenOdd
fromFillRule _       = R.FillWinding

rasterificColor :: SomeColor -> Double -> PixelRGBA8
rasterificColor c o = PixelRGBA8 r g b a
    (r, g, b, a) = (int r', int g', int b', int (o * a'))
    (r', g', b', a') = colorToSRGBA (toAlphaColour c)
    int x = round (255 * x)

rasterificSpreadMethod :: SpreadMethod -> R.SamplerRepeat
rasterificSpreadMethod GradPad     = R.SamplerPad
rasterificSpreadMethod GradReflect = R.SamplerReflect
rasterificSpreadMethod GradRepeat  = R.SamplerRepeat

rasterificStops :: TypeableFloat n => [GradientStop n] -> Gradient PixelRGBA8
rasterificStops = map fromStop
    fromStop (GradientStop c v) = (realToFrac v, rasterificColor c 1)

rasterificLinearGradient :: TypeableFloat n => LGradient n -> R.Texture PixelRGBA8
rasterificLinearGradient g = transformTexture tr tx
    tr = rasterificMatTransf (inv $ g^.lGradTrans)
    tx = withSampler spreadMethod (linearGradientTexture gradDef p0 p1)
    spreadMethod = rasterificSpreadMethod (g^.lGradSpreadMethod)
    gradDef = rasterificStops (g^.lGradStops)
    p0 = p2v2 (g^.lGradStart)
    p1 = p2v2 (g^.lGradEnd)

rasterificRadialGradient :: TypeableFloat n => RGradient n -> R.Texture PixelRGBA8
rasterificRadialGradient g = transformTexture tr tx
    tr = rasterificMatTransf (inv $ g^.rGradTrans)
    tx = withSampler spreadMethod (radialGradientWithFocusTexture gradDef c (realToFrac r1) f)
    spreadMethod = rasterificSpreadMethod (g^.rGradSpreadMethod)
    c = p2v2 (g^.rGradCenter1)
    f = p2v2 (g^.rGradCenter0)
    gradDef = rasterificStops ss

    -- Adjust the stops so that the gradient begins at the perimeter of
    -- the inner circle (center0, radius0) and ends at the outer circle.
    r0 = g^.rGradRadius0
    r1 = g^.rGradRadius1
    stopFracs = r0 / r1 : map (\s -> (r0 + (s^.stopFraction) * (r1 - r0)) / r1)
    gradStops = case g^.rGradStops of
      []       -> []
      xs@(x:_) -> x : xs
    ss = zipWith (\gs sf -> gs & stopFraction .~ sf ) gradStops stopFracs

-- Convert a diagrams @Texture@ and opacity to a rasterific texture.
rasterificTexture :: TypeableFloat n => Texture n -> Double -> R.Texture PixelRGBA8
rasterificTexture (SC c) o = uniformTexture $ rasterificColor c o
rasterificTexture (LG g) _ = rasterificLinearGradient g
rasterificTexture (RG g) _ = rasterificRadialGradient g

p2v2 :: Real n => P2 n -> R.Point
p2v2 (P v) = r2v2 v
{-# INLINE p2v2 #-}

r2v2 :: Real n => V2 n -> R.Point
r2v2 (V2 x y) = R.V2 (realToFrac x) (realToFrac y)
{-# INLINE r2v2 #-}

rv2 :: (Real n, Fractional n) => Iso' R.Point (P2 n)
rv2 = iso (\(R.V2 x y) -> V2 (realToFrac x) (realToFrac y)) r2v2 . from _Point
{-# INLINE rv2 #-}

rasterificPtTransf :: TypeableFloat n => T2 n -> R.Point -> R.Point
rasterificPtTransf t = over rv2 (papply t)

rasterificMatTransf :: TypeableFloat n => T2 n -> R.Transformation
rasterificMatTransf tr = R.Transformation a c e b d f
    [[a, b], [c, d], [e, f]] = map realToFrac <$> matrixHomRep tr

-- Note: Using view patterns confuses ghc to think there are missing patterns,
-- so we avoid them here.
renderSeg :: TypeableFloat n => Located (Segment Closed V2 n) -> R.Primitive
renderSeg l =
  case viewLoc l of
    (p, Linear (OffsetClosed v)) ->
      R.LinePrim $ R.Line p' (p' + r2v2 v)
        p' = p2v2 p
    (p, Cubic u1 u2 (OffsetClosed u3)) ->
      R.CubicBezierPrim $ R.CubicBezier q0 q1 q2 q3
        (q0, q1, q2, q3) = (p2v2 p, q0 + r2v2 u1, q0 + r2v2 u2, q0 + r2v2 u3)

renderPath :: TypeableFloat n => Path V2 n -> [[R.Primitive]]
renderPath p = (map . map) renderSeg (pathLocSegments p)

