{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
-- | Make layout as specified
-- For example, suppose you are in an empty directory
-- @
-- % tree
-- .
-- @
-- and you've written simple layout:
-- @
-- layout = do
--   directory \"baz\" $
--     file_ \"twey\"
--   directory \"foo\" $ do
--     directory \"bar\" $ do
--       file_ \"quuz\"
--       file_ \"tatata\"
--     file_ \"quux\"
-- @
-- then running it should result in this directory tree:
-- @
-- % tree
-- .
-- ├── baz
-- │   └── twey
-- └── foo
--     ├── bar
--     │   ├── quuz
--     │   └── tatata
--     └── quux
-- @
module System.Directory.Layout.Make
  ( DLMakeWarning(..), make
  ) where

import Control.Arrow (second)

import           Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT, runReaderT, ask, local)
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Writer (WriterT, execWriterT, tell)
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import           Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import           System.FilePath ((</>), makeRelative)
import           System.Directory

import System.Directory.Layout.Internal

-- | Infect file layout with stuff from script
make  Layout
      FilePath          -- ^ Root directory
      IO [DLMakeWarning] -- ^ List of warnings
make z fp = do
  d  getCurrentDirectory
  fp'  canonicalizePath fp
  setCurrentDirectory fp'
  xs  runRunT (fp', fp') (f z)
  setCurrentDirectory d
  return xs
  f (E _) = return ()
  f (F p Nothing x) = touchFile p >> f x
  f (F p (Just c) x) = touchFile p >> infectFile p c >> f x
  f (D p x y) = createDir p >> changeDir p (f x) >> f y

-- | Data type representing various warnings
-- that may occur while infecting directory layout
data DLMakeWarning =
    FileDoesExist FilePath
  | DirectoryDoesExist FilePath
    deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)

type RunT = ReaderT (FilePath, FilePath) (WriterT [DLMakeWarning] IO)

runRunT  (FilePath, FilePath)  RunT a  IO [DLMakeWarning]
runRunT e = execWriterT . flip runReaderT e

-- | File creation
-- emits 'FileDoesExist' if file exists already
touchFile  FilePath  RunT ()
touchFile p = do
  (r, d)  ask
  z  io $ doesFileExist (d </> p)
  if z
    then tell' [FileDoesExist (makeRelative r d </> p)]
    else io $ T.writeFile (d </> p) ""

infectFile  FilePath  Text  RunT ()
infectFile p c = do
  (_, d)  ask
  io $ T.writeFile (d </> p) c

-- | Directory creation
-- emits 'DirectoryDoesExist' if directory exists already
createDir  FilePath  RunT ()
createDir p = do
  (r, d)  ask
  z  io $ doesDirectoryExist (d </> p)
  if z
    then tell' [DirectoryDoesExist (makeRelative r d </> p)]
    else io $ createDirectory (d </> p)

changeDir  FilePath  RunT ()  RunT ()
changeDir fp = local (second (</> fp))

io  IO a  RunT a
io = liftIO

tell'  [DLMakeWarning]  RunT ()
tell' = lift . tell