{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- |
-- This API is a slightly lower-level version of "Database.SQLite3".  Namely:
--  * It returns errors instead of throwing them.
--  * It only uses cheap conversions.  None of these bindings convert from
--    'String' or 'T.Text'.
module Database.SQLite3.Direct (
    -- * Connection management

    -- * Simple query execution
    -- | <http://sqlite.org/c3ref/exec.html>

    -- * Statement management

    -- * Parameter and column information

    -- * Binding values to a prepared statement
    -- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/bind_blob.html>

    -- * Reading the result row
    -- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/column_blob.html>

    -- * control loading of extensions

    -- * Result statistics

    -- * Create custom SQL functions
    -- ** Extract function arguments
    -- ** Set the result of a function

    -- * Create custom collations

    -- * Interrupting a long-running query

    -- * Incremental blob I/O

    -- * Online Backup API
    -- | <https://www.sqlite.org/backup.html> and
    -- <https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/backup_finish.html>

    -- * Types

    -- ** Results and errors

    -- ** Special types
) where

import Database.SQLite3.Bindings

import qualified Data.ByteString            as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe     as BSU
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty         as NEL
import Data.Semigroup       (Semigroup ((<>), sconcat))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Control.Applicative  ((<$>))
import Control.Exception as E
import Control.Monad        (join, unless)
import Data.ByteString      (ByteString)
import Data.IORef
import Data.Monoid          (Monoid (mempty, mappend, mconcat))
import Data.String          (IsString(..))
import Data.Text.Encoding.Error (lenientDecode)
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
import qualified System.IO.Unsafe as IOU

newtype Database = Database (Ptr CDatabase)
    deriving (Eq, Show)

newtype Statement = Statement (Ptr CStatement)
    deriving (Eq, Show)

data StepResult
    = Row
    | Done
    deriving (Eq, Show)

data BackupStepResult
    = BackupOK   -- ^ There are still more pages to be copied.
    | BackupDone -- ^ All pages were successfully copied.
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | A 'ByteString' containing UTF8-encoded text with no NUL characters.
newtype Utf8 = Utf8 ByteString
    deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Show Utf8 where
    show (Utf8 s) = (show . T.decodeUtf8With lenientDecode) s

-- | @fromString = Utf8 . 'T.encodeUtf8' . 'T.pack'@
instance IsString Utf8 where
    fromString = Utf8 . T.encodeUtf8 . T.pack

instance Semigroup Utf8 where
    Utf8 a <> Utf8 b = Utf8 (BS.append a b)
    sconcat = Utf8 . BS.concat . NEL.toList . fmap (\(Utf8 s) -> s)

instance Monoid Utf8 where
    mempty = Utf8 BS.empty
    mappend = (<>)
    mconcat = Utf8 . BS.concat . map (\(Utf8 s) -> s)

packUtf8 :: a -> (Utf8 -> a) -> CString -> IO a
packUtf8 n f cstr | cstr == nullPtr = return n
                  | otherwise       = f . Utf8 <$> BS.packCString cstr

packCStringLen :: CString -> CNumBytes -> IO ByteString
packCStringLen cstr len =
    BS.packCStringLen (cstr, fromIntegral len)

packUtf8Array :: IO a -> (Utf8 -> IO a) -> Int -> Ptr CString -> IO [a]
packUtf8Array onNull onUtf8 count base =
    peekArray count base >>= mapM (join . packUtf8 onNull onUtf8)

-- | Like 'unsafeUseAsCStringLen', but if the string is empty,
-- never pass the callback a null pointer.
unsafeUseAsCStringLenNoNull :: ByteString -> (CString -> CNumBytes -> IO a) -> IO a
unsafeUseAsCStringLenNoNull bs cb
    | BS.null bs = cb (intPtrToPtr 1) 0
    | otherwise  = BSU.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs $ \(ptr, len) ->
                       cb ptr (fromIntegral len)

wrapNullablePtr :: (Ptr a -> b) -> Ptr a -> Maybe b
wrapNullablePtr f ptr | ptr == nullPtr = Nothing
                      | otherwise      = Just (f ptr)

type Result a = Either Error a

-- Convert a 'CError' to a 'Result', in the common case where
-- SQLITE_OK signals success and anything else signals an error.
-- Note that SQLITE_OK == 0.
toResult :: a -> CError -> Result a
toResult a (CError 0) = Right a
toResult _ code       = Left $ decodeError code

