directory-contents ================== [![Haskell](]( [![Hackage](]( [![Hackage CI](]( [![Github CI](]( [![BSD3 License](]( Recursively list the contents of a directory while avoiding symlink loops. Description ----------- Modeled after the linux `tree` command (when invoked with the follow-symlinks option), this module recursively lists the contents of a directory while avoiding symlink loops. In particular, `tree -l` and `buildDirTree` should provide the same result. See the documentation of `buildDirTree` for an example. In addition to building the directory-contents tree, this module provides facilities for filtering, displaying, and navigating the directory hierarchy. Example ------- ```haskell > > import Data.Foldable as F > import Data.List > import qualified Data.Text as T > import System.Directory.Contents > import System.FilePath > > main :: IO () > main = do > mp <- buildDirTree "." > case mp of > Nothing -> putStrLn "Couldn't find that path." > Just p -> do > let f = pruneDirTree =<< filterDirTree ((`elem` [".hs", ".lhs"]) . takeExtension) p > putStrLn $ case f of > Nothing -> "No haskell source files found." > Just hs -> unlines > [ "Paths that contain haskell source files:" > , T.unpack $ drawDirTree hs > , "" > , "Haskell source files:" > , intercalate ", " $ F.toList hs > ] > ```