{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module System.Directory.Internal.Windows where #include #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS ##if defined i386_HOST_ARCH ## define WINAPI stdcall ##elif defined x86_64_HOST_ARCH ## define WINAPI ccall ##else ## error unknown architecture ##endif #include #include #include #include import Prelude () import System.Directory.Internal.Prelude import System.Directory.Internal.Common import Data.Time (UTCTime) import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (POSIXTime, posixSecondsToUTCTime) import System.FilePath (addTrailingPathSeparator, hasTrailingPathSeparator, isPathSeparator, isRelative, joinDrive, joinPath, normalise, pathSeparator, pathSeparators, splitDirectories, splitDrive, takeExtension) import qualified Data.List as List import qualified System.Win32 as Win32 win32_cSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA :: Win32.CSIDL #if MIN_VERSION_Win32(2, 3, 1) win32_cSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA = Win32.cSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA #else win32_cSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA = (#const CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA) #endif win32_cSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA :: Win32.CSIDL win32_cSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA = (#const CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA) win32_eRROR_INVALID_FUNCTION :: Win32.ErrCode win32_eRROR_INVALID_FUNCTION = 0x1 win32_fILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT :: Win32.FileAttributeOrFlag #if MIN_VERSION_Win32(2, 4, 0) win32_fILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT = Win32.fILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT #else win32_fILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT = (#const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) #endif win32_fILE_SHARE_DELETE :: Win32.ShareMode #if MIN_VERSION_Win32(2, 3, 1) win32_fILE_SHARE_DELETE = Win32.fILE_SHARE_DELETE -- added in #else win32_fILE_SHARE_DELETE = (#const FILE_SHARE_DELETE) #endif maxShareMode :: Win32.ShareMode maxShareMode = win32_fILE_SHARE_DELETE .|. Win32.fILE_SHARE_READ .|. Win32.fILE_SHARE_WRITE win32_getLongPathName, win32_getShortPathName :: FilePath -> IO FilePath #if MIN_VERSION_Win32(2, 4, 0) win32_getLongPathName = Win32.getLongPathName win32_getShortPathName = Win32.getShortPathName #else win32_getLongPathName path = modifyIOError ((`ioeSetLocation` "GetLongPathName") . (`ioeSetFileName` path)) $ do withCWString path $ \ ptrPath -> do getPathNameWith (c_GetLongPathName ptrPath) win32_getShortPathName path = modifyIOError ((`ioeSetLocation` "GetShortPathName") . (`ioeSetFileName` path)) $ do withCWString path $ \ ptrPath -> do getPathNameWith (c_GetShortPathName ptrPath) foreign import WINAPI unsafe "windows.h GetLongPathNameW" c_GetLongPathName :: Ptr CWchar -> Ptr CWchar -> Win32.DWORD -> IO Win32.DWORD foreign import WINAPI unsafe "windows.h GetShortPathNameW" c_GetShortPathName :: Ptr CWchar -> Ptr CWchar -> Win32.DWORD -> IO Win32.DWORD #endif win32_getFinalPathNameByHandle :: Win32.HANDLE -> Win32.DWORD -> IO FilePath win32_getFinalPathNameByHandle _h _flags = modifyIOError (`ioeSetLocation` "GetFinalPathNameByHandle") $ do #ifdef HAVE_GETFINALPATHNAMEBYHANDLEW getPathNameWith $ \ ptr len -> do c_GetFinalPathNameByHandle _h ptr len _flags foreign import WINAPI unsafe "windows.h GetFinalPathNameByHandleW" c_GetFinalPathNameByHandle :: Win32.HANDLE -> Ptr CWchar -> Win32.DWORD -> Win32.DWORD -> IO Win32.DWORD #else throwIO (mkIOError UnsupportedOperation "platform does not support GetFinalPathNameByHandle" Nothing Nothing) #endif getFinalPathName :: FilePath -> IO FilePath getFinalPathName = (fromExtendedLengthPath <$>) . rawGetFinalPathName . toExtendedLengthPath where #ifdef HAVE_GETFINALPATHNAMEBYHANDLEW rawGetFinalPathName path = do let open = Win32.createFile path 0 maxShareMode Nothing Win32.oPEN_EXISTING Win32.fILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS Nothing bracket open Win32.closeHandle $ \ h -> do win32_getFinalPathNameByHandle h 0 #else