-- Only perform the action if the 'CError' is SQLITE_OK.
toResultM :: Monad m => m a -> CError -> m (Result a)
toResultM m (CError 0) = m >>= return . Right
toResultM _ code       = return $ Left $ decodeError code

toStepResult :: CError -> Result StepResult
toStepResult code =
    case decodeError code of
        ErrorRow  -> Right Row
        ErrorDone -> Right Done
        err       -> Left err

toBackupStepResult :: CError -> Result BackupStepResult
toBackupStepResult code =
    case decodeError code of
        ErrorOK   -> Right BackupOK
        ErrorDone -> Right BackupDone
        err       -> Left err

-- | The context in which a custom SQL function is executed.
newtype FuncContext = FuncContext (Ptr CContext)
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | The arguments of a custom SQL function.
data FuncArgs = FuncArgs CArgCount (Ptr (Ptr CValue))

-- | The type of blob handles used for incremental blob I/O
data Blob = Blob Database (Ptr CBlob) -- we include the db handle to use in
    deriving (Eq, Show)               -- error messages since it cannot
                                      -- be retrieved any other way

-- | A handle for an online backup process.
data Backup = Backup Database (Ptr CBackup)
    deriving (Eq, Show)
-- we include the destination db handle to use in error messages since
-- it cannot be retrieved any other way


-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/open.html>
open :: Utf8 -> IO (Either (Error, Utf8) Database)
open (Utf8 path) =
    BS.useAsCString path $ \path' ->
    alloca $ \database -> do
        rc <- c_sqlite3_open path' database
        db <- Database <$> peek database
            -- sqlite3_open returns a sqlite3 even on failure.
            -- That's where we get a more descriptive error message.
        case toResult () rc of
            Left err -> do
                msg <- errmsg db -- This returns "out of memory" if db is null.
                _   <- close db  -- This is harmless if db is null.
                return $ Left (err, msg)
            Right () ->
                if db == Database nullPtr
                    then fail "sqlite3_open unexpectedly returned NULL"
                    else return $ Right db

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/close.html>
close :: Database -> IO (Either Error ())
close (Database db) =
    toResult () <$> c_sqlite3_close db

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/interrupt.html>
-- Cause any pending operation on the 'Database' handle to stop at its earliest
-- opportunity.  This simply sets a flag and returns immediately.  It does not
-- wait for the pending operation to finish.
-- You'll need to compile with @-threaded@ for this to do any good.
-- Without @-threaded@, FFI calls block the whole RTS, meaning 'interrupt'
-- would never run at the same time as 'step'.
interrupt :: Database -> IO ()
interrupt (Database db) =
    c_sqlite3_interrupt db

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/errcode.html>
errcode :: Database -> IO Error
errcode (Database db) =
    decodeError <$> c_sqlite3_errcode db

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/errcode.html>
errmsg :: Database -> IO Utf8
errmsg (Database db) =
    c_sqlite3_errmsg db >>= packUtf8 (Utf8 BS.empty) id

exec :: Database -> Utf8 -> IO (Either (Error, Utf8) ())
exec (Database db) (Utf8 sql) =
    BS.useAsCString sql $ \sql' ->
    alloca $ \msgPtrOut -> do
        rc <- c_sqlite3_exec db sql' nullFunPtr nullPtr msgPtrOut
        case toResult () rc of
            Left err -> do
                msgPtr <- peek msgPtrOut
                msg <- packUtf8 (Utf8 BS.empty) id msgPtr
                c_sqlite3_free msgPtr
                return $ Left (err, msg)
            Right () -> return $ Right ()

-- | Like 'exec', but invoke the callback for each result row.
-- If the callback throws an exception, it will be rethrown by
-- 'execWithCallback'.
execWithCallback :: Database -> Utf8 -> ExecCallback -> IO (Either (Error, Utf8) ())
execWithCallback (Database db) (Utf8 sql) cb = do
    abortReason <- newIORef Nothing :: IO (IORef (Maybe SomeException))
    cbCache <- newIORef Nothing :: IO (IORef (Maybe ([Maybe Utf8] -> IO ())))
        -- Cache the partial application of column count and name, so if the
        -- caller wants to convert them to something else, it only has to do
        -- the conversions once.

