{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable  #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Control.Distributed.Process.Supervisor.Types
-- Copyright   :  (c) Tim Watson 2012
-- License     :  BSD3 (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Tim Watson <watson.timothy@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable (requires concurrency)

module Control.Distributed.Process.Supervisor.Types
  ( -- * Defining and Running a Supervisor
  , ChildKey
  , ChildType(..)
  , ChildTerminationPolicy(..)
  , ChildStart(..)
  , RegisteredName(LocalName, GlobalName, CustomRegister)
  , RestartPolicy(..)
  , ChildRef(..)
  , isRunning
  , isRestarting
  , Child
  , StaticLabel
  , SupervisorPid
  , ChildPid
  , StarterPid
    -- * Limits and Defaults
  , MaxRestarts(..)
  , maxRestarts
  , RestartLimit(..)
  , limit
  , defaultLimits
  , RestartMode(..)
  , RestartOrder(..)
  , RestartStrategy(..)
  , ShutdownMode(..)
  , restartOne
  , restartAll
  , restartLeft
  , restartRight
    -- * Adding and Removing Children
  , AddChildResult(..)
  , StartChildResult(..)
  , TerminateChildResult(..)
  , DeleteChildResult(..)
  , RestartChildResult(..)
    -- * Additional (Misc) Types
  , SupervisorStats(..)
  , StartFailure(..)
  , ChildInitFailure(..)
  ) where

import GHC.Generics
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Binary

import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Control.Distributed.Process hiding (call)
import Control.Distributed.Process.Serializable()
import Control.Distributed.Process.Extras.Time
import Control.Distributed.Process.Extras.Internal.Primitives hiding (monitor)
import Control.Exception (Exception)

-- aliases for api documentation purposes
type SupervisorPid = ProcessId
type ChildPid = ProcessId
type StarterPid = ProcessId

newtype MaxRestarts = MaxR { maxNumberOfRestarts :: Int }
  deriving (Typeable, Generic, Show)
instance Binary MaxRestarts where
instance NFData MaxRestarts where

-- | Smart constructor for @MaxRestarts@. The maximum
-- restart count must be a positive integer.
maxRestarts :: Int -> MaxRestarts
maxRestarts r | r >= 0    = MaxR r
              | otherwise = error "MaxR must be >= 0"

-- | A compulsary limit on the number of restarts that a supervisor will
-- tolerate before it terminates all child processes and then itself.
-- If > @MaxRestarts@ occur within the specified @TimeInterval@, termination
-- will occur. This prevents the supervisor from entering an infinite loop of
-- child process terminations and restarts.
data RestartLimit =
  { maxR :: !MaxRestarts
  , maxT :: !TimeInterval
  deriving (Typeable, Generic, Show)
instance Binary RestartLimit where
instance NFData RestartLimit where

limit :: MaxRestarts -> TimeInterval -> RestartLimit
limit mr = RestartLimit mr

defaultLimits :: RestartLimit
defaultLimits = limit (MaxR 1) (seconds 1)

data RestartOrder = LeftToRight | RightToLeft
  deriving (Typeable, Generic, Eq, Show)
instance Binary RestartOrder where
instance NFData RestartOrder where

-- TODO: rename these, somehow...
data RestartMode =
    RestartEach     { order :: !RestartOrder }
    {- ^ stop then start each child sequentially, i.e., @foldlM stopThenStart children@ -}
  | RestartInOrder  { order :: !RestartOrder }
    {- ^ stop all children first, then restart them sequentially -}
  | RestartRevOrder { order :: !RestartOrder }
    {- ^ stop all children in the given order, but start them in reverse -}
  deriving (Typeable, Generic, Show, Eq)
instance Binary RestartMode where
instance NFData RestartMode where

data ShutdownMode = SequentialShutdown !RestartOrder
                      | ParallelShutdown
  deriving (Typeable, Generic, Show, Eq)
instance Binary ShutdownMode where
instance NFData ShutdownMode where