rawGetFinalPathName = win32_getLongPathName <=< win32_getShortPathName #endif win32_fILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT :: Win32.FileAttributeOrFlag win32_fILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT = 0x00200000 win32_fSCTL_GET_REPARSE_POINT :: Win32.DWORD win32_fSCTL_GET_REPARSE_POINT = 0x900a8 win32_iO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT, win32_iO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINK :: CULong win32_iO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT = (#const IO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT) win32_iO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINK = (#const IO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINK) win32_mAXIMUM_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER_SIZE :: Win32.DWORD win32_mAXIMUM_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER_SIZE = (#const MAXIMUM_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER_SIZE) win32_sYMLINK_FLAG_RELATIVE :: CULong win32_sYMLINK_FLAG_RELATIVE = 0x00000001 data Win32_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER = Win32_MOUNT_POINT_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER String String -- ^ substituteName printName | Win32_SYMLINK_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER String String Bool -- ^ substituteName printName isRelative | Win32_GENERIC_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER win32_alloca_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER :: ((Ptr Win32_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER, Int) -> IO a) -> IO a win32_alloca_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER action = allocaBytesAligned size align $ \ ptr -> action (ptr, size) where size = fromIntegral win32_mAXIMUM_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER_SIZE -- workaround (hsc2hs for GHC < 8.0 don't support #{alignment ...}) align = #{size char[alignof(HsDirectory_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER)]} win32_peek_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER :: Ptr Win32_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER -> IO Win32_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER win32_peek_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER p = do tag <- #{peek HsDirectory_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER, ReparseTag} p case () of _ | tag == win32_iO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT -> do let buf = #{ptr HsDirectory_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER, MountPointReparseBuffer.PathBuffer} p sni <- #{peek HsDirectory_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER, MountPointReparseBuffer.SubstituteNameOffset} p sns <- #{peek HsDirectory_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER, MountPointReparseBuffer.SubstituteNameLength} p sn <- peekName buf sni sns pni <- #{peek HsDirectory_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER, MountPointReparseBuffer.PrintNameOffset} p pns <- #{peek HsDirectory_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER, MountPointReparseBuffer.PrintNameLength} p pn <- peekName buf pni pns pure (Win32_MOUNT_POINT_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER sn pn) | tag == win32_iO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINK -> do let buf = #{ptr HsDirectory_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER, SymbolicLinkReparseBuffer.PathBuffer} p sni <- #{peek HsDirectory_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER, SymbolicLinkReparseBuffer.SubstituteNameOffset} p sns <- #{peek HsDirectory_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER, SymbolicLinkReparseBuffer.SubstituteNameLength} p sn <- peekName buf sni sns pni <- #{peek HsDirectory_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER, SymbolicLinkReparseBuffer.PrintNameOffset} p pns <- #{peek HsDirectory_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER, SymbolicLinkReparseBuffer.PrintNameLength} p pn <- peekName buf pni pns flags <- #{peek HsDirectory_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER, SymbolicLinkReparseBuffer.Flags} p pure (Win32_SYMLINK_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER sn pn (flags .