    let getCallback cCount cNames = do
            m <- readIORef cbCache
            case m of
                Nothing -> do
                    names <- packUtf8Array (fail "execWithCallback: NULL column name")
                                           (fromIntegral cCount) cNames
                    let !cb' = cb (fromFFI cCount) names
                    writeIORef cbCache $ Just cb'
                    return cb'
                Just cb' -> return cb'

    let onExceptionAbort io =
          (io >> return 0) `E.catch` \ex -> do
            writeIORef abortReason $ Just ex
            return 1

    let cExecCallback _ctx cCount cValues cNames =
          onExceptionAbort $ do
            cb' <- getCallback cCount cNames
            values <- packUtf8Array (return Nothing)
                                    (return . Just)
                                    (fromIntegral cCount) cValues
            cb' values

    BS.useAsCString sql $ \sql' ->
      alloca $ \msgPtrOut ->
      bracket (mkCExecCallback cExecCallback) freeHaskellFunPtr $
      \pExecCallback -> do
        let returnError err = do
                msgPtr <- peek msgPtrOut
                msg <- packUtf8 (Utf8 BS.empty) id msgPtr
                c_sqlite3_free msgPtr
                return $ Left (err, msg)
        rc <- c_sqlite3_exec db sql' pExecCallback nullPtr msgPtrOut
        case toResult () rc of
            Left ErrorAbort -> do
                m <- readIORef abortReason
                case m of
                    Nothing -> returnError ErrorAbort
                    Just ex -> throwIO ex
            Left err -> returnError err
            Right () -> return $ Right ()

type ExecCallback
     = ColumnCount    -- ^ Number of columns, which is the number of items in
                      --   the following lists.  This will be the same for
                      --   every row.
    -> [Utf8]         -- ^ List of column names.  This will be the same
                      --   for every row.
    -> [Maybe Utf8]   -- ^ List of column values, as returned by 'columnText'.
    -> IO ()

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/profile.html>
-- Enable/disable tracing of SQL execution.  Tracing can be disabled
-- by setting 'Nothing' as the logger callback.
-- Warning: If the logger callback throws an exception, your whole
-- program will crash.  Enable only for debugging!
setTrace :: Database -> Maybe (Utf8 -> IO ()) -> IO ()
setTrace (Database db) logger =
    case logger of
        Nothing -> do
            _ <- c_sqlite3_trace db nullFunPtr nullPtr
            return ()
        Just output -> do
            -- NB: this FunPtr never gets freed.  Shouldn't be a big deal,
            -- though, since 'setTrace' is mainly for debugging, and is
            -- typically only called once per application invocation.
            cb <- mkCTraceCallback $ \_ctx cStr -> do
                msg <- packUtf8 (Utf8 BS.empty) id cStr
                output msg
            _ <- c_sqlite3_trace db cb nullPtr
            return ()

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/get_autocommit.html>
-- Return 'True' if the connection is in autocommit mode, or 'False' if a
-- transaction started with @BEGIN@ is still active.
-- Be warned that some errors roll back the transaction automatically,
-- and that @ROLLBACK@ will throw an error if no transaction is active.
-- Use 'getAutoCommit' to avoid such an error:
-- @
--  autocommit <- 'getAutoCommit' conn
--  'Control.Monad.when' (not autocommit) $
--      'Database.SQLite3.exec' conn \"ROLLBACK\"
-- @
getAutoCommit :: Database -> IO Bool
getAutoCommit (Database db) =
    (/= 0) <$> c_sqlite3_get_autocommit db

-- | <https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/enable_shared_cache.html>
-- Enable or disable shared cache for all future connections.
setSharedCacheEnabled :: Bool -> IO (Either Error ())
setSharedCacheEnabled val =
    toResult () <$> c_sqlite3_enable_shared_cache
        (if val then 1 else 0)

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/prepare.html>
-- If the query contains no SQL statements, this returns
-- @'Right' 'Nothing'@.
prepare :: Database -> Utf8 -> IO (Either Error (Maybe Statement))
prepare (Database db) (Utf8 sql) =
    BS.useAsCString sql $ \sql' ->
        alloca $ \statement ->
            c_sqlite3_prepare_v2 db sql' (-1) statement nullPtr >>=
                toResultM (wrapNullablePtr Statement <$> peek statement)

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/db_handle.html>
getStatementDatabase :: Statement -> IO Database
getStatementDatabase (Statement stmt) = do
    db <- c_sqlite3_db_handle stmt
    if db == nullPtr
        then fail $ "sqlite3_db_handle(" ++ show stmt ++ ") returned NULL"
        else return (Database db)