-- | Strategy used by a supervisor to handle child restarts, whether due to
-- unexpected child failure or explicit restart requests from a client.
-- Some terminology: We refer to child processes managed by the same supervisor
-- as /siblings/. When restarting a child process, the 'RestartNone' policy
-- indicates that sibling processes should be left alone, whilst the 'RestartAll'
-- policy will cause /all/ children to be restarted (in the same order they were
-- started).
-- The other two restart strategies refer to /prior/ and /subsequent/
-- siblings, which describe's those children's configured position
-- (i.e., insertion order). These latter modes allow one to control the order
-- in which siblings are restarted, and to exclude some siblings from the restart
-- without having to resort to grouping them using a child supervisor.
data RestartStrategy =
    { intensity        :: !RestartLimit
    } -- ^ restart only the failed child process
  | RestartAll
    { intensity        :: !RestartLimit
    , mode             :: !RestartMode
    } -- ^ also restart all siblings
  | RestartLeft
    { intensity        :: !RestartLimit
    , mode             :: !RestartMode
    } -- ^ restart prior siblings (i.e., prior /start order/)
  | RestartRight
    { intensity        :: !RestartLimit
    , mode             :: !RestartMode
    } -- ^ restart subsequent siblings (i.e., subsequent /start order/)
  deriving (Typeable, Generic, Show)
instance Binary RestartStrategy where
instance NFData RestartStrategy where

-- | Provides a default 'RestartStrategy' for @RestartOne@.
-- > restartOne = RestartOne defaultLimits
restartOne :: RestartStrategy
restartOne = RestartOne defaultLimits

-- | Provides a default 'RestartStrategy' for @RestartAll@.
-- > restartOne = RestartAll defaultLimits (RestartEach LeftToRight)
restartAll :: RestartStrategy
restartAll = RestartAll defaultLimits (RestartEach LeftToRight)

-- | Provides a default 'RestartStrategy' for @RestartLeft@.
-- > restartOne = RestartLeft defaultLimits (RestartEach LeftToRight)
restartLeft :: RestartStrategy
restartLeft = RestartLeft defaultLimits (RestartEach LeftToRight)

-- | Provides a default 'RestartStrategy' for @RestartRight@.
-- > restartOne = RestartRight defaultLimits (RestartEach LeftToRight)
restartRight :: RestartStrategy
restartRight = RestartRight defaultLimits (RestartEach LeftToRight)

-- | Identifies a child process by name.
type ChildKey = String

-- | A reference to a (possibly running) child.
data ChildRef =
    ChildRunning !ChildPid     -- ^ a reference to the (currently running) child
  | ChildRunningExtra !ChildPid !Message -- ^ also a currently running child, with /extra/ child info
  | ChildRestarting !ChildPid  -- ^ a reference to the /old/ (previous) child (now restarting)
  | ChildStopped               -- ^ indicates the child is not currently running
  | ChildStartIgnored          -- ^ a non-temporary child exited with 'ChildInitIgnore'
  deriving (Typeable, Generic, Show)
instance Binary ChildRef where
instance NFData ChildRef where

instance Eq ChildRef where
  ChildRunning      p1   == ChildRunning      p2   = p1 == p2
  ChildRunningExtra p1 _ == ChildRunningExtra p2 _ = p1 == p2
  ChildRestarting   p1   == ChildRestarting   p2   = p1 == p2
  ChildStopped           == ChildStopped           = True
  ChildStartIgnored      == ChildStartIgnored      = True
  _                      == _                      = False

isRunning :: ChildRef -> Bool
isRunning (ChildRunning _)        = True
isRunning (ChildRunningExtra _ _) = True
isRunning _                       = False

isRestarting :: ChildRef -> Bool
isRestarting (ChildRestarting _) = True
isRestarting _                   = False

instance Resolvable ChildRef where
  resolve (ChildRunning pid)        = return $ Just pid
  resolve (ChildRunningExtra pid _) = return $ Just pid
  resolve _                         = return Nothing

-- these look a bit odd, but we basically want to avoid resolving
-- or sending to (ChildRestarting oldPid)
instance Routable ChildRef where
  sendTo (ChildRunning addr) = sendTo addr
  sendTo _                   = error "invalid address for child process"

  unsafeSendTo (ChildRunning ch) = unsafeSendTo ch
  unsafeSendTo _                 = error "invalid address for child process"

-- | Specifies whether the child is another supervisor, or a worker.
data ChildType = Worker | Supervisor
  deriving (Typeable, Generic, Show, Eq)
instance Binary ChildType where
instance NFData ChildType where