-- Stroke both dashed and solid lines.
mkStroke :: TypeableFloat n => n ->  R.Join -> (R.Cap, R.Cap) -> Maybe (R.DashPattern, n)
      -> [[R.Primitive]] -> RenderR ()
mkStroke (realToFrac -> l) j c d primList =
  maybe (mapM_ (R.stroke l j c) primList)
        (\(dsh, off) -> mapM_ (R.dashedStrokeWithOffset (realToFrac off) dsh l j c) primList)

instance TypeableFloat n => Renderable (Path V2 n) Rasterific where
  render _ p = R $ do
    sty <- ask
    let f = sty ^. _fillTexture
        s = sty ^. _lineTexture
        o = sty ^. _opacity
        r = sty ^. _fillRule

        (l, j, c, d) = rasterificStrokeStyle sty
        canFill      = anyOf (_head . located) isLoop p && (f ^? _AC) /= Just transparent
        rule         = fromFillRule r

        -- For stroking we need to keep all of the contours separate.
        primList = renderPath p

        -- For filling we need to concatenate them into a flat list.
        prms = concat primList

    when canFill $
      liftR (R.withTexture (rasterificTexture f o) $ R.fillWithMethod rule prms)

    liftR (R.withTexture (rasterificTexture s o) $ mkStroke l j c d primList)

instance TypeableFloat n => Renderable (Text n) Rasterific where
  render _ (Text tr al str) = R $ do
    fs    <- views _fontSizeU (fromMaybe 12)
    slant <- view _fontSlant
    fw    <- view _fontWeight
    f     <- view _fillTexture
    o     <- view _opacity
    let fColor = rasterificTexture f o
        fs'    = R.PointSize (realToFrac fs)
        fnt    = fromFontStyle slant fw
        bb     = textBoundingBox fnt fs' str
        p      = case al of
          BaselineText         -> R.V2 0 0
          BoxAlignedText xt yt -> case getCorners bb of
            Just (P (V2 xl yl), P (V2 xu yu)) -> R.V2 (-lerp' xt xu xl) (lerp' yt yu yl)
            Nothing                           -> R.V2 0 0
    liftR (R.withTransformation (rasterificMatTransf (tr <> reflectionY))
          (R.withTexture fColor $ R.printTextAt fnt fs' p str))
      lerp' t u v = realToFrac $ t * u + (1 - t) * v

toImageRGBA8 :: DynamicImage -> Image PixelRGBA8
toImageRGBA8 (ImageRGBA8 i)  = i
toImageRGBA8 (ImageRGB8 i)   = promoteImage i
toImageRGBA8 (ImageYCbCr8 i) = promoteImage (convertImage i :: Image PixelRGB8)
toImageRGBA8 (ImageY8 i)     = promoteImage i
toImageRGBA8 (ImageYA8 i)    = promoteImage i
toImageRGBA8 (ImageCMYK8 i)  = promoteImage (convertImage i :: Image PixelRGB8)
toImageRGBA8 _               = error "Unsupported Pixel type"

instance TypeableFloat n => Renderable (DImage n Embedded) Rasterific where
  render _ (DImage iD w h tr) = R $ liftR
                               (rasterificMatTransf (tr <> reflectionY))
                               (R.drawImage img 0 p))
      ImageRaster dImg = iD
      img = toImageRGBA8 dImg
      trl = moveOriginBy (r2 (fromIntegral w / 2, fromIntegral h / 2 :: n)) mempty
      p   = rasterificPtTransf trl (R.V2 0 0)

-- | Render a 'Rasterific' diagram to a jpeg file with given quality
--   (between 0 and 100).
writeJpeg :: Word8 -> FilePath -> Result Rasterific V2 n -> IO ()
writeJpeg quality outFile img = L.writeFile outFile bs
    bs = encodeJpegAtQuality quality (pixelMap (convertPixel . dropTransparency) img)

-- | Render a 'Rasterific' diagram to a file with the given size. The
--   format is determined by the extension (@.png@, @.tif@, @.bmp@ and
--   @.jpg@ supported. (jpeg quality is 80, use 'writeJpeg' to choose
--   quality).
renderRasterific :: TypeableFloat n => FilePath -> SizeSpec V2 n -> QDiagram Rasterific V2 n Any -> IO ()
renderRasterific outFile spec d = writer outFile img
    writer = case takeExtension outFile of
               ".png" -> writePng
               ".tif" -> writeTiff
               ".bmp" -> writeBitmap
               ".jpg" -> writeJpeg 80
               _      -> writePng
    img = renderDia Rasterific (RasterificOptions spec) d