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/step.html>
step :: Statement -> IO (Either Error StepResult)
step (Statement stmt) =
    toStepResult <$> c_sqlite3_step stmt

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/reset.html>
-- Warning:
--  * If the most recent 'step' call failed,
--    this will return the corresponding error.
--  * This does not reset the bindings on a prepared statement.
--    Use 'clearBindings' to do that.
reset :: Statement -> IO (Either Error ())
reset (Statement stmt) =
    toResult () <$> c_sqlite3_reset stmt

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/finalize.html>
-- /Warning:/ If the most recent 'step' call failed,
-- this will return the corresponding error.
finalize :: Statement -> IO (Either Error ())
finalize (Statement stmt) =
    toResult () <$> c_sqlite3_finalize stmt

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/sql.html>
-- Return a copy of the original SQL text used to compile the statement.
statementSql :: Statement -> IO (Maybe Utf8)
statementSql (Statement stmt) =
    c_sqlite3_sql stmt >>= packUtf8 Nothing Just

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/clear_bindings.html>
-- Set all parameters in the prepared statement to null.
clearBindings :: Statement -> IO ()
clearBindings (Statement stmt) = do
    _ <- c_sqlite3_clear_bindings stmt
    return ()

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/bind_parameter_count.html>
-- This returns the index of the largest (rightmost) parameter.  Note that this
-- is not necessarily the number of parameters.  If numbered parameters like
-- @?5@ are used, there may be gaps in the list.
-- See 'ParamIndex' for more information.
bindParameterCount :: Statement -> IO ParamIndex
bindParameterCount (Statement stmt) =
    fromFFI <$> c_sqlite3_bind_parameter_count stmt

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/bind_parameter_name.html>
bindParameterName :: Statement -> ParamIndex -> IO (Maybe Utf8)
bindParameterName (Statement stmt) idx =
    c_sqlite3_bind_parameter_name stmt (toFFI idx) >>=
        packUtf8 Nothing Just

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/bind_parameter_index.html>
bindParameterIndex :: Statement -> Utf8 -> IO (Maybe ParamIndex)
bindParameterIndex (Statement stmt) (Utf8 name) =
    BS.useAsCString name $ \name' -> do
        idx <- fromFFI <$> c_sqlite3_bind_parameter_index stmt name'
        return $ if idx == 0 then Nothing else Just idx

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/column_count.html>
columnCount :: Statement -> IO ColumnCount
columnCount (Statement stmt) =
    fromFFI <$> c_sqlite3_column_count stmt

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/column_name.html>
columnName :: Statement -> ColumnIndex -> IO (Maybe Utf8)
columnName (Statement stmt) idx =
    c_sqlite3_column_name stmt (toFFI idx) >>=
        packUtf8 Nothing Just

bindInt64 :: Statement -> ParamIndex -> Int64 -> IO (Either Error ())
bindInt64 (Statement stmt) idx value =
    toResult () <$> c_sqlite3_bind_int64 stmt (toFFI idx) value

bindDouble :: Statement -> ParamIndex -> Double -> IO (Either Error ())
bindDouble (Statement stmt) idx value =
    toResult () <$> c_sqlite3_bind_double stmt (toFFI idx) value

bindText :: Statement -> ParamIndex -> Utf8 -> IO (Either Error ())
bindText (Statement stmt) idx (Utf8 value) =
    unsafeUseAsCStringLenNoNull value $ \ptr len ->
        toResult () <$>
            c_sqlite3_bind_text stmt (toFFI idx) ptr len c_SQLITE_TRANSIENT

bindBlob :: Statement -> ParamIndex -> ByteString -> IO (Either Error ())
bindBlob (Statement stmt) idx value =
    unsafeUseAsCStringLenNoNull value $ \ptr len ->
        toResult () <$>
            c_sqlite3_bind_blob stmt (toFFI idx) ptr len c_SQLITE_TRANSIENT

bindZeroBlob :: Statement -> ParamIndex -> Int -> IO (Either Error ())
bindZeroBlob (Statement stmt) idx len =
    toResult () <$>
        c_sqlite3_bind_zeroblob stmt (toFFI idx) (fromIntegral len)

bindNull :: Statement -> ParamIndex -> IO (Either Error ())
bindNull (Statement stmt) idx =
    toResult () <$> c_sqlite3_bind_null stmt (toFFI idx)

columnType :: Statement -> ColumnIndex -> IO ColumnType
columnType (Statement stmt) idx =
    decodeColumnType <$> c_sqlite3_column_type stmt (toFFI idx)