&. win32_sYMLINK_FLAG_RELATIVE /= 0)) | otherwise -> pure Win32_GENERIC_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER where peekName :: Ptr CWchar -> CUShort -> CUShort -> IO String peekName buf offset size = peekCWStringLen ( buf `plusPtr` fromIntegral offset , fromIntegral size `div` sizeOf (0 :: CWchar) ) deviceIoControl :: Win32.HANDLE -> Win32.DWORD -> (Ptr a, Int) -> (Ptr b, Int) -> Maybe Void -> IO (Either Win32.ErrCode Int) deviceIoControl h code (inPtr, inSize) (outPtr, outSize) _ = do with 0 $ \ lenPtr -> do status <- c_DeviceIoControl h code inPtr (fromIntegral inSize) outPtr (fromIntegral outSize) lenPtr nullPtr if not status then do Left <$> Win32.getLastError else Right . fromIntegral <$> peek lenPtr foreign import WINAPI unsafe "windows.h DeviceIoControl" c_DeviceIoControl :: Win32.HANDLE -> Win32.DWORD -> Ptr a -> Win32.DWORD -> Ptr b -> Win32.DWORD -> Ptr Win32.DWORD -> Ptr Void -> IO Win32.BOOL readSymbolicLink :: FilePath -> IO FilePath readSymbolicLink path = modifyIOError (`ioeSetFileName` path) $ do path' <- toExtendedLengthPath <$> prependCurrentDirectory path let open = Win32.createFile path' 0 maxShareMode Nothing Win32.oPEN_EXISTING (Win32.fILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS .|. win32_fILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT) Nothing bracket open Win32.closeHandle $ \ h -> do win32_alloca_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER $ \ ptrAndSize@(ptr, _) -> do result <- deviceIoControl h win32_fSCTL_GET_REPARSE_POINT (nullPtr, 0) ptrAndSize Nothing case result of Left e | e == win32_eRROR_INVALID_FUNCTION -> do let msg = "Incorrect function. The file system " <> "might not support symbolic links." throwIO (mkIOError illegalOperationErrorType "DeviceIoControl" Nothing Nothing `ioeSetErrorString` msg) | otherwise -> Win32.failWith "DeviceIoControl" e Right _ -> return () rData <- win32_peek_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER ptr strip <$> case rData of Win32_MOUNT_POINT_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER sn _ -> pure sn Win32_SYMLINK_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER sn _ _ -> pure sn _ -> throwIO (mkIOError InappropriateType "readSymbolicLink" Nothing Nothing) where strip sn = fromMaybe sn (List.stripPrefix "\\??\\" sn) -- | Given a list of path segments, expand @.@ and @..@. The path segments -- must not contain path separators. expandDots :: [FilePath] -> [FilePath] expandDots = reverse . go [] where go ys' xs' = case xs' of [] -> ys' x : xs -> case x of "." -> go ys' xs ".." -> case ys' of _ : ys -> go ys xs [] -> go (x : ys') xs _ -> go (x : ys') xs -- | Remove redundant trailing slashes and pick the right kind of slash. normaliseTrailingSep :: FilePath -> FilePath normaliseTrailingSep path = do let path' = reverse path let (sep, path'') = span isPathSeparator path' let addSep = if null sep then id else (pathSeparator :) reverse (addSep path'') -- | A variant of 'normalise' to handle Windows paths a little better. It -- -- * deduplicates trailing slashes after the drive, -- * expands parent dirs (@..@), and -- * preserves paths with @\\\\?\\@. normaliseW :: FilePath -> FilePath normaliseW path@('\\' : '\\' : '?' : '\\' : _) = path normaliseW path = normalise (joinDrive drive' subpath') where (drive, subpath) = splitDrive path drive' = normaliseTrailingSep drive subpath' = appendSep . prependSep . joinPath . stripPardirs . expandDots . skipSeps . splitDirectories $ subpath skipSeps = filter (not . (`elem` (pure <$> pathSeparators))) stripPardirs | not (isRelative path) = dropWhile (== "..") | otherwise = id prependSep | any isPathSeparator (take 1 subpath) = (pathSeparator :) | otherwise = id appendSep | hasTrailingPathSeparator subpath = addTrailingPathSeparator | otherwise = id -- | Like 'toExtendedLengthPath' but normalises relative paths too. -- This is needed to make sure e.g. getModificationTime works on empty paths. toNormalisedExtendedLengthPath :: FilePath -> FilePath toNormalisedExtendedLengthPath path | isRelative path = normalise path | otherwise = toExtendedLengthPath path -- | Normalise the path separators and prepend the @"\\\\?