-- | Describes when a terminated child process should be restarted.
data RestartPolicy =
    Permanent  -- ^ a permanent child will always be restarted
  | Temporary  -- ^ a temporary child will /never/ be restarted
  | Transient  -- ^ A transient child will be restarted only if it terminates abnormally
  | Intrinsic  -- ^ as 'Transient', but if the child exits normally, the supervisor also exits normally
  deriving (Typeable, Generic, Eq, Show)
instance Binary RestartPolicy where
instance NFData RestartPolicy where

data ChildTerminationPolicy =
    TerminateTimeout !Delay
  | TerminateImmediately
  deriving (Typeable, Generic, Eq, Show)
instance Binary ChildTerminationPolicy where
instance NFData ChildTerminationPolicy where

data RegisteredName =
    LocalName          !String
  | GlobalName         !String
  | CustomRegister     !(Closure (ChildPid -> Process ()))
  deriving (Typeable, Generic)
instance Binary RegisteredName where
instance NFData RegisteredName where

instance Show RegisteredName where
  show (CustomRegister _) = "Custom Register"
  show (LocalName      n) = n
  show (GlobalName     n) = "global::" ++ n

data ChildStart =
    RunClosure !(Closure (Process ()))
  | CreateHandle !(Closure (SupervisorPid -> Process (ChildPid, Message)))
  | StarterProcess !StarterPid
  deriving (Typeable, Generic, Show)
instance Binary ChildStart where
instance NFData ChildStart  where

-- | Specification for a child process. The child must be uniquely identified
-- by it's @childKey@ within the supervisor. The supervisor will start the child
-- itself, therefore @childRun@ should contain the child process' implementation
-- e.g., if the child is a long running server, this would be the server /loop/,
-- as with e.g., @ManagedProces.start@.
data ChildSpec = ChildSpec {
    childKey     :: !ChildKey
  , childType    :: !ChildType
  , childRestart :: !RestartPolicy
  , childStop    :: !ChildTerminationPolicy
  , childStart   :: !ChildStart
  , childRegName :: !(Maybe RegisteredName)
  } deriving (Typeable, Generic, Show)
instance Binary ChildSpec where
instance NFData ChildSpec where

data ChildInitFailure =
    ChildInitFailure !String
  | ChildInitIgnore
  deriving (Typeable, Generic, Show)
instance Exception ChildInitFailure where

data SupervisorStats = SupervisorStats {
    _children          :: Int
  , _supervisors       :: Int
  , _workers           :: Int
  , _running           :: Int
  , _activeSupervisors :: Int
  , _activeWorkers     :: Int
  -- TODO: usage/restart/freq stats
  , totalRestarts      :: Int
  } deriving (Typeable, Generic, Show)
instance Binary SupervisorStats where
instance NFData SupervisorStats where

-- | Static labels (in the remote table) are strings.
type StaticLabel = String

-- | Provides failure information when (re-)start failure is indicated.
data StartFailure =
    StartFailureDuplicateChild !ChildRef -- ^ a child with this 'ChildKey' already exists
  | StartFailureAlreadyRunning !ChildRef -- ^ the child is already up and running
  | StartFailureBadClosure !StaticLabel  -- ^ a closure cannot be resolved
  | StartFailureDied !DiedReason         -- ^ a child died (almost) immediately on starting
  deriving (Typeable, Generic, Show, Eq)
instance Binary StartFailure where
instance NFData StartFailure where

-- | The result of a call to 'removeChild'.
data DeleteChildResult =
    ChildDeleted              -- ^ the child specification was successfully removed
  | ChildNotFound             -- ^ the child specification was not found
  | ChildNotStopped !ChildRef -- ^ the child was not removed, as it was not stopped.
  deriving (Typeable, Generic, Show, Eq)
instance Binary DeleteChildResult where
instance NFData DeleteChildResult where

type Child = (ChildRef, ChildSpec)

-- exported result types of internal APIs

data AddChildResult =
    ChildAdded         !ChildRef
  | ChildFailedToStart !StartFailure
  deriving (Typeable, Generic, Show, Eq)
instance Binary AddChildResult where
instance NFData AddChildResult where

data StartChildResult =
    ChildStartOk        !ChildRef
  | ChildStartFailed    !StartFailure
  | ChildStartUnknownId
  | ChildStartInitIgnored
  deriving (Typeable, Generic, Show, Eq)
instance Binary StartChildResult where
instance NFData StartChildResult where

data RestartChildResult =
    ChildRestartOk     !ChildRef
  | ChildRestartFailed !StartFailure
  | ChildRestartUnknownId
  | ChildRestartIgnored
  deriving (Typeable, Generic, Show, Eq)

instance Binary RestartChildResult where
instance NFData RestartChildResult where

data TerminateChildResult =
  | TerminateChildUnknownId
  deriving (Typeable, Generic, Show, Eq)
instance Binary TerminateChildResult where
instance NFData TerminateChildResult where