columnInt64 :: Statement -> ColumnIndex -> IO Int64
columnInt64 (Statement stmt) idx =
    c_sqlite3_column_int64 stmt (toFFI idx)

columnDouble :: Statement -> ColumnIndex -> IO Double
columnDouble (Statement stmt) idx =
    c_sqlite3_column_double stmt (toFFI idx)

columnText :: Statement -> ColumnIndex -> IO Utf8
columnText (Statement stmt) idx = do
    ptr <- c_sqlite3_column_text stmt (toFFI idx)
    len <- c_sqlite3_column_bytes stmt (toFFI idx)
    Utf8 <$> packCStringLen ptr len

columnBlob :: Statement -> ColumnIndex -> IO ByteString
columnBlob (Statement stmt) idx = do
    ptr <- c_sqlite3_column_blob stmt (toFFI idx)
    len <- c_sqlite3_column_bytes stmt (toFFI idx)
    packCStringLen ptr len

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/last_insert_rowid.html>
lastInsertRowId :: Database -> IO Int64
lastInsertRowId (Database db) =
    c_sqlite3_last_insert_rowid db

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/changes.html>
-- Return the number of rows that were changed, inserted, or deleted
-- by the most recent @INSERT@, @DELETE@, or @UPDATE@ statement.
changes :: Database -> IO Int
changes (Database db) =
    fromIntegral <$> c_sqlite3_changes db

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/total_changes.html>
-- Return the total number of row changes caused by @INSERT@, @DELETE@,
-- or @UPDATE@ statements since the 'Database' was opened.
totalChanges :: Database -> IO Int
totalChanges (Database db) =
    fromIntegral <$> c_sqlite3_total_changes db

-- We use CFuncPtrs to store the function pointers used in the implementation
-- of custom SQL functions so that sqlite can deallocate those pointers when
-- the function is deleted or overwritten
data CFuncPtrs = CFuncPtrs (FunPtr CFunc) (FunPtr CFunc) (FunPtr CFuncFinal)

-- Deallocate the function pointers used to implement a custom function
-- This is only called by sqlite so we create one global FunPtr to pass to
-- sqlite
destroyCFuncPtrs :: FunPtr (CFuncDestroy ())
destroyCFuncPtrs = IOU.unsafePerformIO $ mkCFuncDestroy destroy
    destroy p = do
        let p' = castPtrToStablePtr p
        CFuncPtrs p1 p2 p3 <- deRefStablePtr p'
        unless (p1 == nullFunPtr) $ freeHaskellFunPtr p1
        unless (p2 == nullFunPtr) $ freeHaskellFunPtr p2
        unless (p3 == nullFunPtr) $ freeHaskellFunPtr p3
        freeStablePtr p'
{-# NOINLINE destroyCFuncPtrs #-}

-- | <http://sqlite.org/c3ref/create_function.html>
-- Create a custom SQL function or redefine the behavior of an existing
-- function.
    :: Database
    -> Utf8           -- ^ Name of the function.
    -> Maybe ArgCount -- ^ Number of arguments. 'Nothing' means that the
                      --   function accepts any number of arguments.
    -> Bool           -- ^ Is the function deterministic?
    -> (FuncContext -> FuncArgs -> IO ())
                      -- ^ Implementation of the function.
    -> IO (Either Error ())
createFunction (Database db) (Utf8 name) nArgs isDet fun = mask_ $ do
    funPtr <- mkCFunc fun'
    u <- newStablePtr $ CFuncPtrs funPtr nullFunPtr nullFunPtr
    BS.useAsCString name $ \namePtr ->
        toResult () <$>
                db namePtr (maybeArgCount nArgs) flags (castStablePtrToPtr u)
                funPtr nullFunPtr nullFunPtr destroyCFuncPtrs
    flags = if isDet then c_SQLITE_DETERMINISTIC else 0
    fun' ctx nArgs' cvals =
        catchAsResultError ctx $
            fun (FuncContext ctx) (FuncArgs nArgs' cvals)