\\"@ prefix if -- necessary or possible. This is used for symbolic links targets because -- they can't handle forward slashes. normaliseSeparators :: FilePath -> FilePath normaliseSeparators path | isRelative path = normaliseSep <$> path | otherwise = toExtendedLengthPath path where normaliseSep c = if isPathSeparator c then pathSeparator else c -- | Add the @"\\\\?\\"@ prefix if necessary or possible. The path remains -- unchanged if the prefix is not added. This function can sometimes be used -- to bypass the @MAX_PATH@ length restriction in Windows API calls. toExtendedLengthPath :: FilePath -> FilePath toExtendedLengthPath path | isRelative path = path | otherwise = case normaliseW path of '\\' : '?' : '?' : '\\' : _ -> path '\\' : '\\' : '?' : '\\' : _ -> path '\\' : '\\' : '.' : '\\' : _ -> path '\\' : subpath@('\\' : _) -> "\\\\?\\UNC" <> subpath normalisedPath -> "\\\\?\\" <> normalisedPath -- | Strip the @"\\\\?\\"@ prefix if possible. -- The prefix is kept if the meaning of the path would otherwise change. fromExtendedLengthPath :: FilePath -> FilePath fromExtendedLengthPath ePath = case ePath of '\\' : '\\' : '?' : '\\' : path -> case path of 'U' : 'N' : 'C' : subpath@('\\' : _) -> "\\" <> subpath drive : ':' : subpath -- if the path is not "regular", then the prefix is necessary -- to ensure the path is interpreted literally | isAlpha drive && isAscii drive && isPathRegular subpath -> path _ -> ePath _ -> ePath where isPathRegular path = not ('/' `elem` path || "." `elem` splitDirectories path || ".." `elem` splitDirectories path) getPathNameWith :: (Ptr CWchar -> Win32.DWORD -> IO Win32.DWORD) -> IO FilePath getPathNameWith cFunc = do let getPathNameWithLen len = do allocaArray (fromIntegral len) $ \ ptrPathOut -> do len' <- Win32.failIfZero "" (cFunc ptrPathOut len) if len' <= len then Right <$> peekCWStringLen (ptrPathOut, fromIntegral len') else pure (Left len') r <- getPathNameWithLen ((#const MAX_PATH) * (#size wchar_t)) case r of Right s -> pure s Left len -> do r' <- getPathNameWithLen len case r' of Right s -> pure s Left _ -> throwIO (mkIOError OtherError "" Nothing Nothing `ioeSetErrorString` "path changed unexpectedly") win32_createSymbolicLink :: String -> String -> Bool -> IO () win32_createSymbolicLink link _target _isDir = #ifdef HAVE_CREATESYMBOLICLINKW withCWString link $ \ pLink -> withCWString _target $ \ pTarget -> do let flags = if _isDir then win32_sYMBOLIC_LINK_FLAG_DIRECTORY else 0 status <- c_CreateSymbolicLink pLink pTarget flags if status == 0 then do e <- Win32.getLastError case () of _ | e == win32_eRROR_INVALID_FUNCTION -> do let msg = "Incorrect function. The underlying file system " <> "might not support symbolic links." throwIO (mkIOError illegalOperationErrorType "CreateSymbolicLink" Nothing (Just link) `ioeSetErrorString` msg) | e == win32_eRROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD -> do let msg = "A required privilege is not held by the client. " <> "Creating symbolic links usually requires " <> "administrative rights." throwIO (mkIOError permissionErrorType "CreateSymbolicLink" Nothing (Just link) `ioeSetErrorString` msg) | otherwise -> Win32.failWith "CreateSymbolicLink" e else return () where win32_eRROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD :: Win32.ErrCode win32_eRROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD = 0x522 win32_sYMBOLIC_LINK_FLAG_DIRECTORY :: Win32.DWORD win32_sYMBOLIC_LINK_FLAG_DIRECTORY = 0x1 foreign import WINAPI unsafe "windows.h CreateSymbolicLinkW" c_CreateSymbolicLink :: Ptr CWchar -> Ptr CWchar -> Win32.DWORD -> IO Win32.BYTE #else throwIO . (`ioeSetErrorString` unsupportedErrorMsg) $ mkIOError UnsupportedOperation "CreateSymbolicLink" Nothing (Just link) where unsupportedErrorMsg = "Not supported on Windows XP or older" #endif createSymbolicLink :: Bool -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () createSymbolicLink isDir target link = (`ioeSetFileName` link) `modifyIOError` do -- normaliseSeparators ensures the target gets normalised properly link' <- toExtendedLengthPath <$> prependCurrentDirectory link win32_createSymbolicLink link' (normaliseSeparators target) isDir type Metadata = Win32.BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION getSymbolicLinkMetadata :: FilePath -> IO Metadata getSymbolicLinkMetadata path = (`ioeSetFileName` path) `modifyIOError` do path' <- toNormalisedExtendedLengthPath <$> prependCurrentDirectory path let open = Win32.createFile path' 0 maxShareMode Nothing Win32.oPEN_EXISTING (Win32.fILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS .