-- This file is part of Diohsc -- Copyright (C) 2020 Martin Bays -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as -- published by the Free Software Foundation, or any later version. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} module RunExternal where import Control.Concurrent (forkIO) import Control.Monad (void) import Control.Monad.Catch (bracket_, finally) import Control.Monad.State (State, put, runState) import Data.Char (isAlphaNum) import System.Environment (setEnv, unsetEnv) import System.Exit (ExitCode) import System.IO import System.IO.Temp (withTempFile) import System.Process import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import ANSIColour import Mundanities import Prompt import Util -- |Wrapper to ensure we don't accidentally allow use of shell commands in -- restricted mode! newtype RestrictedIO a = RestrictedIO (IO a) deriving (Functor,Applicative,Monad) runRestrictedIO :: RestrictedIO a -> IO a runRestrictedIO (RestrictedIO m) = m subPercentOrAppend :: String -> String -> String subPercentOrAppend sub str = let (s',subbed) = subPercent str `runState` False in if subbed then s' else s' ++ (' ':shellQuote sub) where -- |based on specification for $BROWSER in 'man 1 man' subPercent :: String -> State Bool String subPercent "" = return [] subPercent ('%':'%':s) = ('%':) <$> subPercent s subPercent ('%':'c':s) = (':':) <$> subPercent s subPercent ('%':'s':s) = put True >> (shellQuote sub ++) <$> subPercent s subPercent (c:s) = (c:) <$> subPercent s shellQuote s | all shellSafe s && not (null s) = s | otherwise = '\'' : substAll '\'' "'\\''" s <> "'" shellSafe c = isAlphaNum c || c `elem` ".,_-+=" substAll c r s | (s',_:t) <- break (== c) s = s' <> r <> substAll c r t | otherwise = s confirmShell :: String -> String -> IO Bool confirmShell desc cmd = promptYN True False $ desc ++ " following shell command?: " ++ withBoldStr cmd pipeToCmdLazily :: String -> [String] -> [(String,String)] -> BL.ByteString -> RestrictedIO () pipeToCmdLazily cmd cArgs = pipeLazily $ proc cmd cArgs pipeToShellLazily :: String -> [(String,String)] -> BL.ByteString -> RestrictedIO () pipeToShellLazily = pipeLazily . shell filterShell :: String -> [(String,String)] -> BL.ByteString -> RestrictedIO BL.ByteString filterShell = filterProcess . shell withExtraEnv :: [(String,String)] -> IO a -> IO a withExtraEnv envir = bracket_ (mapM_ (uncurry setEnv) envir) (mapM_ (unsetEnv . fst) envir) pipeLazily :: CreateProcess -> [(String,String)] -> BL.ByteString -> RestrictedIO () pipeLazily cp envir b = RestrictedIO . withExtraEnv envir $ do (Just inp, _, _, pid) <- createProcess $ cp { std_in = CreatePipe , std_out = Inherit } hSetBuffering inp NoBuffering ignoreIOErr . finally (BL.hPut inp b) . void $ do hClose inp waitForProcess pid filterProcess :: CreateProcess -> [(String,String)] -> BL.ByteString -> RestrictedIO BL.ByteString filterProcess cp envir b = RestrictedIO . withExtraEnv envir $ do (Just inp, Just outp, _, pid) <- createProcess $ cp { std_in = CreatePipe , std_out = CreatePipe } hSetBuffering inp NoBuffering hSetBuffering outp NoBuffering _ <- forkIO $ ignoreIOErr . finally (BL.hPut inp b) . void $ do hClose inp waitForProcess pid BL.hGetContents outp runMailcap :: Bool -> String -> String -> String -> BL.ByteString -> RestrictedIO () runMailcap noConfirm action dir mimetype b = RestrictedIO . withTempFile dir "runtmp" $ \path h -> do BL.hPut h b hClose h let cArgs = ["--action=" ++ action, mimetype ++ ":" ++ path] rawSystem "run-mailcap" ("--norun":cArgs) >> (if noConfirm then return True else promptYN True False "Run this command?") >>? void $ rawSystem "run-mailcap" cArgs runShellCmd :: String -> [(String,String)] -> RestrictedIO ExitCode runShellCmd cmd envir = RestrictedIO . withExtraEnv envir $ spawnCommand cmd >>= waitForProcess shellOnData :: Bool -> String -> FilePath -> [(String,String)] -> BL.ByteString -> RestrictedIO () shellOnData noConfirm cmd dir envir b = RestrictedIO . withTempFile dir "runtmp" $ \path h -> let cmd' = subPercentOrAppend path cmd in (if noConfirm then return True else confirmShell "Run" cmd') >>? void $ do BL.hPut h b >> hClose h runRestrictedIO $ runShellCmd cmd' envir