-- | Like 'createFunction' except that it creates an aggregate function.
    :: Database
    -> Utf8           -- ^ Name of the function.
    -> Maybe ArgCount -- ^ Number of arguments.
    -> a              -- ^ Initial aggregate state.
    -> (FuncContext -> FuncArgs -> a -> IO a)
                      -- ^ Process one row and update the aggregate state.
    -> (FuncContext -> a -> IO ())
                      -- ^ Called after all rows have been processed.
                      --   Can be used to construct the returned value
                      --   from the aggregate state.
    -> IO (Either Error ())
createAggregate (Database db) (Utf8 name) nArgs initSt xStep xFinal = mask_ $ do
    stepPtr <- mkCFunc xStep'
    finalPtr <- mkCFuncFinal xFinal'
    u <- newStablePtr $ CFuncPtrs nullFunPtr stepPtr finalPtr
    BS.useAsCString name $ \namePtr ->
        toResult () <$>
                db namePtr (maybeArgCount nArgs) 0 (castStablePtrToPtr u)
                nullFunPtr stepPtr finalPtr destroyCFuncPtrs
    -- we store the aggregate state in the buffer returned by
    -- c_sqlite3_aggregate_context as a StablePtr pointing to an IORef that
    -- contains the actual aggregate state
    xStep' ctx nArgs' cvals =
        catchAsResultError ctx $ do
            aggCtx <- getAggregateContext ctx
            aggStPtr <- peek aggCtx
            aggStRef <-
                if castStablePtrToPtr aggStPtr /= nullPtr then
                    deRefStablePtr aggStPtr
                else do
                    aggStRef <- newIORef initSt
                    aggStPtr' <- newStablePtr aggStRef
                    poke aggCtx aggStPtr'
                    return aggStRef
            aggSt <- readIORef aggStRef
            aggSt' <- xStep (FuncContext ctx) (FuncArgs nArgs' cvals) aggSt
            writeIORef aggStRef aggSt'
    xFinal' ctx = do
        aggCtx <- getAggregateContext ctx
        aggStPtr <- peek aggCtx
        if castStablePtrToPtr aggStPtr == nullPtr then
            catchAsResultError ctx $
                xFinal (FuncContext ctx) initSt
        else do
            catchAsResultError ctx $ do
                aggStRef <- deRefStablePtr aggStPtr
                aggSt <- readIORef aggStRef
                xFinal (FuncContext ctx) aggSt
            freeStablePtr aggStPtr
    getAggregateContext ctx =
        c_sqlite3_aggregate_context ctx stPtrSize
    stPtrSize = fromIntegral $ sizeOf (undefined :: StablePtr ())

-- call c_sqlite3_result_error in the event of an error
catchAsResultError :: Ptr CContext -> IO () -> IO ()
catchAsResultError ctx action = E.catch action $ \exn -> do
    let msg = show (exn :: SomeException)
    withCAStringLen msg $ \(ptr, len) ->
        c_sqlite3_result_error ctx ptr (fromIntegral len)

-- | Delete an SQL function (scalar or aggregate).
deleteFunction :: Database -> Utf8 -> Maybe ArgCount -> IO (Either Error ())
deleteFunction (Database db) (Utf8 name) nArgs =
    BS.useAsCString name $ \namePtr ->
        toResult () <$>
                db namePtr (maybeArgCount nArgs) 0 nullPtr
                nullFunPtr nullFunPtr nullFunPtr nullFunPtr

maybeArgCount :: Maybe ArgCount -> CArgCount
maybeArgCount (Just n) = toFFI n
maybeArgCount Nothing = -1

funcArgCount :: FuncArgs -> ArgCount
funcArgCount (FuncArgs nArgs _) = fromIntegral nArgs

funcArgType :: FuncArgs -> ArgIndex -> IO ColumnType
funcArgType =
    extractFuncArg NullColumn (fmap decodeColumnType . c_sqlite3_value_type)

funcArgInt64 :: FuncArgs -> ArgIndex -> IO Int64
funcArgInt64 = extractFuncArg 0 c_sqlite3_value_int64

funcArgDouble :: FuncArgs -> ArgIndex -> IO Double
funcArgDouble = extractFuncArg 0 c_sqlite3_value_double

funcArgText :: FuncArgs -> ArgIndex -> IO Utf8
funcArgText = extractFuncArg mempty $ \cval -> do
    ptr <- c_sqlite3_value_text cval
    len <- c_sqlite3_value_bytes cval
    Utf8 <$> packCStringLen ptr len

funcArgBlob :: FuncArgs -> ArgIndex -> IO ByteString
funcArgBlob  = extractFuncArg mempty $ \cval -> do
    ptr <- c_sqlite3_value_blob cval
    len <- c_sqlite3_value_bytes cval
    packCStringLen ptr len