|. win32_fILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT) Nothing bracket open Win32.closeHandle $ \ h -> do Win32.getFileInformationByHandle h getFileMetadata :: FilePath -> IO Metadata getFileMetadata path = (`ioeSetFileName` path) `modifyIOError` do path' <- toNormalisedExtendedLengthPath <$> prependCurrentDirectory path let open = Win32.createFile path' 0 maxShareMode Nothing Win32.oPEN_EXISTING Win32.fILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS Nothing bracket open Win32.closeHandle $ \ h -> do Win32.getFileInformationByHandle h fileTypeFromMetadata :: Metadata -> FileType fileTypeFromMetadata info | isLink = if isDir then DirectoryLink else SymbolicLink | isDir = Directory | otherwise = File where isLink = attrs .&. win32_fILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT /= 0 isDir = attrs .&. Win32.fILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY /= 0 attrs = Win32.bhfiFileAttributes info fileSizeFromMetadata :: Metadata -> Integer fileSizeFromMetadata = fromIntegral . Win32.bhfiSize accessTimeFromMetadata :: Metadata -> UTCTime accessTimeFromMetadata = posixSecondsToUTCTime . windowsToPosixTime . Win32.bhfiLastAccessTime modificationTimeFromMetadata :: Metadata -> UTCTime modificationTimeFromMetadata = posixSecondsToUTCTime . windowsToPosixTime . Win32.bhfiLastWriteTime -- | Difference between the Windows and POSIX epochs in units of 100ns. windowsPosixEpochDifference :: Num a => a windowsPosixEpochDifference = 116444736000000000 -- | Convert from Windows time to POSIX time. windowsToPosixTime :: Win32.FILETIME -> POSIXTime windowsToPosixTime (Win32.FILETIME t) = (fromIntegral t - windowsPosixEpochDifference) / 10000000 -- | Convert from POSIX time to Windows time. This is lossy as Windows time -- has a resolution of only 100ns. posixToWindowsTime :: POSIXTime -> Win32.FILETIME posixToWindowsTime t = Win32.FILETIME $ truncate (t * 10000000 + windowsPosixEpochDifference) type Mode = Win32.FileAttributeOrFlag modeFromMetadata :: Metadata -> Mode modeFromMetadata = Win32.bhfiFileAttributes hasWriteMode :: Mode -> Bool hasWriteMode m = m .&. Win32.fILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY == 0 setWriteMode :: Bool -> Mode -> Mode setWriteMode False m = m .|. Win32.fILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY setWriteMode True m = m .&. complement Win32.fILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY setFileMode :: FilePath -> Mode -> IO () setFileMode path mode = (`ioeSetFileName` path) `modifyIOError` do path' <- toNormalisedExtendedLengthPath <$> prependCurrentDirectory path Win32.setFileAttributes path' mode -- | A restricted form of 'setFileMode' that only sets the permission bits. -- For Windows, this means only the "read-only" attribute is affected. setFilePermissions :: FilePath -> Mode -> IO () setFilePermissions path m = do m' <- modeFromMetadata <$> getFileMetadata path setFileMode path ((m' .&. complement Win32.fILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) .|. (m .&. Win32.fILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY)) getAccessPermissions :: FilePath -> IO Permissions getAccessPermissions path = do m <- getFileMetadata path let isDir = fileTypeIsDirectory (fileTypeFromMetadata m) let w = hasWriteMode (modeFromMetadata m) let x = (toLower <$> takeExtension path) `elem` [".bat", ".cmd", ".com", ".exe"] return Permissions { readable = True , writable = w , executable = x && not isDir , searchable = isDir } setAccessPermissions :: FilePath -> Permissions -> IO () setAccessPermissions path Permissions{writable = w} = do setFilePermissions path (setWriteMode w 0) #endif