version: "{build}-{branch}" skip_tags: true shallow_clone: true environment: global: # use a short path prefix to avoid running into path-length limitations STACK_ROOT: C:\sr STACK_VER: 1.0.4 install: - set PATH=C:\msys64\usr\bin;%PATH% # might have to retry due to reliability issues with SourceForge - sh tools/retry 32 pacman -S --needed --noconfirm autoconf automake tar - curl -fsLS -o - 7z x stack.exe # silence it because it's far too verbose - stack --skip-msys setup >NUL - stack --version - stack ghc -- --version build_script: - stack init - stack exec -- sh -c "autoreconf -fi" test_script: - stack test --ghc-options -rtsopts --ghc-options -threaded --test-arguments "CreateDirectoryIfMissing001.num-repeats=100000 +RTS -N2" - stack sdist