-- the c_sqlite3_value_* family of functions don't handle null pointers, so
-- we must use a wrapper to guarantee that a sensible value is returned if
-- we are out of bounds
extractFuncArg :: a -> (Ptr CValue -> IO a) -> FuncArgs -> ArgIndex -> IO a
extractFuncArg defVal extract (FuncArgs nArgs p) idx
    | 0 <= idx && idx < fromIntegral nArgs = do
        cval <- peekElemOff p (fromIntegral idx)
        extract cval
    | otherwise = return defVal

funcResultInt64 :: FuncContext -> Int64 -> IO ()
funcResultInt64 (FuncContext ctx) value =
    c_sqlite3_result_int64 ctx value

funcResultDouble :: FuncContext -> Double -> IO ()
funcResultDouble (FuncContext ctx) value =
    c_sqlite3_result_double ctx value

funcResultText :: FuncContext -> Utf8 -> IO ()
funcResultText (FuncContext ctx) (Utf8 value) =
    unsafeUseAsCStringLenNoNull value $ \ptr len ->
        c_sqlite3_result_text ctx ptr len c_SQLITE_TRANSIENT

funcResultBlob :: FuncContext -> ByteString -> IO ()
funcResultBlob (FuncContext ctx) value =
    unsafeUseAsCStringLenNoNull value $ \ptr len ->
        c_sqlite3_result_blob ctx ptr len c_SQLITE_TRANSIENT

funcResultZeroBlob :: FuncContext -> Int -> IO ()
funcResultZeroBlob (FuncContext ctx) len =
    c_sqlite3_result_zeroblob ctx (fromIntegral len)

funcResultNull :: FuncContext -> IO ()
funcResultNull (FuncContext ctx) =
    c_sqlite3_result_null ctx

-- | <https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/context_db_handle.html>
getFuncContextDatabase :: FuncContext -> IO Database
getFuncContextDatabase (FuncContext ctx) = do
    db <- c_sqlite3_context_db_handle ctx
    if db == nullPtr
        then fail $ "sqlite3_context_db_handle(" ++ show ctx ++ ") returned NULL"
        else return (Database db)

-- Deallocate the function pointer to the comparison function used to
-- implement a custom collation
destroyCCompare :: CFuncDestroy ()
destroyCCompare ptr = freeHaskellFunPtr ptr'
    ptr' = castPtrToFunPtr ptr :: FunPtr (CCompare ())

-- This is called by sqlite so we create one global FunPtr to pass to sqlite
destroyCComparePtr :: FunPtr (CFuncDestroy ())
destroyCComparePtr = IOU.unsafePerformIO $ mkCFuncDestroy destroyCCompare
{-# NOINLINE destroyCComparePtr #-}

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/create_collation.html>
    :: Database
    -> Utf8                       -- ^ Name of the collation.
    -> (Utf8 -> Utf8 -> Ordering) -- ^ Comparison function.
    -> IO (Either Error ())
createCollation (Database db) (Utf8 name) cmp = mask_ $ do
    cmpPtr <- mkCCompare cmp'
    let u = castFunPtrToPtr cmpPtr
    BS.useAsCString name $ \namePtr ->
        toResult () <$> do
            r <- c_sqlite3_create_collation_v2
                db namePtr c_SQLITE_UTF8 u cmpPtr destroyCComparePtr
            -- sqlite does not call the destructor for us in case of an
            -- error
            unless (r == CError 0) $
                destroyCCompare $ castFunPtrToPtr cmpPtr
            return r
    cmp' _ len1 ptr1 len2 ptr2 = handle exnHandler $ do
        s1 <- Utf8 <$> packCStringLen ptr1 len1
        s2 <- Utf8 <$> packCStringLen ptr2 len2
        let c = cmp s1 s2
        evaluate (fromIntegral $ fromEnum c - 1)
    exnHandler (_ :: SomeException) = return (-1)

-- | Delete a collation.
deleteCollation :: Database -> Utf8 -> IO (Either Error ())
deleteCollation (Database db) (Utf8 name) =
    BS.useAsCString name $ \namePtr ->
        toResult () <$> do
                db namePtr c_SQLITE_UTF8 nullPtr nullFunPtr nullFunPtr

-- | <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/enable_load_extension.html>
-- Enable or disable extension loading.
setLoadExtensionEnabled :: Database -> Bool -> IO (Either Error ())
setLoadExtensionEnabled (Database db) enabled = do
    toResult () <$> c_sqlite3_enable_load_extension db enabled

