module Discogs.Types.ReleaseSpec where import Discogs.Types.Release import Data.Aeson (eitherDecode) import Test.Hspec import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as ByteString isRight :: Either a b -> Bool isRight = const False `either` const True main :: IO () main = hspec spec spec :: Spec spec = describe "Discogs.Types.Release" $ do getReleaseExample <- runIO $ ByteString.readFile "test/data/getRelease_example.json" it "can read the fixtures" $ do getReleaseExample `shouldSatisfy` not . ByteString.null --it "can parse a release from json" $ do -- let decoded = eitherDecode getReleaseExample :: Either String Release -- decoded `shouldSatisfy` isRight -- case decoded of -- Left _ -> expectationFailure "json parse failed" -- Right release -> do -- title release `shouldBe` "Never Gonna Give You Up" -- --id release `shouldBe` 249504 -- resource_url release `shouldBe` Just "" -- country release `shouldBe` Just "UK" --estimated_weight release `shouldBe` "60" --date_added release `shouldBe` "2004-04-30T08:10:05-07:00" --date_changed release `shouldBe` "2012-12-03T02:50:12-07:00" --year release `shouldBe` 1987