-- | <https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/blob_open.html>
-- Open a blob for incremental I/O.
    :: Database
    -> Utf8   -- ^ The symbolic name of the database (e.g. "main").
    -> Utf8   -- ^ The table name.
    -> Utf8   -- ^ The column name.
    -> Int64  -- ^ The @ROWID@ of the row.
    -> Bool   -- ^ Open the blob for read-write.
    -> IO (Either Error Blob)
blobOpen (Database db) (Utf8 zDb) (Utf8 zTable) (Utf8 zColumn) rowid rw =
    BS.useAsCString zDb $ \ptrDb ->
    BS.useAsCString zTable $ \ptrTable ->
    BS.useAsCString zColumn $ \ptrColumn ->
    alloca $ \ptrBlob -> do
        c_sqlite3_blob_open db ptrDb ptrTable ptrColumn rowid flags ptrBlob
            >>= toResultM (Blob (Database db) <$> peek ptrBlob)
    flags = if rw then 1 else 0

-- | <https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/blob_close.html>
blobClose :: Blob -> IO (Either Error ())
blobClose (Blob _ blob) =
    toResult () <$> c_sqlite3_blob_close blob

-- | <https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/blob_reopen.html>
blobReopen :: Blob -> Int64 -> IO (Either Error ())
blobReopen (Blob _ blob) rowid =
    toResult () <$> c_sqlite3_blob_reopen blob rowid

-- | <https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/blob_bytes.html>
blobBytes :: Blob -> IO Int
blobBytes (Blob _ blob) =
    fromIntegral <$> c_sqlite3_blob_bytes blob

-- | <https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/blob_read.html>
    :: Blob
    -> Int -- ^ Number of bytes to read.
    -> Int -- ^ Offset within the blob.
    -> IO (Either Error ByteString)
blobRead blob len offset =
    -- we do not use allocaBytes here because it deallocates its buffer
    -- which would necessitate copying it
    -- instead we use mallocBytes and mask to ensure both exception
    -- safety and that the buffer is not copied any times
    mask $ \restore -> do
        buf <- mallocBytes len
        r <- restore (blobReadBuf blob buf len offset)
            `onException` (free buf)
        case r of
            Left err -> free buf >> return (Left err)
            Right () -> do
                bs <- BSU.unsafePackCStringFinalizer buf len (free buf)
                return (Right bs)

blobReadBuf :: Blob -> Ptr a -> Int -> Int -> IO (Either Error ())
blobReadBuf (Blob _ blob) buf len offset =
    toResult () <$>
        c_sqlite3_blob_read blob buf (fromIntegral len) (fromIntegral offset)

-- | <https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/blob_write.html>
    :: Blob
    -> ByteString
    -> Int -- ^ Offset within the blob.
    -> IO (Either Error ())
blobWrite (Blob _ blob) bs offset =
    BSU.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs $ \(buf, len) ->
        toResult () <$>
            c_sqlite3_blob_write blob buf (fromIntegral len) (fromIntegral offset)

    :: Database  -- ^ Destination database handle
    -> Utf8      -- ^ Destination database name
    -> Database  -- ^ Source database handle
    -> Utf8      -- ^ Source database name
    -> IO (Either Error Backup)
backupInit (Database dstDb) (Utf8 dstName) (Database srcDb) (Utf8 srcName) =
    BS.useAsCString dstName $ \dstName' ->
    BS.useAsCString srcName $ \srcName' -> do
        r <- c_sqlite3_backup_init dstDb dstName' srcDb srcName'
        if r == nullPtr
            then Left <$> errcode (Database dstDb)
            else return (Right (Backup (Database dstDb) r))

backupFinish :: Backup -> IO (Either Error ())
backupFinish (Backup _ backup) =
    toResult () <$>
        c_sqlite3_backup_finish backup

backupStep :: Backup -> Int -> IO (Either Error BackupStepResult)
backupStep (Backup _ backup) pages =
    toBackupStepResult <$>
        c_sqlite3_backup_step backup (fromIntegral pages)

backupRemaining :: Backup -> IO Int
backupRemaining (Backup _ backup) =
    fromIntegral <$> c_sqlite3_backup_remaining backup

backupPagecount :: Backup -> IO Int
backupPagecount (Backup _ backup) =
    fromIntegral <$> c_sqlite3_backup_pagecount backup